||STATE LINKS At the other end of the spectrum, farms selling less than $1,000 in agricultural products represented 31% (11,662) of Oregons farms with $2.9 million in 2017 sales or just 0.1%. [12], In 2014, the director received a salary of $142,464, according to the Council of State Governments. From 2018 to 2020, she served as associate vice president for OSU research operations and integrity.

if(document.getElementsByClassName("reference").length==0) if(document.getElementById('Footnotes')!==null) document.getElementById('Footnotes').parentNode.style.display = 'none'; Communications: Alison Graves Abigail Campbell Sarah Groat Lauren Nemerovski 0000470973 00000 n [2][3], Its legislatively adopted budget for the 20192021 biennium was $128.4 million.[4]. Food processing is the third-ranking manufacturing activity in the state. The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for the terms OregonDirectorofAgriculture. Farm Real Estate Value (per acre)$2,500, Agricultural Cash Receipts $5,047,977,000, Cash Receipts from Crops $3,541,385,000, Cash Receipts from Animals $1,506,592,000. Watch virtual and educational videos of how food, fiber and products are produced on local Oregon farms by selecting an available video. More information about print and web versions of the magazine held by the Special Collections and Archives Research Center is available in this this finding aid. Note: Ballotpedia's state executive officials project researches state official websites for chronological lists of historical officeholders; information for the Oregon Director of Agriculture has not yet been added because the information was unavailable on the relevant state official websites, or we are currently in the process of formatting the list for this office. Source: 2012 Census of Ag, USDA, American Farm Bureau, Farms with agricultural product sales of $500,000 or more represented just 5% (1,720) of Oregons farms in 2017. As the founding College of Oregon State University, for more than 150 years we have lived out our land-grant mission in education, research, and outreach. ||FORUM Oregon is a leading producer of pumice stone. /E?? Also, learn how Oregon State ranks among other schools offering degrees in agriculture. Apples are also grown in the state. Due to this, the school was ranked #6 in popularity out of all colleges and universities that offer this degree. Nationally, 36% of U.S. farmers and ranchers are women. 0000016916 00000 n Inclusion on this website does not imply or represent a direct relationship with the company, school, or brand. INR co-manages the Oregon Explorer with OSULP. 0000008681 00000 n The Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) is responsible for agriculture in Oregon. 430 Strand Agriculture Hall ||PEOPLE Ballotpedia's state executive officials project, State executive officials serving in home states, Ken Carbullido, Vice President of Election Product and Technology Strategy, https://ballotpedia.org/wiki/index.php?title=Oregon_Director_of_Agriculture&oldid=8478105, Pages using DynamicPageList dplreplace parser function, State executive office pages without qualifications sections, State executive office pages without historical officeholder sections, Offices of the American agriculture commissioners, Offices of state executive officials by state. In the most recent graduating class for which data is available, 83% of students fell into this category. hbba`b``3 n 0y endstream endobj 309 0 obj <>/Metadata 24 0 R/Pages 23 0 R/StructTreeRoot 26 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 310 0 obj >/PageTransformationMatrixList<0[1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 -504.0 -306.0]>>/PageUIDList<0 379>>/PageWidthList<0 792.0>>>>>>/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 792.0 612.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 311 0 obj <> endobj 312 0 obj <> endobj 313 0 obj <> endobj 314 0 obj <> endobj 315 0 obj <>stream This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. 0000014906 00000 n The director is appointed by the governor, subject to confirmation by the state Senate, and serves at the pleasure of the governor. 0000002206 00000 n 0000073017 00000 n
about us study here climate, diversity and inclusion. 0000207593 00000 n In Oregon, the leading manufactured products are electronic equipment including oscilloscopes, computer video display monitors, calculators, printer components, microprocessors and communication microchips. Oregon Director of Agriculture - Google News, Oregon Department of Agriculture[15] The bachelor's program at Oregon State was ranked #23 on College Factual's Best Schools for agriculture list.
0000005253 00000 n Cities | School districts | Source: p. 10 in. Oregon is a leading producer of Christmas trees. [8], In 2018, the director of agriculture received a salary of $152,652, according to the Council of State Governments. | U.S. Congress | OM&p[a,Ig^ke~{9{an.G + endstream endobj 318 0 obj <> endobj 319 0 obj <> endobj 320 0 obj <> endobj 321 0 obj <>stream Houston is one of our most industrialized cities, said co-author Kim Anderson, head of OSUs Department of Environmental and Molecular To support pollinators, people have turned to creating eco-friendly spaces around their homes, including replacing their grass lawns with With DNA evidence, scientists confirm the first live sighting of the Satos beaked whale, which they previously knew only from whalers reports Oregon State University (OSU) is a major source of the worlds research on hazelnut breeding, agronomy, and food science.