To empower you and your loved ones with health and wellness. With responsible and sustainable sourcing, our mission is to improve the lives of your whole family and families around the globe with every doTERRA purchase. It can be defined as the state of being fully and completely composed of the plant source or plant species that is printed in Latin on the label of the bottle.

However, in a laboratory environment, the ratio of right- to left-handed molecules is always 50/50 because of their structural similarities. Sometimes, however, due to the inherent subjective nature of smelling and/or sensing, organoleptic tests can suffer from low reliability. This includes never using them undiluted, performing a skin patch test prior to use, being knowledgeable about the sun's effects after use, and sourcing them from an ethical brand known for quality and purity. Fraudulently labelling an essential oil or oil blend. An organoleptic test involves using the senses to closely examine the quality of an essential oil. MYTH: Conventional essential oils are less 'pure' than organic oils. Because essential oils are organic compounds, they are composed primarily of carbon atoms and will have a certain ratio of carbon-12 to carbon-13 isotopes. By cleansing, hydrating, conditioning, nourishing, and softening facial skin and hair, Essential Oils promote thicker, neater, healthier beard growth free of dryness, irritation, and knots without stripping the skins natural balance of oils. Here are a few questions to ask during your research: doTERRA begins the CPTG testing process shortly after distillation, when each oil is reviewed for its chemical composition.
In particular, they have been verified to comply with agricultural and manufacturing practices that actively seek to avoid GMOs and reduce the amount of synthetic pesticides, chemical contaminants, and other toxic compounds. overflow:hidden; Chirality, a term derived from the Greek word hand, is a term used to describe the 3D orientation of a molecule. Discover skincare tips, recipes, and ready-to-use products that address the effects of cold weather on physical and emotional wellness! The purity of an essential oil is its most important characteristic. It is true that an organically-produced essential oil (which has been certified by an appropriate authority such as the QAI) is likely to be superior in some important aspects, such as its color, aroma, safety, sustainability, and its therapeutic value. FACT: GC-MS, while a sophisticated technique of analysis, is best accompanied by other tests, including additional physical and physicochemical testing, in order to provide a full picture regarding purity. In this article, we attempt to clarify these common concerns and also clear the air of some of the most widely-held misconceptions regarding the purity of essential oils. The answer is yesessential oil purity matters. According to the more mainstream definition, essential oil purity is somewhat different from essential oil quality. To boost profits, a more inexpensive essential oil may be mixed in, while ensuring the fragrance remains more or less consistent. But what exactly does it mean for an essential oil to be 'pure'? Unfortunately, some essential oil suppliers and companies have come to rely on unscrupulous practices to satisfy this need in the market, selling adulterated or contaminated products disguised as pure and authentic oils. The ratio of right- to left-handed constituents can be determined through a special type of gas chromatography. A third review of the chemistry of the oils is conducted as the oils are packaged into the bottles before theyre shipped out to consumers. A shortcut to passing some quality controls or enhancing the aroma, compatible synthetic compounds can be easily added to an essential oil. The presence of a purity statement, transparency of testing, and an enduringly positive reputation, amongst other factors, can provide you with a peace of mind with regards to the purity and safety of their essential oil products. Above all else, purity is doTERRAs first priority when producing essential oils. Receive access to exclusive members only deals, tips and tricks to use essential oils for an elevated stress-free lifestyle and more!
Read more about Essential Oil quality and composition here. Gas Chromatography (GC) and Mass Spectometry (MS). For example, a pure essential oil is associated with a particular density relative to water. If a particular constituent has an isotopic profile different than that of the other constituents, then the quality control analyst will know that a particular essential oil contains an adulteration. Whether you are an aromatherapy practitioner, owner of a cosmetic business, or simply enjoy essential oils at home, it is critical to use high quality oils that are pure, unadulterated, and safe to use. Spend Rs. Prior to using any essential oil, a skin test is recommended. The ISO is currently the primary international authority known for its quality parameters for specific essential oils. In other words, the essential oil has not been adulterated or contaminated by potentially toxic or synthetic substances. This testing method identifies the structural components of essential oil compounds. Discover the top Essential Oils and Carrier Oils that are widely used in pet care. MYTH: A pure essential oil is automatically a high-quality one.
