The harvesting of sandalwood oil, which fetches huge prices in Asia is another livelihood for locals but sandalwood trees are disappearing fast in Cambodia.
[Source: Association for Safe International Road Travel (ASIRT), 2010]. For people just driving by, the impression of a boring ordinary town remains. Pursat is home to about 26,500 people.
The population density is only 35 people per square kilometer. In the evening, a camp-fire, and then eat, drink and sleep in hammock in the forests and mountains after jungle tour.
Much of the province is occupied by the Cardamom Mountains, a green, forested mountain range in the southwestern part of the province, near to the border with Thailand. Home to more than 70 species of mammals, including Malayan sun bears, clouded leopards and the critically endangered Irrawaddy dolphins, the Cardamoms bring together 16 different ecosystems.They also form part of the last elephant corridor in the world a route that herds of the long-trunked creatures travel over several months toward the coastal resort of Sihanoukville.
Prices from US$5-10. The rivers in the mountain region are home to humpback dolphins and also the endangered Siamese Crocodile. We planned to walk about 22 miles over the next two days, although, with so many trails of varying lengths and difficulty, choosing our route proved to be a challenge. One housewife-turned-hotelier is Ming Tha, who proudly showed me into the second bedroom of her humble home, built on wooden stilts, in Chi Phat, the main village in the mountains, where my trekking adventure began.
Spirits are inevitably dampened and your shoes remain constantly sludgy. If you want to see more video clips from the Cardamom Mountains, jungle trips, you see the video clips of.
6) Hotel Than Sour is probably a step up from the Orchidee, and is a friendly place as well. Stick to these guidelines, and youll be just fine! Trekking Packages are available through the CBET office, varying in distance, duration and difficulty, and including overnight camping. Remember to ask your bus driver to drop you off at Andong Teuk village! War raged in these quiet emerald peaks, named for the heady spice that grows here, until the mid-1990s. The attached restaurant has a very good reputation in town. But a study in 2000 indicated there were over 600 species of bird, mammal, amphibians and reptiles, including elephants, tigers, clouded leopards. There is this trek through the Cambodian countryside, passed rustic villages and banana plantations, curious elephants and several perfect swimming spots. This trail is not excessively demanding and really does cover the highlights of the forest, making it the ideal tour for all kinds of travellers wanting to get the most of their time in the jungle. It is a chance to explore the world before technology, before the thoughtless footprint of corporates and conglomerates. The area was the last stronghold of Khmer Rouge rebels who retreated here after the 1979 collapse of Pol Pots brutal regime. Questions or comments, e-mail While your trip along the road may not be the easiest (when is a cross-country bus not a little uncomfortable? Pursat is predominantly accessible by the National Highway No 5 form Phnom Penh and Battambang. Should you find yourself having an evening to yourself either upon your arrival or departure, you would be wise to spend that time floating down the Prek Phiphot river on a tiny wooden boat. National Highway 5 (NR 5) is a two-lane, paved road in Western Cambodia. At one point the Cambodian government announced it would not be granting any new economic land concessionswhich have cut out swathes of forest for plantation even in protected areasbut since then has announced several concessions. Distilling and trading in horns and hides have traditionally been important economic activities, . The smart and modern hotel offers clean and very spacious room equipped with Western bathroom, satellite TV and air-con. Not only that, it is home to some of the most endangered animals in the world some of which are entirely extinct in other parts of the world.
With large boulders and trees lining the temple area, it's a favorite spot for the locals on Sundays and holidays. The trail takes you deep into the forest and past things that will soothe your soul, calm your racing mind and thrust you into the depths of the moment.
We crossed a river, walking gingerly over slippery rocks near fizzing rapids, and came to a stop before a patch of woodland. Getting in from Batttambang is a little frustrating. In the Cardamom Mountains in Cambodias Koh Kong Province, there are several, hotels and resorts.
The highest peak in Cambodia is also in the Cardamoms is Phnom Aural at 1,813 meters (5,948 ft) high. This tour costs a little more, but will depend on what company you book it through. Nick Boulos wrote in the Washington Post, It wasnt the greatest first impression Id ever made.
Options vary from guesthouses to homestays, which cost $5. The beauty of the place will surely amaze you like none else.
It is located at Thuaut Chum village, Thnaut Chum commune, Ko Kor District in 20-Kilometer distance from the provincial town of Pursat by the National Road N0 5 then turning right more 12 Kilometers to the East. This adds a good three hours to your journey as well as around KHR 40, 000. ), the complications are few. There is a common living room, TV area on the second floor that has some nice Khmer artwork on display. And with peace has come tourism. There are footpaths leading to the different temples and read more, Phnom Ba Klas is a natural and cultural site located in Tnaot Chum Village, Tnaot Chum cmmune, Krakor district, about 20 kilometers east of the provincial town.
