The Quiet Girl, Ellie Sheppard Slow down and create mindful moments using this self-care handbook that includes everything from guided meditations to Ayurvedic practices like tongue scraping and self-massage. Choose from a variety of informative publications to learn from or improve your skills. to the regular conference registration). Simply Curls, Co. Daniel Zwilling 400 Thrify Tip For Saving Money, Time,and Resources as You Garden. With cookies enabled, you get the best possible experience from our website. In the United States the federal agencies would be the Food and Drug 2022 Handcrafted Soap & Cosmetic Guild Herbal treatments and daily care for fabulous hair. For more information, please consult a tax professional. Terms and Conditions No refunds will be given for cancellations received after November 30, 2022. From UPS to Home Depot, discover the many ways to save: The HSCG is proudly supported by our Sponsors, Handcrafted Soap & Cosmetic Guild 184 Edie Rd Ste A Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 Soap making is a fun and creative hobby that you can do right in the comfort of your own kitchen. Offered to HSCG members at a 40% discount of Marie's normal price. or on other venues to promote the HSCG and/or the HSCG Conference. Follow good manufacturing practices in the production of his soaps and cosmetics. You can sign up for the seminar now, as part of your conference registration, or come back to it at 2022 Handcrafted Soap & Cosmetic Guild How to follow the rules and regulations when labeling soaps and cosmetics, explained in plain English. The Flaming Poppy Co, Dorothy Distler A guide to 25 relaxing aromatherapy blends. Little Flower Shampoo, Conditioner, Soap & More, JENELL SIMS (Subject to credit approval by PayPal and PayPal's terms and conditions.). KayFabe Soaps & Sundries, Shannon McCullough Whether you are new to the craft or a seasoned veteran, there's always something new to learn. Enliven the body and tap into the full force of female energy with these natural recipes for total body decadence, including Roses Lustrous Lakshmi hair mask, Revitalizing Body Scrub, and Nourishing Face Oil, each made from everyday household ingredients. Have our Marie Gale, our product labeling expert, review your label to help you make sure it is legally compliant. Starting at just $275, product and general liability insurance can be added on to this level of membership for US businesses. You may bring your own safety Balsam Springs Soap, Vicki Chase Vendor Tier 1 Members receive FREE conference registration for two (2) of their staff to attend the conference (non-transferable). Peak Freak Designs, Kate Hauf Copyright. Household remedies, herbal treatments, basic emergency preparedness everyone should know. General information: Membership questions: The curious parts and pieces of the natural world. 175 Homemade herbal formulas for glowing skin and a vibrant self. Members receive a discount on the registration fee for themselves and up to three additional business associates. Black Unicorn Wood, Sergio Cruz You do not have any items in your shopping cart. Representatives of Vendor Member businesses may not serve as the HSCG President or on the Board of Directors as the membership is in the business name. Copyright. If you are trying to reach handcrafted soap, cosmetic and/or candle makers, the HSCG Vendor Membership offers unparalleled return on investment. Reina's Natural Products, Bruce Barnwell Lovely LavenderPlus, Gail Weaver Mix up magical fragrances and invite the faieries in! There is a "More Info" link which takes the visitor to a detail page displaying the Vendors details. Holistic veterinarian and herbalist Randy Kidd explains how cats can be treated for a variety of ailments - including calming nerves for getting rid of parasites - using on herbs. Our HSCG Experts are available to provide consultations to HSCG members. See the Insurance FAQ and Insurance Comparison Chart for more details. Terms and Conditions The Untamed Daisy Soap Co. Midori Hirtzel-Church

Speak of the Sun Studio, Lindsey Rogers provided to you at the conference before your seminar. Privacy Policy The HSCG works for vendors and suppliers in two ways - first by supporting and protecting the handcrafted soap and cosmetic industry as a whole through education, legislative advocacy, insurance and more; and second, by providing direct member benefits to vendors and suppliers that are geared toward helping them gain exposure to soap and cosmetic makers. Discovering the pleasures of a handmade life. Copyright. How to make and use herbal remedies to strengthen the nervous system. Privacy Policy We mail out only one or two items per year, usually concerning upcoming events, membership or matters of importants to the handcrafted soap and cosmetic industry. Listing in the HSCGs online directory: Where to Buy: Supplies and Services, A 25% discount on any sponsorship of the HSCG Annual Conference. You do not have any items in your shopping cart.
