[20], Sen has opposed extensive investigations and prosecutions related to crimes committed by former Khmer Rouge leaders by the UN-backed Khmer Rouge Tribunal. Hun Sen, however, refused to cede power, and, under an agreement imposed by international powers, a coalition government was formed, with the prince named first prime minister and Hun Sen second prime minister. The opposition Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) comprised nearly all of the remaining members. [5], Hun Sen first rose to the premiership in January 1985 when the one-party National Assembly appointed him to succeed Chan Sy, who had died in office in December 1984. [23], Hun Sen and his family were estimated to have amassed between US$500 million and US$1 billion by Global Witness in 2016,[89] and a number of allies have also accumulated considerable personal wealth during his tenure. [8][9][10][11] In 2013, Hun Sen and the CPP were reelected with a significantly reduced majority. [117], Radio stations were banned from broadcasting Voice of America and Radio Free Asia in August 2017. The traditional swearing-in ceremony takes place at the Royal Palace where the prime minister-elect has to take an oath of office in front of the King and the two Patriarch monks. . Hun Sen's Cambodian People's Party (CPP) has banned public gatherings, driven opposition supporters from the site of former protest meetings 'Freedom Park', and deployed riot police to beat protesters and detain union leaders. Now they do", "How relatives and allies of Cambodia's leader amassed wealth overseas", "How Rich Are Cambodia's Hun Sen and His Family? Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). This article was most recently revised and updated by, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Hun-Sen, Hun Sen - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). ", "Accelerated deforestation driven by large-scale land acquisitions in Cambodia", "Interactive: Plundering Cambodia's forests", "Illegal logging poised to wipe Cambodian wildlife sanctuary off the map", "Hun Sen marks day of his Khmer Rouge defection with Vietnam border crossing", "El primer ministro de Camboya amenaza con "matar" a la oposicin si la UE lo sanciona", "Hun Sen amenaza con matar a la oposicin si la UE sanciona a Camboya", "Cambodia's Hun Sen 'Sorry' He Hadn't Killed Protest Leaders", "Cambodia's Authoritarian Regime Rejected on Australian Soil - AIIA", "Hun Sen's violent obsessions finally unmasked", "Gareth Evans, a Pillar of the Paris Peace Accords, on "Seeking Justice in Cambodia", "Cambodia's Violent Peace | by Gareth Evans", "Joyous Sihanouk Returns to Cambodia From Exile", "Cambodia's opposition leader plays racist card | DW | 05.03.2014", "Hun Sen touts relationship with Vietnam", "Sale of Cambodian Newspaper Puts Press Freedom in Peril", "What a Facebook experiment did to news in Cambodia", "Opposition's Demand for TV Access Crucial, Futile - The Cambodia Daily", "CNRP Launches Online TV to Break CPP's Media Stranglehold", "Most popular Facebook pages in Cambodia", "Cambodia Convicts Journalist for Criticizing Hun Sen | Voice of America - English", "Cambodia Takes Aim at Critics Who Post on Facebook | Voice of America - English", "Cover up or be censored: Cambodia orders women not look sexy on Facebook", "Cambodian Facebook vendor gets six months prison for 'pornographic' adverts", "Cambodia: PM's threats against women Facebook users irresponsible and dangerous", "Cambodia PM slammed for disowning lesbian daughter", "Cambodian PM cuts ties with gay daughter", Foreign relations of Cambodia Further reading, Cambodia New Vision ~ newsletter of cabinet of Cambodia's Prime Ministerial office, Khalid bin Khalifa bin Abdul Aziz Al Thani, Faceted Application of Subject Terminology, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Hun_Sen&oldid=1098932613, Cambodian politicians with physical disabilities, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from November 2015, All articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases, Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from August 2021, Wikipedia articles needing factual verification from September 2021, Articles with dead external links from July 2022, Articles with French-language sources (fr), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Ciorciari, John D. "Cambodia in 2019: Backing Further into a Corner. [28], He changed his name to Hun Sen two years later, saying that the name Hun Samrach had been inauspicious and that he had been wounded several times during the period he had that name. [100], Sen and the CPP were accused of orchestrating summary executions during the 1997 coup.[53]. He warned that if he were to die prematurely, the country would spin out of control and the opposition could expect trouble from the armed forces, saying he is the only person who can control the army. [114], Bayon Television is owned and operated by Hun Mana, Hun Sen's eldest daughter. [113][6] This has more recently encompassed social media, which surpassed traditional media as a news source for Cambodians in 2017. In 1993 elections the royalist party of Prince Norodom Ranariddh, the son of head of state King Norodom Sihanouk, outpolled Hun Sens Cambodian Peoples Party (CPP). Hun Sen visited China during the outbreak and offered to visit Wuhan specifically during its lockdown. [28] Sen rapidly ascended ranks as a soldier, and fought during the fall of Phnom Penh, becoming injured and being hospitalized for some time[5] and sustaining a permanent eye injury. Since 1998, Hun Sen has led the CPP to consecutive and often contentious election victories, overseeing rapid economic growth and development, but also corruption, deforestation and human rights violations. [74] This move led to the surprise resignation of opposition leader Sam Rainsy. . [119] In 2017, Hun Sen's official page was the eighth-most liked Facebook page of any world leader[114] and as of December 2020 is the most liked Facebook page in Cambodia. [27], Hun Sen was born on August 5, 1952, in Peam Kaoh Sna, Kampong Cham as Hun Bunal (also called Hun Nal),[28] the third of six children. [90][91][24], Hun Sen implemented land reform, the "leopard skin land reform", in Cambodia.

