10 according to U.S. News & World Reports 2023 graduate school rankings. Research areas include nanomaterials, clean energy materials and general materials. Office Location: EME 1.418, paulho@mail.utexas.edu 512-471-8961 The University of Texas at Austin is one of 13 university teams in North America set to participate in theEcoCAR EV Challenge, a prestigious collegiatecompetition to re-engineer state-of-the-art vehicles and prepare students for the future. Office Location: ETC 5.146, yuanyue.liu@austin.utexas.edu 512-232-3788 Current undergraduate mechanical engineering (ME) students may begin the application process to the Integrated BSME/MSE Program option in the first term of their third year. 0000039458 00000 n
0000035524 00000 n
To get in touch and learn more click below. 0000004125 00000 n
Currently, more than 1,100 students are enrolled in the bachelors degree program, and over 170 are at the masters and doctoral level. To get in touch and learn more click below. 0000010438 00000 n
The objective of the Integrated BSME/MSE Program is to enable prepared undergraduates in Mechanical Engineering to earn two degrees in a shortened time period. Office Location: ETC 7.132, Engineering Foundation Endowed Professorship No. 0000000016 00000 n
Office Location: ETC 5.134, Accenture Endowed Professorship in Manufacturing Systems Engineering, dragan.djurdjanovic@mail.utexas.edu 512-232-0815
Students in the integrated program complete 12 SCH of graduate coursework in their fourth year and 18-24 SCH of graduate coursework in their fifth year to complete a total of 30-36 SCH of graduate coursework for the MSE degree as described in the Graduate Catalog. Office Location: ETC 5.136, kevin.clarno@austin.utexas.edu Office Location: ETC 7.154, johncline81@utexas.edu 512-466-3555 Students unable to successfully complete the integrated program, or who wish to terminate pursuit of the MSE for any reason, may obtain a BSME degree by applying for a change of major back to the standalone BSME program and satisfying all of the requirements for the standalone degree. The University of Texas at Austin | Privacy Policy | Web Accessibility, The Walker Department of Mechanical Engineers offers two graduate programs in Mechanical Engineering and in Operations Research and Industrial Engineering. 4. Office Location: ETC 4.132, Cockrell Family Dean's Chair for Engineering Excellence, orbach@austin.utexas.edu 512-471-0204 Detailed guidelines for choosing CGEs and for approval of CGE choices are published on the mechanical engineering website and may be subject to periodic change as needs arise. farshid.alambeigi@austin.utexas.edu Office Location: ETC 3.144, aluru@utexas.edu Office Location: POB 3.340, Carl J. Eckhardt Fellowship in Mechanical Engineering, vb@austin.utexas.edu 512-471-0233 We are a cooperative student organization comprisedof threeCollegiate Design Series Teams that provideits members with the opportunity to explore different engineering fields and grow their tangible skills through a collaborative and innovative environment. 0000001626 00000 n Minors and transcript-recognized certificate programs offer interdisciplinary curricula that support and extend a students major. Its focus and field of application are interdisciplinary, embracing a broad range of quantitative techniques. Javascript is currently not supported, or is disabled by this browser. Selected students will be notified early in the second term of the third year of their admission status for the integrated program, allowing them to meet with an academic advisor to plan graduate coursework in the first term of their fourth year. Office Location: ETC 4.158, Carol Cockrell Curran Chair in Engineering, gvliet@mail.utexas.edu 512-471-3120
Our graduates go on to pursue careers as engineers, scientists, inventors, astronauts, administrators and leaders in the field of aerospace engineering.
