For some athletes selected, this will be their first taste of what it means to represent their nation at an international level, while all athletes will benefit from the team camp and competition experience from June 2 13. In short, the key details for this team are as follows: There will be a compulsory team levy per athlete.
A total of six of Australias top 10 female hurdlers will feature on the 27th of March. All hurdles and steeplechase events (regardless of age) will be completed on the first weekend, October 16-17. Preparation is continuing for all Championships subject to advice from State and Territory Departments of Health and dependent on the re-opening of State and Territory borders.
Highlight your name in each of the events in which you have nominated to compete. This levy includes the following: All athletes will also be required to pay an Athletics Australia event entry fee of of $30.00 per event. NSW Pre-Departure Parent Team Meeting (TBC), Athletes must not have their fourteenth birthday on or before 31st December 2022, Athletes must not have their sixteenth birthday on or before 31st December 2022, Athletes must not have their eighteenth birthday on or before 31st December 2022, Current Working With Children Clearance letter for voluntary work, Completed level 1 and 2 ASADA e-learning modules, Completed 'Play By The Rules' Child Protection, Harassment & Discrimination Modules, Snacks and refreshments throughout the day, Access to physiotherapy throughout the championships, Access to recovery options throughout the championships, Athletes must turn 12 in the year of competition in order to compete in these championships, Athletes must be turning 14 in the year of competition to compete in the 2000m Steeplechase. Des started his career in athletics whilst still a Queensland schoolteacher - a profession in which he proudly worked in from 1960 through until his retirement in 1997.
The visiting team competed by invitation, but enjoyed the hospitality of the host families and schools. In the absence of an Australian Schools Championships for 2021, we feel it vital to recognise the performances of those who competed at the QLD All Schools in what has been another tough year for our school athletes. These events are open to everyone in the age groups listed above and there are no qualifying standards! Des fell into the role of President of Queensland athletics, when our dear friend Reg Brandis passed away in early 2012. Athletes may enter the same event in more than one age group, providing they are age eligible. This wasnt her first trip into 12s territory, as she dipped under the barrier for the first time back at the 2020 Melbourne Track Classic, winning the race in 12.94s. The depth doesnt end there though, with consistent top 3 finisher and 10.35 man Jake Penny having a career year, Joshua Azzopardi having a brilliant transition into the senior ranks, Dhruv Rodrigues-Chico stepping out for his Track Classic debut (how has this taken so long?! Cant wait! We have also seen significant increases in participation in Shield Meets and Championships. Darwin, NT: 18 to 24 September 20192019: Day 1, 2 and 3 Track and Field - Results click here2019: Final Combined Event and Points Summary - Results click here2019: Teams Challenge Team Points - Results click here2019: Teams Challenge Final Placings - Results click here2019: Summary of Record Breakers (updated) - click here, Melbourne: 23 27 November 2018 2018: Results Day 1, 2 and 3 click here2018: Combined Event Results Points Summary click here2018: Teams Challenge Results click here2018: Individual Record Breakers click here2018: Relay Record Breakers click hereThe Teams Challenge replaced the Relay Day in 2018, Pacific School Games, Adelaide: 2-6 December 2017 2017: PSG Results Days 1,2,3 and 4 click here2017: PSG Relay Day Results Track click here2017: PSG Relay Day Results Field click here2017: Summary of Individual Record Breakers click here2017: Summary of Relay Record Breakers click here, Sydney: 25 - 29 November 20162016: Day 1, 2 and 3 Results (26 - 28 November 2016) click here2016: Relay Day Results (29 November 2016) click here2016: Combined Event Results click here2016: Summary of Individual Record Breakers click here2016: Summary of Relay Record Breakers click