The Master is furious, and warns the Ogrons that their masters are coming, which makes them even more terrified than they were of the monster. He is sending a message to the Time Lords. (PROSE: World Game), One Earth nation visited by the First Doctor, John and Gillian was governed by a president; soldiers told them to stop "in the name of our president!" Next: Doctor Who: The Mysterious House Is Secretly A TARDIS - Theory Explained. (AUDIO: Fear of the Daleks), Wilson K. Wilson was President of the New Earth System in the 25th century. Hell, even Bill wouldnt have voted for him. But after combing the internet, the military leaders get impatient and decide its best to give the world up to the Monks so that they can live to fight another day. They leave to go back to the pyramid, but the Doctor makes a realization after theyve left that he can blind the Monks right when hes about to admit to Bill that hes still blind. One knocks the Master's arm, making him fire, the shot grazing the Doctor's head. Well, their overall aims aren't exactly clear just yet, beyond messing with the Doctor that is, but in this moment, they try to repair the temple of Atropos by blasting "the full force of time" through Yaz. Their goal? When attacks by the world powers on the pyramid fail, The Doctor and company enter the structure on foot and once again encounter the Monks. On Earth, Jo of course recognises the Master immediately, and surmises correctly that he was behind the Ogron attacks. Luan Peters had previously appeared in The Macra Terror (1967) under her stage name Karol Keyes. The Doctor suggests an expedition to the Ogron homeworld, but Williams thinks it is a Draconian trick to divide Earth's forces. [14] It was released on Blu-ray as part of "The Collection - Season 10" boxed set in July 2019. As expected, the Doctor refuses them and whisks the group away to solve their own problems. In the US, the show airs on BBC America, with series 1-12 available on HBO Max. It enters the flight deck and in the struggle cuts the ship's speed. This would be the last appearance of Roger Delgado as the Master, his final scene being the confusion outside the TARDIS with his shooting the Doctor, perhaps accidentally, then disappearing with the panicking Ogrons.
It docks, and enters the airlock where Jo is located. When the two are escorted from their cell to be brought to the President, a Draconian squad attacks, taking the Doctor prisoner. Cross has double-crossed them, and the room is depressurising. When The Doctor approaches the pyramid he is met by a Monk.

Nardole has been mysteriously dispatched on board the TARDIS (could be the virus or could it be someone, the Monks, Missy maybe? They show the humans what Earth will look like in one year, a lifeless ruin, and make the offer again. They once again make their prophecy/offer that the human race is doomed, unless they are asked to help. The battlecruiser was unarmed, its missile banks empty, and the reason it did not answer was because its communications systems were destroyed in a neutron storm, the same storm that had damaged Williams's ship. However, Jo's mind is strong enough to resist, and the Master orders her to be taken away. An impending skirmish between Russian, Chinese, and American forces over the miraculous appearance of a strange, 5,000-year-old pyramid requires the presence of the Doctor, who has been dubbed President of Earth during times of crisis. (TV: The Chase), Throughout its existence during the American Civil War from 1861 to 1865, the Confederate States of America was likewise governed by a president. However, against The Doctors orders, the world powers have decided that living to fight another day is worth surrender today. The Draconian captain informs them that, as all diplomatic relations with Earth have been severed, violating Draconian space is punishable by death. Williams protests, but the Prince reveals what is in the Draconian court records. The Master and the Ogrons scatter. The Fourth Doctor, Tom Baker, was in the lead at this point, and this story also marked the final appearance of Louise Jameson as his companion Leela. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. At the start of Flux's second episode, Jodie Whittaker's character barely has enough time to say, "Were still here, wherever here is," before she gets sucked into a new and not-so-improved version of the Crimean War, which now features a bunch of grunting Sontarans. (TV: The Deadly Assassin, Hell Bent) Androzani Major was similar, having a single president as the planet's lead official. The Emperor determines that the Ogron must be shown to the Earth authorities, but as a Draconian ship would be shot down, the Prince, the Doctor and Jo will take the Master's police ship. But, before anyone can see the outcome of that disaster, the audience is brought back to the Doctor. When the Doctor comes, the trap will be sprung. The Doctor says he has vital evidence for the Emperor and asks to speak to him. The Doctor has saved us all, setting the lab to blow up on a timer, but he cant see to open the combination lock to escape. Jo manages to dig her way into the next, unlocked cell and sneak further into the bunker as Williams's ship enters orbit. Doctor Who: Flux (aka series 13) airs weekly every Sunday night on BBC One in the UK. Frontier in Space was Paul Bernard's last Doctor Who work.
