Important cities in Norway include Bergen, Trondheim, and Stavanger. The country finally became independent in 1905. [14] However, Norwegian flag producers consider this red colour to be incorrect, and have complained that the Norwegian state propagates what they perceive as misinformation. Get insight into areas where the Nordic countries work together. Flags are fascinating, so it's about time we explored the Norwegian one. I can unsubscribe any time using the unsubscribe link at the end of all emails. Disclaimer : Our sites use cookies to improve and personalize your experience and to display advertisements. The Norwegian flag is also used in Jan Mayen and Svalbard, which are both parts of the Kingdom of Norway. Norway covers an area of about 385,203 square kilometers and has a population of more than 5 million. R: 0 G: 32 B: 91 Next came the herring salad, adapted merchant flags used by both the Norway and Sweden between 1842 and 1898.
The 400-year union with Denmark was a dark time for Norway and the era commonly referred to as the 400-year night. The cross is common to most Scandinavian flags, and represents Norways link to the other Scandinavian countries. Your number one source for all king of flags (countries flag, state flags, sport flags, international flags, etc.). You can search here for known cross-border obstacles between the Nordic countries. A mainly red flag had many supporters who also favored the blue color associated with the New Norwegian autonomy. Up until 1380 AD, Norway was an independent country. The flag regulations also describe the time of day when the flag should be hoisted and lowered. Norway shares the basic flag design with most of the other Nordic nations and dependencies. It should be noted that the level of education and culture in this country is very high so that 32% of the population of this country has postgraduate education (master and doctorate). CMYK: 0, 100, 76, 13. Adopted: 1821Design: A blue Nordic Cross with a white outline and a background of red. On June 20, 1844, the new Swedish king, Oscar I, recognized a new union sign by uniting the Swedish and Norwegian symbols. However, the king refused to sign the flag law, but approved the design for civilian use by royal order in council on 13 July 1821. [2] At least as late as 1698 the lion banner was flown over Akershus Fortress. [12] As of 2021, the Nordic Council also specifies Pantone 200 and 281. Mathew is a British (og litt Norsk) guy living in Stavanger, Norway. as well as, you can find information about flags (meaning of flags, color code of flags, symbol of flags, history of flags, amazing picture of flags,). The flag of Norway features a Scandinavian cross. By this time, Norways internal independence had been virtually lost; So the Norwegians also revolted; After a period, the country called for an independent government, so the leaders of Sweden and Norway agreed to establish a dual monarchy. In 802, the Norwegians annexed the present-day British Isles (including England and Ireland). The disc on the flag of Greenland appears in two colors red on the white stripes and white on the red stripes.

Your email address will not be published. The nation is bordered by the North Atlantic Ocean (Norwegian Sea) in the west, North Sea to the southwest, the Barents Sea to the northeast, and the Skagerrak inlet to the south. He is a journalist, a literature student and a keen runner (amongst other things). Later, it was used on fortresses and ships. On ships only north of. [23], His eventual choice a few days later of a Nordic cross was clearly based on the tradition established by the other Nordic countries, Denmark and Sweden. All content on is for informational or educational purposes only and does not contain any legal advice.
Macedonia (also known as North Macedonia). [8], Flag producers normally use the red colour 200 and blue colour 281 from the Pantone colour matching system[9] (note that no suffixes are specified in these PMS values, since the coated C version is normally assumed). You can travel, study and work anywhere you want to in the Nordic Region.
