return url; The doctors and healthcare providers related to Client Care Continuum, LLC include: Client Care Continuum, LLC has been registered with the National Provider Identifier database Contact this facility to make sure they take your specific insurance or coverage. }, 200 County Road 3941Building 1Arley, AL 35541USPhone: 205-287-5951Website: To schedule an appointment, please call (205) 287-5951.

<25 Employees, CCC offers luxury lakeside living while treating individual behavioral health disorders for our active military and veterans. |
Ask them about it when you call. Arley, AL. A
1508344672 (certified on 08/01/2018). is a fabulous platform that provides long-term residential treatment for veterans and active-duty military. All rights reserved.
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| function GetPreviewURL() { If you would like contact or other public information about a provider, please contact CARF. Frst-Franz-Josef-Strasse Recovered does not endorse any treatment provider or guarantee the quality of care provided, or the results to be achieved, by any treatment provider.
Come to our site for more details. 200 County Road 3941, Arley, Alabama, 35541, United States, View contact profiles from Client Care Continuum, Mental Health & Rehabilitation Facilities.
How Long do Substances Stay in Your System? ): External Source of Medications Used for Alcohol Use Disorder Treatment: Facility Operation (e.g., Private, Public): Recovered is not a medical provider or treatment provider and does not provide medical advice. Customer Connect Login

2022 CARF International. var arString = url.split('?') Liechtenstein. Want to know about Alabama PTSD counseling for Veteran?
Building a Global Encyclopedia for Higher Education, CARF Europe if (arString.length > 1) { url = url + "&cmsMode=Preview"}
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tified staff of individuals. Note to providers: Please promptly contact CARF to update any missing or outdated information, or to request that CARF not display a companys address and telephone number. This facility offers transportation assistance. Federal military insurance (e.g., TRICARE). University of Liechtenstein View Map. | Level III.1: Clinically Managed Low Intensity Co-Occurring Enhanced Residential Treatment Program Building B1 (Adult), Level III.1: Clinically Managed Low Intensity Co-Occurring Enhanced Residential Treatment Program Building B4 (Adult), Level III.3: Clinically Managed Medium Intensity CoOccurring Enhanced Residential Treatment Program Building B4 (Adult), Level III.3: Clinically Managed Medium Intensity CoOccurring Enhanced Residential Treatment Program Building 5 (Adult), Level III.5: Clinically Managed High Intensity CoOccurring Enhanced Residential Treatment Program Building B1 (Adult), Level III.5: Clinically Managed High Intensity CoOccurring Enhanced Residential Treatment Program Building B6 (Adult), COVID-19: Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder, Division of Mental Health & Substance Abuse, Alabama Community Services Information System (ACSIS), Alabama Division of Intellectual Disabilities Information System (ADIDIS), Alabama Substance Abuse Information System (ASAIS), Certified Recovery Support Specialist Training Program, OBRA PASRR Office / Nursing Home Screening, Division of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services, Individual Placement and Support Supported Employment Program, Infant and Early Childhood Special Programs, Mary Starke Harper Geriatric Psychiatry Center, Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness, Work Incentive Planning & Assistance Program. PopUpWindow(url, hWind, nWidth, nHeight, nScroll, nResize) ;
Client Care Continuum understands each client is unique.
Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Facilities in Arley, AL, Community Based Residential Treatment Facilities Mental Illness in Arley, AL, Rehabilitation Substance Use Disorder Clinics in Arley, AL.
Client Care Continuum, LLC is a substance abuse rehabilitation facility located in Warning Signs of Addiction and Abuse in Teens, Overdose Epidemic Reaches 100,000 Annual Deaths. }
Client Care Continuum understands each client is unique. 9490 Vaduz | The information provided by Recovered on this website is not a substitute for professional treatment advice. Payer Login
since August 01, 2018 function ecmPopUpWindow (url, hWind, nWidth, nHeight, nScroll, nResize) { Our unmatched staff of professionals develop a unique treatment plan geared towards the individual needs of our patients. if (arString.length > 1) { url = url + "&cmsMode=Preview"}
A facility or distinct part of a facility that provides a 24 hr therapeutically planned living and rehabilitative intervention environment for the treatment of individuals with disorders in the abuse of drugs, alcohol, and other substances. else { url = url + "?cmsMode=Preview"} function GetPreviewURL() { A. } A Claim your profile so patients can contact you. }, CARF Canada
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Our unmatched staff of professionals develop a unique treatment plan geared towards the individual needs of our patients.Read More, View Email Formats for Client Care Continuum, Client Care Continuums headquarters are in 200 County Road 3941, Arley, Alabama, 35541, United States, Client Care Continuums phone number is (205) 287-5951, Client Care Continuums official website is, Client Care Continuum is in the industry of: Healthcare Services, Mental Health & Rehabilitation Facilities, The technologies that are used by Client Care Continuum are: BlueHost, Hostgator, Join the world's top companies using Zoominfo, See more information about Client Care Continuum.
and its NPI number is PopUpWindow(url, hWind, nWidth, nHeight, nScroll, nResize) ;
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var url = self.location.href; A home-like residential facility providing psychiatric treatment and psycho/social rehabilitative services to individuals diagnosed with mental illness. was previously owned and operated by National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD). We have an unsurpassed board-certified staff of individuals.