Longhorn Racing is a student chapter of The Society of Automotive Engineers located at The University of Texas. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. The University of Texas at Dallas spinoff company Adaptive3D paves the way for large-scale manufacturing of 3D-printed specialized plastic and rubber materials developed at the University. Together, operations research and industrial engineering provide a rational approach to engineering and managerial problem solving through deliberate application of scientific methods. Office Location: ETC 7.116, bleibowicz@utexas.edu 512-475-9550 Admissions. 0000026288 00000 n addy4e2e10f9ba314b86a7f9a9bdf8d126ed = addy4e2e10f9ba314b86a7f9a9bdf8d126ed + 'me' + '.' + 'utexas' + '.' + 'edu'; J[|!%9Z#3)eowcJ]cY'];U> endstream endobj 12 0 obj <>stream The selected degree option determines the number of hours required to graduate with the MSE degree. Office Location: ETC 4.152C, jamie.warner@austin.utexas.edu Office Location: EER 6.620, Josey Centennial Professorship in Energy Resources, webber@mail.utexas.edu 512-475-6867 Office Location: ETC 9.178, Temple Foundation Endowed Teaching Fellowship in Engineering #2, zheng@austin.utexas.edu 512-471-0228 Graduates of the integrated program will receive the BSME and MSE degrees simultaneously after successfully completing the 120 SCH for the BSME and 30-36 SCH for the MSE, a total of 150-156 SCH. 0000035043 00000 n Automotive Engineering Technology Concentration John A. and Katherine G. Jackson School of Geosciences, Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, Appendix A: Texas Common Course Numbering System, BS Geosystems Engineering and Hydrogeology, Minors and Transcript-Recognized Certificate Programs, Mechanical Engineering Design Project (independent inquiry flag and writing flag), Introduction to Engineering Design and Graphics, Programming and Engineering Computational Methods, Engineering Communication (writing flag and ethics flag), Mechanical Engineering Design Methodology (writing flag), Principles of Chemistry I (part II science and technology), Differential and Integral Calculus (mathematics; quantitative reasoning flag), Sequences, Series, and Multivariable Calculus, Differential Equations with Linear Algebra, Engineering Physics I (part I science and technology; quantitative reasoning flag), Engineering Physics II (part I science and technology; quantitative reasoning flag), Rhetoric and Writing (English composition), Ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics, Ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors, Ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences, Ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts, Ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives, Ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions. 2, epfahren@mail.utexas.edu 512-471-3064 Office Location: ETC 9.168, General Motors Foundation Centennial Teaching Fellowship in Mechanical Engineering, r.longoria@mail.utexas.edu 512-471-0530 It is expected that all students selected for the program in Step 1 and have been successful in their first graduate-level coursework will be selected for admission in Step 2. The Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering offers various training opportunities in interdisciplinary Research Areas.
6 30 Office Location: MER 2.206D, ETC 8.176, Ernest Cockrell Jr., Memorial Chair Emeritus, tanya.hutter@utexas.edu Office Location: ETC 9.158, bailey@brightpd.com Office Location: ETC 4.130, hadi.khani@utexas.edu 512-471-4767 A pair of professors from The University of Texas at Austin were selected as finalists for the2022 Blavatnik National Awards for Young Scientists. A combination of college-level mathematics and basic science courses (some with experimental work) that includes mathematics, probability and statistics, physics, and chemistry, Engineering courses that develop a working knowledge of graphics and computer-aided design, engineering mechanics, thermodynamics, kinematics, dynamics and control of mechanical systems, computational methods, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, materials science and engineering, mechatronics, technical communication, and engineering economics, Mechanical engineering project and laboratory experiences that develop competence in measurements and instrumentation, interpretation of data, reverse engineering analysis of mechanical systems, use of computational tools for engineering analysis, integration of multidisciplinary topics in design of complex systems, teamwork and project planning, and written and oral communication, A sequence of engineering design courses, culminating in a major capstone design experience in collaboration with an industrial sponsor, that draws on the knowledge and skills students have acquired in earlier coursework and incorporates modern engineering standards and realistic constraints, Core curriculum courses, including social and behavioral sciences, humanities, and visual and performing arts electives, that complement the technical content of the curriculum, A broad range of senior elective options that provide a career gateway to further study and lifelong learning in the practice of engineering and other professions.
Office Location: ETC 9.182, chichang@utexas.edu Office Location: ETC 4.152A, Director, Nuclear Engineering Teaching Laboratory; Professor, John J. McKetta Energy Professorship in Engineering, wcharlton@austin.utexas.edu 512-232-5380 TheSolar Vehicles Team is a student-driven effort to design, build, test, and race solar vehicles. 1. 0000040115 00000 n 0000009169 00000 n Office Location: ETC 9.104, rdmatt@mail.utexas.edu 512-471-3108
Office Location: ETC 7.142D, William and Bettye Nowlin Chair in Engineering, rneptune@mail.utexas.edu 512-471-0848 We conduct interdisciplinary research supported at industry, federal and state levels that lead to: 800 W. Campbell Road Step 1. Office Location: ETC 7.114, Chevron Centennial Fellowship in Engineering No. For questions regarding the graduate programs please contact,This email address is being protected from spambots. Office Location: IO1 2.200C, ETC 7.148B, Harry L. Kent Jr. Professorship in Mechanical Engineering, John T. MacGuire Professorship in Mechanical Engineering, Frank and Kay Reese Endowed Professorship in Engineering, dezekoye@mail.utexas.edu 512-471-3085
Our M.S. Office Location: ETC 4.116A, Harry L. Kent, Jr. Professorship in Mechanical Engineering, ben-yakar@mail.utexas.edu 512-475-9280 Office Location: ETC 9.140, lzhou@utexas.edu 512-232-8334 On July 22, 2022, we will be celebrating John B. Goodenough's 100th birthday. Office Location: AHG 2.202MA, Werner W. Dornberger Centennial Teaching Fellowship in Engineering, mnr@austin.utexas.edu 512-232-0865 Office Location: ETC 7.130, Temple Foundation Endowed Faculty Fellowship No. Through coursework and research, students in operations research and industrial engineering will develop the technical, analytical and managerial skills in modeling, risk-assessment, data analytics, computational methods and many other areas necessary to succeed in a variety of fields.