The Handmade Soap and Cosmetic Guild is committed to providing the best value and service to our members. Ask Lori questions about teaching soapmaking or other bath and body type product making classes! Want to learn how? Proof of vaccination or proof of negative PCR test will be collected by a trusted, professional third-party service. Whether you offer raw materials, packaging, equipment, or services, connect with the HSCGs 3,600 members to expand your customer base and introduce new merchandise. Canterbury Soapworks, Timothy Kapalo-Allen The Complete Photo Guide to Soap Makingis an A-Z primer on all things soap making. General information: Membership questions: Scent your home or office, create safe, fragrant home cleaning products, and make special mixtures suitable for children and the elderly. Privacy Policy The original registered attendeemustcontact HSCG Headquarters via phone or email to confirm sale or transfer to a third partybeforethe third party reaches out to us. Any attendee who is unable to attend the conference and wishes to sell or transfer their registration to another attendee must do so no later thanMarch 30th, 2023. Life Essentials Refillery, Jami Jones The HSCG offers three tiers of Vendor Membership, based on your size, budget and promotional needs: Join larger vendors and suppliers seeking to maximize their visibility and reach with the HSCG membership. Learn More Good Shepherd Farms LLC, Kyle Hickman HSCG members are also eligible for exclusive discounts from national retailers on printing, office supplies and building materials. The HSCG is proudly supported by our Sponsors, Handcrafted Soap & Cosmetic Guild 184 Edie Rd Ste A Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 Naturally Refreshing Wraps, Rubs, Lotions, Masks, Oils and Scrubs. General information: Membership questions: Please note that the COVID-19 Safety policy is subject to change with the circumstances of the pandemic. Three days of intensive training, classes, demonstrations, exhibitors, netowrking and generally talking shop with others like yourself. Learn More Hyssop and Myrrh Soapery, Adrienne Williams Add Benefactor Status for More BenefitsFor those who wish to provide additional financial support to the HSCG, we offer the opportunity to add Benefactor Status to your membership at three levels: Friend ($100); Supporter ($250) or Patron ($500). To add a Benefactor Status to your membership, select the add-on in the store when you purchase your membership. Handcrafter membership is for those who MAKE handcrafter soap and/or cosmetics. handcrafted soap and cosmetic industry. Register for the next HSCG Conference and reserve your space. Annie Mae's Handmade, Susan Klinger Reasons to join include: Protect yourself and your business with affordable general, product liability and personal insurance options. 2022 Handcrafted Soap & Cosmetic Guild
Vendors and suppliers are the cornerstones of the handcrafted soap and cosmetic industry. You do not have any items in your shopping cart. Sign up for membership or our annual conference, browse our book selection and buy branded merchandise through the HSCG store. A Preserving Guide and Cookbook: Creative Ways to Put 'em Up, Tasty Ways to Use 'em Up. Discovering and crafting your personal fragrances. Ask Sharon questions about production, troubleshoot issues and more in a 15-minute consultation!
The most comprehensive aromatherapy guide available, with hundreds of recipes for beauty, health, and physical and emotional well-being. Provide sufficient information to her customers to enable them to label their Sideburn Candle Studio, Melissa Wright Julia Rothman's best-selling illustrated Anatomy series takes a deep dive into the wonders of the sea with Ocean Anatomy! Members at this level are also able to fulfill custom product requests that customers make through the site. 5Chickens Holding Company, LLC, Tricia Hoffman a later time and sign up (provided space is still available). Lustful Bath, LLC, Carol Ritson Johanna Keough Cancellations must be made in writing either via email to or by regular mail to HSCG, 184 Edie Rd Ste A, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866. Fairwind Treasures, Melanie Skelton Canadian Members can purchase insurance directly through our Canadian partners. Step-by-step techniques for making 31 unique cold-process soaps. Got It! Not the Same LLC, Lanieca Loriston Tawes Creek Handcrafted Soap LLC, Karli Supera-Wilson Please note: All make-and-take seminar participants must have proper safety equipment including Nathan Clapp A Practical Guide to Managing the Hurtful Behavior of Others (and Maybe Your Own). Wild Chi Studio, Cynthia Embry HSCG members are qualified to purchase additional insurance options for themselves and their families through our partnership with Veracity Insurance Solutions. Master Level Certification is a multi-step process, which may be started at any time by an Expert Certified Soapmaker. Honeybear Handcrafted, LLC, Takeshi Kelson to get up to 6 months to pay! You acknowledge and agree that the Handcrafter Soap and Cosmetic Guild (HSCG) shall have no liability to you with respect to any exposure to or illness resulting from any epidemic or pandemic (including COVID-19) you may experience or persons you come into contact with during or as a result of the Conference, and waive any claim with respect thereto, against HSCG, its officers, directors, colunteers, agents and employees. This website uses cookies to allow you access to restricted pages if you are registered or a member, to manage the items in your store, to remember if you have accepted cookes, and to collect statistical information. Lavender Garden Soaps and Scents, Julie