Second Battle of Passchendaele ends (see October 26th) and Battles of Ypres, 1917, end (see July 31st, 1917 and September 28th, 1918). However, because it was so very cold, much of the precipitation that did occur came down in the form of snow, resulting in snowfall totals that were well above normal. M. Ribot succeeds M. Briand as French Premier and Minister for Foreign Affairs (see 17th, December 12th, 1916, and September 9th, 1917). Vossuq ed Douleh, Persian Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, resigns (see August 29th, 1916, June 6th, 1917, and August 7th, 1918). Baghdad occupied by British forces (see February 25th). Liberia severs diplomatic relations with Germany (see August 4th). Transportation was practically paralyzed, including the inter-urbans and streetcars. Council of Trans-Caucasian peoples, i.e., Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Daghestan, proclaim Trans-Caucasia a federal Republic (see April 22nd, 1918). (see 25th). First United States destroyer flotilla arrives at Queenstown (see June 18th). By the 11th the ice was solid at Madison and gorged at Evansville, and by the 17th the river was solid at Cincinnati. Moon Island and Dag Island (Baltic) captured by German forces (see 11th and 12th). (see June 15th, 1917, aud October 31st, 1918). End of Third Battle of the Scarpe, 1917 (see 3rd) brings Battles of Arras, 1917, to an end (see April 9th).
Ain ed Douleh succeeds Ala es Sultaneh as Persian Prime Minister (see June 6th, 1917 and January 19th, 1918). First meeting of Russian and German delegates behind German lines to arrange for armistice (see 21st and 30th). "Jason" (torpedo gunboat) sunk by mine off west coast of Scotland. //-->, Saturday, 22 August, 2009 (See December 19th, 1914). Conscription Bill carried in Canadian House of Commons (see October 12th). Naval and Overseas Operations comprises operations on the seas On the morning of the 9th the freezing line dipped all the way down into Arkansas. Action by the "Swift" and "Broke" (see October 26th, 1916 and February 15th, 1918). Gorizia retaken by Austro German forces (see 24th). delegates at Brest-Litovsk-Bolshevik Russia, and Bulgaria, Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey (see 6th, and November 30th). In Louisville on the 14th three people were killed when two inter-urban cars collided, and the next day four people died when a snow-laden roof collapsed. On the 11th yet another dome of incredibly cold air that had organized in northwest Canada pushed into the northern Plains and Rockies while strong low pressure developed rapidly near New Orleans. Bolshevik coup d'tat in Petrograd. British Government give further pledge in house of Commons that restitution of Alsace-Lorraine is a War Aim (see February 15th). Mush (Armenia) occupied by Turkish forces (see August 24th, 1916). M. Tereshchenko succeeds M. Milyukov as Russian Foreign minister (see March 15th and November 8th). British S.S. "Laconia" sunk by submarine (see 27th). M. Barthou, French Foreign Minister, resigns (see 16th and October 23rd). Strong Canadian high pressure entered the northern Great Plains on the 8th of August, bringing temperatures in the 30s to Montana and Wyoming. German operations against the Baltic Islands begin (see 12th). Kirmanshah (Western Persia) again taken by Russian forces (see July 1st, 1916 and February 25th, 1918). Country roads were impassable for several days and some rural schools were closed for a week or more. Battle of Marasesti (Rumania) ends (see August 6th). Colonial and Overseas theatres, America, etc. Prince Golitsin, Russian Premier, removed from office by Revolutionary party (see 12th, 15th, and January 8th). Provisional Government in Russia recognised by Great Britain, France, Italy, United States of America, Rumania, and Switzerland (see 14th).

