With all laminations oriented on the strong axis RLD is stronger than CLT, allowing you to use smaller sections and reduce project costs. The "Add to My Courses" feature lets you build a list of courses that are of interest to you! This course qualifies for HSW. This course discusses the characteristics of laminated wood decking and reviews recommended design, specification, and installation practices. Weather Protection | Timbers, Glulams & Roof Structures, Copyright 2021 Specialty Wood Products, Inc. | All Rights Reserved, Lock-Deck Laminated Decking by Disdero Lumber. This course qualifies for HSW. /Names << <<
stream /Author (7 4f[h+;%\tY=`\r.w'~ :@Lf\(^&[) AAA Info: Provider No. Laminated decking is the perfect complement to any laminated project being supplied by Rigidply Rafters. /StrF /StdCF
68 0 obj
Nt=mLWc`vj+KG=Iv.Lp6X+y YUwyGG)\%BL(j^:T)jrIKTV}. VersaVent and Quick Vent Ridge Ventilation, 2x Solid Tongue and Groove Decking and Flooring, Plywood and OSB Panels, Siding, and Flooring. BOMI approved course. cookies and how you can control them by clicking here. 3 0 obj Members must self-report MRC hours to CAHPI. << All rights reserved.
The decking is used for ceilings and roofs, as well as for balconies, mezzanines and floors. This course qualifies for HSW. Decking can be matched to dimensions of existing roof systems, so if you have a church addition that was originally built with a solid roof decking we can match the depth exactly. >> Course approval #0920021270. USGBC/GBCI approved for GBCI General CE Hours. Course# AEC1408. AIBC members may self-report this learning activity for consideration of AIBC learning units. Navigate Manufacturer's Website in New Window, Learn More - Use the Quick Links on this page to navigate quickly through the manufacturer's website RMMI will confirm certification credit upon receipt of Certificate of Completion (members must self-report). Need a quote? 4I@fp\;T@C .btn-visit-website {background-color: #2f4858 !important;} Gunnar returned to Portland, Oregon, as Sales Manager for Disdero Lumbers Lock-Deck division; he is currently serving as Vice President. After graduating with a Masters from UC Berkeley, he went on to work for the Western Wood Products Association as Assistant Director of Field Services. Credit hours will be reported through cebroker.com, This program meets NAHB's continuing education requirements for one or more of the following designations: Certified Graduate Associate (CGA), Certified Graduate Builder (CGB), Certified Graduate Remodeler (CGR), Certified Green Professional (CGP), Graduate Master Builder (GMB), Graduate Master Remodeler (GMR), Certified Aging-In-Place Specialist (CAPS). 1 0 obj Privacy Policy: Disdero Lumber Co. Privacy Policy. Course# AEC1408. This course is approved for ACIA RCI CEUs. You need to be logged in to download the course materials for Structural Laminated Decking.If you need to create an account, you can do that here. AfK`hkUM(;#09+ Gunnar J. Brinck, Disdero Lumber Company, Title: Vice President, Lock-deck, Disdero Lumber Company. endstream
72 0 obj
/Subtype /XML Filler King Company manufactures laminated random length wood products and laminated wood beams. The decking is used for ceilings and roofs, as well as for balconies, mezzanines and floors. /O (F3J]A5kHZ\b\n%l) CSC approved course. .btn-visit-website:hover {background-color: #a47737 !important;}. /Title ({ZuVII! /Length 3920 This course is approved as a Structured course. Laminated tongue and groove decking can be finished with a standard V-channel, bull nose, or square edge pattern. Please contact Specialty Wood Products today to check price and availability. This course is approved as a Structured Course. Y? %0\3aDDG]wnC3\:
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^?>e_X eRN5i:='Fi,`hDEk2vYej]xUAbqXpl?R. From there he moved to Idaho to work as Marketing Manager for Potlatch Corporation in the Wood Products Division. Filler King uses top grades of Douglas Fir laminating stock and adhesives. "APuG\bkw W;Y[3K'e) /Dests 5 0 R
2 0 obj /Type /Catalog UVu=s9w Aib3WQ&u}Ne_z`f%X `)Z%.A^ Applicable to dry-use service conditions (CM = 1.0). Presented by: View SD Information. >> Manufacturers of Structural Glue-Laminated Wood Timbers and Metal Plated Wood Trusses. Credit earned on completion of this program will be reported to RCEP. Keeping our feet in mind when choosing Composite Decking. Care and Maintenance for your Outdoor Sanctuary, Embrace the space with Rainscreen Systems. FBPE Info: Provider Number 0004278, Sequence Number 0000031. 91 0 obj
