nav .menu li {font-family: "Helvetica", Palatino, Arial Helvetica, Tahoma, sans-serif;} .sf-button.accent {color: #fff;} nav .menu ul li.current-menu-ancestor > a, nav .menu ul li.current-menu-item > a {color: #333333; background: #f3f3ae;} Serves 12. .spb_tabs .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-panel, .spb_content_element .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav, .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav li {border-color: #e4e4e4;} Large Party Platters serve 6-8 people. Item is best served hot. We request 24 hour notice. #promo-bar * {color: #ffffff;} #top-bar .tb-welcome {border-color: #444444;} li.product figcaption a.product-added {color: #ffffff;} 72 hours notice requested. .asset-bg.alt-three, .asset-bg.alt-three h1, .asset-bg.alt-three h2, .asset-bg.alt-three h3, .asset-bg.alt-three h3, .asset-bg.alt-three h4, .asset-bg.alt-three h5, .asset-bg.alt-three h6, .alt-three .carousel-wrap > a {color: #222222;} .alt-two h4.spb_text_heading {border-bottom-color:#222222;} Served with Mexican rice, black beans & flour tortillas. An Italian-inspired array of marinated fresh mozzarella bocconcini, grilled artichoke hearts, roasted tomatoes, balsamic beets, roasted bell peppers in olive oil, herbed olives, and our award-winning mixed pickled vegetables. .alt-eight h4.spb_text_heading {border-bottom-color:#222222;} nav .menu > li:before {background: #f3f3ae;} .related-item figure {background-color: #f3f3ae;} .alt-one h4.spb_heading:before {border-top-color:#222222;} .spb_box_text.coloured .box-content-wrap {background: #fb3c2d;color: #fff;} Thank you, thank you, thank you! .bag-buttons a.checkout-button:hover, .woocommerce input.button.alt:hover, .woocommerce .alt-button:hover, .woocommerce button.button.alt:hover, .woocommerce .button.checkout-button:hover {background: #dbc701; color: #ffffff;} .alt-six.full-width-text:after {border-top-color:#FFFFFF;} article.type-post #respond .form-submit input#submit {background-color: #f3f3ae;} The food was great, the delivery was on time and the gentleman who delivered to us did a great job setting everything up. .carousel-wrap > a:hover, .ajax-search-results .all-results:hover, .search-result h5 a:hover {color: #dbc701!important;} Choose your favorites or have our talented staff customize your event. Andres family recipe from Nice, France! Choose from Original, Crispy or Crispy Honey-Chipotle. Whispers from the East herald our individual morsels of sweet & sour shrimp shaomi, turkey teriyaki &
provolone cheese, balsamic roasted peppers and artichoke hearts. #swift-slider .flex-caption .flex-caption-headline {background: #ffffff;} .woocommerce table.shop_table tr td.product-remove .remove:hover, .woocommerce .coupon input.apply-coupon:hover, .woocommerce .shipping-calc-wrap button[name="calc_shipping"]:hover, .woocommerce .quantity .plus:hover, .woocommerce .quantity .minus:hover, .add_review a:hover, .woocommerce #review_form #respond .form-submit input:hover, .lost_reset_password p.form-row input[type="submit"]:hover, .track_order p.form-row input[type="submit"]:hover, .change_password_form p input[type="submit"]:hover, .woocommerce table.my_account_orders .order-actions .button:hover, .woocommerce .widget_price_filter .price_slider_amount .button:hover, .woocommerce.widget .buttons a:hover, .woocommerce .wishlist_table tr td.product-add-to-cart a:hover, .woocommerce input.button[name="save_address"]:hover, #login-form .modal-body form.login p.form-row input[type="submit"]:hover, .woocommerce input[name="save_account_details"]:hover, .woocommerce input[name="apply_coupon"]:hover, .woocommerce .cart input[name="update_cart"]:hover, .login p.form-row input[type="submit"]:hover, #jckqv .cart .single_add_to_cart_button:hover, #jckqv .cart .add_to_cart_button:hover, .woocommerce-cart .wc-proceed-to-checkout a.checkout-button:hover {background: #dbc701; color: #ffffff;} .asset-bg.alt-one {background-color: #f3f3ae;} nav.std-menu > li.parent > a:after {border-bottom-color: #f3f3ae;} Served with steamed broccoli and loaded mashed potatoes.
tomatoes & pesto. 48 hours notice requested. Thank you again.