General Shuvaev, Russian Minister for War, resigns and is succeeded by General Byelyaev (see March 29th, 1916, and March 13th, 1917). Proclamation issued changing name of British Royal House to Windsor. Battle of Kut, 1917, begins (see December 13th, 1916 and February 23rd and 24th, 1917). Every station in Michigan reported snow during the month, with an even 12 inches falling on Ironwood on the Wisconsin border. Li-Yuan-Hung, President of China, resigns and is succeeded by Feng-Kuo-Chang (see June 6th, 1916, July 7th, 1917 and October 11th, 1918). 1-Stop Winter Forecast The following 25 pages are in this category, out of 25 total. Excerpted from The War of the Nations: Portfolio of Rotogravure Etchings, 526-27. From Monthly Weather Review, December 1917: From Monthly Weather Review, January 1918. Station History The amount of ice on the Ohio and middle Mississippi rivers surpassed anything that had been seen before. (see 21st and 25th). Karind (West Persia) occupied by Russian forces. Southern Front comprises the Allied Offensive in Macedonia to free Monastir begins (see 23rd). As darkness fell the blizzard raged, with gusts to 52 mph at Louisville and 44 mph at Lexington. Various sources have been used to create this timeline but a large proportion have come from a 1987 reprint Major-General Pershing arrives in France (see 8th and May 10th). Valid XHTML | Russian Provisional Government issue declaration repudiating a separate peace. United States Battleship Division, under Rear-Admiral Rodman, joins Grand Fleet at Scapa Flow. Battle of Kut, 1917, ends. President Wilson states that he considers sinking of "Laconia" the "overt act" for which he was waiting (see 25th and april 6th). M. Kerenski succeeds General Guchkov as Russian Minister for War (see March 15th and November 8th). At its mouth at Cairo, Illinois, the ice conditions exceeded in severity anything in the memory of the oldest inhabitant. A warm-up took place during the ten days leading up to the Christmas holiday, causing the snow pack to melt away. Braila (Rumania) taken by German forces. Lieut.-General Sir R. C. Maxwell, Quartermaster-General, B.E.F., France, resigns (see 23rd, and January 27th, 1915). German destroyers raid British convoy in the North Sea and sink H.M.S. (Discussions continued on the 6th and 7th.). German "unrestricted submarine warfare" begins (see January 31st). Russian Constituent Assembly meet in Petrograd (see 13th). Brazil severs diplomatic relations with Germany (see October 26th). Central U.S. "Simoom" sunk.

Prince Lvov appointed Russian Premier (see 13th, 14th and July 19th). First meeting of British Imperial War Conference (see December 19th, 1916). Action of Istabulat (Mesopotamia) (21st/22nd). General Foch succeeds General Ptain as Chief of the French General Staff of French Ministry of War (see October 8th, 1914 and November 27th, 1917). Manchu Emperor abdicates (see 1st and 6th). Riga captured by German forces (see 1st and 5th and October 16th). Herr von Bethmann-Holweg, German Imperial Chancellor, resigns (appointed July 14th, 1909): succeeded by Dr. Michaelis (see October 30th). Russian battleship "Slava" sunk (see September 3rd). Though the snow had ended and the sun came out, the wind continued to roar throughout the day at speeds of 20 to 40 mph with higher gusts. Guatemala severs diplomatic relations with Germany (see April 23rd, 1918). 1-Stop Drought General Sarrail recalled from Salonika (see 22nd, and January 16th, 1916). British, French, and Italian Governments conclude provisional arrangement with regard to future policy in Asia Minor (see May 16th, 1916 and July 27th, 1917). Climate Graphs Hamadan (Western Persia) recaptured by Russian forces (see August 10th, 1916, and March 16th, 1918). M. Venizelos assumes power at Athens. Battles of the Western Front: British Flanders Offensive 1917, Battles of the Western Front: British Cambrai Offensive 1917. Submit a Storm Report CSS. Southwold and Wangford on the Suffolk coast shelled by German destroyers. Battle of La Malmaison ends (see October 23rd). Arrival of British troops in Italy announced (see 3rd and June 30th, 1918). All maps on this pagewere generated by the Midwest Regional Climate Center. Allied Offensive in Macedonia ends (see 11th). First party of repatriated british prisoners reaches England from Switzerland (see May 13th, 1916). Action of Beho-Beho (East Africa) begins (see 4th). The index turned positive in Februaryand winter gradually loosened its icy grip on the Ohio Valley. (except where carried out in combination with troops on land) and in Third Battle of Gaza begins (see April 19th and November 7th). President Wilson in address to Congress asks for power to arm merchant ships (see February 21st, 1916 and March 12th, 1917). At Cairo pedestrians were able to walk across the Ohio River to Kentucky, a feat unknown to even the oldest inhabitants of the region. Truce between Russia and Central Powers comes into operation officially (see 2nd and 6th). google_ad_height = 60; On the night of the 11th and into the 12th the low continued to deepen and became quite powerful as it shot through the Tennessee and Ohio Valleys to the Great Lakeswhile the Canadian high nosed as far south as the Texas coast. This battle was part of the British offensive known as the Third Battle of Gaza aimed at breaking the Turkish defensive line that stretched from The American states of Texas, Arizona and New Mexico would be offered to the Mexican government in return for such assistance. Allied Conference at Rapallo. The high moves off to the east and low pressure over the mid-Mississippi Valleybrings more light snowto the region. Turkish attack on Arab stronghold at Petra repulsed. Battle of Polygon Wood (Ypres) ends (see September 26th). Austro-Romanian fronts. The temperature rose to only -2 at Louisville and -3 at Lexington.