Office Location: ETC 4.154, Carroll D. Simmons Centennial Teaching Fellowship in Engineering, Cockrell Family Regents Chair in Engineering #5, Cockrell Family Regents Chair in Engineering #7, ashish@austin.utexas.edu 512-475-7773 Office Location: ETC 9.102, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research for the UT System and Professor; Frank and Kay Reese Endowed Professorship in Engineering, dale.klein@mail.utexas.edu 512-499-4689 *Sample Four Year Plan. More information on Research Areas can be found here. Courses that may be used to fulfill flag requirements are identified in the Course Schedule. Explore more at the Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin | Privacy Policy | Web Accessibility, Want to wish Dr. Goodenough a happy birthday? In UGS 303, some sections carry a writing flag. var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; Office Location: ETC 4.116, omar@ices.utexas.edu 512-232-4304 var addy_text4e2e10f9ba314b86a7f9a9bdf8d126ed = 'graduate-office' + '@' + 'me' + '.' + 'utexas' + '.' + 'edu';document.getElementById('cloak4e2e10f9ba314b86a7f9a9bdf8d126ed').innerHTML += ''+addy_text4e2e10f9ba314b86a7f9a9bdf8d126ed+'<\/a>';
Office Location: ETC 5.128C, gbiros@acm.org 512-232-9566 Advising. Admission includes the two steps outlined below. Please join us for a livestream event to celebrate his world-changing life and work. The mechanical engineering department is dedicated to graduating mechanical engineers who practice mechanical engineering in the general stems of thermal/fluid systems, mechanical systems and design, and materials and manufacturing in industry and government settings;pursueadvanced education, research and development, and other creative efforts in science and technology; conduct themselves in a responsible, professional, and ethical manner; and participate as leaders in activities that support service to and economic development of the region, state, and nation. Office Location: ETC 9.184, derekhaas@utexas.edu 512-468-3871 Office Location: ETC 9.150, rpanton@mail.utexas.edu 512-471-3129 0000005152 00000 n More information on Research Areas can be found here. 2. 0000003234 00000 n The mechanical engineering graduate program is designed to educate and advance the next generation of mechanical engineering leaders, innovators who will transform energy, materials and information to meet the needs of society. The Walker Department of Mechanical Engineers offers two graduate programs in Mechanical Engineering and in Operations Research and Industrial Engineering that provide fundamental depth with research-based education and training in a variety of fields. Office Location: ETC 4.142, Ernest Cockrell, Sr. Students may choose to specialize in the following areas of study: Research is a critical component of graduate education. Office Location: ETC 4.152B, Lyondell Chemical Company Endowed Faculty Fellowship in Engineering; William J. Murray, Jr. Endowed Fellowship in Engineering, ghyu@austin.utexas.edu 512-232-5276 0000001791 00000 n Office Location: ETC 7.142C, W.R. Woolrich Professorship in Engineering, hamilton@mail.utexas.edu 512-471-3055 Some sections carry a global cultures and/or cultural diversity flag. Exceptions can be considered on a case-by-case basis by petition to the undergraduate advisor.
Office Location: ETC 9.176, Cockrell Family Regents Chair in Engineering # 5, rmanth@mail.utexas.edu 512-471-1791 Students complete the first step in application for admission to the Integrated BSME/MSE Program in the first term of the third year. Office Location: ETC 4.136, Robert & Jane Mitchell Endowed Faculty Fellowship in Engineering, dfan@austin.utexas.edu 512-471-5874 Office Location: EER, Temple Foundation Endowed Professorship No. Richardson, TX 75080-3021, The University of Texas at Dallas Undergraduate Tuition, Fees and Financial Aid, College of Behavioral and Health Sciences, College of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Presidents Emerging Leaders Program (PELP), Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges (SOC), Acalog Academic Catalog Management System (ACMS), ENGT 1020-Computer Aided Drafting & Design I, ENGT 1000-Intro Engineering & Engineering Technology, AET 1460-Automotive Electrical & HVAC Systems, AET 1410-Automotive Braking, Chassis, Suspension & Steering Systems, ENGT 3050-Problem Solving in Engineering Technology. These students will be evaluated for admission on the same criteria. Office Location: ETC 5.134B, filippo.mangolini@austin.utexas.edu 512-471-3244 This email address is being protected from spambots. Office Location: ETC 5.128B, r.hebner@cem.utexas.edu 512-232-1628 Mechanical engineering at The University of Texas at Dallas focuses on problems of global significance and is consistently one of the top choices for UT Dallas students.