Like Mxyzptlk, the omnipotent Superman foe, it is by the rules that they can be beaten, but no one is better at head games like that than The Doctor. In the mid-1980s PAL copies were returned from broadcasters in Australia. Reunited with Jo in a cell in the Master's ship, the Doctor wonders why he is still alive. By the end of 'Flux''s second episode, the Doctor and her pals are able to defeat the Sontarans on two fronts, but hold the victory dance because the TARDIS is then hijacked and summoned to the planet known as Time. When UNIT barges in, as opposed to the Pope, the date is once again over. They realize that it must be something else, perhaps a bacteria or a plague much like the plant-killing, aggressive bacteria the two scientists have just accidentally made in their lab. Doctor Who Season 10 airs on BBC and BBC America on Saturdays at 9 p.m. Eastern. Refusing to believe it, Williams orders increased power, but eventually the probe overloads. The Doctor tells Williams and the Prince to get the word back to their respective governments and mount a joint expedition against the base on the Ogron planet. The only person to ever hold the office was Jefferson Davis. Things then flipped round again later that year when the Fifth Doctor, Peter Davison, took over from Borusa in 'The Five Doctors'. The Emperor, like the President, is hesitant, as he knows such a war could bring down both empires. Here, fans learned a lot more about Gallifreyan tradition and what life was like for the Doctor as President. "[11], It is one of Peter Capaldi, the 12th Doctor's, favourite serials of the classic seasons [12]. The serial is set on the Earth, the Moon, Draconia, and the home planet of the Ogrons in the 26th century. It seems safe to assume that he didn't return to Gallifrey at any point after his appointment, otherwise he would have found out that he lost his position. It can be hard to track the timeline of Doctor Who's Gallifrey and the Time Lords. (PROSE: Blood and Hope), France had presidents. Now, throughout the episode we have been following the misadventures of two scientists, Erica and Douglas, one tired and one without reading glasses, who have made a terrible mistake. The only question that remains is why did the Doctor decide now was a good time to remind us of her political past? There were presidents on many worlds, including Gallifrey, Earth, Androzani Major, Fangoria and Theros. Before Sontaran shit hits the fan, the Doctor asks an injured soldier to set up a parlay with their leader. Though the Chris Chibnall and Jodie Whittaker era of the showhas been marked significantly by the Timeless Child retcon, these allusions connect withthose who have watched sinceclassic Doctor Who and demonstrate that the show isn't completely disconnected from its roots. As the ship arrives on Draconia, the Prince is speaking with his father, asking him for permission to strike first at Earth. The President orders that the Doctor be sent to the Lunar Penal Colony where political prisoners are exiled for life, while Jo remains on Earth. Uh oh, Im getting flashbacks of The Framework and Secret Empire not good, Glenn Walker is a professional writer, and editor-in-chief and contributing writer at Biff Bam Pop!. The Doctor points out, however, that the Ogrons are mercenaries. Frontier in Space is the third serial of the tenth season of the British science fiction television series Doctor Who. This is a thing I have never liked myself, but there it is. (COMIC: Doctor Who and the Dogs of Doom), Lithops was the President of Mars in the 27th century. Doctor Who: Flux needs to answer these questions, Doctor Who: Eve of the Daleks & Legend of the Sea Devils (Series 13) [DVD], Doctor Who - Series 13 - Flux (Amazon Exclusive Limited Edition Steelbook), Doctor Who - The Abominable Snowmen Steelbook [Blu-ray] [2022], Doctor Who - The Web of Fear [Blu-ray] [2021] (Limited Edition), Doctor Who - The Collection: Season 17 limited-edition Blu-ray, Doctor Who 'Monsters and Villains' chibi pin badge collection, Watch Classic Doctor Who with britbox on Prime Video Channels, 'Galaxy 4' limited-edition Blu-ray steelbook, Doctor Who - Complete Series 12 [DVD] [2020], Doctor Who - The Collection - Season 23 [Blu-ray] [2021], The Ruby's Curse (A River Song / Melody Malone Mystery) by Alex Kingston, Doctor Who The Complete Series 10 [DVD] [2017], Doctor Who - The Complete Series 7 Steelbook [Blu-ray] [2020], Doctor Who - Complete Specials (The Next Doctor/ Planet of the Dead/ Waters of Mars & Winter Specials) [DVD], Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor by Steven Moffat (Target Collection), Doctor Who: The Power of the Daleks (Special Edition), Doctor Who: TARDIS Type 40 Instruction Manual by Richard Atkinson, Mike Tucker and Gavin Rymill, Doctor Who: Rose by Russell T Davies (Target Collection), This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. The reason the powers that be need the president, The Doctor, is that a 5000 year old pyramid has been discovered in the fictional country of Turmezistan, one that wasnt there yesterday the pyramid, not the country. After three years working as an educator and