So, they are like a mirror image of each other. ENTP and INTJ work well together, both involved in intellectual pursuits and preference for independence. To an INTJ, its appealing. As perpetual thinkers, they love being able to share and discuss ideas with a special person. INTJs tend to live a more secluded existence and prefer to preoccupy themselves with books, films, games and work. Suddenly, youre more concerned about whos right or has a superior intellect. INTJ and INFJ Relationship- A Truly Beautiful Thing, Receiving Gifts Love Language- The Complete Guide, Physical Touch Love Language- Complete Guide, Love Languages- Quality Time (Complete Guide), Love Languages- Words of Affirmation (A Helpful Guide), 18 INTJ Anime Characters/Cartoon Characters We Absolutely Love. For each of the 16 personality types, their shadow is all of the functions of their mind that they devalued and repressed. More than anything, an INTJ will love when others are considerate of their space and independence. They may feel Introverts are boring, or just disinterested in talking to them. INTJs live in their heads, and getting them out is expertly done when they can feel like their ideas are valued. To them, standard romantic gestures hold less weight than quality time with their partner, working towards common goals and engaging in intellectually stimulating activities. ENTPs love shiny new things. They love structure and are very organized. This remains the truth even though you share so many things in common. However, their body language and treatment will very clearly show that they are in love that is, if they dont directly admit it themselves. ENTPs love the sarcasm of the INTJ. A partner who can share in that vision is important, and continual discussions of it will solidify an INTJs trust in their commitment to the relationship. Instead, they enjoy the process of fixing up any issues, discussing solutions with their partner, self-development, and helping their partner grow alongside them. Get to the gist quickly and let your partner ask the questions. ENFPs empathy gives them a better understanding of the INTJ. Debate and arguments are a way of life for Rational types and for ENTP and INTJ, it may actually bring them closer together. Be patient, for it will get on your nerves. From observation to research, they are the first to notice little, important facts that help their understanding and dealings with their partner. However, with a partner they care immensely about, they would gladly give away a portion of their alone-time to spend on their partner. Furthermore, a person who can engage with discussion, and even more heated arguments with an INTJ is less likely to take it personally. ENTP Most Important Aspects: This can translate to a disorganized space and chaotic planning. INTJs dont appreciate beating around the bush, nor do they feel connected with people without ambitions. To break it down, INTJs are happiest when they have an optimal balance of alone time and time with their partner. An INTJ falls in love gradually, and cautiously and only if they have pulled back to thoroughly examine their feelings. ENTP Least Important Aspects: They feel like the other always seems to be opposing them in some way, even when they are doing nothing at all. So, things just flow naturally. This is usually enhanced by the Ne and Ni combo. Copyright 2018 Personality Central. The ESTJ tends to be reflective of the past, focusing on concrete observations and experiences, while the INTJ enjoys breaking down why and how things came to be. These relationships are referred to as shadow relationships because in Jungian terms, they are each others shadow type. They like to be three steps ahead and plan for all possibilities, and their desire to always be better can mean they look to the future optimistically, devising strategies to get the most favorable outcomes. An ENFJ will bring much warmth and fun to the relationship, but INTJ may view ENFJs as overly emotional. Thus, issues will be confronted head-on, and solutions found easily. As lone-wolves themselves, INTJ looks for those who understand them and respect their individuality. When neither person feels accepted for themselves, they show less and less of themselves to their partner. Societys seal of approval is of much less importance to Rationals as compared with Guardians and Artisans. Keirsey asserts that Rationals get along best with other Rationals and also Idealists due to their shared intuition preference. The hallmarks of a good relationship for an INTJ include: Commitment is a vital value to them, and without it, they will refrain from investing any more into a person. There is no room for emotional manipulation or passive aggression an INTJ is direct when sharing their thoughts, if not their emotions. Perceivers, on the other hand, help Judgers to lighten up and see the fun side of life, bidding them to be less serious and uptight about everything something that the Judgers know they need a reminder of. Both ENTP and INTJ do not require constant reaffirmations of their partners love for them. Thus, they both enjoy talking about abstract concepts. Due to their differing attitudes about structure and organization, INTJ and ENTP may have to meet in the middle and make certain concessions so as to avoid irritating and annoying one another. shared religious beliefs, shared interests, financial security, similar parenting styles, spiritual connection. This means they base their decisions on hard logic. 33 Signs You Are A Highly Rational Thinker. Overall, ENTP and INTJ relationships are one of the most growth-inducing of all relationships. Rather, they are always mentally optimizing and planning for the most beneficial ways to further build on themselves and the relationship. INTJ on the other hand, is inclined to require a purpose and reason for almost anything they do. Additionally, these couples have difficulty in connecting on a deep level because they do not make each other feel truly seen and understood. Check out more of our free resources below for ENTPs and INTJs in love. INTJs usually find the adventures of ENTPs memorable and thrilling. The ideal relationship for an INTJ doesnt have to match the perfect ideal in their minds. It opens them to a whole new world. When they are fixated on something, they can spend hours learning everything they can about it.