Italy proclaims Protectorate over an independent Albania. Samarra (Mesopotamia) taken by British forces (23rd/24th). Inter-Allied Conference ["Commission de Ravitaillement"] at Petrograd dissolves (see January 17th). Harwich flotilla action with German 6th torpedo boat flotilla in the North Sea: H.M.S. Lieut.-General Sir T. E. Clarke, appointed Quartermaster-General, B.E.F., France (see 22nd). Evansville It's possible that the NAO was so strong that it dominated that winter's weather, overriding the signal from La Nia. Battle of Bill 70 (Lens) ends (see 15th). Admiral Sir John Jellicoe, First Sea Lord, Great Britain, resigns (see 27th, and December 4th, 1916). A brief shot of cold air came through around Thanksgiving, followed by another brief warm-up into early December. Forecast Discussion Severe aeroplane raid on England (Margate and London; casualties 250, mostly civilian: last on London by daylight) (see November 28th, and August 22nd, 1916 and May 19th and July 20th, 1918). The graphics are smoothed, so values shown here may not exactly match individual values at a specific point. (click on an image to see a larger version). British Labour Party decide to send delegates to a "consultative" Conference at Stockholm (see 13th). General Sir S. Maude, Commander-in-Chief in Mesopotamia, dies at Baghdad (see August 28th, 1916): succeeded by Lieut.-General Sir W. R. Marshall. British Government give the King of the Hejaz (see December 15th, 1916, and February 4th, 1918) written assurance of the future independence of the Arab people. Tornado Machine Plans, Weather Safety Last Russian and Rumanian forces evacuate the Dobrudja (see August 25th, 1916, and December 3rd, 1918). Kut reoccupied by British forces (see 24th, and January 9th). German airship "L.-48" destroyed by aeroplane at Theberton in Suffolk. Battle of Langemarck, 1917 (Ypres), ends (see 16th). United States of America sever diplomatic relations with Germany (see April 6th).