The integrated degree program results in simultaneously awarding a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (BSME) and a Master of Science in Engineering (MSE) degree offered by the J. Mike Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering. 0000006259 00000 n 0000001197 00000 n Mechanical engineering is one of the largest andbroadest fields of technicalstudy. The use of laptop computers will be necessary in many required courses, and individual instructors may require that a laptop be brought to class or lab sessions. HWn1}WBj3(T%Mn{uJ#5quF_|[^ (Q7g. Office Location: ETC 5.140, Earl N. & Margaret Brasfield Endowed Faculty Fellowship in Engineering, rhc@mail.utexas.edu 512-471-3030 and Ph.D. programs are multidisciplinary and wide-ranging. Classes are on-site one weekend per month. Office Location: ETC 7.138, Industrial Properties Corporation Endowed Faculty Fellowship in Engineering, jbard@mail.utexas.edu 512-471-3076, 512-471-1336 Qualified applicants will be selected based on the applicants progress to degree completion, grade point average, and other qualifications included in the application materials. Many courses throughout the curriculum are structured to motivate the study of engineering science by challenging students with in-depth analysis of real mechanical components and systems. Graduates of this program are equipped to solve technical problems in a variety of fields including aerospace, automotive, petroleum, manufacturing and computer engineering. var addy4e2e10f9ba314b86a7f9a9bdf8d126ed = 'graduate-office' + '@'; If a student in their fourth year is taking graduate courses and would be on track to complete the integrated program but did not apply in their third year through Step 1, they may apply by completing Step 1 and Step 2 together. Step 2. Students entering Mechanical Engineering are expected to have a laptop computer at their disposal. Office Location: ETC 4.108, Temple Foundation Endowed Faculty Fellowship No. The Step 2 application is formal through the Graduate and International Admission Center (GIAC). 0000034606 00000 n Dr. Xianming Simon Dai garnered national recognition, including a National Science Foundation CAREER award, for his research in water-harvesting and heat-transfer technology. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Degree Requirements. The mechanical engineering curriculum meets these outcomes by providing breadth and depth across a range of topics. Office Location: ETC 4.138, The University of Texas at Austin | Privacy Policy | Web Accessibility. Office Location: ETC 5.114, s.landsberger@mail.utexas.edu 512-796-0287 In environmental and water resources engineering, a broad discipline dedicated to addressing environmental issues in air, water and soil, students work in various sub-disciplines, such aswater quality engineering, water resources engineering, outdoor and indoor air quality engineering, ocean engineeringandhazardous waste management. Dr. Zhenghong Gao and an interdisciplinary team of researchers will study the use of gene-editing tool CRISPR to delete a genetic mutation causing amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), or Lou Gehrigs disease. In these courses, students address real-world projects based on current industrial methods and practices to connect theory with practice. An undergraduate student leaving the integrated program will be on a trajectory to graduate with the regular BSME degree in the same timeframe prior to admission to the integrated program. 0000004259 00000 n . var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; that provide fundamental depth with research-based education and training in a variety of fields. Office Location: ETC 5.120, June and Gene Gillis Endowed Faculty Fellowship in Manufacturing Systems Engineering, jhas@mail.utexas.edu 512-471-3079 Students in the biomedical engineering graduate program grow and build interdisciplinary knowledge in areas of regenerative medicine, cellular and biomolecular biomechanics, computational simulation, imaging technologies and more, including cross-disciplinary collaborations with medical practicioners in UT's Dell Medical School. The civil engineering program provides students with the educational background and teamwork needed to innovate future solutions, technologies and sustainable systems. 0000000896 00000 n For questions regarding the graduate programs please contact. Office Location: ETC 7.142D, sagers@arlut.utexas.edu 512-835-3195 Mechanical Engineering Graduate Student Board. Office Location: POB 5.234, Baker Hughes Incorporated Centennial Professorship in Mechanical Engineering, dbogard@mail.utexas.edu 512-471-3128, 512-471-5727 By applying AP and Credit by Exam courses, having students take recommended summer courses, and allowing seniors to enroll in graduate-level engineering courses reserved for graduate credit, the program enables graduates to complete both degree requirements in five years. Office Location: ETC 9.170, tehrani@utexas.edu 512-232-5998 Students in the materials science and engineering programstudy core materials subjects while also developing depth within a specific area that cuts across multiple areas of science and engineering. Office Location: ETC 5.110, Virginia H. Cockrell Centennial Chair in Engineering, jgoodenough@mail.utexas.edu 512-471-4767 Office Location: ETC 7.136, haberman@utexas.edu 512-471-8317 Admission to the integrated program will be based on a review of the applicants undergraduate record and GPA, GRE scores, performance in graduate coursework, letters of recommendation, personal statement, TOEFL score (if required), and research experience. 0000001137 00000 n
Operations research is a mathematical science concerned with optimal decision making and the modeling of deterministic and probabilistic systems. 0000007134 00000 n Office Location: ETC 4.146C, grani.hanasusanto@utexas.edu 512-471-3078 In addition, each student must complete the Universitys Core Curriculum. Minors that may be of particular interest to mechanical engineering students include the minor in Materials Science and Engineering and certificates in Computational Science and Engineering, the National Academy of Engineering Grand Challenges Scholars Program, Humanitarian Engineering, Applied Statistical Modeling, andPre-Health Professions. Some sections carry a cultural diversity flag.