The next two places have similar good locations, close to the river and market: 4) Thmar Keo Guesthouse has is a nice outdoor terrace here. Sadly, the elephants numbers have plummeted in recent decades because of rampant poaching, and its thought that fewer than 100 remain in the area. Kan, born and raised in Chi Phat, was to lead our trek. This resort consists of:- Beautiful scenery for tourists. We crossed vast plains carpeted with pale grass that crunched underfoot.
Upgrading was completed in January 2010. The jungle is, of course, a jungle. Accommodation in Pursat: 1) Phnom Pich Hotel: (tel: 052/951515) is about 200 meters North from the main bridge on the westbank of the river. Nick Boulos wrote in the Washington Post, Until recently, the Cardamom Mountains were simply off-limits. Rooms cost $20.
However, without proper conservation and protection, this area and its inhabitants are now at the mercy of logging interests, as well as poachers. That being said, things stand to get even easier should you decide to book your trip through a tour agency. It is a small town situated directly in the heart of the Cardamom Mountains near mainland Southeast Asias largest remaining tract of rainforest. Covering over 4,400,000 Hectares (nearly 11,000,000 acres). The Cardamom Mountains are rich in wildlife and contain some of the best rainforest remaining in Southeast Asia. Text Sources: New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Times of London, Lonely Planet Guides, Library of Congress, CIA World Factbook, Comptons Encyclopedia, The Guardian, National Geographic, Smithsonian magazine, The New Yorker, Time, Newsweek, Reuters, AP, AFP, Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic Monthly, The Economist, Global Viewpoint (Christian Science Monitor), Foreign Policy, Wikipedia, BBC, CNN, Fox News and various websites, books and other publications identified in the text.
The prospect of trekking here was an exciting one. If you are the copyright owner and would like this content removed from, please contact me. The Cardamom Mountains are situated mainly in Koh Kong Province in South West Cambodia. Copyright 1999-2022 Tourism of Cambodia. There were in addition many plant and insect species found in the Cardamom Mountains Koh Kong in Cambodia. A study in 2007 found new species and doubtless future studies will uncover much more about this little explored area in the jungle of Cambodia in Koh Kong District. Although, maybe the best of it all is falling asleep to the sounds of tumbling water at the OMalu campsite.
Unimproved roads are heavily potholed and generally lack pavement. Rooms with a Western bath, h./w shower and two beds go for US$ 7 with fan, and US$ 10 for turning on the a./c. Kan and Lok wanted me to see one for myself, so after meeting the locals at the village of OKey and reducing one to tears we ventured deep into the forest, to a cavernous hole at the bottom of a cliff. It is the gateway to the jungle. Like many, Kan and Lok both bear the scars of recent history. Though the island has not been fully developed for tourist stays, day trips can be made for those interested in swimming, diving, or backpacking around the island. This is most likely due to the relative isolation of the area and the very few people that live there. According to the Washington Post: Car and boat transfers to Chi Phat can be arranged by the local Community Based Eco-Tourism (CBET) office (011-85-9-272-0925; This constitutes 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law.
Khmer Rouge guerrillas retreated to the Cardamoms after losing power in 1979, and for the next twenty years, no one wanted to enter that area for fear of the KR and the mines they placed in it. With natural attractions such as mountains, mangroves and low land swamps and cultural artifacts such as burial jars and wooden coffins, Chi Phat and its surrounding area has a variety of attractions to offer both to local and international tourists. If you want to take things one step further, you can organise to have dinner on your little boat a pretty great way to start or end your trip in the Cardamom Mountains. Trekking is, as such, the predominant activity round these parts.
Travel, Hotels, Restaurants, Beaches and more information. The extent of flora and in the area is largely unknown due to the huge area involved and the inaccessibility of many parts of it. Already squatters have moved in and timber has been harvested in places where mines have been removed. Mist lingered over the treetops; the faint chimes of cowbells rang from the distant flatlands. [Source: Wikitravel]. And he was right to be proud. CARDAMOM MOUNTAINS(near the Thai border in southwest Cambodia) are named after the sweet spice that grows along the mountains slopes. The incredible array of animal species is due to the extremely rich diversity in habitats that the mountains offer. 2) Vimean Sourkear Hotel: (tel: 052/951466) looks old and rundown outside but inside it has air conditioned rooms and hot water. Jungle Tour with Mister Han, in the forests and mountains.
[Source: Nick Boulos, Washington Post, August 10, 2012], With the help of the Wildlife Alliance an American nonprofit organization that works alongside national governments to promote conservation and alleviate poverty in Southeast Asia the communities here have reclaimed their destiny. There isnt that much to do in this small town. More than 87 miles of trails have been carefully carved through the mountains, with a number of thatched structures erected in clearings for camping in comfort. Aural Wildlife Sanctuary is in the east. There is a road from Koh Kong to Pailin, which cuts through the Cardamom Mountains on the western edge of Pursat province. Wat Preh S'dai and Pursat is the temple that is located to the southern bend of the river.A read more, Pnhom Baykhlor Resorts is the natural and cultural resort. There are various trails that head passed different highlights of the jungle, each with their own merit and place in the bouquet of options before you. I was keen to learn more of the local history from those who had lived through it. One reason that the forests are still so alive is that the Khmer Rouge had their last stronghold here. The Tonle Sap covers a big part in the provinces northeast area. However, be aware that only certain companies offer to join you on your trip from your city of origin, and that many tours only begin once you have reached the mountains. Of course, it is always better to be safe than sorry, so keep your wits about you on the road.