A huge dome of high pressure gathered over northwest Canada during the first week of December and began to slide southeast on the 7th. Also, severe thunderstorms with mainly damaging winds are possible today in parts of the Northeast and in the Southeast. Last German aeroplane raid on England by daylight (see July 7th and September 2nd). In central Kentucky the coldest readings were -16 at Bardstown and Frankfort, -19 at Junction City, and -20 at Taylorsville. General Kornilov heads revolt against Russian Provisional Government and marches on Petrograd (see 10th and 13th and August 1st). Inter-Allied Conference assembles in Rome to discuss co-operation, and the questions of Macedonia, Greece, the command of the Salonika expedition and to convene a shipping conference. When the pressure centers weaken, the jet stream weakens and buckles, allowing cold air that might otherwise have stayed bottled up in Canada to come flooding south in to the eastern United States. M. Zaimis, Greek Premier, resigns (see May 3rd and June 26th). Lieut.-General A. de Ceuninck appointed Minister for War (see November 21st, 1918). Admiral Sims, United States Navy, hoists his flag at Queenstown as acting Commander-in-Chief Irish Command (see April 9th and May 2nd). December 31, 1917 German destroyer raid on Margate and Broadstairs (see March 18th). [The actual suspension of hostilities took place on dates fixed by the local Arms Commanders (see 8th) in anticipation of truce arranged between the official negotiators (see 6th).]. Full Inter-Allied Conference assembles in Paris to discuss the Balkan situation, with military, naval and political committees to discuss plans in view of a probable collapse of Russia (Conference continued on 26th). Central Powers proclaim grant of temporary Constitution to Poland, (see April 5th and October 15th, 1917 and January 10th, 1918). google_ad_width = 468; Multiple locations were found. Copyright Historic UK Ltd. Company Registered in England No. Local Climate Page Jerusalem surrenders to British forces (see 11th). Dr. da Silva Paes appointed Acting President of Portugal (see December 11th, 1917, and May 9th, 1918). U.S. Brigadier General Pershing makes his first request for an army of 1,000,000 men. About Our Office Nationwide Weather Stories M. Kerenski assumes Dictatorship of Russia (see August 6th and November 8th) and issues proclamation declaring General Kornilov a traitor (see 8th and 13th). KY Mesonet, Latest Forecasts Lenine and Trotzky in power; Bolshevist coup d'etat in Russia. A few more inches of snow fell on the 1st and second of January 1918, and with the exception of a brief respite on the 5th and 6th, colder than normal conditions continued through the first 3 weeks of the new year. Armistice ("Truce of Focsani") signed between Rumania and Central Powers (see 6th, and November 10th, 1918). Local Climate Pages Suspension of hostilities between the Russian and German Armies begins (see 8th). Russian Provisional Government Issue Proclamation acknowledging the Independence of Poland (see 14th, November 5th, 1916 and April 5th, 1917). Concerted attack by German submarines on United States transports defeated. Agreement concluded between French and Italian Governments defining respective zones of influence in Asia Minor (see August 18th). Secret Convention signed at Brest-Litovsk between Germany and Russian Bolshevik Government concerning Poland. British Government inform Russian Provisional Government of their adherence to the principle of an independent and united Poland (see March 30th and September 13th, 1916, and January 10th, 1917). M. Pokrovski, Russian Foreign Minister, resigns (see December 12th, 1916 and March 15th, 1917). Peru severs diplomatic relations with Germany.
British hospital ship "Dover Castle" sunk by submarine in the Mediterranean. Succeeded by Prince Ahmed Fuad, his youngest brother. Haiti severs diplomatic relations with Germany (see July 12th, 1918). Battle of the Menin Road Ridge (Ypres) ends (see. Battle of Jaffa (Palestine) ends (see 21st). General Hoskins succeeds General Smuts in command of British forces, East Africa (see February 19th, 1916 and May 30th, 1917). Past Derby/Oaks/Thunder Weather "Second Offensive Battle" of Verdun begins [French name and dates.] The British detonate 19 large mines containing some 455 tonnes of explosive under the. Selective draft law passed in United states. "Second Offensive Battle" of Verdun ends (see August 20th). Russia proclaimed a Republic by the Provisional GoVernment (see 10th). (see 23rd). General Brusilov succeeds General Alexeiev as Russian Commander-in-Chief (see September 5th, 1915 and August 1st, 1917). (see May 17th and June 14th).
General Ptain succeeds General Nivelle as Commander-in-Chief of French Northern and North-Eastern Groups of Armies (see April 29th, 1917 and November 19th, 1918). (see 23rd and August 17th). Zaleszczyki (Galicia) recaptured by austro-German forces (see June 12th, 1916). Hourly Observations Battle of Messines, 1917, ends (see 7th and April 10th, 1918). The Battle of Beersheba. The British capture Jerusalem from the Turks.