The 400-year union with Denmark for the darkness of Norway was a time of darkness and a period commonly referred to as the 400-year night. The use of a simple slip knot allows one person alone to hoist the flag unaided. Meltzer objected to the colours because they were too similar to those of the Danish flag. Its patterns and colours immediately evoke strong feelings of national pride in its citizens. Descriptions, guidelines and specifications for the Nordic Council and Nordic Council of Ministers' graphic profile. The flag features a dark blue and white Nordic cross on a red field. The first step of this procedure is to fold the flag lengthwise so that its two long sides meet. In 1844 a union mark combining Norwegian and Swedish colours was placed at the hoist of both countries' flags. Unlike the Anglo-American traditions of folding a flag (the triangular shape of the U.S. flag or the square shape of the UK's Union Flag), the Norwegian tradition is to roll the flag into a cylindrical shape and tie it up after lowering it. . An expression of local antagonism to the Swedish rule compulsory on Norway, it contains red of Danish flag with its white cross, long applied in Norway, with the adding of the Norwegian arms in the top hoist canton. The flag of Norway is red with azure blue Scandinavian cross fimbriae in white that spreads to the edges of the flag; the perpendicular portion of Norway flag has cross is shifted to the hoist side in the elegance of the Dannenberg, the flag of Denmark. Later in 1814 Norway was united with Sweden, and on 7 March 1815 a common war flag for both states was introduced by royal order in council, the Swedish flag with a white cross on a red background in the square canton. The Icelandic historian and writer claimed that even the reign of King Hokun Hokanson was premature. The "Norwegian lion" was placed in the colours of all the Norwegian regiments in 1641. The current flag was adopted and used in 1821 but was only used in Northern waters until 1838. Kings and other rulers flew flags, especially in battle. The flag is based on the coat of arms and was originally only a flag for the ruler of Norway (as it is today). The proportions of the national flag are 16:22 (height (width) to length), its colour elements having widths of 6:1:2:1:6 and lengths of 6:1:2:1:12. Get more travel inspiration, tips and exclusive offers sent straight to your inbox with our weekly newsletter. Red, white, and blue were known as the colors of freedom at the time, and other dominant flags, such as the French, American, and British flags, were used. Denmark, Faroe Islands, Finland, Iceland, Sweden, and even the land Islands all make use of the Nordic cross. There also exist written rules for the proper folding of the flag, for not letting it touch the ground, and in addition the unwritten rule that it should not be worn on the body below the waist. The flag of Norway is quite influenced by the French Tricolor flag.
The Vikings were the most important tribes living in Norway. Women are also highly respected in offices and companies. Power supplies are stable, school meals healthy and culture easily accessible. His positive momentum was resisted by many of the country's sailors who were against the change. Regions and cities often have flags, too. The proportions of the state flag are 16:27, or 6:1:2:1:6 vertically and 6:1:2:1:6:11 horizontally. The modified Danish flag was used until May 16, 1821, at which point the new Norwegian flag was agreed upon.
However, his intentions may be inferred from an earlier letter of 30 April with his comments regarding the proposal from the flag committee. The flag regulations of 1927[6] further describe the use of the state flag on state property and on national holidays.
Inge used a red lion on gold. Stortingsarkivet: printed circular letter from Kielland, 5 September 1820. Munksgaard, Jan Henrik (2012): "Flagget Et nasjonal symbol blir til". The cross represents Christianity. We are not liable for any error, loss or damage caused by the use of this content. In 1748 a decree stated that the Dannebrog should be the only legal merchant flag. It was later also used on ships and on fortresses until it was gradually phased out during the 17th and 18th centuries. the U.S. hand-over-the-heart gesture {cf. The history of Norway is very much related to the history of Sweden and Denmark. [20] It was stressed that it is the colour of the finished product that matters, and that this may result in the guide describing different colour codes for fabric, paper and web use. On March 28, 1814, the Congress of Vienna annexed Norway to Sweden, thanks to Swedens services in defeating France.
To this day, Norwegians have never been proud to wave their Norwegian red, blue and white flags. People in greeting often try to make eye contact and shake hands, in this country the behavior is very simple and familiar, people try to be kind to each other. Since 2014, the municipalities could hoist a different flag if an event in the building was related to it.
According to Norwegian Law as well as common usage, flags of other sovereign states are to be treated with the same respect as the Norwegian flag. The new colour scheme helped Norway connect to its current commitments, Sweden represented by blue, while still recognising its past and the red and white of Denmark.
Norway yearned for freedom and independence, which led to a return to the pure Norwegian flag that was introduced in 1821. To this day, Norwegians have never been more proud to wave their red, blue and white Norway flags. It had a golden lion in the center with a red background. Finally the folded full length flag, its width .mw-parser-output .frac{white-space:nowrap}.mw-parser-output .frac .num,.mw-parser-output .frac .den{font-size:80%;line-height:0;vertical-align:super}.mw-parser-output .frac .den{vertical-align:sub}.mw-parser-output .sr-only{border:0;clip:rect(0,0,0,0);height:1px;margin:-1px;overflow:hidden;padding:0;position:absolute;width:1px}14 of the hoist, will be rolled up into a red cylinder. The design of this flag was based on the coat of arms and was first used for the ruler of the nation.