The credibility of this accusation has been challenged by government officials and especially Prime Minister Hun Sen, himself. In 2018 he was elected to a sixth term in a largely unopposed poll after the dissolution of the opposition party, with the CPP winning every seat in the National Assembly. The prime minister is also the chairman of the Council of Ministers, and represents the government at home and abroad. [60] Cambodians in the United States, Canada and elsewhere, with hundreds of Buddhist Monks, peacefully protested in front of the United Nations in New York City on 19 August in opposition to Hun Sen's deployment of military and security forces in Phnom Penh, his unwillingness to share political power with opposition groups and seriously address earlier voting fraud and election irregularities. [39] Hun Sen and his party formally rejected the result. [3] He is the longest-serving head of government of Cambodia, and one of the longest-serving leaders in the world. [53] Thomas Hammarberg, then Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Human Rights in Cambodia, strongly condemned the coup.[5]. In the 1998 election, he led the CPP to victory and forming a coalition with FUNCINPEC. Find out who really invented movable type, who Winston Churchill called "Mum," and when the first sonic boom was heard. Constitutionally the prime minister is required to be a member of the National Assembly. The prime minister of Cambodia is the head of government of the Kingdom of Cambodia. [94][95][11][96] As of 2015, Cambodia had one of the highest rates of forest loss in the world. Hun Sen also speaks some English after beginning to learn the language in the 1990s, but usually converses in Khmer through interpreters when giving formal interviews to the English-speaking media. Since 1945, there have been 36 prime ministers, including 4 who served in acting capacity. That time Hun Sen outpolled the prince, but once again the two were forced to enter into a coalition government, with Prince Ranariddh made president of the National Assembly and Hun Sen becoming the sole prime minister. Sen claims he had no political opinions or ideology at the time. [21] Sam Rainsy accused Sen of inciting the riot.[54]. [130], Hun Sen is blind in one eye because of an injury he sustained during the fall of Phnom Penh while fighting for the Khmer Rouge. However, the CPP's majority was short of the two thirds constitutionally required for the CPP to form a government alone. [34], Hun Sen is a Buddhist. [6][37][53][5] Hun Sen and his government was described by former Prime Minister of Singapore Lee Kuan Yew in 2000 as "utterly merciless and ruthless, without humane feelings". The United Nations sought to bring the perpetrators to justice before an international tribunal, but Hun Sen insisted on relying on the Cambodian court system. Throughout that time Hun Sen remained prime minister and continued in office once an agreement had been reached between the CPP and CNRP. [20][21], He has been described as a "wily operator who destroys his political opponents" by The Sydney Morning Herald[22] and as an authoritarian leader who has assumed highly centralized power in Cambodia and considerable personal wealth using violence and corruption,[23][24][25][26] including a personal guard said to rival the country's regular army. The prime minister of Cambodia is the head of government of the Kingdom of Cambodia. Dit is een lijst met de premier van Cambodja. [61], One person was killed and others injured during protests in Phnom Penh in September 2013, where a reported 20,000 protesters gathered, some clashing with riot police. Omissions? Hun Sen was educated at a Buddhist monastery in Phnom Penh. The new law has been criticised by Amnesty International for curbing human rights. Sen and Thai premier Abhisit Vejjajiva negotiated a de-escalation on several occasions with the encouragement of ASEAN. He is less popular in urban centers like Phnom Penh. [28], When Lon Nol removed Norodom Sihanouk from power in 1970, Sen gave up his education to join the Khmer Rouge following Sihanouk's call to join the insurgency. [6], Hun Sen rose to the premiership in January 1985 when the one-party National Assembly appointed him to succeed Chan