No tickets may be purchased at the door.Comfortable, closed toe, footwear recommended.Roundhouse waiver must be signed.
Attendees should wear comfortable, closed- toe footwear and sign a liability waiver. We also share information about your use of our site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners. No lines, no hassle. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad Heres how that works. On Arsenal Island, stand in the front parlor of Davenport House, home to one of that early railroad's boostersGeorge Davenportand gaze out on the nearby replica of the first bridge pier and the Mississippi River drifting lazily by just beyond. Built between 1872 and 1874, the intact highlights include the Rockhill station, a steam-and-beltpowered machine shop, a roundhouse, and a 5-mile excursion drawn by steam locomotives. right, Summer dreaming: find your extraordinary European adventure, Take a walk on North Americas wild west side, Follow the Silk Road to beautifuland superstitious Samarkand, Photo hop around New Zealands pure beauty. At Seneca, the wooden station shows neglect, but one finds a CSX peddler freight doing local switching. So, in one day, my friend and his wife will enjoy sightseeing in historic locations, good food, nice people, and exercise, all the while making their way to State College. For those on the outside, railfandoms quirks may seem unusual and odd. By travelling through the Kaibab National Forest, the Grand Canyon Railway bypasses the Grand Canyon South Rim entrance gate. Nov 5, 2022 9:00am - 12:00pm EDT. Perhaps youve been to Grand Canyon South Rim before and are now revisiting it with out of town guests. So whether you and your traveling companions enjoy trains, travel, historic preservation, good food, physical activity, or just picking up some interesting historical facts, railroad tourism serves up something for everyone. In Marseilles, then Ottawa, neat little brick stations remain in use, whereas in Utica, dilapidation has set in on the boarded-up station. If youve already considered the facts and decided the full Grand Canyon Railway experience isnt for you, but are still a bit fascinated by it, Xanterra Parks & Resorts, the Grand Canyon Train concessionaire has come up with a solution to meet you half-way: The Grand Canyon Railroad Express Tour.
Learn how your comment data is processed. The tour will provide a more detailed and technical tour of the roundhouse and its collection.
In Motion: The Experience of Travel Still others devote their time to tracking down and collecting rare or unusual pieces of railroad ephemera railroadiana as its known in the trade that includes just about anything from vintage timetables and tickets from exotic or defunct rail lines to bells, lanterns, and even complete tea services from beloved trains. All your text messages and data are safely stored and managed by professionals. To a true-blue railfan, virtually everything and anything associated with rail transport, from timetables to infrastructure to the makes and models of engines can become objects of intense, even obsessive interest. - eBay Money Back Guarantee - opens in a new window or tab, - for PayPal Credit, opens in a new window or tab, Learn more about earning points with eBay Mastercard, - eBay Return policy - opens in a new tab or window, - eBay Money Back Guarantee - opens in a new tab or window.
Use the comment form below to begin a discussion about this content. Alongside the restaurant sits a restored Erie Railroad Stillwell passenger car, the relocated Snydertown flagstop station, and a New York Central wooden caboose.
2009 Overnighter Outing to North East,Pa. 2010 Pennsylvania Trolley MuseumExcursion. Your email address will not be published. PF`+uH0 0`S&UnQy(Xn8$ikd.)/B $f>L ^k2 rGIF2 E!|"v\&bgYeW@ B(`i}Dav'+R=[G{Hd*ME^U}/3A"czH document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The fact remains that if your goal is to see the most of the Grand Canyon in the shortest amount of time, the Grand Canyon Train wont do this for you. This tour is an in-depth look at the technical aspects concerning steam engineering, locomotive mechanics, industrial heritage, railroad history, and roundhouse architecture. Here, our couple can replenish their drinks at a convenience store and ride back to the car. When I made this trip, I first paused at Joliet's Union Station. . He is delighted to learn that he can not only pursue his passion but, in doing so, can engage the interests of the missus as well. Due to the nature of the site, visitors are restricted to the guided tour itself. The diner sits alongside the Norfolk Southern Railroads busy New YorkChicago mainline, a Class I right-of-way that produces numerous freight and two Amtrak trains each day.
The Western Sonoma County Historical Societys West County Museum occupies the former Petaluma & Santa Rosa Railroad passenger depot. This region provides similar interesting opportunities.

