Examples of linking verbs: am, are, is, was, were, be, being, been, remain, become, may be, used to be, etc. When a prepositional phrase follows a linking verb (especially the verb, A clowder of cats: 30 fancy names for animal groups. In the following examples, subject is underlined and Subject Complement shown in color. Are Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow Nouns or Adverbs?
(gives more information about the subject, such as a condition or relationship). Huddleston, Rodney. Which of the following is used to describe the subject of a clause? The linguistic structure of Modern English, 2nd edn.

A short course in grammar. Although the most used subject complements are nouns and adjectives, there are more other forms of grammatical components that can be used as subject complements in English grammar. She has a bachelor's degree in English with a minor in creative writing and master's degrees in library and information science and English studies with a concentration in linguistics. Examples of Adjective Phrases that function as subject complements in a sentence. A noun clause is another grammatical form that executes the grammatical role of the subject complement. A verb phrase is another grammatical form that executes the grammatical role of the subject complement. Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
1984. 2010. But in writing (especially formal or professional writing), always use the, To learn more about using the subjective and objective cases of pronouns, see the section dealing with, Note that adjectives appearing immediately, Prepositional phrases can either functions as adjectives (modifying nouns or pronouns) or adverbs (modifying verbs, adjectives, and adverbs). And how do you pronounce Saoirse? Pronouns are a subcategory of nouns. Quantifiers with Countable & Uncountable Nouns, Articles with Countable & Uncountable Nouns, Nouns that Can Be Countable and Uncountable: Useful List & Examples, Time Adverbs Used with the Present Perfect, Present Perfect & Present Perfect Continuous, Prepositional Phrases as Subject Complements. New York: W. W. Norton & Company. https://www.thefreedictionary.com/Subject-Complements.htm, A subject complement can either be a predicate noun, a predicate pronoun, or a, Nouns that follow linking verbs are known as. 4. Note: linking verb does not show any action. It simpy links the subject of a sentence with the rest of the sentence. Lets look at the examples of noun phrases functioning as subject complements in a sentence. This is the last grammatical form that executes the grammatical function of the subject complement. So, in short, the subject complement is composed of the following: Noun phrases, Verb phrases, Adjective phrases, Noun clauses, and Prepositional phrases. For instance: In conversational English, however, this distinction is much less frequently observed, and you will often hear people using phrases such as its me or that was her in response to questions. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. The verb phrase assumes the form of present participle and infinitives. 1. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. 2. NEW at The Free Dictionary: Wordle Word Finder! Subject Complement (also Predicate Nominative or Predicate Noun) comes after a linking verb Noun phrase executes the role of subject complement in a clause or sentence. What kind of verbs must be used with a subject complement?
A pronoun is word that takes the place of a noun or noun phrase. & Donna M. Brinton. Here you will learn important English grammar rules in relation to subject complement with examples and ESL pictures. Which of the following is used to rename the subject of a clause? Which of the following sentences uses a predicative adjective? We can also use subjective* personal pronouns in declarative statements, but this is less common in everyday speech and writing, as it tends to make the sentence sound more formal than is usually necessary. In traditional grammar books, nouns have been defined as describing people, places, things, and ideas. Noun phrases are described as phrases comprising a noun/pronoun and any other modifier, determinants, or complements. Hopper, Paul J. Lies Your Grammar Teacher Told You: Nouns and Adjectives. 3. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. Introduction to the grammar of English.
by Heather Johnson September 23, 2011, 12:00 pm. Examples of noun clause functioning as a subject complement in a sentence. Prepositional phrases are phrases that comprise of a prepositional complement anteceded by a preposition. In grammar, a subject complement is a word, phrase, or clause that follows a copular, or linking, verb and describes the subject of a clause. Examples of nouns including pronouns and noun phrases as subject complements include the following: Brinton, Laurel J. A noun that performs the grammatical function of subject complement is also called a predicate nominative or predicate noun. Pin. Noun clauses are described as subordinate clauses that comprise a clause anteceded by a subordinating conjunction. Adjective phrases are phrases that contain an adjective, modifier, or complements. Why is it called an Oscar? Would love your thoughts, please comment.
Subject complement refers to words, phrases, and clauses that come after the linking verb and expounds or modifies a sentences subject. What is a subject complement? Noun phrases consist of a noun and any modifiers, complements, and determiners that provide more information about the noun. Examples of verb phrases functioning as subject complements in a sentence: An adjective phrase is the other grammatical form that carries out the grammatical role of subject complement. Because they behave like nouns, they can perform all the roles that a normal noun would fill in a sentence, including as a subject complement. Examples of prepositional phrases in sentences, (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (to be, to become, to remain) and is equivalent to the subject but renames it in different terms Verb phrases are described as phrases containing a verb, modifiers, complements, infinitive markers, etc. Heather is a writer, librarian, linguist, wife, and mother who loves her husband, children, dogs, and cats. See English Verbs for more explanation and samples.