2-liter Soda - 5.99 each #header-section:before {opacity: 1;} Serves 4. Cambozola Canapes topped with Toasted Pecans Grilled Shrimp Skewers - per serving 4.49 #main-nav .span9 { .progress .bar {background-color: #dbc701;} figure:hover .overlay {box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 500px #dbc701;} .alt-five.full-width-text:after {border-top-color:#FFFFFF;} .subscribers-list li > {color: #ffffff;background: #f3f3ae;} .spb_impact_text .spb_button span {color: #fff;} .alt-one h4.spb_text_heading {border-bottom-color:#222222;}
served with a peanut dipping sauce. body, h6, #sidebar .widget-heading h3, #header-search input, .header-items, .related-wrap h4, #comments-list > h3, .item-heading h1, .sf-button, button, input[type="submit"], input[type="email"], input[type="reset"], input[type="button"], .spb_accordion_section h3, #header-login input, #mobile-navigation > div, .search-form input, input, button, select, textarea {font-family: "Helvetica", Palatino, Arial, Helvetica, Tahoma, sans-serif;} Seared Shrimp smothered in Alfredo sauce with a hint of Cajun spice, topped with Parmesan, diced tomatoes & chopped green onions. I look forward to our next event. Serves 4. twitter #footer h4:before {border-color: #333333;} #nav-pointer {background-color: #f3f3ae;} Guacamole served upon request (add 200 cal). Mini beef burgers topped with applewood smoked bacon, American cheese, sauteed onions, and ranch dressing. Served with avocado-ranch. Cheese Quesadillas - per serving 1.99 Served with a peppery parmesan dipping sauce. /*========== Sidebar Styles ==========*/ With cilantro, bell peppers, onions. /*========== Body Styles ==========*/ Served with cheese quesadillas. Choose from Original, Crispy or Crispy Honey-Chipotle. .pagination-wrap li a, .pagination-wrap li span {background-color: #ffffff;}
Choose one: Your choice of meat, fish, tofu or vegetable, marinated and grilled, and served with a full-flavored dipping sauce. .asset-bg.alt-ten {background-color: #FFFFFF;} Hand-sliced baguette drizzled with extra virgin olive oil and toasted with fresh garlic & herbs. Caprese Skewers - per serving 2.99 .asset-bg.alt-eight, .asset-bg.alt-eight h1, .asset-bg.alt-eight h2, .asset-bg.alt-eight h3, .asset-bg.alt-eight h3, .asset-bg.alt-eight h4, .asset-bg.alt-eight h5, .asset-bg.alt-eight h6, .alt-eight .carousel-wrap > a {color: #222222;} A taste of sunny Spain. .spb_impact_text .spb_call_text, .impact-text {color: #000000;}
Serves 4. BBQ Smokies - (5) per serving 2.29 Priced per platter (serves 10 as entre, 25 as appetizer). Party Platter Quesadilla Explosion Salad - Large. .blog-aux-options li.selected a {background: #dbc701;color: #ffffff;} .asset-bg.alt-six, .asset-bg.alt-six h1, .asset-bg.alt-six h2, .asset-bg.alt-six h3, .asset-bg.alt-six h3, .asset-bg.alt-six h4, .asset-bg.alt-six h5, .asset-bg.alt-six h6, .alt-six .carousel-wrap > a {color: #222222;} .horizontal-break {background-color: #e4e4e4;} .woocommerce .free-badge {background-color: #f3f3ae; color: #ffffff;} .asset-bg.alt-nine, .asset-bg.alt-nine h1, .asset-bg.alt-nine h2, .asset-bg.alt-nine h3, .asset-bg.alt-nine h3, .asset-bg.alt-nine h4, .asset-bg.alt-nine h5, .asset-bg.alt-nine h6, .alt-nine .carousel-wrap > a {color: #222222;} input[type="text"], input[type="password"], input[type="email"], textarea, select { Arranged on a platter