Farther on, the traveler passes through La Salle, where sits the most substantial of these restored stations, to towns like Bureau Junction, Tiskilwa, Sheffield, and Geneseo, all with stations, and to other towns that, despite having lost their stations, offer clues to the route of the railroad. - Routes 522 South/22 West and stay on U.S. 22 West to stop for breakfast at Miller's Diner, 3 miles east of Huntingdon, PA, home to "train stoppin' good food." Something went wrong. If it were me, I replied, "I'd follow old U.S. Route 6 west out of Joliet, IL, to the Quad Cities (four towns that straddle the Mississippi River in western Illinois and eastern Iowa).
Lower Trail Theres a word for people who see trains through this romantic lens: railfans. Arsenal Island
endobj Across the tracks, the Rockhill Trolley Museum offers 3-mile trolley rides in several of its 12 city and suburban trolleys, some dating to the 1890s. This post is a draft, and thus is not publicly visible.
A small taste of whats there will be enough this time around. Youre in no hurry! 4 0 obj West County Museum
The CRIP reached Joliet from Chicago in 1852, and by happy coincidence Amtrak's ChicagoSan Antonio Texas Eagle chose that moment to arrive. Sometimes I get another type of request, like the one I received recently from a colleague about to visit the wine country of California's Sonoma County and the town of Sebastopol. East Broad Top Railroad Rockhill Trolley Museum Your email address will not be published.
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Your kids want to do it. This charming restoration of a 1947 streamlined ex-Southern Pacific Railroad first-class bar-lounge car offers a glimpse of first-class rail travel as it was practiced 60 years ago. Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. Like that of a birdwatcher, the life of a trainspotter is an often solitary and contemplative existence spent waiting for the rare thrill of a new variety of rolling stock to add to the logbook. Your email address will not be published. Eighty miles north of Sebastopol, in Niles, CA, the Featherbed Railroad Bed-and-Breakfast Resort offers an interesting respite for the night, with nine cabooses decorated in unique themesCasablanca, for example, or Wild West, or Tropicaboose. The Railroad Touris, Empty Nest: A Magazine for Mature Families, Featherbed Railroad Bed-and-Breakfast Resort.
By continuing to use this website, you consent to our use of this technology. Board a van or motorcoach early in the morning at one of the Grand Canyon park hotels and ride down to Williams. Today, traces of that history, whether roadbed, equipment, or centrally located structures, still beckon.
Joliet Union Station If you travel at all, youve more than likely taken a train to get from one destination to another. <> That they were all once railroad towns is easy to verify: Just head for the center of town. With almost 200 years of history to delve into and mile upon endless mile of track to explore, its not surprising that so many people are drawn to trains. The first stop for anyone loving both wine and trains is the Starlight Wine Bar and Caf. Cowboy poets, old-school country singers, a mock train robbery all add to the Old West Historic atmosphere of the Grand Canyon Railway.
Starlight Wine Bar and Caf
The Ferroequinologist Tour is a more in-depth version of our regular guided tour designed for the knowledgeable railroad enthusiast. This tour is an in-depth look at the technical aspects concerning steam engineering, locomotive mechanics, industrial heritage, railroad history, and roundhouse architecture. 0p5 9mf`ePdNtQh[/?gf5~ View cart for details. United States, id="block-sitebranding" class="city_selected", Sat, 05/28/2022 09:00 AM The Perfect Tourist Attraction 8LqZZ }Y&0:vmD&M@
i d9A"D Tags:Age of Steam Roundhouse, ferroequinologist tours Posted in Railfanning News and Features | Leave a Comment . This will include the collection of steam locomotives, restoration shop, machine shop, and store house. Tickets for the three-hour guided tours are $75 per person. endobj Knowing of my interest in all things railroad, he writes to ask where he might indulge his interest in the iron horse while hes in the area. LINKS Wine Tasting, Anyone? This rail trail is unusual in that it started as an Indian trail and then in the 1830s became a canalpart of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's Philadelphia-Pittsburgh "Main Line of Public Works" rail and canal system. This cannot be undone. Note: If you only want to remove this post from public view, you can choose to unpublish it instead. Your email address will not be published. En,S,/(z,zKdR)#X* #"),] 4]yyZrW?8}wS"d_Go`&3M2JK5mQ(
213 Smokey Lane Road Southwest The old powerhouse for that railroad is now home to the HopMonk Tavern, a celebrated microbrewery. You don't have JavaScript enabled!Javascript is required to use this website and to purchase tickets. 4.
Comfortable, closed toe, footwear recommended. Click here for more information on this tour package ->: The Williams Grand Canyon Tour. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
potential solutions to this particular problem are: The Williams Grand Canyon Tour: a comprehensive all-day Grand Canyon South Rim van tour where you get to see the best views, and do the best stuff! With careful planning, and by bringing bicycles along, the couples next stop can be the Lower Trail in nearby Water Street, PA, 10 miles west of Huntingdon on U.S. 22.
