Mine (also a 2003) started doing that but it only did it when it was cold and dry out, didn't do it if it was hot/warm or humid out. knock at start up and shutting down plz help ! My car probably has reached 3k since the last service and oil change, most of the driving based on the freeway. Other hints that you have a bad starter are difficulty turning the key and non-working electrical accessories and radio. Keep up on the oil changes? Archive - My 2008 Accent had the same sound when it was purchased new with 20 miles on it. Other possible causes of a clicking sound are a bad alternator or problem with the cars electrical system. Some drivers are quick to rule out the battery if any of the lights will come on, but the battery could have enough life in it for the lights to work and not enough for the engine to start. or a loose rod bearing that quiets down when oil pressure builds. I was kinda thinking it might have something to do with the crank but I could be wrong. Sounds like the starter sticking. These include poor connection or damaged battery terminals. I haven't experienced it myself. Not sure how to either. If it becomes more common or extends the time of noise I will be really concerned. Youll turn the key and hear clicking, but nothing else will happen. It only occurs on the first start too. She's no mechanic, but she says my nuts are tight. You may not be alone on this. i wouldnt judge you if you said you watched porn, i have a small knocking/vibrating as well and its coming from bad bearings on my idler pulley, Could be your starter making extra contact with your flywheel. A rod knock would mean it would knock regardless and is much worse then this. Cookie Policy - The following errors occurred with your submission, Honda and Acura Model-Specific Technical Forums, Honda and Acura Appearance / Cosmetic Forums. Are starters hard to replace on these? About Us - Advertising - We help people with all credit scores get the car they need. -John Wooden. I had my wife check. What It Means When a Car Wont Start and Its Making Sounds. "If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it again?" Good to know. It's like an extremely loud rattling/clanking noise. If your engine wont turn over and the car isnt making any noise, it could be a weak battery or a problem with the starter. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. It's also not every time you start it, only when it's been sitting awhile (such as over night). If it doesnt turn over, the battery could be to blame. If you dont know much about cars, you may worry that the mechanic could say just about anything was wrong, and youd have no way of knowing if he was exaggerating the issue. I'm not exactly sure what it is but it's pretty loud. Power steering pump maybe? I have just experienced this sound the first time ever today. Kinda hard to tell from the video, but does it only do it when it's cold outside? Its frustrating and inconvenient, so when your car wont start, you want to figure out the problem and get it fixed ASAP. You turn the key, and nothing happens. Might be the starter like you said. Dont try to drive your car. A professional mechanic will be able to quickly diagnose the culprit. Another sign that may point to the battery is a clicking sound. How many miles are on the car? I've heard that using a non-OEM filter can cause that, because it can cause the lubrication system to bleed down when the engine isn't run for awhile. !. I don't know what it is, it could be the starter coil not retracting in time but I'm not sure any professional opinions? Come join the discussion about performance, troubleshooting, reviews, maintenance, and more! Do you hear a rattling sound as you try to start your car? A forum community dedicated to Hyundai Tiburon owners and enthusiasts. Worst case scenario, the engine has seized due to not having any oil. Let it sit for about 30 seconds or so and the sound disappears. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo, VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. If you search it on s2ki you'll find other videos of people with the problem as it seems to be pretty common. If the car is knocking and then stalling, the cause could be related to a sensor, a fuel pump, or the electrical system. Thank you ! May need a friend to help check it out. Or, maybe something happens, but the car still wont start. Either way, this list of possible reasons your car wont start may give you some insight, so you can move forward with confidence! I'm not sure if it's anything to worry about or not, but here lately, I've had the Tib making some strange noise but only when you first start it up. This is somewhat normal for these cars and engines in general. Terms of Service - The sound had me checking the engine in fear of something serious. Mine makes the same sound as well. Sounds like rod knock to me since it does it at startup and goes away once the motor see's oil pressure, Could also be the tct but they usually continue to make noise after starting. It sounds like it's coming from the lower portion of the engine/block. Owings Auto has a large selection of pre-owned vehicles, competitive prices, and simple, in-house financing. Hard to tell from the video, but it kinda sounded like a starter getting hung up. I had a similar issue about 4 years ago , i switched to mobil 1 10w30 with oem filter and never had an issue again , my car engine currently have 80, 000 miles and runs great, it could be your oil is not lubing well the enginr internals, thats why in switched to synthetic , itnhas better cold performance.
Il get a new starter and update thread ! I don't think it's a rod knock since it only lasts for a few seconds. Yeah my gf did when she tried to drive it -_-, Location: Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States of America. Couldn't find anything and was late to work lol. Did you ever hit the start button while the car was running by accident? Contact Us - After about 10-15 seconds or so, the sound settles and is no longer audible.
If your car has become unreliable, and youre tired of diagnosing problems, it may be time for a new vehicle. JavaScript is disabled. If not, youll still want to check the battery to see if its the cause. Been doing so for months now. It was loud and sudden but no effect on performance or feel. Or, perhaps you tinker with cars and just need a little hint as to what the problem may be. Unedited BB photoshoot clean and simple!!! Do you hear a "whining" when you turn the wheel at idle? I am using an Injen SRI Intake with an oiled filter. If youve heard a knocking sound as you drove and now the car wont start, there is a good chance the car was very low on or out of oil. Have it towed to a reputable mechanic. Just picked up a MY05 and it has the exact same issue.