Whether you're recently separated and looking to learn the basics of types of custody or you've had an open case for years that needs modifications due to life changes, you can find resources here. read more, The Minnesota Judicial Branch is implementing a new web-based application that puts users in control of managing their digital exhibits. Temporary Use-Special Event Application FINAL, Authenticate Mark Cover Letter For Internal Position, Authenticate Mark Letter To Manager For Promotion, Authenticate Mark Sorority Recommendation Letter Template, Authenticate Mark Letter Of Recommendation For A Teacher Colleague, Authenticate Mark Community Service Letter. http://www.illinoiscourts.gov/Forms/approved/default.asp, Monthly Income GuidelinesAnnual Income Guidelines, Additional Conditions of Bail Bond (long form)Additional Conditions of Bail Bond (short form)Adult Sentencing Judgment/Probation Order (long form)Adult Sentencing Judgment/Probation Order (short form)Affidavit of Employment Certification of Arresting Officer Regarding Probable Cause for Detention of Person Arrested Without WarrantConditions of Release from Home Confinement/Custodian's HomeConsent to Participation-Impact Incarceration ProgramFinding of Probable CauseJudgment-Sentence to Illinois Department of CorrectionsJudgment-Sentence to Illinois Department of Corrections-Sex OffensesOrder for Sexually Transmissible Diseases (HIV/AIDS) Medical Testing (Adult)Order for HIV Medical Testing after Preliminary HearingOrder for Genetic Marker Groups (DNA) Medical Testing (Adult)Probable Cause AffidavitSheriff's Certificate of Time Defendant Held in CustodySupplemental Order of Conditions of Probation for Sex OffensesSupplemental Order-Imprisonment in County JailSupplemental Sentencing Order-Impact Incarceration Program, Affidavit of Judicial SaleCase Management MemorandumCase Management OrderCertificate of Service (Case Management Conference)Entry of AppearanceList of ExhibitsNotice to DefendantsOrder Setting Case Management Conference, Civil No Contact PetitionCivil No Contact SummonsCivil No Contact Order (Emergency & Plenary)Civil No Contact Order Motion to Extend and/or ModifyCivil No Contact Order Extension and/or ModificationStalking No Contact Motion to Extend and/or ModifyStalking No Contact OrderStalking No Contact Order Extension/ModificationStalking No Contact SummonsStalking No Contact Verified Petition, Agreement as to Assets and DebtsCase Management Order for Child Custody CasesFinancial AffidavitJoint Affidavit Regarding Separation of the PartiesJudgment for Dissolution of Marriage/Civil Union (no children)Judgment for Dissolution of Marriage/Civil Union (with children)Notice of Case Management ConferenceNotice of Expedited Case Management ConferenceOrder of SupportOrder/Notice to Withhold Income for Child SupportOrder Requiring Parent Education ProgramPetition for Dissolution of Marriage/Civil Union (no children)Petition for Dissolution of Marriage/Civil Union (with children)Pre-trial Order (Marital Cases)Settlement Conference MemorandumSummons, Adjudicatory OrderCase Tracking WorksheetDetention Screening InstrumentDispositional OrderJuvenile Sentencing Order for Probation/Supervision (short form)Juvenile Sentencing Order for Probation/Supervision (long form)Judgment and Sentence to IL Department of Juvenile JusticeJudgment-Sentence to IL DOC & Department of Juvenile JusticeOrder for Sexually Transmissible Diseases (HIV/AIDS) Blood Testing (Minor)Order for Genetic Marker Groups (DNA) Medical TestingOrder Revoking Stay of Adult Criminal SentenceNon-Secure Detention Options AgreementPermanency OrderReferral Order-Redeploy IllinoisSupplemental OrderTemporary Custody Order, Approval OrderAssignment of Mediating JudgeMediation OrderMediator Appointment SheetMediator's ReportNotice of Case Management ConferenceNotice of Expedited Case Management ConferencePre-Mediation QuestionnaireProvisional Order, Affidavit Accepting Responsibility to Supervise Visitation Under Court OrderEmergency Order of ProtectionMotion & Order to Dismiss EOP/Interim OP/Plenary OPMotion & Order to Dismiss Petition for Order of ProtectionMotion to Extend/Modify Emergency Interim OPOrder to Extend/Modify Emergency Interim OPMotion to Extend/Modify Plenary OPOrder to Extend/Modify Plenary OPOrder of ProtectionVerified Petition for Order of ProtectionResponse to Petition for Order of Protection, Affidavit of SuretyAffidavit of Heirship Spouse/partner