Below is an illustration of typical weather conditions experienced when the NAO is negative: In December 1917 and January 1918 the NAO was negative. At 7am, winds were blowing at 20 to 30 mph while the temperature at Louisville was fifteen degrees below zero and Lexington was fourteen below. Battle of Marasesti (Rumania) begins (see August 1st). Uruguay severs diplomatic relations with Germany. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Tornado History First German aeroplane raid on England by moonlight by more than one aeroplane (see 4th and May 7th). After the storm of the 11th-12th abated, intense cold continued. Signor Orlando appointed Italian Premier (see 25th). British Government issue Order in Council instituting the Air Council (see November 29th, 1917, and January 3rd, 1918). On September 11 record lows were set in central Kentucky that still stand today: 42 at Lexington and Frankfort, and 44 at Louisville. Asiatic and Egyptian Theatres comprises United States Congress pass Bill for raising 500,000 men (see 6th and May 18th). Second German destroyer raid on Straits of Dover (night 20th /21st). Sorry, the location you searched for was not found. Action of Nyangao (German East Africa) begins (see 19th). Climate Prediction
German raider "Moewe" returns to Kiel from her second cruise (see November 26th, 1916). M. Ribot reappointed French Foreign Minister (see 9th, and October 23rd ). CoCoRaHS Diplomatic relations severed with Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey. Manchu Emperor (Hsuan-Fung) restored in China (see June 6th, 1916 and July 6th and 7th, 1917). German Government announce forthcoming "unrestricted" submarine warfare and threaten to sink hospital ships (see February 1st). Count Hertling replies to German aeroplanes for the first time raid London by night in force (see 2nd). Pronne and Noyon occupied by Allied forces (see September 21st, 24th and 25th, 1914; and March 24th and 25th, 1918). of the following book first published in 1922 by His Majesty's Stationery Office (HMSO): History of the Great War - Principal Events 1914-1918, HMSO, 1922, ISBN - 0 948 13031 8. Storm Prediction Center Fire Weather Affairs in the Siwa Oasis end (see 3rd and 8th). Corinth and Larissa occupied by Entente forces. Italian naval raid on Trieste harbour (night 9th/10th). Armistice negotiations on Russian front resumed (see 6th and 15th). Agreement signed at The Hague for the exchange of combatant and civilian British and German prisoners of war (see May 13th, 1916). military action in Great Britain, Switzerland, Scandinavia and Holland. British Government give pledge in House of Commons that the restitution of Alsace-Lorraine is an object of the war (see November 15th). General Guillaumat appointed Allied Commander-in-Chief at Salonika (see 14th, and June 6th, 1918). The German counter-attacks at Cambrai begin (see 20th and December 3rd). Czernowitz (Bukovina) retaken by Austro-German forces (see June 17th, 1916). ]: succeeded by Talaat Pasha (see October 13th, 1918). First plenary session of Interallied War Council. On the 8th the low strengthened as it crossed the Tennessee Valley while the Canadian high pushed into the United States, spanning the entire length of the Great Plains all the way to the Texas coast. Count Tisza, Hungarian Premier, resigns [Appointed June 10th 1913.] First regular convoy of merchant ships sails from Hampton Roads (Va.) [Experimental convoys had been tried in May. Advisory/Warning Criteria, Radar On the 10th wind speeds were only in the teens and 20s, but the high temperature at Louisville was 7, and Lexington didnt make it past 6 after a morning low of nine degrees below zero.
General Allenby succeeds General Sir A. Murray as General Officer Commanding in Egypt (see March 19th, 1916). First Battle of Gaza ends (see 26th, and April 17th). First great aeroplane raid on England (Kent and Folkestone) to cause heavy casualties. Austrian battleship "Wien" sunk. Entente Governments present demand to Greek Government for abdication of King Constantine (see 12th and May 28th). Japanese battle cruiser "Tsukuba" sunk by internal explosion in harbour. Armistice pourparlers begun by Russian Bolshevik Government with Central Powers (see 8th, 27th and 30th). Transportation was made extremely difficult by the heavy snow, resulting in shortages of fuel and other supplies. Convoys outward from Great Britain did not start till August.] British hospital ship "Glenart Castle" damaged by mine between Havre and Southampton (see February 26th, 1918). Mutiny breaks out in the Russian Black Sea Fleet at Sevastopol (see March 16th, 1917 and May 1st, 1918). About the NWS