with two pounds of dip and French bread toasts. Crispy-fried chicken breasts with sesame, almond, corn flakes and chile peppers; sliced and served with gingery red cabbage slaw and mustard dip. Please inquire about our delicious choices of fillings! nav .menu li.parent > a:after, nav .menu li.parent > a:after:hover {color: #aaa;} h6 {font-size: 12px;line-height: 16px;} .filter-wrap ul li.selected a {color: #ffffff;background: #dbc701;} Serves up to 8. #header-section > #main-nav {border-top-color: #e4e4e4;} Served with avocado-ranch. /*========== Asset Background Styles ==========*/ #swift-slider .flex-caption-large .loveit-chart span {color: #dbc701;} .sf-icon-cont {background-color: #B4E5F8;} Office Hours:MonFri, 8am5:00pmSat & Sun, 9am3pm, Market Hall Foods Rockridge, Oakland Choose from Original, Crispy or Crispy Honey-Chipotle. .alt-eight h4.spb_heading:before {border-top-color:#222222;} Have it beautifully displayed on our silver head & tail fish platter for a $150 refundable deposit. See our Why choose one when you can choose three? Served with celery and your choice of ranch or bleu cheese. Item is best served hot. Antipasto Skewers - per serving 3.29 Best served hot. #copyright {background-color: #dbc701;border-top-color: #333333;} An elegant French tart made with caramelized Want to discuss more options? Serves up to 8. #respond .form-submit input:hover {color: #fff!important;} 48 hours notice requested. Party Platter Mix & Match Fajitas - Small. .woocommerce form.cart button.single_add_to_cart_button, .woocommerce p.cart a.single_add_to_cart_button, ul.products li.product a.quick-view-button, .woocommerce div.product form.cart .button.add_to_cart_button { background: #f3f3ae!important; color: #ffffff ;} .labelled-pricing-table .pricing-table-price {background: #999999;} .alt-three h4.spb_text_heading {border-bottom-color:#222222;} Or a stunning prelude to a fully catered meal? .loved-item .loved-count {color: #ffffff;background: #f3f3ae;} These are appetizer portions designed to serve 20-25 guests ~ some trays available in smaller sizes, 48 hours notice appreciated~ some trays available on short notice, *Prices subject to change due to increasing food cost & availability*, Alaska Smoked Salmon Pt ~ with fresh lemon & English cucumbers, served with Diannes signature honey wheat baguettes ~ $120, Alaskan Smoked Salmon Fillet ~ served with fresh dill cream cheese, capers, thinly sliced red onions, tomatoes and crackers~ $125, Ahi Tuna Poke Nachos ~ served on Wonton Chips with Fresh Avocado, Fresh Peppers, Sesame Seeds & 2 secret sauces ~ $143, Wild Alaskan Salmon Salad Lettuce Cups ~ served with capers, celery & fresh dill ~ $145, Melitzana Salata ~ roasted Greek style eggplant pate` served with pita triangles ~ $100, Mediterranean Antipasti Platter Skewers~ featuring cured salami, fresh mozzarella, oven roasted vegetables, pickled asparagus & imported olives ~ $105, Hummus with Greek Olives, Feta, Vegetable Crudites and chips~ $100, Caprese Platter or Mini Skewers ~ fresh sliced Mozzarella cheese, tomatoes & basil drizzled with a balsamic reduction ~ $85, Fresh Vegetable Crudites ~ with our signature creamy Parmesan dip ~ $65/$105, Oven Roasted Seasonal Vegetable Platter ~ $155, Assorted Fresh Fruits & Cheeses ~ served with crackers ~ $ 125 Add Reindeer Sausage and extra crackers ~ $150, Graze