and/or DescendantsCollateral Heirship (No Descendants) Affidavit of Heirship, Copyright 2022 Illinois Second Judicial Circuit Court, Permission required to reuse content in print or electronic form, Attorney Qualifications in Child Custody Matters, Additional Conditions of Bail Bond (long form), Additional Conditions of Bail Bond (short form), Adult Sentencing Judgment/Probation Order (long form), Adult Sentencing Judgment/Probation Order (short form), Affidavit of Employment Certification of Arresting Officer Regarding Probable Cause for Detention of Person Arrested Without Warrant, Conditions of Release from Home Confinement/Custodian's Home, Consent to Participation-Impact Incarceration Program, Judgment-Sentence to Illinois Department of Corrections, Judgment-Sentence to Illinois Department of Corrections-Sex Offenses, Order for Sexually Transmissible Diseases (HIV/AIDS) Medical Testing (Adult), Order for HIV Medical Testing after Preliminary Hearing, Order for Genetic Marker Groups (DNA) Medical Testing (Adult), Sheriff's Certificate of Time Defendant Held in Custody, Supplemental Order of Conditions of Probation for Sex Offenses, Supplemental Order-Imprisonment in County Jail, Supplemental Sentencing Order-Impact Incarceration Program, Certificate of Service (Case Management Conference), Civil No Contact Order (Emergency & Plenary), Civil No Contact Order Motion to Extend and/or Modify, Civil No Contact Order Extension and/or Modification, Stalking No Contact Motion to Extend and/or Modify, Stalking No Contact Order Extension/Modification, Case Management Order for Child Custody Cases, Joint Affidavit Regarding Separation of the Parties, Judgment for Dissolution of Marriage/Civil Union (no children), Judgment for Dissolution of Marriage/Civil Union (with children), Notice of Expedited Case Management Conference, Order/Notice to Withhold Income for Child Support, Petition for Dissolution of Marriage/Civil Union (no children), Petition for Dissolution of Marriage/Civil Union (with children), Juvenile Sentencing Order for Probation/Supervision (short form), Juvenile Sentencing Order for Probation/Supervision (long form), Judgment and Sentence to IL Department of Juvenile Justice, Judgment-Sentence to IL DOC & Department of Juvenile Justice, Order for Sexually Transmissible Diseases (HIV/AIDS) Blood Testing (Minor), Order for Genetic Marker Groups (DNA) Medical Testing, Order Revoking Stay of Adult Criminal Sentence, Affidavit Accepting Responsibility to Supervise Visitation Under Court Order, Motion & Order to Dismiss EOP/Interim OP/Plenary OP, Motion & Order to Dismiss Petition for Order of Protection, Motion to Extend/Modify Emergency Interim OP, Order to Extend/Modify Emergency Interim OP, Verified Petition for Order of Protection, Response to Petition for Order of Protection, Affidavit of Heirship Spouse/partner and/or Descendants, Collateral Heirship (No Descendants) Affidavit of Heirship. - Respondents, Related Features Note: This page will refresh upon selection of a filter. You may find further assistance in the Legal Self-Help Center in the McLean County Law Library (RM 665 of the Law & Justice Center). United States. The Stephenson County Legal Self-Help Center provides legal information to Stephenson County residents about their legal rights and responsibilities, instructions on how to handle common legal problems, assistance with some legal documents and forms, and referrals to free and low-cost legal services. During bitter divorce or separation proceedings, or in cases where abuse is alleged to have occurred (either against the child or against a spouse, or both), custody hearings may be brought to court. If the child is old enough, the child's wishes. Dealing with any type of legal situation can be emotionally draining, but for cases involving your child, it can be difficult to keep calm and ensure everything you need to do is covered. The McLean County Circuit Courtprovides Illinois Supreme Court approved forms for use. 100 East Douglas St. The Clerk is required to attend all sessions of court, keep and preserve all records and files of the court, issue process as required by law, and are the Keeper of the Seal of the Court. Click. Occasionally, a parent claims a child on their taxes after it had already been established that the other parent would claim the child. Working out a parenting agreement that covers child custody and visitation can be difficult, especially when there