writing tutor, she returned to her passion for writing in a new, more active way. Its a warning. When the Doctor revives and releases Jo, she tells him what the Ogrons did, and wonders if they are working for the Daleks, as they were when she first met them. They have accidentally created a lethal bacteria that may well be the end of the world. The Doctor is still blind from the aforementioned Oxygen episode, strumming his guitar, and doing that out loud narrative thing I like. For the most part, this Doctor Who revival has largely overlooked that bizarre chapter in the Doctor's past, but long-time Whovians will recall that everyone's favourite Time Lord did indeed preside over Gallifrey briefly in the '70s, and more than once, in fact. Williams places the Doctor under a mind probe, but it indicates the Doctor is telling the truth. An Ogron reports that one of their ships found and attacked two Earth cargo ships, destroying one. As the enemy boarding party burns its way through the airlocks, Hardy gets the Doctor and Jo to use as hostages, but when the airlock door bursts open, the boarders are not Draconians, but Ogrons. There must be some other doomsday brewing elsewhere in the world. [7], In 2010, Patrick Mulkern of Radio Times awarded it four stars out of five and recalled that it was "surprising and exciting" on first viewing, though in retrospect it seemed to be "a lumbering wannabe-epic with screeds of padding, duff cliffhangers and endless scenes of the Doctor and Jo banged up". Westworld showrunner unpacks Season 4s creepiest motif, Hey Duffer Bros.! Despite being a prominent Time Lord, the Doctor was perhaps not the best candidate for the office. The captain decides to lock up all three of them and take them back to Draconia. The Ogrons' energy weapons stun the two pilots and the Doctor. Caroline Hunt previously appeared in The Reign of Terror (1964). We're sure there are easier ways to pony up like that, but we digress. Despite his fantastic story, Dale believes the Doctor. However, it wasn't until 'The Invasion of Time' that the Doctor actually returned to Gallifrey and claimed the presidency, complete with a full inauguration. To figure out where the threat might be coming from, the Doctor puts all the top secret intelligence documents in the world online and available to search. View all posts by Glenn Walker, The Princess reviews Max 2: White House Hero, BBP!s Album of the Week: Tellin Stories, The Charlatans UK (1997), Gilbert Speaks on the 2021 Film, Stanleyville, Fantasia Film Festival 2022: Carter Smiths Swallowed, Join The Cultish Horror That Is The Brother Of All Men #1 On The Wednesday Run. The titles for Frontier in Space were prepared, like Carnival of Monsters, with a new arrangement of the theme music performed by Paddy Kingsland on a synthesiser. Producer Barry Letts and script editor Terrance Dicks felt the sequence lacked impact and a new ending was filmed in the TARDIS as part of the first production block of the following story, Planet of the Daleks. Like how a vampire must be invited into a home, the Monks require consent to rule the Earth and stop the crisis. In the 1983 special "The Five Doctors", the Fifth Doctor (Peter Davison) again became president, succeeding Borusa (then portrayed by Philip Latham). (COMIC: Bus Stop! Rules vary by the story's medium. Over the radio, with The Doctor trapped, this is how Bill finally learns he is blind. (TV: Death in Heaven, The Zygon Inversion, The Pyramid at the End of the World), The Tenth Doctor once pretended to get a phone call from the President of Algeria, who he believed he might have met once. Ask and the Monks will save us, but only if they rule. This didn't last, though, because by the time 'Arc of Infinity' aired in 1983, our good President Doctor referred to his former teacher, Borusa, as the new Time Lord President. We open on Bill and Pennys second date, which is really their first, as Bill tries to explain how their real first date went. In the serial, the Daleks employ the Master to provoke a war between the humans and the Draconians' galactic empires. As the Earth cargo ship C982 moves through hyperspace, it narrowly avoids a collision with the TARDIS. The Ogrons open fire on the landing party, but are frightened away by an orange, slug-like lizard they call the Eater. John Woodnutt had previously played Hibbert in Spearhead from Space (1970) and would later play the dual roles of Broton and the Duke of Forgill in Terror of the Zygons (1975) as well as Seron in The Keeper of Traken (1981). The male scientist of the duo makes a horrible mistake, accidentally adding too much of something to one of their experiments. [7] Paul Cornell, Martin Day, and Keith Topping wrote of the serial in The Discontinuity Guide (1995), "Worthy, very well directed and designed to the hilt with a solid costuming policy for both empires. At the last moment, the Master arrives and restores the room's atmosphere. A firefight breaks out on the flight deck, just as an Earth battlecruiser shows up. The Doctor activates the hypnosound, panicking the Ogrons. Jo hears the sound of the sonic device, and realises it is the Ogrons.