This is really the same for both types. The INTJs overactive imagination can do well with an ESTJs back-to-earth mentality. They will feel like they have finally met an equal. All Rights Reserved. ISTJs are reliable and dont overdramatize situations, which INTJs value. However, they may become rigid in their routines and spend less time with each other. Copyright All right reserved, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window). Future-oriented INTJs are best complemented by types like ENFP and ENTP, which have similar values to INTJs but more extroverted tendencies. The INTJ is attracted to the ENTPs confidence and self-security, as well as their inclination to do fresh, exciting things. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. The ENTP and INTJ relationships can be intense and mind-blowing. Even giving a special person extra attention or interest is a huge sign, because INTJ males will honestly not waste their time otherwise. ENTPs are usually sapiosexuals. Tieger & Tieger. ENTPs are very curious. Things can get intense but these types enjoy having a partner who can give them a run for their money and both dish it and take it as well. Others who depend on emotional expression may feel an INTJ is insensitive, although it is in most cases, not the intention. Dont interrupt your partners silence uninvited, especially at the workplace. Come to a conclusion If you let your discussion or ideas stay as it is, it may frustrate your partner. An understanding, a patient partner is most suited for an INTJ, giving them room to flourish on their own. Both types have an openness to possibilities although ENTP is more flexible and adaptable to those possibilities than INTJ. The INTJ, in explaining themselves, will lose the remaining energy they had to socialize. INTJs prefer to have a balance of time spent with their partner and on their own. The ENFP can offer a new, exciting perspective to life, but with a habit of procrastinating, may clash with the structured, stable INTJ. Extroverts, however, may find that the Introvert is too quiet and communicates too little with nothing to share. They are not ones to show emotions easily, even to those closest to them. The INTJ can be initially attracted to a quality appearance, striking independence, and intelligence, the best person to date is someone who is emotionally stable and respects boundaries. ENTP wants their space. You are both different. We will look at each of the 4 preferences individually: This is a summary of the joys and pains of the INTJ ENTP relationship. The Sensing-Feeling type expresses emotions as a reaction to their direct perceptions, while the INTJs Intuitive-thinking processing and analyzes the situation inwardly before expressing their conclusion. They can use their understanding of personality psychology to communicate more effectively who they are and whats important to them. Make plans and follow through. As such, ENTP and INTJ couples face a lot of challenges but also an opportunity for growth.

Hiding who they are does not allow for them to fully grow into themselves and causes bitterness. Generally, INTJs can pick up if someone is right or wrong for them from the get-go. While both ambitious and independent, INTJ may feel the ENTJ is controlling, while the ENTJ can get annoyed by INTJs need to analyze every decision. When they notice INTJs need that space too, their minds will be blown. As such, both find it easy to communicate with each other; they wont have to try to cushion their message or filter it; but can afford to be direct without being afraid of offending the other party. Their brains fall head over heels in love at first sight. This makes them reliable. The issue is that most people are usually not on the same wavelength. INTJ may often feel that ENTP is unfocused and indecisive. Lets look at the cognitive functions of the ENTP and INTJ. INTJs are strongly compatible with Extroverted-Intuition types like ENFP and ENTP. This just follows the last point. But how compatible are ENTP and INTJ really? INTJs will never jump wholeheartedly into love at the slightest flutter of the heart. This will also positively impact their discussions. If a relationship is filled with disrespecting boundaries, too much instability or surprises they couldnt predict, or indirect communication, the relationship may become strained. In some cases, this can feel like micromanagement for the INTJ. TypeMatch is your #1 resource for personality and love. An Introvert may feel neglected and unheard by Extroverts because they will only share if asked and Extroverts usually dont ask. Generally, an ideal relationship will include three priorities: independence, long-term commitment, and continual refinement. The future is always on an INTJs mind. They open each others worlds to different opportunities and ways of being. Their reliability is something that will surprise and appeal to them. However, INTJs may need to guard against being too pushy, rigid and critical of their ENTP mate and try letting some of the minor things slide.
While not super physically affectionate, if an INTJ shows they are comfortable with someone through small, deliberate touches. Therefore, quality time is their love language. Objectively, an INTJ is not the most romantic, not in common sense. While INTJs are generally prefer not to show their emotions, they are excellent listeners. Get connected with us through our newsletters and get fresh and interesting content each month. When it comes to communication, being able to bounce ideas back and forth is stimulating for an INTJ, and better than any romantic gift. INTJs will have the chance to save their energies and quietly convey their opinions to the ENTPs. A good balance can be achieved with proper delegation of duties or with the hiring of a domestic helper. That is one of the main reasons why ENTPs are attracted to INTJ.