hereThe title Athletes with a Disability (AWD) was changed to athletes with a Multi Class (MC) in 2016The title Multi Events was changed to Combined Events in 2016, Canberra: 4 8 December 20152015: Day 1, 2 and 3 Results (updated 11 January 2016) click here2015: Multi Event Results click here2015: Relay Day Results Track Relays click here2015: Relay Day Results Field Relays click here2015: Summary of All Record Breakers click here, Penguin TAS: 28 November - 1 December 2014 2014: Days 1, 2 and 3 Full Results (Updated 11 December 2014) click here2014: Multi Events Full Results click here2014: Relay Day Results click here2014: Summary of All Record Breakers by State click here, Brisbane: 22 - 26 November 20132013: Day 1, 2 and 3 - Results click here2013: Multi Events - Results click here2013: Relay Day - Results click here2013: Record Breakers Summary click here, Adelaide: 23-27 November 2012 2012: Day 1 and 2 - Results click here (updated 3 December)2012: Multi Events - Results click here2012: Relay Day - Results click here2012: Summary of All Record Breakers click hereAWD records were established for the 2012 Championships complied from past results going back to 2003, Darwin: 15 - 19 September 2011 2011: Days 1, 2 and 3 - Final Results click here2011: Multi Events - Results click here2011: Relay Day - Results click here2011: Summary of Record Breakers click here, Bendigo: 28 Novemer - 2 December 2010 2010: Individual - Results click here2010: Multi Event - Results click here2010: Relay Day - Results click here2010: Summary of Record Breakers click here, Sydney: 29 November - 2 December 20092009: Individual, AWD, Relays, Multi Events and Relay Day - Results click here2009: Summary of Record Breakers click here, Pacific School Games, Canberra: 29 November - 8 December 20082008: Individual, AWD, Relays - Results click here2008: Record Breakers Summary click here, Launceston: 29 November - 3 December 20072007: Individual, AWD, Relays, Multi Events and Relay Day - Results click here2007: Summary of Record Breakers - click here, Cairns: 23-27 November 20062006: Individual, AWD, Relays and Multi Events - Results click here2006: Record Breakers Summary click here2006: AWD Record Breakers Summary click here, Pacific School Games, Melbourne: 25 November - 4 December 20052005: Day 1 - Results click here2005: Day 2 - Results click here2005: Day 3 - Results click here2005: Day 4 - Results click here2005: Day 5 - Results click here2005: Day 5 AWD Relays - Results click here2005: Day 5 Field Relays - Results click here2005: Record Breakers Summary click here, Adelaide: 28 November - 2 December 20042004: Individual and Relays - Results click here 2004: Multi Events - Results click here2004: AWD - Results click here 2004: Record Breakers Summary - click here, Darwin: 11-15 September 20032003: Individual, Relay and Multi Events - Results click here 2003: AWD - Results click hereEvents for Athletes with a Disability (AWD) were contested for the first time in 2013 the Track and Field Exchange, Canberra: 1 - 5 December 20022002: Individual, AWD and Relays - Results click here2002: Multi Events - Results click here2002: Summary of Record Breakers click here, Melbourne: 25-30 November 20012001: Individual and Relay - Results (no info available)2001: Multi Events - Results click here, Pacific School Games, Sydney: May 20002000: Individual and Relays - Results click here2000: AWD Individual and Relays - Results click hereInformation on any record breakers is not available, Townsville, QLD: 24 - 29 November 1999Results will be added as archival material becomes available, Adelaide: 29 December - 4 December 1998Results will be added as archival material becomes available, Canberra: 7 -11 December 1997Results will be added as archival material becomes available, Pacific School Games, December Perth: 19961996: Individual and Relays - Results click hereInformation on AWD results is not availableInformation on any record breakers is not available, Melbourne: 3 - 8 December 1995Results will be added as archival material becomes available1995: Summary of Record Breakers click here, Sydney: 5 - 9 December 1994Results will be added as archival material becomes available1994: Summary of Record Breakers click here, Brisbane: 6-10 December 1993Results will be added as