A predominantly red flag had many adherents among those who were attached to the union with Denmark or to its flag, which for centuries had also been that of Norway. Here you can gain insight into current issues under consideration by the Nordic Council as well as look at closed cases. The flag of Norway features three colors, as previously mentioned: red, white, and blue. From the early history with a golden lion to the days of the Scandinavian unions, the Norway flag has had quite the journey. The law regarding the Norwegian flag by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs defines the colours as deep red and dark blue (hirdt og mrkeblt) and white, with no reference to a specific colour system. The country has designated flag days on which all public buildings fly the flag, along with many private householders. This tradition stems from World War II, when a small-sized flag was hoisted (usually above the CO quarters) in the numerous camps of Norwegian forces in the UK, USA, Sweden, and Canada, to symbolize that fight against the enemy would go on day and night until final victory. Of course, the most famous of them is the Norwegian National Day on May 17.
In general, Norway is one of the countries where the economy of industry, oil, and gas is dynamic and prosperous. In 1814 independent Norway adopted the Danish flag with the Norwegian lion in the canton or the upper square at the hoist. In the northern counties of Nordland and Troms the flag is flown between 10.00 and 15.00 from November to February.
A red flag with the golden lion and silver halberd is depicted as the flag of Norway in a Dutch flag book from 1669 to 1670. The Norway flag is a symbol of national pride, identity, and independence for more than 100 years. The current flag is made up of a red field and a dark blue Nordic cross with a slim white border. This defeat led to the surrender of King Frederick of Norway to Sweden. The color of the Norway flag is very recognizable, but its history, at least outside Norway, maybe less. From about the 16th century until 1814, Norway used the same flag as Denmark, as it was in union with that country. The Nordic Cross on the map, seen on other Scandinavian nations flags, symbolises Christianity. Its earliest certain depiction is on the seal of duchess Ingebjrg in 1318. All variants have played their part in the evolution of the flag to one we recognise today, the pure flag of Norway. But when the Danish and Norwegian thrones were inherited by Olaf Hakonson, this changed, which in turn created an alliance between Denmark and Norway. General conditions for a project to receive funding from the Nordic Council of Ministers and guidance for our project process can be found here. Inspired by the French and USA flags, Norways flag bears white, red and blue colours. This cross represents Christianity. When raising the Norwegian flag on festive or ceremonial occasions, the hoisting will often be accompanied by a bugle call, fanfare, or the national anthem (Ja, vi elsker).
The earliest known flag of Norway is today used as the Royal Standard, featuring a golden lion with a crown and an axe. You can read more about the history of this flag concept here. This also included the Kalmer Union (Union between Denmark-Sweden-Norway) between 1397 and 1523, in which they ruled under one monarchy. The Norwegian and Swedish flags were merged into a smaller symbol in the upper left corner of the national flag. Impossibly steep-sided Norwegian fjords of extraordinary beauty cut gashes from a jagged coastline deep into the interior. Keep up with the latest Nordic initiatives and campaigns. The official language of Norway is Norwegian and the currency is Krone. Get insight into the Nordic Council and the Nordic Council of Ministers international activities. That design was divided quarterly red and white. Which also incorporated the Kalmar Union (a union between Denmark-Sweden-Norway) between 1397 and 1523, in which they were under one ruling monarch. Search among a selection of information films, interviews, web transmissions and other video material. Others, who saw Denmark as an oppressor, favoured the blue colour associated with the new Swedish dynasty which was seen as more receptive of Norwegian ambitions of autonomy. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Words of Norway tells the stories of Norway to the world, and helps Norwegian companies do the same. [15] The Nordic Flag Society currently defines the red colour as PMS 186 and the blue as PMS 287. In a document on the Norwegian government's web pages, the red colour is defined as Pantone 032 U and the blue as Pantone 281 U. : municipal traffic wardens, policemen, customs official, prison wardens, maritime pilots, armed forces personnel) follow the Norwegian Armed Forces regulation during flag hoisting or lowering. The blue cross symbolises the union between Norway and Sweden from 1814 until 1905. Meltzer himself provided no written explanation for his choice of design and colours. Norway aspired to freedom and independence, which led to the return of the Pure Norwegian Flag introduced in 1821.