Green Basic Soapmaker Certification for Cold Process or Melt & Pour, which may be taken at the Annual Conference or through a proctor in your local area. 73 plans that will change the way you grow your garden. Without our industry's vendors and suppliers, soap and cosmetic handcrafters would have a very hard time finding the supplies and materials they need to make and market handcrafted soap and cosmetics. Without soap and cosmetic makers profitably making soap and cosmetics, the businesses of vendors and suppliers would dramatically change. That is why we are proud to offer a special membership for those makers who may have retired from the business but wish to stay active and connected with HSCG and the maker community. (Subject to credit approval by PayPal and PayPal's terms and conditions. A Comprehensive Guide with Recipes, Techniques & Know-How. Pay for your Certification online! You'll have immediate access to all member benefits as soon as your purchase is completed. Roshonda Payne Get your recommended daily allowance of facts and fun withFood Anatomy, the third book in Julia Rothmans best-selling Anatomy series. Shop here and receive 25% off retail book prices everyday! The HSCG is proudly supported by our Sponsors, Handcrafted Soap & Cosmetic Guild 184 Edie Rd Ste A Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 The HSCG is proudly supported by our Sponsors, Handcrafted Soap & Cosmetic Guild 184 Edie Rd Ste A Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 Anna Belle's Garden, Julia Rutherford Accurately label his soaps and cosmetics in accordance with the current regulations of the authorized In addition to the special benefits outlined above, Vendor Members also take advantage of many benefits offered to all members of the HSCG, such as insurance, shipping discounts and education. use of her products. Regular Discounts on Maker Supplies, Materials and Services, Sponsorship Visibility at Annual Conference, Right to Serve as President or on Board of Directors. The Activity is provided by The Handcrafted Soap and Cosmetic Guild, Inc., a Delaware non-profit corporation with offices located at 184 Edie Road, Suite A, Saratoga Springs, New York 12866, or by one of the local chapters thereof (in each case, such organization is hereafter referred to as "HSCG"). Conduct his business in accordance with all local, state and federal laws. Create your own herbal shampoos, cleansers, creams, bath blends, and more. Michelle Fox Use PayPal Credit Discover the amazing spirit of 12 healing herbs with teas, potions, salves, food, yoga and more. now offers wellness expertise specifically for men. Show off your soap business pride with this punny sign! Mia's Botanicals & Gifts, LLC, The HSCG is proudly supported by our Sponsors, Handcrafted Soap & Cosmetic Guild 184 Edie Rd Ste A Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 Making handcrafted products is a life-long passion, and we honor those who played a role building our industry. The COVID-19 pandemic poses serious risk and by attending this Conference you agree to accept those risks and take responsibility for your saftey. Garden Goat Soap LLC, Amy Kalinchuk Additional information can be found in the Conference FAQ. Lifstyl Candle Co. Glenda Patton Learn More Learn basic techniques so you can make your own milk soap. Terms and Conditions Advanced Cosmetic Maker Certification, which may be taken at the Annual Conference or through a proctor in your local area. A Handcrafter Member of the Handcrafted Soap & Cosmetic Guild shall: A Vendor Member of the Handcrafted Soap & Cosmetic Guild shall: A member of the Handcrafted Soap & Cosmetic Guild shall: For the purposes of this document, reference to a member of the Handcrafted governmental body in his country. This way the business can select the membership tier which is best suited to their business model. If assigned, the contact person gets email and enews updates from HSCG instead of the owner. Administration and the Federal Trade Commission; state agencies may also have authority. Essentials Care Products, LLC. Start a profitable company making the natural products you love. As lawful consideration for the intangible value that I will gain by participating in the Activity, I agree to all of the terms and conditions set forth in this Release of Liability, Assumption of Risk, and Indemnification Agreement (this "Agreement"). Embrace a plastic-free lifestyle with more than 100 simple, stylish swaps for everything from pens to toothbrushes! Learn how to make cold process soap from scratch. With cookies enabled, you get the best possible experience from our website. Omega 3's Skin Care, Michelle Morton General information: Membership questions: 375 tinctures, salves, teas, capsules, oils and washes for whole body health and wellness. Winding Creek Soap and Supply, Heide Allan Nourishing recipes for vibrant skin and natural beauty. For the complete details of what is covered in your registration, see You do not have any items in your shopping cart, This non-member rate expires Feb 27, 2023 4:00 pm EST. to represent the handcrafted soap and cosmetic industry in matters concerning legislation and regulations affecting the industry. They are optional Space is limited and attendance is available on a first-come, first-served basis. You can An affordable option for small or new businesses who are serving the handcrafted community. 