archival material becomes available, Pacific School Games, April Darwin: 1992Results will be added as archival material becomes available, Canberra: 5 - 9 December 1991Results will be added as archival material becomes available, Adelaide: 2 - 7 December 1990Results will be added as archival material becomes available, Melbourne: 3 - 8 December 1989Results will be added as archival material becomes available, Pacific School Games, Sydney: December 19881988: Track Individual and Relays - Results click here1988: Field Individual - Results click here1988: AWD (ID only) Track and Field - Results click hereInformation on any records borken is not available, Brisbane: 29 November - 4 December 1987Results will be added as archival material becomes available, Adelaide: 30 November - 3 December 1986Results will be added as archival material becomes available, Canberra: 30 November - 3 December 1985Results will be added as archival material becomes available, Pacific School Games, Melbourne: November 19841984: 10-12 years Individual and Relays - Results click here1984: 13 and 15 years Individual and Relays - Results click here1984: 17 and 19 years Individual and Relays - Results click here1984: AWD Individual and Relays - Results click hereInformation on any records broken is not available, Sydney: 7 - 8 Decmeber 1983Results will be added as archival material becomes available, Inaugural Pacific School Games, Brisbane: 26 - 30 August, 19821982: Individual and Relays - Results click here1982: Records and Record Breakers - click here, To view theTrack and Field Championships History click here. Athletes may compete in any relay event provided they are age eligible as at 31 December 2022. As president, Des led a Board that was focused on the best outcomes for athletes.
Athletics SA acknowledges and pays respect to all traditional custodians of
Kiryu will be looking for vengeance in 2022 against a deep field of 100m sprinters from Australia and New Zealand. Athletics NSW will send a team of approximately 16 team staff, including 12 team managers and 4 team physiotherapists to the championships to look after the NSW athletes.

Browning has a history with running PBs in Queensland, having set his last two bests at this track and, funnily enough, in odd years. In addition to being an umpire at the Sydney Olympics and Paralympics, his abilities continued to be recognised through appointments to the 2001 Goodwill Games (as assistant chief umpire) and 2004 Oceania Championships (assistant track referee). All NSW athletes will travel to TBC with the team on the morning of early December (dates TBC) and will remain with the team until they arrive back in Sydney on the Sunday evening. He received AQ Merit Award in 2014 and AAs silver award for 20 years service as an official and administrator the following year.
In 2002, the event underwent a change of title from Primary to 12 years and under to acknowledge that 12 years competing at the Exchange could come from either a primary or a secondary school. The first, and perhaps most critical, was to unite what had been at times a divided association, the relationships are not only vastly improved but arguably demonstrate the best practice example of how the diverse needs of regional and metropolitan athletics can work together for the greater good. and to honor their ongoing cultural and spiritual connections to this Zoe will line up in the 100m in Brisbane, an event she last contested in 2019 where she took the win. In 1975 the inaugural Australia Primary Schools Athletics Championships was hosted by NSWPSSA at Lysaghts Recreation Reserve. They need to be fastened securely to the front and back of your uniform. If you would like some more information about being a NSW team manager, please contact Always approachable Des could be seen on the track officiating most weekends in the summer and at Cross Country during the winter.
In fact, Clay hasnt lost a hurdles since the 23rd of March 2019 at that years edition of the Queensland Track Classic. Age DispensationThere is currently no age dispensation provided in the SSA 10 12 Years Track & Field Championships. As it stands, the championship has currently been postponed and new dates are yet to be confirmed. CALL ROOM: Southern end of the stadium on the astro turf.