Rising gently and majestically all around us were the Cardamoms. All tours into the jungle start and end at Chi Phat.
The population in Pursat Province is about 442,973 people or 3.1 percent of the countrys total population (2007, provincial government data), with 214,651 male and 228,342 female. The village boarder town on the mainland offers several hotels, restaurants, and even a few night clubs for an active nightlife. Youll have to take a bus back to Siem Reap, and then get the next one to the mountains from there. This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been authorized by the copyright owner. As a result, the region remained untouched and undeveloped. The Cardamom Mountains of Koh Kong and Pursat provinces are said to be the most pristine wilderness area remaining in Southeast Asia. There is also an Eco lodge near to Koh Kong town in Cambodia and other developments offering new opportunities for the adventurous and those wishing to see virgin and unexplored cardamom mountains and rainforest before tourism develop further. This is partly due to the very high diversity of habitats, some of which occur nowhere else in Cambodia, such as large expanses of fire-regulated ferns, upper montane forest, high elevation marshes and blackwater rivers. Had the proposal gone ahead, it would have spelled catastrophe, destroying the elephant corridor and centuries of heritage. There's no organized transport from Pursat to this place, but if you ask around you should eventually get satisfactory results. Landmines and unexploded ordnance were removed before construction began. Most tourists that come here are on their way to Battambang or Phnom Penh. In fact, there are a number of floating villages in the province only accessible from the lake, Peach Kantil, Kbal Taol, and Prek Kr, but you can only see Kompong Luong for the cost of the day-rate for a moto ($6-8) and the cost for a boat ride once you get there. Scattered across the narrow trail, carving deep holes on the moist forest floor, were elephant tracks the size of dinner plates. The site affords visitors beautiful scenery and abundant fresh air.
Out there somewhere was Cambodias highest peak Phnom Aural, which stands at 5,948 feet. Kan, however, seemed more interested in a nearby tree. It is Nature & Wildlife Preserves.
However, the known animals are just the tip of the iceberg.
Free Cancellation and Pay when check out. Sothun Lodge, set on a private island, is Chi Phats most comfortable accommodation option. The best bet is the fan room with a Western bath and single bed for US$ 5. The next morning, I strolled along Chi Phats main road, a ruler-straight avenue where petrol and potent rice wine are sold in identical plastic bottles. The mountains are widely considered as Southeast Asias greatest natural resource, one whose wildlife habitat is yet to be explored and documented. The site is a sand cape suitable for swimming during the dry season. My guide from Phnom Penh, Lok, introduced me to Kan at the community center that doubles as the towns only restaurant. Just a few kilometers to the north are Lake Tonle Sap and the floating village of Kampong Loo-uhng. The past may have been dark, but the futures bright. The tour will have you mountain biking through the thick of the forest and across freshwater streams, spending nights at rustic campsites beside waterfalls and rivers, and then keeping your eyes peeled on a sunrise birdwatching cruise. Pursat offers access to both the Tonle Sap and the Cardamom Mountains. PURSAT PROVINCE is the fourth biggest province of Cambodia. With regard to tours, the options before you are numerous. For hours we walked through untamed nature of inexpressible beauty: giant ferns growing beside delicate and exotic plants, small gecko snakes vanishing beneath fallen tree trunks. Counted among the popular sites it is included in a day's tour of the sites.
Passage is difficult in the rainy season.
Mr. Crab was serving breakfast, coffee bubbling away in his well-used tin kettle. There is some discussion about turning the central Cardamon mountains and forests there into a reserve. To name just a few of the animals indigenous to this area would include elephants, tigers, clouded leopards and a variety of other mammals such as the Malaysian sun bear, pleated gibbons, and Siamese crocodiles all of which are high on the endangered species list and the only significant population thought to exist anywhere. Highlights include the Veal Ta Prak pond, the OKey mountain community, and the OMalu waterfall. Today, around 25 000 thousand people are believed to live in the mountains, many of which are the ethnic minority the Porr.
It's probably the cheapest hotel with air-con in town. The young girl stared at me. The Chi-Phat commune consists four villages:Chi-Phat, Komlot, Chom-Sla and T'k La'o. There are Thais and Khmers working on building a logging road to extract timber from the area, which is why the river is now accessible for the locals on a fairly good gravel road for much of the read more, Luaing Trachis located in Lang Trach village, Svay Sa Commune, KraKor district, about 49 kilometers (1h:30mn) from Provincial Town. Spend a little time online looking at your options, make the decision, and then book in advance. More than 250 bird species have been counted and the largest population of Asian elephants in Cambodia, numbering about a hundred individuals, roams the forest.