To cap off the day, the travelers can double back through Huntingdon, pick up PA Route 26 through State College, and join PA Route 144 to Centre Hall, PA, where they'll find the Whistle Stop Restaurant. Are you sure you want to delete this blog post? Tickets are non-refundable. 1 0 obj This route shadows that of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad (CRIP, or the "Rock Island Line") as it headed west to where the company built the first railroad bridge to span the Mississippi in 1856..
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West County and Joe Rodota Rail Trail How the heck can you like trains this much? you may ask. And when the mind is in motion in this way, the experience of travel changes.". Youre a ferroequinologist, or in laymans terms, a train buff. You know full well that these old iron horses dont break any speed records and thats A-OK with you! In Morris, you'll find a nicely restored squat brick station standing guard over a single-track reminder that the Rock Island Line's streamlined Rockets once flew by there. (Some even hold informal competitions to see who can cover the most track in the least time, or compete to see who can get to the most remote station or rail shed, a process nicknamed bashing.) But its not all pointless nerdery; some of the worlds best biking and hiking trails lie along abandoned railway lines discovered (or re-discovered) by outdoorsy railfans. If thats the case, take the Grand Canyon Train. Tickets must be purchased in advance and group size is limited to 10. Such pursuits can transcend time and space, making for a deep travel experience anyone can enjoy.
Tour dates are Feb. 19 and 26 at 9 a.m. and 1 p.m.
An extended three-hour long guided tour of the Age of Steam Roundhouse including our collection of Steam Locomotives, Restoration Shop, Turntable, Machine Shop, and Store House.
This program may be subject to cancelation by extreme weather conditions.
Help support Empty Nest magazine! IMO theyre a little exaggerated, and things have improved significantly since the addition of a couple more prepaid entrance lanes. If he and his wife depart from home a day early, they can stay a night at the Iron Rail Bed & Breakfast, across the street from the station. x ?F#yrhgG 8[J
A railfan, also known as a rail enthusiast or train buff in North America, is a person with a strong affinity for anything related to trains and rail travel. Jim Porterfield But after 25+ years in the Grand Canyon tour industry, Ive always said that Id rather burst your bubble than wreck your Grand Canyon vacation. The item you've selected was not added to your cart. What draws railfans to the hobby differs by the individual, but most are simply fascinated by big, powerful machines built to tame vast, untamable lands. Pickup available in Flagstaff, too. (Some particularly dedicated railfans prefer the term ferroequinologist, one who studies iron horses.) Virtually every country that has a rail network has its own dedicated railfan community. Railroads are a heavy industry with infrastructure that runs horizontally as well as vertically. Later, it was filled in by the Pennsylvania Railroad to serve as a roadbed for trains, and hikers and cyclists still use it today. EYU0eVKNy6*9qt>GEwdWMd=OXN,Ue 2@F,OuJEHvN!/YDd8J)a2Wg$kc f#x+c|UMa kI [i$]onrXEx Required fields are marked *. Step right up and get your ticket! 1950s Railway Club Ferroequinologist newsletters and Railfan Excursion Papers. <> Oh, no! Due to the nature of the site, visitors are restricted to the guided tour itself.Group sizes are limited, with one tour guide and an assistant.All tickets are sold in advance. Proprietors Marcia and Ed Gemperle offer a changing menu of railroad French toasts at Sunday brunch.

Lower Trail meanders along the Juniata River, past remnants of the original Pennsylvania Canal, as well as what remains of old coke and iron furnaces, stone quarries, and earlier bridge supports. endobj
Trains have run in every state, to all cities, and at one time into most towns in America. Whistle Stop Restaurant 2011 Overnighter Outing to Cassandra,Pa. 2012 Picnic at Willis Picnic Area inBedford, Lessons Learned From a MasterPhotographer, Removing Part of NE Ohio IndustrialHistory, Why I Love The Drama of WinterPhotography, Uncle Luke the Motorman, Riding thePennsy, Daylight Encounter with the CapitolLimited, Trains Were Great, but the People of Lewistown wereGreater. %PDF-1.5 Built in1885 by the railroad, it was once the home of the EBT General Superintendent. Note: The Ferroequinologist Tour is a more in-depth version of our regular guided tour designed for the knowledgeable railroad enthusiast.
Youve heard the horror stories about Grand Canyon parking and dont want to mess with it. More outgoing railfans often engage in a practice called complete riding, in which they attempt to personally ride every kilometer of rail in a city, state, or even country.