Trophies will be awarded to theU14 boys, U14 girls, U16 boys, U16 girls, U18 boys, U18 girls, Overall boys, Overall girls. ), Zach Holdsworth, Jacob Despard, Jake Doranit never ends. Des led and worked with the Board to implement several successful projects. As Queensland president and delegate to AA, his quiet and patient approach has always been considered and valuable. In Secondary Girls Race 1 Georgie Gilroy of Athletics North Club broke away from the field on the last lap and showed a clean pair of heels to the other competitors to take out the event in 4:27.22 to break one of the oldest records - that of Jade Brandt at 4:32.57 set in 2007. Its been a great honour to work with this Board to improve athletics in Queensland Des said, the Board have been very dedicated and a great support, I believe that QA is in many ways now the leading State body in Australia, after nearly 10 years its time to pass the baton on and spend a bit more time with my family.. Athletes accumulateteam points for their school in selected events across the weekend. Leading the charge is Gold Coast based Liz Clay, who, on her season debut over the sticks, clocked a 12.84 and hit the Tokyo Olympic qualifier spot on. The 1500m was only contested in 1998 as it was felt that the event was not suited to the Exchange format. Please also note that Western Australia does not compete in this Championship. These were initially for 10-12yrs in one age group in 100m, 200m, 800m, Long Jump and Shot Put. **The U/16athletes will consist of the top 2 athletes in each individual event in the 14's and 15's years age group(s) male and female. In 2009, the event became a Championship. Des was first elected as a board member of QA in 2011 and soon after, in early 2012, after the tragic loss of his good friend and then president, Reg Brandis, was elected as the Associations president. Second place went to Louis McAfee of the Gold Coast Running Co training group, and third place went to sixteen-year old Craig Peyton, an athlete to watch for the future in 3:47.28. Again, just as we did with the 2020 championships, the Hammer Throw and Pole Vault championships will be contested during the Shield meet season. Its only a matter of time before theyre let into the club. This year the event will be split by age groups, with the first weekend boys and girls 15yrs to 19yrs (2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002) and the second weekend boys and girls 10yrs to 14yrs (2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007). A minimum of 45min prior to the scheduled start time. Please ensure that if you wish to pull out from an event that your name has a pen line through it and has the letters SC next to it. Her 2021 year ended with a second-place finish at the World Athletics Diamond League Final in Zurich. After disappointingly being left off the New Zealand Olympic team in 2021, Zoe Hobbs has had the perfect reply in 2022, breaking the NZ 100m record she held equally with Michelle Seymour in January, then lowering it further in Hastings with 11.15s, a performance that met the qualifying standard for both the World Athletics Championship in Oregon as well as the World Indoor Championships in Belgrade. It was re-introduced as part of the 2017 Pacific School Games. Taking place at the Qld Sport and Athletics Centre, the Brisbane Track Classic will be held on April 9th from 2pm and will showcase the best athletes from Australia and around the Pacific. The All Schools event is not a School Sport Australia event. All team managers will be required to have the following: If you are interested in applying for a team management role for these championships.

Could this Saturday be her 10th? The 2021 Queensland All Schools Championships with feature two weekends of Track and Field action at QSAC, Brisbane on October 16-17 and October 30-31. If you are a current Member of Queensland Athletics, then you will already be eligible for all the Road to 32 competitions. Many children who represented their States/Territories at these championship/Exchanges have gone onto represent Australia in Track & Field or branch out and play other sports at an elite level (e.g. The always approachable Des can be seen on the track officiating most weekends in the summer and at cross country during the winter. The 49 athletes we have selected are some of the