1 Hour toward certification application. Values assume minimum 12 inch decking width. Members must self-report LUs through the MCET National Con Ed reporting website. Please ask one of our laminated salesmen for information concerning the use and availability of this product. Lock-Deck Product OverviewLock-Deck Product DescriptionLock-Deck Design SpecificationsLock-Deck Design Specifications ContdLock-Deck InstallationLock-Deck Insulation/SpecificationsLock-Deck Factory Finishes. endstream
69 0 obj
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This course qualifies for HSW. AEC Daily reports Learning Units on members behalf. /Pages 6 0 R P.O. This course is part of one or more "Course Collections". /Type /CryptFilter This course qualifies for ICC Certification Renewal. Available on inquiry--Alaska Yellow Cedar, Redwood, White Fir, Idaho White Pine, SPF. Specified lengths and and lengths 18 to 24 or longer may be available on inquiry. /StdCF << Members must self-report Learning Hours through the National Con Ed reporting website at https://www.raic.org/transcripts/default.htm. Lock-Deck Laminated Decking by Disdero Lumber is a tongue and groove product manufactured to specification by staggering and laminating multiple layers of boards that lock together when installed. /U (\bs:\)&X?\(N^NuAd NV\b) endstream endobj startxref /AuthEvent /DocOpen << Laminated wood beams are used in a variety of applications from industrial, commercial, and religious construction to beautifully designed residences. This course is approved as a Core Learning Activity. H mm\m~lm"0AJ0"4aK8D"2QJ4"6qKS0E(J1%(I)JSH%*ST:5I-jS> hH#49-hI+Z=H':t;=I/z? 3c8#(F3cLb2S43b6ss0G81s4g89s\2W5s6w= e ;f(|?G+hE|r,- Log in or create an account to use this feature. <<
The center and the back can be of lower cost material without sacrificing strength or integrity of the decking. This program qualifies for BOMI Institute Continuing Professional Development (CPD) credit for RPA, FMA, and/or SMA graduates. 4 0 obj )j` )XA5D M7Z*jDH[ tb"',6OYJ6D?]KSx+K'y!3y5uQsH}g\0OjO7!UAE=!>si7G9r~ &Y"WYOl! Available on inquiry, Alaska Yellow Cedar, Redwood, White Fir, Idaho White Pine and SPF. 4axbyV|"[ *fM$TPL2[ h ^XigA*YpZCj+FQee7:dm`l%Eh1pi[jN%Ng=o{;1$ /mlOsX]S?aiAxO_-4=NxW;e5NiRK,1F[O5{zg@h]XK /Keywords (I\t+:zS$mlDNv\b9:&X?
/R 4 We use cookies to offer you a better browsing experience, analyze site traffic, Applicable to in service temperature conditions 100F (Ct = 1.0). /Producer (.qeXd!eW2cnrRBB?AB!aZM$N\n :MI{g\)=gA`YL.\)|"D\\[@) Terms of Use and Privacy Policy are applicable to you. 6_A1W*W>k4.zF8Xl#aA4k7:_EC@@r 9lS@73(77#^D>x2QxrLi5fejz^x These finger-joints will look like a butt joint mid-span. With Lock-Deck, extraordinary designs can be created for homes, churches, offices and other structures.
K1HCP~3y/9$x',) hjA_^`6x|pc2&lEWYI$-umv){r2H6Z7r&\Phg:VY5cKwxl:_-Z }O[zzc7~S]bl?_GI_~YQYug6h2*oxeU_4Z=;}KZ-g\#0_urMQy_$fY70~EbgVy3u!#@G,llX)
82 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[68 24]/Info 67 0 R/Length 86/Prev 586710/Root 69 0 R/Size 92/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream AEC Daily reports Learning Hours on members behalf. ^"_h:` Random length and long length (fingerjointed) decking, plus a variety of face patterns, textures and finishes. Features and Benefits of Laminated Decking, Easier to handle and install than bulky panel systems, Wide face of lumber is not exposed, greatly reducing, Ideal for floor or roof designs that include a space, Bearing support only required perpendicular to span, Can be pre-fabricated with all connections and, Wide range of size options make RLD the most cost, Thickness: 3 12, 5 12, 6 34, and 8 34.
Lock-Deck is commonly used in Heavy Timber construction as well as wood frame and hybrid systems. Center laminations are offset and machined to form a tongue and groove on both the edges (center matched) and the ends (end matched). This course qualifies for HSW. ACIA members self-report to ACIA by submitting their certificate of completion to ACIA for RCI renewal. 2^'!X2%8{kk=`! 4!"ksnt1=hty39Hoa{l@pGR.lC~=S8MqA,,E ^Lh 0W8xXC.!p?x jKPGD43g@>O2"3uOVBY'ggiAh!aD68 G#[0]8Tl>dk$SQq&Tl@_5 T 0< }{I- Designed for single and multi-span applications, Rosboro Laminated Decking provides a high-strength, visually appealing base for any Mass Timber structure. Laminated Decking is a perfect complement to many of the products manufactured at Rigidply Rafters. >> Box 202509 Main StreetSpringfield, OR 97477, Corporate Office:(541) 746-8411Corporate Fax:(541) 726-8919Toll-Free Sales Office:(888) 393-2304Toll-Free Technical Service:(877) 457-4139Sales Fax:(541) 726-0972, Talk to a lumber expert today by calling (888) 393-2304, Cost-Effective Decking Solution for Mass Timber. These products allow you the option of providing construction without the need for interior walls, supports, or expensive footings. The standard nominal width of the decking is 6 and 8. We can supply decking in standard nominal depths of 2, 3, 4, and 5.