The INTJ will complain. INTJ Least Important Aspects: INTJs are good lovers in the ways they know best. For this relationship to work well, the ENTP and INTJ must be dedicated to understanding themselves and each other. Your email address will not be published. Additionally, INTJs look for someone independent, who is self-possessed, and who knows who they are. INTJ treat love just like anything else; they conceptualize it logically, consider the pros and cons, theorize the long-term implications, and so on. Only after logically considering the situation will they consciously accept whether they are in love or not. Once they are in a relationship, they do whatever it takes to know everything about their partner.
This difference in preference will sometimes lead to dissatisfaction. Trust your partners intuition Your partner has a strong intuition which means they may have a conclusion before they understand its logic. Make plans You may be spontaneous with your schedule and plans, but it may get on your partners nerves. An INTJ is hungry for continuous personal growth. Their defined roles will also extend to other things such as their finances and homes. having fun together, mutual support, humor, intimacy, accepting each others differences, intellectual stimulation, companionship. Because both parties enjoy discussing big ideas, possibilities and global issues, they will usually find a certain attraction to each other. When considering a potential partner, their strong emotions will prompt INTJs to analyze the long-term trajectory of a relationship. Despite that, she will be just as loyal, despite not falling into the normal idea of a girlfriend. By doing this, they can make crucial changes when needed. So, when those differences start shining through, you have to accept them. This sectionINTJ - ENTP relationshipis about how these two personality types come together in a relationship. Jetta Moon is an artist, writer and astrology blogger with a passion for creativity and psychology. As problem-solvers, they will stop at nothing to improve the situation. When an INTJ begins playing with the idea of a potential partner in their plans, its a good sign theyre in love. fidelity, mutual support, mutual commitment, intellectual stimulation, being listened to, shared values, having fun together. When it comes to conversation, INTJs dont flirt as much as they engage others in deep philosophical or theoretical discussion. An INTJ in love is difficult to point out. For true growth to occur, they must push each other and not enable each other. For example, a relationship with someone who is overly needy emotionally or physically will not work well with an INTJ. Once they finalize the decision in their minds every going through multiple future trajectories, they are committed to that person, no questions asked. For one, an INTJ must date someone patient and emotionally intelligent. Then, allow your partner to discuss with you the logic of the thought process. ESFP is more carefree about relationships, which wont align with INTJs preference for a serious commitment. In a relationship, the INTJ will always look for long-term viability. The INTJs last choices for a compatible relationship include personality types with Sensing and Judging traits, so types like ISFJ & ESTJ may clash with INTJs in their contrasting worldview. They can make for great partners in business and possess the skill sets that can yield financial success in creative and intellectual enterprise. Whether they help a partner strive to reach an objective or help them with a problem, INTJs show their support clearly. With that, falling in love with an INTJ is a combination of deep emotions and a lengthy, rational process. INTJs will be attracted to the creativity of the ENTP. They may seem intimidating on the outside, but they simply refrain from being too forward. The INTJ treasures connection with someone who fits perfectly into their long-term life outlook, with whom they can grow together. INTJ may see ISFJ as too conservative and overemotional, while ISFJ wont appreciate INTJs being too lost in their thoughts. INTJs are masters of dark humor. Both INTJ and ESFJ are very organized, but INTJ cannot provide the level of care and sensitivity that the ESFJ does. INTJs will not stay for very long in a relationship that doesnt work. The ENFPs strength in feeling-based decision-making complements the INTJs rational mind. Some of INTJs weaknesses in love include being overly critical and not understanding their partner emotionally. The ISFJ may perceive the INTJ as cold or uncaring in their mannerisms, misinterpreting them. The ENTP will insist. While they dont have very much in common, INTJ will appreciate the ESTJs stability. While INTJs dont actively search for love, when dating, they will do it seriously with a clear goal in mind. Get to the gist quickly Your partner may get impatient when listening to you. This is the price each of us pays for specialization in our minds. Usually, without saying anything, they will go out of their way to provide utmost respect and comfort to their partner. The INTJ will be excited by the ideas of the ENTP. He is also an enthusiast of MBTI theory and loves to research and write about what he learns. Quality time and physical touch are among their top three languages. Both are intuitive, rational, and future-focused, but INTP is far less confrontational and direct, which can cause communication issues. Make it a point to express your ideas. Imagine someone else pouring as much energy and time into your personal goal or dream as you thats the length an INTJ will go to offer support. Because the INTJ is a thinker, they can handle most criticisms or feedback. It might be time to take a trip down memory lane. We cannot look at every single perspective at once, our minds have to prioritize some over others. While not the most externally romantic, INTJs portray their feelings by spending time with their loved ones, seeking imaginative, conceptual discourse. This is one of the ways in which INTJ can be an asset to the ENTP in helping them organize their life and manage their time better. However, they have to be careful to not let the other just fill in the gaps of things that they dont want to do. ENTP and INTJ are largely realists. Furthermore, before they do anything, they rely on their logical mind first, even if inspired by their emotions. INTJs will think the ENTP is cool. First, heres why both personality types might be attracted to each other. So, not giving them their space will leave them dissatisfied. A mutual perceiving preference is what Keirsey believed contributed to better understanding and communication which is vital to a healthy relationship. Perceivers are happy to go with the flow according to the Judgers opinions, and they are generally okay with most casual decisions. This helps them to realistically rate their relationships and progress. POLL: WHAT IS YOUR MYERS BRIGGS + ZODIAC SIGN COMBO?