The Draconians question the Doctor, believing that he is involved in a plot with Williams to provoke a new war. And much to Nardole and Bills surprise, the Doctor advocates violence against the pyramid on the parts of the three nations so they can show strength and unity. Various world powers have taken position around it, so The Doctor has been called, and all this before the opening credits, dont cha know? Williams and the President receive records from the Dominion government of Sirius IV, an Earth colony planet that has achieved a degree of autonomy from Earth. However, it's obviously padded in parts. She particularly likes science fiction and fantasy, and also enjoys tabletop role play and card games. Something is going horribly wrong. DIGITAL SPY, PART OF THE HEARST UK ENTERTAINMENT NETWORK. The mysterious Monks are back, not just for revenge on The Doctor, but for dominion over the planet Earth and they just might get it. General Williams reports to the President that a mission to rescue C982 is being prepared. After the Doctor nominated himself President during 'The Deadly Assassin' story, it turned out that he technically won by default because the other candidate had died. He praised the Draconians and Ogrons, but felt that "the fact that the heroes spend perhaps two-thirds of the story locked up is tiresome and cannot be overlooked". And its not a threat, as those are too easy. In the Draconian embassy, the Prince arranges to help Jo and the Doctor "escape" so that they can be questioned. According to Pertwee, Paul Bernard asked the stuntmen and actors who were on location in costume as Ogrons to ask these people to move to allow filming to proceed.[3]. The catch here is that the Doctor doesn't reveal herself to be the Doctor. General Williams believes they are human agents planted by the Draconians to sabotage any war effort by Earth. The Master obtains custody of the Doctor, and gets the Doctor to come along quietly by revealing that he has Jo. This is revealed during 'The Trial of a Time Lord' when the Inquisitor points out the Sixth Doctor can't be the Lord President of Gallifrey anymore because he "wilfully neglected the responsibility" of his office. In Doctor Whoseason 13,episode 2, the Doctor mentioned having been president of Gallifrey. The records "prove" the Doctor and Jo are citizens of Sirius IV as well as career criminals. Its suggested that it may be an alien spaceship whose only message is bring it, to which The Doctor does. [9] DVD Talk's John Sinnott noted that the story was "talky" and had a lot of padding, but that it got "much better" when the Master was revealed. Granted, we had it before with Amy Pond and couple others in the new series, but were far more used to companions who live on board the TARDIS with The Doctor. The position was either appointed or, in an emergency situation, elected. The Master brings Jo to a bunker on the Ogron homeworld, where he shows her the TARDIS, which he plans to use as bait for the Doctor in addition to Jo herself. This resulted in Lawrence Davison (Draconian First Secretary) and Timothy Craven (Cell Guard) not being credited on-screen, though they were billed in, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "BBC One - Doctor Who, Season 10, Frontier in Space - the Fourth Dimension", "Doctor Who Dalek War: Frontier in Space & Planet of the Daleks", "Peter Capaldi reveals his 10 favourite 'Doctor Who' eps to watch on a rainy day - Page 2 of 3", Doctor Who in an Exciting Adventure with the Daleks, The Daleks' Master Plan Part I: Mission to the Unknown, The Daleks' Master Plan Part II: The Mutation of Time, Doctor Who and the Daleks in the Seven Keys to Doomsday, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Frontier_in_Space&oldid=1090871144, Doctor Who serials novelised by Malcolm Hulke, The Master (Doctor Who) television stories, Articles with dead external links from January 2018, Articles with permanently dead external links, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles with plot summary needing attention from May 2009, All Wikipedia articles with plot summary needing attention, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 31 May 2022, at 21:39.