150 recipes for herbal balms, salves, oils, liniments and other topical therapies. Terms and Conditions Awealth of practical advice on mastering dozens of essential horse handling and grooming skills. I have read this document and fully understand its contents. Join the HSCG or renew your membership as a Handcrafter Member, Vendor Member, or Private Label Member. So much storage in this HSCG Exclusive duffel! The HSCG has made the determination that the following requirements must be met by all attendees. of soap and cosmetic making ingredients which he sells to soapmakers. Many members recoup the cost of their HSCG membership by taking advantage of all the savings we offer, including: Joined HSCG: 2014I joined the HSCG for the business insurance, but I keep coming back to the website for all the discounts on supplies. Olde Crone\'s Bewitching Bath Soap, LLC, Nancy Barry Own a piece of the 2018 HSCG Annual Conference in Atlanta, GA! General information: Membership questions: With cookies enabled, you get the best possible experience from our website. Got It. Minou Bleu, Reina Julander Purchase your conference registration, seminar registration, exhibitor space and more, right here! This membership is also a valuable source of communication about trends in the industry. Build relationships, stay connected with e-news and alerts, and join special social media groups. This website uses cookies to allow you access to restricted pages if you are registered or a member, to manage the items in your store, to remember if you have accepted cookes, and to collect statistical information. In other countries similar governmental bodies may exist. Mulberry Skincare, Tonya Basque Businesses who purchase handcrafted soap and/or cosmetics to use or resell under their private label. Check out Savings from HSCG Suppliers Simply Mazzara's LLC, April Hohle Promote the handcrafted soap and cosmetic industry and assist in its recognition and acceptance. Copyright. Privacy Policy Terms and Conditions Moon Bath Goods, Rebecca Simons The cost of the seminar is $89.00 (which is in addition 2022 Handcrafted Soap & Cosmetic Guild Other Vendor Discounts. 79 easy hypoallergenic recipes for radiant beauty. Present a negative PCR test result from a test not taken more than 72 hours prior to the start of the Annual Conference. For the handcrafter looking to begin implementing Good Manufacturing Practices, this book is a must. This membership is offers smaller companies good value in reaching HSCG membership. Privacy Policy This means attendees must have had. Individuals who make handcrafted soap, cosmetics and/or candles and market them to the public. The things men do that drive women crazy. with the guidelines set by the Board of Directors. RELEASE OF LIABILITY, ASSUMPTION OF RISK, AND INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT. Tips, Techniques, and Recipes for Creating all Manner of Liquid and Soft Soap Naturally! Look no further. Herbal remedies can provide safe and effective treatment for common childhood ailments ranging from diaper rash and teething to sore throats and conjunctivitis. Lemon & Whim, Rachez Miller Gain new customers through our Maker Marketplace and fulfill custom order requests. With cookies enabled, you get the best possible experience from our website. served bases. Two color with illustrations throughout. Learn safe, effective ways to use 25 popular oils; make 100 aromatherapy blends to enhance health; soothe common ailments and promote well-being. Already a current or past member, or already registered? Take advantage of PayPal Credit to pay for your membership over time! Providing your mailing address is optional. Nilla Bean Co. Marie Braxton The price displayed is for Non-Members. Terms and Conditions 2022 Handcrafted Soap & Cosmetic Guild Homemade soaps, scrubs, salves, lotions, and other bath and body products have been popping up all over the places from craft fairs to Etsy and it's no surprise why. How to Envision, Develop, and Sustain a Successful Creative Business. A complete guide to colorful blooms all season long: 400 favorite flowers, time tested techniques, creative garden designs, and a lifetime of gardening wisdom. This authorization and release shall also inure to the benefit of HSCG's principals, agents, employees, their heirs, legal representatives, licensees, and assigns. Please note: A signed release is required before actually attending this seminar. For those who are selling soap, cosmetics or candles to the public, this affordable membership pays for itself with access to insurance coverage, product discounts and the opportunity to link your online store to the HSCG website. In addition, a "contact person" can be designated by the owner. Learn More Drugs, pharmaceuticals, vitamins, supplements, invasive products, suppositories, or Nutraceuticals intended to be ingested; Any product containing cannabidoil (CBD); Toys except when included for no additional charge, as a promotional item, with sale of an approved health or beauty product; to promote and educate the public about the handcrafted soap and cosmetic industry; to act as a center of communication among, and to circulate information beneficial to, Learn about common herbs that can safely address a wide range of ailments. You do not have any items in your shopping cart. As the worlds largest community of handcrafted soap, cosmetic and candlemakers, we deliver exceptional service, value and benefits to our members all at a reasonable cost. Uphold and promote the principles of this Code. A Vendor Membership is in the name of the business (not an individual). ), About Registering for the HSCG Conference, Be vaccinated against COVID-19 in accordance with the CDC definition of "fully vaccinated". 64 all-natural recipes for irresistible herbal aphrodisiacs. Got It. All natural recipes, healthy habits, and feel-good activites to make you glow. If you would like to be included in the HSCG social media outreach, provide your information below.