Platter ~ 14 ~ $145 16 ~ $165 18 ~ $185, Alaskan Reindeer Sausage & Artisan Cheese ~ served with crackers ~ $135, Graze Plates & Boxes 44 (Minimum of 25) $8.50 ~ 66 (Minimum of 15) $14 ~ 88 (Minimum of 10) $23 & the Graze Boxes (serves 2) $48, Marinated Shrimp ~ peeled, tail on jumbo shrimp in a fresh lemon basil marinade ~ $135, Shrimp Cocktail ~ peeled, tail on shrimp with a zesty cocktail sauce and fresh lemon ~ $135, Roasted Jumbo Shrimp Skewers ~ served with Lemon Aioli ~ $135, Bayou Roasted Jumbo Shrimp & Reindeer Sausage Skewers with Cajun Remoulade ~ $145, Bayou Roasted Shrimp ~ with green Goddess sauce ~ $135, Croissant Sandwiches ~ with Shrimp Salad ~ $145 or Chicken Salad ~ $115, Muffalatta Finger Sandwiches ~ Italian salami, ham, provolone, pepperoncinis and olive tapanade ~ $145 48 pcs, Bacon Wrapped Medjool Dates ~ stuffed with Cambozola, drizzled with a balsamic reduction and served on a bed of greens ~ $125.00 45ct, Deli Meat & Cheese Platter ~ sliced turkey breast, roast beef, lean ham, jack & cheddar cheese, with Diannes Honey Wheat Rolls, mayonnaise & Dijon ~ $145, Steak, Truffle Potato & Mushroom Skewers with Peppercorn Sauce ~ $165, Steak Crostini ~ with thyme, sauteed onions & chevre~ $145, Roast Beef Sandwiches ~ In House Roast Beef, sliced thin, with fresh greens, red pepper aioli and chimichurri sauce on ciabatta ~ $145, Pulled PorkSliders ~with sweet buns and BBQ sauce on the side ~ $120 30ct, Buffalo Chicken ~ seasoned, marinated & baked tender chunks of white meat served with celery sticks and Blue Cheese or creamy Ranch Dip ~ $135, Thai Lettuce Wraps ~ perfectly seasoned ground turkey served with chopped pecans and leaf lettuce cups~ $125, Asian Chicken~ with a Sweet & Spicy Fresh Ginger glaze ~ $135, Chicken Skewers ~ Teriyaki Sesame & Scallions ~ $135, Crowd Pleasing Meatballs ~ available in Swedish, Hawaiian BBQ or Fireball ~ $70/$135, *Also available in BBQ, Smokey Raspberry Sriracha or Marinara Sauce, Bison Meatballs ~ served with Birch Chaga BBQ Sauce or Forest Brandy Mushroom Sauce~ $200, Tender Pork Ribs ~ slow cooked in a tasty BBQ sauce ~ $175, Crab Rangoon Dip ~ with Wonton Chips~ $145, Corn Jalapeno Dip ~ served with tortilla chips ~ $95, Spinach and Artichoke Dip ~ with sliced baguettes ~ $125, Savory Tarts ~ with caramelized onions, sun dried tomatoes & Greek olives ~ $95, Spanakopita ~ 24 piece ~ $54 / 48 piece ~ $96, Lil Smokies in Puff Pastry ~ served with Honey Mustard ~ $125 -70ct, Alaskan Reindeer Sausage & Cheddar Polenta Treats ~ with sweet mustard sauce ~ $115, White Cheddar Polenta Bites ~ with pesto marinara dipping sauce ~ $110, Assorted homemade cookies and our famous double fudge brownies, Small tray 30 pieces ~ $55 Large tray 60 pieces ~ $85, Small tray 30 pieces ~ $60 Large tray 60 pieces ~ $100, Deluxe Dessert Tray features a rotating array of up upscale baked goodies and our famous double fudge brownies ~ $80/$125, Assorted Fresh Fruits ~ seasonal fruits and berries served with Grand Marnier infused coeur la creme ~ $125, Baked Brie in Puff Pastry ~ beautifully presented with seasonal fruits ~ $90 or add on a second Baked Brie ~ $150, The Following Desserts require a Minimum Order and are Seasonally Priced, Individual Fruit Crisps~ in petite glass jelly jars, Individual 3 Tarts ~ Fruit Pies with Cherry & Blueberry, Key Lime, Fruit or Pecan.