However, they may clash due to ISTJs traditional outlook and INTJs unconventional innovations. The INTJ will think they are irresponsible. Funnily enough, there is a rule of thumb if the INTJ is not acting like their usual self around someone, chances are they are in love. Otherwise, they dont care for normal dating practices, like luxurious high-class restaurants or excessive gifts or affection. To maintain the relationship and improve it, they will gladly undergo awkward, direct communication to find a solution. Physical appearance is also important, but a person lacking interest in theoretical and intellectual back-and-forth is a deal-breaker. Also, remember that ENTP and INTJ are both intuitive. If they are willing to continually interact with someone, its a good sign. Although, they can make for wonderful partners, establishing a close relationship with them can take more time and effort than with other personality types because of the complexities in their character. Thus, ENFP or ENTP match well with an INTJ. He is an ENTP, lawyer and is very enthusiastic about psychology. However, this difference may become problematic if the ENTJ does not realize that the INTJ is inwardly just as resolute as them, in which case an INTJ can begin to feel smothered and resentful. The disparity between Thinking and Feeling may nonetheless cause some problems in this relationship, and INFJ may ultimately be disappointed by a perceived lack of feeling in the INTJ, so it is important that communication remains prioritized. source: Just Your Type. According to the common conventions of love and romance, they may not conform. Be patient with their discussion Your partner enjoys the process of debate. ENTPs are masters of thinking outside the box. INFJ is one of the more compatible matches for an INTJ. ENTPs are complex and tricky to get to know at their core. Both tend to enjoy each others uniqueness, not just in viewpoints but also in fashion, tastes and so on. The most suitable counterparts for an INTJ will be opposite in source of energy and similar in how they understand the world: Extroverted-Intuition will be most suited for an Introverted-Intuition. An INTJs most valued currency is their time. This relationship thrives when both are respectful of each others energy levels. This same mode of decision-making will mean that they are less likely to come into conflict. Because both parties enjoy talking about the future, their conversations will more often revolve around future hopes and dreams and exciting possibilities. This trait usually means more things to talk about. For ENTP and INTJ couples, there is something alluring about being with their shadow type. Are you looking for a relationship where you feel understood and loved for who you are? A bad relationship for an INTJ may consist of little independence and too many surprises. This usually shows when they have different opinions about a concept or idea. This is likely to be less of a problem and understood without any harsh feelings. The partner that has to be constantly responsible for the everyday maintenance may feel resentment or unfulfilled. This way, both can enjoy passionate arguments without damaging the relationship. ENTP and INTJ relationships benefit from having similar love languages. While they dont necessarily flirt in the traditional sense, an INTJ will reveal their humorous charm, usually with sarcasm to get their partner to laugh. Meanwhile, the INTJ will struggle to help an ISFJ change since ISFJs favor stability in their routines over time. A relationship between an ISTP and INTJ may be free of conflict, with both respecting each others privacy and individual interests. While this might have its own issues, it has definite benefits too. Here are 6 aspects that illustrate the dynamic of the INTJ and ENTP romantic relationship and also friendship. Both ENTP and INTJ communicate in a blunt and straightforward manner. In decision-making, both parties use a logical, objective analysis to access pros and cons. Be patient, especially when your partner does not seem to want to bring things to a conclusion. They appreciate people who are plain in communicating their attraction, as things like small talk, flirting, and mind games feel vapid and unnecessary to the INTJ. While not skilled at expressing themselves, an INTJ shows love by spending more attention and time with a person. Furthermore, neither the INTJ or ENTP is likely to accuse the other of being cold and uncaring, because of the lack of feeling they express. Whatever feeling they show is likely to be good enough. INTJ and INTP find many agreeable traits in each other.