Sy, who had died in office in December 1984. He must also gain their approval through a resolution before an official appointment by the King can take place. [127][128] In 2010, Manet was promoted Major General in the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces (RCAF) and became the Deputy Commander of the Prime Minister's Body Guard headquarters. [8], Hun Sen has been prominent in communist, MarxistLeninist and now state capitalist and national conservative political parties, and although Khmer nationalism has been a consistent trait of all of them, he is thought to lack a core political ideology. Sen oversaw continuing conflict against several ongoing insurgencies during this period. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. , . [109][6], Some political opponents of Hun Sen have criticized him for alleged ties to Vietnam. ) . [111][112] This is due to his position in the Vietnamese occupied government and prominence in figure in the People's Revolutionary Party of Kampuchea. [67][68] US Congressman Ed Royce responded to the report of violence in Cambodia by calling for Hun Sen to step down, saying that the Cambodian people deserve a better leader. During the regime of Pol Pot (197579), when an estimated two million Cambodians lost their lives, Hun Sen fled to Vietnam, joining troops there opposed to the Khmer Rouge. Hun Neang's paternal grandparents were wealthy landowners of Teochew Chinese heritage. Voor zover bekend zijn de jaartallen vermeld. De premiers hadden in verschillende periodes vaak een andere betiteling, voor zover mogelijk zijn deze titels in het Nederlands vertaald, met de Engelse titels tussen haakjes erachter: Premiers: 18 maart 1945 - 13 augustus 1945 koning Norodom Sihanouk (1e keer), benoemd door de Japanners 14 augustus 1945 - 16 oktober 1945 Son Ngoc Thanh (1e keer) 17 oktober 1945 - 15 december 1946 prins Sisowath Monireth 15 december 1946 - 17 juli 1947 prins Sisowath Youtevong 25 juli 1947 - 20 februari 1948 Sisowath W. - (. Since 1945, there have been 36 prime ministers, including 4 who served in acting capacity. [110] Norodom Sihanouk once referred to him as a "one-eyed lackey of the Vietnamese",[110] with Sam Rainsy and members of the Cambodia National Rescue Party later echoing similar sentiments during the 2010s. [93] Hun Sen's government has been responsible for leasing 45% of the total landmass in Cambodiaprimarily to foreign investorsin the years 200708, threatening more than 150,000 Cambodians with eviction. Liste der Premierminister von Kambodscha. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Hun Sen submitted a government circular to reinstate 7 January as a national holiday, the anniversary of Phnom Penh's liberation from the Khmer Rouge by Vietnamese forces. [84][85][86][87] Cambodia started implementing preventative measures and travel restrictions from March 2020 as the pandemic spread globally. [116], A demand for television and radio licenses was one of 10 opposition requests adopted by the Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) at its "People's Congress" in October 2013. [75] The controversial law was passed on 20 February 2017, effectively granting the ruling party the right to dissolve political parties. [101] In 2019, as opposition party leaders prepared to return to the country, Sen ordered the military to "attack them wherever you see themyou don't need arrest warrants at all" while speaking at a graduation ceremony for exceptional high school students in Phnom Penh. Duo-premiers, op gelijke voet (Coequal prime ministers): 2 juli 1993 - 21 september 1993 Hun Sen en prins Norodom Ranariddh Eerste premiers (First prime ministers): 21 september 1993 - 6 juli 1997 prins Norodom Ranariddh 16 juli 1997 - 30 november 1998 Tweede premiers (Second prime minister):21 september 1993 - 30 november 1998 Samdech Hun Sen Premiers: 30 november 1998 - 2003 Samdech Hun Sen. '- . [13], Hun Sen's leadership has received criticism from various organizations, media and foreign governments for corruption, cronyism, environmental degradation, human rights violations and violence. In the national election of 2003, the CPP once again finished first, and Hun Sen was appointed to another term as prime minister in July 2004.