is animosity between parents. Instead, it offers legal information to customers on such topics as instructions for available forms, answers to general legal questions, and information on court procedures. The Circuit Clerks office handles every type of case from a traffic tickets to a Criminal cases, Small Claims to a large personal injury suit, from adoption cases to probate of an estate cases.The Circuit Court can decide, with few exceptions, any kind of case arising under state law. The wishes of the child may also be given some weight, depending on the age of the child and the circumstances surrounding the case in question. Preparing Airports for Communicable Diseases on Arriving Flights. Joint Petition For Simplified Dissolution Of Marriage, Notice Of Hearing (Dismiss Or Modify Order Of Protection), Notice Of Personal Identity Information Within Court Filing, Release (Satisfaction) Of Judgment - Garnishee, Order-Notice To Withhold Income For Child Support, Verified Petition For Civil No Contact Order, Order To Modify Or Vacate (Order Of Protection), Petition To Modify Or Vacate Order Of Protection, Verified Petition For Order Of Protection, Objections To Application Of Stephenson County Collector For Judgment For Taxes, Joint Affidavit For Regarding Separation Of Parties Diviision Of Property Waiver Bifurcated Hearing, Notice Hearing On Petition To Modify Child Support, Petition To Modify Order Of Withholding - Majority, Application To Sue Or Defend As A Poor Person. The reasoning behind any potential custody or visitation change (a change in job hours, ability to take care of a child, living environment, allegations of abuse or similar) may be considered, and the opposing party will have the opportunity to defend themselves against any such claims as well as to reiterate their own stance. Copy and paste this code into your website. ILAO's tax identification number is 20-2917133. https://www.illinoislegalaid.org/counties/Stephenson. If you are waiting for your lawyer, please wait in the courtroom and not in the hallway. Freeport, IL 61032 Find the right form for you and fill it out: ALINORM 01/15 PROGRAMME MIXTE FAO/OMS SUR No results. Instead, you should find a Stephenson County, Illinois child custody and visitation lawyer to help modify the agreement. The Legal Self-Help Center does not provide legal advice to its patrons.

Contact Us, Update: Advisory Committee Files Report with Proposed Amendments to Audio and Video Coverage Rules, oneCourtMN Hearings Initiative Policy Takes Effect, Minnesota Judicial Branch Launches Digital Exhibit System. The duties are set forth by statute, Rules of the Supreme Court and Local Circuit Court Rules. FindLaw's Child Custody and Visitation directory contains information about many local Stephenson County, Illinois attorneys who can help you through your child custody and visitation case. Share this page on your favorite Social network, Jo-Carroll Depot Local Redevelopment Authority, Best INC (Business Employment Skills Team), Zoom Connect Online Court Judge Brinkmeier, http://www.illinoiscourts.gov/Forms/approved/default.asp. The emotional bond between the child and both parents. - Respondents, If you believe that this page should be taken down, please follow our DMCA take down process, Something went wrong! We will be looking into this with the utmost urgency, The requested file was not found on our document library. In most states, family courts determine child custody arrangements based on what is in the best interests of the child. In some cases, there may be zero visitation allowable at the discretion of the custodial parent or the courts, typically in cases of abuse. Begin typing to search, use arrow keys to navigate, use enter to select. For more than 20years, we have opened opportunities to justice so that people can resolve their problems, especially those with the least access to the legal system. Hopefully, you can come to a resolution everyone can live with. ALINORM 01/15 PROGRAMME MIXTE FAO/OMS SUR LES NORMES iFoster Phone Program Instructions & Intake Form. It is a non-judicial office of the judicial branch of state government. Do not bring children under the age of 12 years into the courtroom. Forms provided by US Legal Forms, a third-party service that sells forms for a fee. When these problems arise, it's never the solution to stop paying child support; that will only hurt you in the end. Access state-specific content curated especially