W d}oyto(sJ7nmrh9 [SkOlBw?:(Z 8rx6X?O;H8g6mr"wW)-gLb6*GzkyT=!K_n2G The decking is used for ceilings and roofs, as well as for balconies, mezzanines and floors. Lengths: Random length tallies 6-16, shipped in multiples of 1 and 1 short of nominal. 0 Adhesive: 100% exterior waterproof type, meeting ASTM D2559. /V 4 /ModDate (Jlb? Disdero Lumber Co. video of Quality | Disdero Lumber Co. Disdero Lumber Co. video of Builder Spotlight Mitchell Gaynor 201712, Disdero Lumber Co. video of Builder Spotlight | OBrien & Company, Disdero Lumber Co. video of Disdero Lumber Project Spotlight | Black Butte Ranch, Specifications for Lock-Deck Laminated Decking, application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, Catalogs for Lock-Deck Laminated Decking, Disdero Lumber Project Spotlight | Black Butte Ranch. OAQ Info: Course# AEC1408 / Cours # AEC1408. Vi6c&wkm6H1sw#ou,6H :jO>dn+G lSu:ov)M3v;CW> JlXAOY*2wgu62KLTx=2g; it7tn$(o|9xtYl"{bJ/4JPd*@IGG,,qWblL0 AgP7p^q#@ n}h Eo&R? 6P}f 5)M5|_#4*H6)('d`$UZ $"](s_d$' .0)o`StEdr`D^R,B` VIhq XO) 5_5*LR z *s&&m] N This course qualifies for HSW. Read our privacy policy. y >> AIBD approved course. Patterns: Standard vee (v-groove), square edge (flush), channel and bull nose. Aesthetics, strength, and durability are combined in one engineered product. Click "cookie settings" to adjust your preferences.
hbbd```b`` " d "Yee@v"< "uI; rc:HUag`|$4(? -` SAA Info: Provider No. This course may apply to both OAA structured and unstructured learning as long as it addresses the required subject matter topics. /StmF /StdCF /Filter /Standard Flat-use factor (Cfu) per 2015 NDS Secion 5.3.7. Samples may be produced on request. /CreationDate (m9OvL&xY=i,Mh" `INGU4u0X}A&$`IB>%\)x+AhvP4"Z\b\(04iFj +#-u5rd16KS M) This course is approved as a core course. endstream endobj 73 0 obj <>stream As a cost savings only the visible face of the decking has to be a specific species. Structural laminated decking allows the beauty of the wood structure to be exposed, creating a unique architectural experience for its occupants. Tabulated Maximum Resistive Shear and Maximum Resistive Moment values are reported per one foot of decking width.
