All participants under 18 must have a waiver signed by a parent or legal guardian. Nothing happen. x x[0GlIcKM8-IHlN,d,hRv-# Pockets should be empty no cell phones, cameras, keys, etc. w. wp#QxH+vId)YL@.K`J+zx[1xGa^} ~1 Bd#r"zb$b'.l$LI4|2l~mI%\kx~o[m>~_6/K^O?}&^>-}jVKio09 DO NOT JUMP IF A COURT MONITOR IS NOT PRESENT. 1 0 obj <> endobj 2 0 obj <> endobj 4 0 obj <>/Type /Page>> endobj 7 0 obj <> stream TRAMPOLINE USE INVOLVES INHERENT RISK. Jump within their abilities; master basic skills before moving onto more advanced tricks or flips, Perform at their own risk: Flips and other tricks can be dangerous, Stay at least an arms length away from all other jumpers, Follow all safety instructions as directed by Air Raid staff. Do not sit or lie on the court. This video from the Russian "School of Gymnastics. Have you done one before?
(Fall 2011), Part 2 of 4 of a Beginning Trampoline Clinic given by Al Fong of GAGE at a recent Region 4 Training camp. Our staff is present to assist with safe jumping practises, and injury assistance if needed. DO NOT ATTEMPT ANY SKILL OR ACTIVITY OUTSIDE YOUR OWN LIMITATIONS, ABILITIES OR SKILL LEVEL. Then spot the landing. Here are some drills and sequences for working on landing positions on trampoline from George Hery.
Do not touch any perimeter netting or top pads. PARTICIPATE WITH EXTREME CAUTION AND AT YOUR OWN RISK. Jump forward and thrust your hips out. The shoot over with 1/2 twist on uneven bars is a very common skill for competitive bar routines. Items will remain lost at least until the pit is emptied. Perform at your own risk.
The Kaboom on trampoline is a fun skill that can be used to develop air awareness. ,MmSJs{y1u#)yt @.t^@VEY.1KG?@r(@?'tEm556D#UPYi0PR,}BUtmV
Please remove all jewelry.
;X/ Q^\5~a/;DcXcFNr `+HO2rsR{^\ (Fall 2011), Part 3 of 4 of a Beginning Trampoline Clinic given by Al Fong of GAGE at a recent Region 4 Training camp. Trampoline plays a central role in training for artistic gymnastics. fl#a\JA2@y $4 {a BG"g72ttx_yp^r\A Here is a good way to learn a gainer. (Fall 2011), Part 1 of 4 of a Beginning Trampoline Clinic given by Al Fong of GAGE at a recent Region 4 Training camp. No gainers no forward moving backflips. Here Tony Retrosi, Twisting is really confusing for gymnasts to learn. Flips and other tricks can be dangerous. Each game begins with an even amount of players. Master the fundamentals of single trampoline jumping before moving onto more advanced.
Kick hard and let it swing high pulling you off the ground, as if you were gonna wiff and fall, but then look back and grab your knees and there should be plenty of room to pull it around.
You are out if you are hit with a live ball below the shoulders or if you throw a live ball that is caught by an opponent. Children under the age of 13 should never be left unattended. Only two people are allowed on the battle beam at the same time. From there you can push it further.
Empty pockets before jumping. e0CTBTCPP `>4ha!BCt"XK`)tiVB7p3z,89p.|p|wC8}0?0!x^q_W:Qx~NVX `+K`3 If the ball hits the ball which you are holding, the ball is dead. (Fall 2011). It is your responsibility to avoid others. Here George Hery teaches the Kaboom. Gainers are hard. Do a back flip but the jump into it and before it would be moving forward. If you are tired and need to rest, you must exit the court.
Jay Scouler talks you through the different points of bed contact you make whilst on the trampoline.
Here George Hery shows a few simple progressions for.
No double bounce or affect another jumpers bounce in any way. This will help technique so that when you go for it all you need to do is thrust your hips forwards during the setup for the tuck, Jump forwards but set back more than a regular backflip. All who wants to jump must have a signed waiver. NO DIVING.
Wear appropriate clothing. No gum, food, or drinks are allowed in the trampoline arena.
Here, Trampoline in a great place to work on flipping skills and air awareness. So move forward with your first two just before the flip and it will help. Only the participants who can jump above the lower sweeper can face the Wipe. If you can already back flip just push off moving forwards and tuck, Just do a backflip, but once you are about to flip, jump forwards and backflip. Here is another tip from George Hery on Gainer back flips on trampoline.