for you, Save your information as you go. For a list of approved court forms for the Criminal Division, please click here. Sometimes issues arise where a parent keeps a child when it's not his or her turn to care for the child. We believe the law is for everyone. Supervised visitation is strictly monitored from a legal perspective, and any violations of agreed-upon or mandated supervision may result in the loss of visitation. The Minnesota Digital Exhibit Management System (MNDES) provides a secure tool for users to upload digital exhibits and then access and review their uploaded digital exhibits. Follow the link to access forms approved for use by the Supreme Court Commission on Access to Justice and are required to be accepted in all Illinois courts. Work on your documents in your own time, Download, print, or edit your stored documents. The Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court is a Constitutional Office. The exceptions are redistricting of the General Assembly and the ability of the Governor to serve or resume office. ILAO is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. No cell phone use, texting or recording of any kind is permitted. Weuse cookies toimprove security, personalize the user experience, enhance our marketing activities (including cooperating with our marketing partners) and for other business use. Illinois Supreme Court, Information for Law Enforcement on Bond Cards, Petition For Authorization to Issue Bond Certifica, Petition For Authorization To Act As A Civil Suret, Part 20 (Rules) Court-Annexed Civil Mediation, Juvenile Justice&Child Protection Resource Section, Copyright 2020 by Circuit Court of Cook County. Are you a legal professional? read more, For General Information:
The adjustment needed if the child has to move to a new area. CIRCUIT COURT OF ILLINOIS JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY Petitioner s Name (person completing form) Check if filing on behalf of: a minor child, or an adult who because of age, disability, health, or inaccessibility, Fill & Sign Online, Print, Email, Fax, or Download, Related Forms Copyright 2022, Thomson Reuters. Sign into your Legal Forms and Services account to manage your estate planning documents. If a custody case proceeds to court, the judge will consider things such as the child's welfare and best interests. Child Custody Lawyers Serving Stephenson County, IL (Chicago, IL), Chicago Divorce Lawyer Jeffery M. Leving, has been named one of Americas Best Lawyers by Forbes Radio, Child Custody Lawyers Serving Stephenson County, IL (Rockford), Child Custody Lawyers Serving Stephenson County, IL (Sycamore), Child Custody Lawyers Serving Stephenson County, IL (Crystal Lake), Child Custody Lawyers Serving Stephenson County, IL (Elgin), Child Custody Lawyers Serving Stephenson County, IL (South Elgin), Child Custody Lawyers Serving Stephenson County, IL (St. Charles), Child Custody Lawyers Serving Stephenson County, IL (Saint Charles), Child Custody Lawyers Serving Stephenson County, IL (Geneva), Child Custody Lawyers Serving Stephenson County, IL (St Charles), Top Cities:Scioto Mills, Freeport, Waddams Grove, Lena, Davis, Nearby Counties:Winnebago County, Carroll County, Ogle County, Jo Daviess County, Whiteside County, Related Practice Areas:Father's Rights, Divorce, Family Law, Same Sex. With an experienced attorney advocating for your rights as a parent, you're more likely to get the custody and visitation agreement you and your child want and avoid missing any important steps along the way. Justia has no commercial relationship with US Legal Forms, and we receive no commissions, fees, or any other type of compensation if you purchase forms from them. Serving Stephenson County, IL (Chicago, IL), Serving Stephenson County, IL (Crystal Lake), Serving Stephenson County, IL (South Elgin), Serving Stephenson County, IL (St. Charles), Serving Stephenson County, IL (Saint Charles), Serving Stephenson County, IL (St Charles). Please come to court on time. Custody can be determined by the parents themselves in non-aggressive or non-acrimonious divorces or separations free of abuse or other aggravating factors, or by the courts themselves in cases where neither parent can mutually agree to terms beforehand. The parents' desire and ability to care for the child. View a list of contact information for staff of the Circuit Court, Fee Waiver Form and Instructions (Civil Cases), Fee Waiver Form