It also demands a high level of diligence and concentration because the tests must be repeated with a large number of samples. Matter is made up of tiny chemical building blocks called elements. Essential oils are concentrated botanical extracts that are typically derived via the steam distillation or expression of plant parts. Blending essential oils is a highly rewarding activity. When an essential oil is adulterated or contaminated, it becomes less effective and can even be dangerous. How Do Natural Blend Oils Compare With 100% Pure Essential Oils? Not All Plants Are Created Equal: Know Your Latin Names, Fall 2022 Registration Select Your Courses, Summer 2022 Session II Registration Select Your Courses, ensure the quality of your essential oils, American College of Healthcare Sciences (ACHS). On one level, these oils may not offer the same level of therapeutic or cosmetic benefits as an unadulterated oil, and can further compromise the integrity and performance of products if they are added to formulations. Similarly, the timing of the harvest is critical; if the fruits or leaves of a botanical are harvested prematurely, then they might not contain the ideal amounts of therapeutic constituents even before it is distilled. In the vast world of essential oils and aromatherapy, synergy blends take the guesswork out of choosing an oil that produces maximum benefits. A 'pure' essential oil can be defined as one that has been derived from its genuine botanical source and does not contain any fillers, additives, or other impurities. Essential oil purity tests do exactly this; they attempt to gather data from different angles to allow a conclusion to be made regarding whether the essential oil has been adulterated or possibly contaminated. This includes the climate, geography, harvest methods, distilling methods followed by the producer, and the time spent under storage conditions. ICP-MS testing uses a high-energy medium called inductively coupled plasma (ICP) to ionize the sample. The consequences of using impure or adulterated essential oils can be immense. In this in-depth guide, we cover the creative, intuitive, and reflective process of making your very own balanced, harmonious essential oil blends. The result can then be compared to a reference value such as those published by the ISO. Due to the absence of synthetics, Natural Blends can be used in cosmetics without having to resort to artificial fragrances that may contain potentially harmful substances. Take a look at the screenshot below for a sneak peek. The soil of the particular region and its climate contribute enormously to the quality of the oil. Create an account and save 25% as a doTERRA member. Reputed to help achieve mental clarity, spiritual cleansing, relaxation, and higher states of consciousness, Essential Oils can support and enhance the quality of meditation and prayer. Learn what essential oils are and how to use them. Included in this is the sophisticated GC-MS (Gas ChromatographyMass Spectrometry) Test that has now become synonymous with essential oil purity testing. The doTERRA production facility carries out a second round of testing to ensure that the oils distilled and tested during the first round are the same ones that arrived at our facility. The following points are important to consider before purchasing from a specific supplier or company: A positive standing on the above factors can help build your confidence regarding the level of quality, purity, and safety of the essential oils you use, enjoy, and trust. Essential Oil aroma families exhibit primary aromatic traits, which make it easier to determine the ideal applications for each scent category. Get excited the next time you log in it will be with our new upgraded login experience using your email! They are also preferred as essential oil alternatives for endangered or protected plant species such as Rosewood. Ease the body and uplift the mind with NDAs most popular warming Essential Oils and Synergy Blends.
For instance, one firm may import Chinese Jasmin which is fairly cheap as compared to another firm who imports from Morocco which is highly-priced. It is important to note that natural variations are possible from batch to batch; however, GC-MS results can help uncover whether the values for each chemical component fall within a standard range. 3. We believe in the holsitic development of the mind, body and soul through Aromatherapy which has been used in Ayurveda for over 6000 years. No matter the industry, all essential oil stakeholders are driven by a need to search for the purest of oils at the fairest of prices. Microbial testing involves analyzing a batch of essential oils for the presence of biohazardous microorganisms, such as fungi, bacteria, viruses, and mold.
Advertising claims aside, it can be difficult for consumers to get a true grasp on what essential oil purity actually is and how it fits within other indicators of quality. What does organic truly mean in the context of essential oils? 499.00 more and get free shipping! Our CPTG Certified Pure Tested Grade essential oil products offer natural solutions for you and your loved ones. The essential oil is introduced into the injection chamber where it is vaporized. FACT: Purity is an indicator of, but is not necessarily synonymous with, quality. Provide the purest, highest quality essential oils and products.
To prevent side effects, consult with a medical professional prior to use. left:0; Sorry, you must select a phone number and call type, Sorry, verification call didnt work, server failed to send, Sorry, that is not the correct code, please try again, You must enter the verification code below, $35.00 annual membership on your first order without a kit. Some aromatherapists, for example, believe that purity should be characterized more by the therapeutic impact than the exact composition of the oil; this suggests that purity is something that is more difficult to describe or quantify.