It is an excellent foundationfor a rewarding career in engineering, as well as for further study in business, law, medicine, and otherprofessions thatrequire a solid foundation in science and technology, and the ability to solve problems. Office Location: ETC 4.144, zsha@austin.utexas.edu 512-471-1818 Technical tracks are designed to provide more focus in a selected technical area than is provided in the core curriculum alone. The cars are designedin accordance to Formula SAE parameters to compete with international teams create the best racing carin the world.
Office Location: ETC 5.134C, Ernest Dashiell Cockrell II Professorship in Engineering, venkat.subramanian@utexas.edu Office Location: EER 4.614, james.sulzer@austin.utexas.edu Office Location: ETC 4.146D, Charlotte Maer Patton Centennial Fellowship in Engineering, taleff@mail.utexas.edu 512-471-5378 The independent inquiry flag, the quantitative reasoning flag, the ethics flag, and three writing flags are carried by courses specifically required for the degree; these courses are identified below. Decisions are often difficult because the outcome is uncertain. 6 0 obj <> endobj xref In aerospace engineering, students have the opportunity to work in the following areas of study: aerothermodynamics and fluid dynamics; solids, structures and materials; controls, autonomy and robotics; and orbital mechanics. 0000034427 00000 n 0000004389 00000 n Office Location: POB 4.236A, goodarzi@utexas.edu 512-232-6225 The ME curriculum includes 12 credit hours of Career Gateway Electives (CGEs) which give students the flexibility to tailor their upper-division academic program to meet a variety of career goals, while ensuring that they graduate with a robust grounding in one or more selected technical or specialty areas. The mechanical engineering graduate program in the Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin has been ranked No. Students have the option of choosing the coursework, report, or thesis option for the MSE degree as described in the Graduate Catalog. In mechanical engineering, students develop an understanding of basic topics and fundamental principles upon which engineered systems are conceived and developed in a modern society. Office Location: ETC 5.128D, Bob R. Dorsey Professorship in Engineering, weiwli@austin.utexas.edu 512-471-7174 Please enable Javascript for full functionality. Students in the petroleum engineering program join from a variety of undergraduate degrees and training that can be applied in 12 research areas spanning enhanced oil recovery, drilling and completions, geologic carbon storage, natural gas engineering and unconventional resources. Course requirements include courses within the Cockrell School of Engineering, and other required courses. The Combustion Vehicle Teamis one of our longest running teams, building and racing since 1981. *For this degree a student must complete a total of 39 upper division (3000-4999) credit hours. Office Location: ETC 5.206, ETC 6.106EB, raghu.bollapragada@utexas.edu Office Location: ETC 5.118, William J. Murray, Jr. Fellowship in Engineering # 2, maura.borrego@austin.utexas.edu 512-471-3083 Chair in Engineering #2, lishi@mail.utexas.edu 512-471-3109 Use tab to navigate through the menu items. The software engineering concentration of the electrical and computer engineering M.S.
Mechanical Engineering Associate Department Head Named ASME Fellow, Researcher Earns Early-Career Awards for Bioinspired Work, UTD Spinoff Companys Sale Takes 3D Printing to Scale, Researchers Study Aerogel Structure to Boost Performance of Acoustic Devices, Army Grant Assists Researchers Mission Against ALS.