and Instructions (Criminal Cases), Firearms Restraining OrderOrder of Protection Forms, Illinois Supreme Court Statewide Approved Forms - Circuit Court (forms noted below are available via this link)Answer/ResponseAppearanceCertificate of Good ConductCivil Asset ForfeitureDivorce, Child Support, and MaintenanceEvictionExemption from E-Filing for Good CauseExpungement and SealingFee Waiver for Civil CasesFee/Assessments Waiver for Criminal CasesFinancial AffidavitIdentity TheftInterpreter RequestLimited ScopeMortgage ForeclosureMotionsMotion to Appoint Special Process ServerName ChangeOrder of ProtectionProof of DeliveryPost Judgment CollectionSmall ClaimsSummons, See Arbitration PageArbitrators Guide (PDF)Question & Answer Book (PDF)Supreme Court Rule 222 Disclosure Statement with Notice of Disclosure (PDF), Certificate of Dissolution of Marriage, Civil Union, Invalidity or Legal Separation (PDF)Approved Statewide Forms - Divorce, Child Support, and Maintenance FormsFinancial Affidavit FormsOrder for Parenting Education (PDF), Accounting - Disabled Adults and Minors (PDF)Annual Report on Ward - Disabled Adults (PDF)Annual Report on Ward - Minors (PDF)Guardian Manual (PDF)Notice to Guardian of Disabled Adults (PDF)Notice to Guardian of Minors (PDF)Oath of Office (PDF)Petition for Appointment of Guardian of Disabled Adult (PDF)Petition to Terminate Adult Guardianship (PDF)Physicians Report (PDF)Summons - Disabled Adult (PDF), Approved Statewide Forms - Name Change Forms, Affidavit for Wage Deduction Order (PDF)Citation to Discover Assets with Citation Notice and Income and Asset Form (PDF)Civil Order for Dismissal (PDF)Civil Motion for Dismissal (PDF)Eviction FormsNotice of Confidential Information Within Filing (PDF)Notice of Hearing for Civil Cases (PDF)Petition for Rule to Show Cause with Rule--Citation to Discover Assets (PDF)Petition for Rule to Show Cause with Rule--Payment Order (PDF)Satisfaction of Judgment (PDF)Small Claims ComplaintSmall Claims Video Hearing Summons (not Eviction) - Preferred (PDF)Wage Deduction Notice (PDF)Wage Deduction Order (PDF)Wage Deduction Summons (PDF)Warrant Identification Sheet (PDF), Circuit Clerk Filing Fee Schedule (PDF)Petition for Waiver of One-Day Waiting Period for Marriage License (PDF), Guidelines for Virtual Courtroom Proceedings of the Eleventh Judicial Circuit (May 2020) (PDF), Illinois Supreme Court Statewide Approved Forms - Circuit Court, Supreme Court Rule 222 Disclosure Statement with Notice of Disclosure (PDF), Certificate of Dissolution of Marriage, Civil Union, Invalidity or Legal Separation (PDF), Approved Statewide Forms - Divorce, Child Support, and Maintenance Forms, Accounting - Disabled Adults and Minors (PDF), Annual Report on Ward - Disabled Adults (PDF), Notice to Guardian of Disabled Adults (PDF), Petition for Appointment of Guardian of Disabled Adult (PDF), Petition to Terminate Adult Guardianship (PDF), Citation to Discover Assets with Citation Notice and Income and Asset Form (PDF), Notice of Confidential Information Within Filing (PDF), Petition for Rule to Show Cause with Rule--Citation to Discover Assets (PDF), Petition for Rule to Show Cause with Rule--Payment Order (PDF), Small Claims Video Hearing Summons (not Eviction) - Preferred (PDF), Petition for Waiver of One-Day Waiting Period for Marriage License (PDF), Circuit Court Rules (11th Judicial Circuit). 2022Illinois Legal Aid Online. Please check your spelling or try another term. Otherwise, the judge may make a parenting plan that neither parent is happy with. All rights reserved. Visitation refers to the schedule set out (either mutually by the parents, or by the order of the court) by which the noncustodial parent may be able to see their child.

Visit our professional site . Visitation can be supervised or unsupervised, depending on the context of the visitation agreement and schedule, as well as the relationship shared between the custodial parent and the noncustodial parent. The Circuit Court also shares jurisdiction with the Illinois Supreme Court to hear cases relating to revenue, mandamus, prohibition and habeas corpus. Create an account allows to take advantage of these benefits: Your account is secured by Thomson Reuters, one of the world's most trusted providers of answers. All rights reserved. Custody and visitation terms are easy enough to change in amenable arrangements where both parents are on speaking terms and fine with moving the schedule around.