Lock-Deck is commonly used in Heavy Timber construction as well as wood frame and hybrid systems. Available Sizes: Nominal 26, 28, 36, 48, 56, 58. This course qualifies for self-directed learning activity with the OAQ. We can supply decking made from various species of lumber. Members must self-report LUs through the RAIC National Con Ed reporting website. /CFM /AESV2 Lock-Deck is commonly used in Heavy Timber construction as well as wood frame and hybrid systems. AIA approved course. HVr6}2& n$mC@$$!& *_"_LGI9gZ?Nwt#]Ok{Ki]Q>"eGeUIR?C5ln;WN1 Decking, Lumber and Specialty Wood Products, Disdero Lumber Co. video of Disdero Lumber. InterNACHI approved course. Members must self-report CE hours to InterNACHI. Members must self-report hours to OAQ. >> Species Available: Douglas Fir/Larch, Ponderosa Pine, Western Red Cedar and Southern Yellow Pine in various grades. personalize content, and serve targeted advertisements. endobj Members must self-record their learning hours on the RAIC|Architecture Canada Transcript Database, https://raic.org/transcripts. [HSj56RP\Y^Q.A?xsa5x$^Wb%J14s/zp@Ni5! A structurally engineered product of two to five kiln-dried lumber laminations bonded together with an exterior waterproof adhesive to form glue-laminated decking. endobj % /P -1052 %PDF-1.4 endstream endobj 74 0 obj <>stream /Subject (0]-Ci#>Q=O#dpx) 2022 ARCAT, Inc. All rights reserved. (www.architranscripts.ca/default.htm). Laminated decking can be ordered as a random length configuration with end matching which allows for mid-span end-joints or a specified length so your joints end on supporting members. y{bQ;H)))#W~Md\8ixATnGm,{$w0Fx^Fe7PB*7YEWjM8^XWJY/H(xR,np,N|8ftGygp(/] DSESc}~0'()cr;cs#P(XH"qWn:#{p4zc]^" B_%U{z--FFO2'|Czy q3/}B$quXt%,NFSl]RVty21+~(N(S 9\$#HSCQhkJDJ1n_,.2),i#8gd! Capital Lumber Company is dedicated to being recognized as the leading distributor of specialty building materials in the Western United States by providing unequaled service to customers, unequaled fairness with suppliers, the unequaled opportunity for a fulfilling career for each employee and a reasonable rate of return for its owners. /CF <<
/Length 16 0.1 CEU toward certification renewals. "5p|>Ja\_!-qI?E{Nk0z) 'Y1O) AEC Daily is an RCEP-approved continuing education provider. o>fi`Nv;AX|O[N12w:;j{*CJYexhy k 5HAM0$AsDh6PK=ADACQ2m $50~fc9ffZ_: il/8{l`4_miZsPb=-%%u D1fC>lE*Xf h Gunnar studied Architecture in Wisconsin and California. i\>7AdkR>u)D^AL. Capital. Textures: Smooth surfaced, smooth sanded, course sanded (16 grit), resawn (crossband saw texture), wire brushed. / Les membres doivent rapporter eux-mmes leurs heures lOAQ. / Ce cours est reconnu par lOAQ comme activit dauto-apprentissage. Lock-Deck laminated decking is available in Douglas Fir/Larch, Ponderosa Pine, Western Red Cedar, and Southern Pine. The exposed surface is available with either architectural or industrial appearance to fit a variety of project needs. endobj http://raic.org/transcripts. AEC Daily is an ICC Preferred Provider. Toll Free: 800-760-8484, Contact Us | Manufactured Siding | Composite Decking & Railing | Wood Decking See all our Lumber & Engineered Wood products. Members must self-report CEU hours to CCIDC. H|TTgNH2 d&1WKXJ@+/A{TZVCQC@z|Ztpj}l?N={f;~s9|'-4SrJ,fH7h_r Mqr[J+mP.&FqH"h5)R*l2xY*S,2\(,S(Bj56kTc]+M-%[eI%fDlo89]7N"Va///WO7Il kWD2^dU^;8?sIuiqw]g6bmw;}H,[k_{xz&zfyOqlJI$|^$|hU>||Z|;}7!d|*dW7R8e6Rr;~0uUN(2J:.8Uj x4Q1 8Fj:W}Naw4Mf[xHx^K"1Hu)rB[Vk{.mvTPNtAHotytiLQBwWP\hF4EZ:N:-jz9L{
With Lock-Deck, extraordinary designs can be created for homes, churches, offices and other structures. View Course Collection Details, This course contains Sustainable Design (SD) information. CCIDC approved course. /Metadata 4 0 R Our supplier has the capability to stain and cure the decking during the manufacturing process. Stain can be custom matched to a stain color selected by the customer or use one of their standard acrylic based semi-transparent stain colors. /Length 128
In addition there are three appearance grades: Supreme, Decorative, and Service. %PDF-1.6 % He is married and is the father of three boys. A-002. Laminated decking is cured under pressure using high frequency electronics in a radio frequency (RF) press. %%EOF This course qualifies for 1.0 LU/HSW Hour. There are several options as to finish, appearance, grade and configuration. /Type /Metadata Read about how we use Course# AEC1408. No need to add additional time and expense to utilize an outside source for the staining of the material. or. Structural laminated wood decking is an environmentally sustainable and cost-effective alternative to solid timber and other roof systems. 1036.
Quality: Manufactured in accordance with ANSI/AITC A190.1 and certified by an independent inspection agency. You can also select from several surface finishes; from smooth surfaced to re-sawn appearance. Long lengths can also be achieved by the use of structural finger-joints that allow the use of shorter length material to makeup the long length members. hb```f``d`a`X B@ Y .kvG;000vMn2]9:`U4e^k@yA305*\p}?fh87 A7H1_0 |( >> Rosboro Laminated DeckingTM is a cost-effective alternative compared to other mass timber floor and roof systems such as CLT (Cross Laminated Timber). Members must self-report PDE hours to CSC. >> Gunnar lives in Lake Oswego, Oregon. /EncryptMetadata true Phone: 303.288.8484 Members must self-report activity to OAA and retain your Certificate of Completion.