You really gotta jump forwards, just get the feel of how far you need to jump and then really over exaggerate the backflipping motion, really throw those arms and tuck hard. The cody is an important developmental skill on trampoline and great to help develop air awareness for gymnastics. I am willing to help if you need help with it. Start by doing a stall backflip, but jumping a little forward while you stall. Land feet first, flat on stomach, side, butt or back.
Krista sets every full nicely. Stalling is gonna make you build confidence with your backflip, like spinning at the last second if needed. Once you have mastered your stall, and it should be as long as possible, then you can start using your stall to help gain distance forward. Do not throw balls at another jumpers head or neck area. Always observe sweeper arms never turn back. Act within their abilities; master basic skills before moving onto more advanced obstacles, Perform at their own risk: Obstacles can be dangerous, Stay at least an arms length away from all other participants, Have harness checked by staff before climbing, Be clipped to the safety line before climbing, 30lb minimum and 250lb maximum weight limit.
I first learned by running into it as if i was gonna kick a soccer ball. They are scary, and need practice to get used to them. Beginning Trampoline Part 4 (Al Fong of GAGE), Beginning Trampoline Part 3 (Al Fong of GAGE), Beginning Trampoline Part 2 (Al Fong of GAGE), Beginning Trampoline Part 1 (Al Fong of GAGE), Landing Positions on Trampoline - George Hery, Flipping Forward from Your Back - George Hery, Learning the Whip Back on Trampoline - George Hery, Back Flip with Full Twist on Trampoline - George Hery.
Do not attempt the trampoline park if you are pregnant, have a heart or back conditions, or are recovering from any injury. No Drugs or Alcohol Permitted.
(eZ@ 3G'/#RAJP4| 'C (" @1@ P Do not attempt any skill or activity outside of your personal limitations, abilities or skill level.
If so, you are welcome to send me a video, or post one, so I can give advice. IMPACT, FLIPPING, AND OTHER ACTIVITIES CAN RESULT IN SERIOUS OR FATAL HEAD INJURY, PARALYSIS, FRACTURE, AND SERIOUS INJURY. Before just sending it, a great way to lose fear with it, is to practice your stalls. DO NOT JUMP IF A COURT MONITOR IS NOT PRESENT. Back up past line and you are out. The biggest tip I have is to not be afraid. laK8!R-'M8aKWsyd;[ml^9-5aK[:-3SM=?uhSN6#SO1M5~1_M3z~,wzz?4S,>"~G?yVz{z/=~hUsxPQb/^q\K5jNW-mOQ2!
Everyone has viewed the Air Raid Safety Video. Here George Hery shows some forward flipping. The arabian, or twist, is a core skill for elite gymnasts. THIS LIST ABOVE IS NOT ALL_INCLUSIVE AND WE CANNOT LIST ALL OF THE ACTIVITIES THAT MAY LEAD TO INJURY. 0 )-(iK[s/]$v-w>wsfyyg p_|c)L9 mN Y7n;TJ7mz[+ nx%x y6Zv{#7m}G?k;/ vpmlQW\4 *z][a3ww&l!Y! Never enter foam pit heads first. If you feel tired, let know about it or lay down on a trampoline.
Stay in the center of trampoline when jumping. Remain centered on beam. No holding the ball for longer than 10 seconds. What is a Rudi in gymnastics? Part 4 of 4 of a Beginning Trampoline Clinic given by Al Fong of GAGE at a recent Region 4 Training camp. %PDF-1.5 % Dont grab, swing or ride on sweeper arms. Its gonna feel weird, but you gotta go with it. Be aware of those around you. The cat twist is a little used technique to initiate twist when you, The whip back has become an important connecting skill for tumbling. Here are some quick drills and progressions for learning to twist front flips from George Hery. Follow all park rules and the Court Monitors instructions. Keep looking in front of you until the rotation forces your head to turn. British Gymnastics knows! Be aware of those around you and jump with people that are of similar age/size. Activities and Dodgeball games may involve individuals of different sizes, ages, and abilities. You should get it if you do these things, Jump forward and push ur hips forward as well as setting forward, if everything goes forward that's the trick done, Try this setup technique: lie on the ground with your hands by your sides then pull your arms up as fast as possible and when they hit the floor bring your knees to your chest. Here are some drills from George Hery on perfecting the back flip with a full twist. PARTICIPATE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Here George Hery shows how to develop this skill. Do not use a trampoline when under the influence.