most impressive athletes from our next generation, and some of them will no doubt become household names in the years to come as we look ahead to Birmingham 2022, the World Championships next year and of course, Paris 2024, Bromley said. Full results here. Well, its 2021, Rohan is in QLD. After what was a fantastic set of competitions overthe last weekends, we are proud to present the Queensland All Schools Merit Team for 2021. Weve never had more than two Australian athletes go under 13s in the same race before, and we think is Saturday is the day. A feature of the meet is that races are seeded based on times and sometimes there is not much of a spread of seed times in a race. The 2022 Australian All Schools will once again be a team event. Athletes who achieve a first, second or third placing in their selected event/s at SA All Schools will qualify for the opportunity to represent Team SA at the upcoming 2022 AustralianTrack and Field Championships. UNIFORM: School sports uniform. Unfortunately, SA & NT were not able to field teams at all Championships/Exchanges during the late 1980s and early 1990s (except for Pacific School Games). More information on thiswill be available in the next few weeks. Athletes will compete against the New Zealand Under 20 representative team, athletes from the Oceania region, as well as Australian athletes who will continue their quest towards Tokyo. The favourite for the event was Callum Davies of the UQ Club, but the question was how fast he could go and whether he could nudge the record dating back to 2005 after a recent bout of illness. Athletes are required to wear their school sports uniform or schools athletics uniform. Heats tomorrow night will give the athletes two bites of the cherry and the forecast for QSAC is high 20s and tailwinds. In 2012 the membership of Queensland Athletics was at 4400, in 2020 the number is 14300. SCRATCHING: Function room upstairs. To view the Multi-Disabled Standards (MDS) tables click here. Pacific School Games came into being in 1982, which saw every state & territory field a team. To grab your tickets to the Queensland Track Classic, click here, Full field for the Womens 100m hurdles this weekend, Full start lists, timetable and tickets can be found here, To grab your tickets to the Queensland Track Classic, click here, Calab Law (Andrew Iselin) 100m, 200m and 4 x 100m relay, Taylah Cruttenden (Brayden Clarke) 100m and 4 x 100m relay, Torrie Lewis (Gerrard Keating) 100m, 200m and 4 x 100m relay, Caitlyn Ferrier (Marilyn Pearson) 200m, 4 x 400m relay and mixed relay, Reece Holder (Sharon Dale) 400m, 4 x 400m relay and mixed relay, Joshua Atkinson (Graham Garnett) 400m, 800m, 4 x 400m relay and mixed relay, Jasmin Guthrie (Angus McIntyre) 400m, 4 x 400m relay and mixed relay, Ellie Beer (Brett Robinson) 400m, 4 x 400m relay and mixed relay, Charlie Jefferson (Penny Gillies) 800m, 4 x 400m relay, Matilda Ryan (Penny Gillies) 800m, 4 x 400m relay, Claudia Hollingsworth (Craig Mottram) 800m, Jude Thomas (Peter Reeves) 1500m, 3000m, 5000m, Jaylah Hancock-Cameron (Andae Kalemusic) 1500m, Ky Robinson (Ricardo Santos) 5000m and 3000m Steeplechase, Tayleb Willis (Peter Benifer) 110m hurdles, Colby Eddowes (Mike Barber) 110m hurdles, Rosie Tozer (Michael Hamlyn Harris) high jump, Elyssia Kenshole (Bill Georgantis) pole vault, Olivia Gross (Hamish Nelson) pole vault, Mietta Russell (Lloyd Knight) long jump and 4 x 100m relay, Aiden Hinson (Chloe Stevens) triple jump, Lyvante Su-emai (Junior Suemai) shot put and discus throw, Marley Raikiwasa (Diane Ferguson) discus throw, Mackenzie Mielczarek (Steve Cain) javelin throw, Liam Gilbert (Brendan Peeters) heptathlon / decathlon, Will Thompson (Brent Vallance) 10,000m race walk, Corey Dickson (Donna Dickson) 10,000m race walk, Olivia Sandery (Bob Cruise) 10,000m race walk, Alana Peart (Wayne Peart) 10,000m race walk, Jai Gordon (Jackie Gallagher) 4 x 100m relay, Rashid Kabba (Dan Suchy) 4 x 100m relay, Ashley Wong (Travis Venema) 4 x 100m relay, Tyson Bonney (Mark Ladbrook) 4 x 100m relay, 4 x 400m relay, Aleksandra Stoilova (Daniel Suchy) 4 x 100m relay, Tierney Dunne (Rob Marks) 4 x 100m relay, Olivia Matzer (Brett Robinson) 4 x 100m relay, Jack Boulton (Jason Boulton) 4 x 400m relay and mixed relay, Alexander Creak (Liz Gray) 4 x 400m relay, Sidney Burrell (Graham Garnett) 4 x 400m relay.