Second Monday of September every 4 years General, This page was last edited on 17 July 2022, at 19:34. But it is commonly agreed that during the hoisting or lowering of the flag, civilians should conduct themselves in a respectful manner by facing the flag and standing still, straight, and quiet. Norway retained the Denburg flag after the alliance with Sweden, but with a small adaptation, the Norwegian lion was added to the upper left corner. Prior to this the raven or dragon was used. It shares borders with Russia, Sweden, and Finland, and its capital is Oslo. News from the Nordic Council and the Nordic Council of Ministers. The loss resulted in King Christian Frederik giving up Norway, ceding them to Sweden. However, for the next seven years, the new pure flag was mostly removed only on land and not on sea ships. At this time, the union effectively resulted in Norway adopting the Danish flag from the 1600s. Of course, the most famous of these is the Norwegian national day on 17 May. The flag of Norway was formally accepted on July 17, 1821. For example, it has been argued that pantone suffixes (such as C and U) only are relevant for print on paper, and thus should not be used to specify flag colours. After World War II, Norway experienced rapid economic growth, becoming the most peaceful country in the world in 2007. It is said that Meltzers son sketched a blue and white flag when he was actually trying to draw the Danish flag. To others, it may evoke equally strong feelings and perhaps negative stereotypes. This group is a prominent figure of the 7th and 8th centuries AD. It is located in the northern part of Europe; Norway shares borders with Finland and Sweden. Norway has a framework of a parliamentary representative democratic constitutional monarchy. Beginning in the 16th century, Norway used the flag of Denmark. Being a democratic republic, Norway is commonly divided into five major geographical regions. Remembering the Alexander L. Kielland Disaster of 1980, Remembering the Stord Air Accident of 2006, Remembering the 1961 Holtaheia Air Accident. Until 2001, Norway was an independent country. Prior to this, several other flags were used. Sverre used an eagle in gold and red. Find useful information about the Nordic Region and each of its countries here. When on international missions, Norwegian armed forces may keep a flag (national or merchant flag) raised during the night and illuminated by a spotlight, to affirm their presence and to boost morale. During ancient times countries did not fly flags. The red and blue colors also openly referred to the similar two countries, previous and current union partners. Norway is currently one of the 10 countries with the highest per capita life expectancy, and according to statistics provided by the World Bank, life expectancy for men and women in Norway is 81 years and 84 years, respectively. The Nordic Council of Ministers publication strategy and guidelines for the production of Nordic reports and publications. And so the flag we recognise today was born.
Both Norway's and Sweden's flag were merged into smaller emblem which was incorporated intothe top left-hand corner of theirrespective national flag. Munksgaard, Jan Henrik: "Et nytt flagg for Norge 18141821", In: "Historikk det Norske flagg Kronologi 1821", "LOV 1898-12-10 nr 01: Lov om Norges Flag", "FOR 1927-10-21 nr 9733: Forskrift angende bruk av statsflagget og handelsflagget", "Lov om Norges Flag [flaggloven] Lovdata", "UD og norske flaggprodusenter krangler om dette er det riktige norske flagget", "Flags and anthems manual London 2012: SPP final version / London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games", "The Norwegian flag | Nordic cooperation",, Fargene i det Norske flagget | Flaggfabrikken a.s, "Svar p sprsml om fargen p det norske flagget", "PANTONE USA | PANTONE 200 C Find a Pantone Color | Quick Online Color Tool", "PANTONE USA | PANTONE 281 C Find a Pantone Color | Quick Online Color Tool", "Forskrift angende bruk av statsflagget og handelsflagget - Lovdata", Norwegian defense web page about the flag's history, A commercial web site with a flag chronology, Membership of International organizations,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Nynorsk-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Reconstruction of the first recorded banner (one of several), the, Flag of Norway (18141821). In 2021, related to the group gathering restrictions with COVID-19, the government proposed to adapt the legislation so that municipalities do not need to host an event for hoisting a flag.[7]. The official red colour is Pantone 200, which corresponds fairly accurately to the digital colours: Hex: #BA0C2F Progress is equally seen. The disc is slightly on the hoist side. Saint Olav used a serpent within a white mark at the Battle of Nesjar.