Hi, Im Jeanelle! But da bess part is. You can do dat wit Spam TOO! Colin shared another recipe and it looks good!! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Copyright 2014 | By accessing this site, you agree to our Terms and conditions. This week we decided to show case some of my child-hood easy recipes. This first recipe makes me think of him because he used to make these for us when we were little. Fry luncheon meat slices to desired brownness. Remove from pan and serve by themselves, on top of left over rice that has been re-steamed or with the Shoyu Hot Dogs below. look easier than it is but I love it! Hot Dog Musubi (https://youtu.be/kVMTvS1Y35o). Heat to boiling; reduce heat to medium-low. HEI. have San Jose and San Francisco, 6/3 - 6/5, 2022. Dat's KEWL! We respect your privacy and do not share your information with anyone. Add ginger, sugar, and shoyu.

break! Add hot dogs. If there is something we havent made on the show, and you had it growing up in Hawaii, please send it to us. 2.

enjoy my japanese-american family favorite recipes and more, Holiday Gift Books - Simply Ramen and Simply Hot Pots! Comforting, healthy, affordable, easy, and quick - especially when you make your broth bases in advance - these satisfying one-pot meals can be customized for anyone (including kids! I thought it would be fun to eat so I made it a musubi! Apparently its a thing in Hawaii! Slice the hot dog into bite sizes, then fry in a pan to cooked through. Powered by Brandeploy
My dad was a simple man so in honor of him, I've decided to post a very simple blog today. Copyright 2022 Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc. Use instant rice to make this meal quick and easy. Soak 5 boneless chicken thighs in salted water for at least one hour; drain well. Thank you Colin! 2 hot dogs, sliced on the diagonal on the 1/2 inch, 1 Tbsp Shoyu (Soy Sauce) - preferably low sodium. Cook uncovered 5 to 6 minutes to reduce mixture slightly. Doug says it is typically served with plain white rice but on occasion, you can find it in musubi form. -. Heat oil in a skillet. To re-steam rice, just wet a paper towel and put it on top of the left-over rice. Serve warm with the eggs and rice or by themselves. In 12-inch nonstick skillet, heat oil over medium-high heat. Turn down to medium heat and immediately add the egg mixture. It's been a long while. Just before water evaporates, add 1/2 teaspoon sake (Japanese rice wine); continue cooking until sake evaporates. Do not overcook, stop when the eggs are just cooked and look a bit glossy. Your comment will appear once it has been approved. Izsmom, mine too!Kat, yessss.Aunty, would be so cute with his hand-written recipes and his drawings.Kay, LOL.Mark, yummy! awww he so cute. He wasn't known for his skills in the kitchen and in fact, there were only 2 things I ever saw my dad cook. Try this delicious recipe from the Electric Kitchen! Fry up the sliced hot dogs until nice and brown (almost crispy). Good going Colin.
Stir continuously until the sugar is fully dissolved. | is Hi everyone. Remove from pan and add the soy sauce and sugar. The rooms Combine eggs, shoyu and sugar and whip until frothy. Terms of Use In a saucepan over medium heat, pour the shoyu and sugar. I LOVE to share food and stories through my videos. If using large dogs, I recommend slicing into discs. Toss in your hot dogs. Serve with rice or, as I did, wrap into a musubi! package (16 oz) hot dogs, sliced on the diagonal into 1 1/2-inch pieces, large green bell pepper, cut into 1-inch cubes (about 1 cup), large red bell pepper, cut into 1-inch cubes (about 1 cup). This week Im making hot dog and shoyu. Longboard at the Home I love recipes which come with pictures. He was a good listener and although he didn't say much, you knew he really cared about his family. I made this for my son-in-law with Vienna sausages because he said he liked Vienna sausages. Toss pineapple pieces, bits of bell pepper and sliced hot dogs in a homemade sweet and sour sauce, then serve over rice for a dinner thats fast, cheap and supremely satisfying.

Easy web browsing for customers with disabilities, Privacy Policy ).Simply Hot Pots brings hot pot cooking to your table with a complete course of 75 recipes, including 15 base broths (from shabu-shabu to bone broths to creamy corn and tomato broths); pork, chicken, beef, seafood, spicy, vegetable, and specialty hot pot meals; dipping sauces; sides; and desserts. The recipe is super simple: equal parts sugar and shoyu (soy sauce). 4. Day! Store leftovers in airtight container in refrigerator up to 2 days. We get a lot of messages and emails asking for simple and quick recipes so here you go. I flew into San Jose to give my sister 4 lovely afghans our Grandmother You could also slice the long hot dog length wise and cook it face down. (More KNF posts soon to come. One were these "Shoyu (Soy Sauce) Eggs" and the other was "Shoyu (Soy Sauce) Weenies". Wheeee! We would love to hear from you. | two years. Place chicken over ume and rice in musubi mold. Colin should publish a cookbook - with Uncle Wendell as his co-author and Aunty Jalna as his co-artist. Wait until the hot dogs look glazed in the sauce and the sauce is thickened. Thank you for subscribing and Im looking forward to sending you my Japanese-American family favorite recipes and more! He passed away in February over 12 years ago and I often think of him at this time of year. Cook hot dogs in oil 3 to 4 minutes, stirring frequently, until lightly browned. 3.

Combine 1 cup flour and 1 teaspoon garlic salt; coat chicken and fry or broil until chicken is done. Izsmom. When thoroughly heated through, add the hot dogs to coat. Oh - looks so good! XO - Amy Kimoto-Kahn, Simply Hot Pots: A Complete Course in Japanese Nabemono and Other Asian One-Pot Meals. Combine the 2/3 cup water, the salt, mirin, and soy sauce. 1/2 tsp Shoyu (Soy Sauce) - preferably low sodium. Dont let the mixture or your hot dogs burn. Add the butter to a medium saucepan on high heat and wait until melty and brown. Then simmer ingredients together for a few minutes. Join us and discover thousands of recipes from international cuisines. ~e. you live in HawaiiI know you went through torrential rains and loud bombs. It's 12 rooms decorated differently especially for photography. Melt butter in a medium saucepan over medium high heat. Demonstrated by: Charlotte Kawazoe.Picnic Foods on July 1, 2002. I used my hurricane supply. Sprinkle 1/2 of mixture over rice; mix well. Check this box if you'd like to remain anonymous. Growing up on the island of Lnai with no fast food and a lot of time my mom taught us the simple things in life are sometimes the best. Slowly mix the eggs with a pair of chopsticks to cook. | Spread ume on rice; place two slices of luncheon meat, over ume. Follow same procedure in making musubi as above. Add soy sauce and brown sugar. All Rights Reserved. Serve with rice or, as I did, wrap into a musubi! Cook until edges are brown. Waves: 1 - 2 Feet Wind: Trades Back to the roots! 2022 /TM General Mills All Rights Reserved, Colombian Arroz con Pollo: Chicken and Rice, Mexican Recipes, Dishes and Ideas from Tablespoon, Wine Recipes, Dishes and Ideas from Tablespoon. Be the first to know about new recipes, crafty ideas, foodie recommendations, and special events. Continuous Service for Property Owners & Managers, Luncheon Meat, Hot Dog, and Chicken Musubi, 1 can (12 oz) luncheon meat, cut into 10 slices, 10 sheets nori (Japanese roasted seaweed), Furikake nori (Japanese seasoned seaweed mix). Shoyu (Soy Sauce) Eggs. In small bowl, beat cornstarch and water with whisk. Copyright 2022 Jeanelleats. Thank you for leaving a review. Use remaining water mixture for moistening rice, musubi mold, and cutting knife. Polynesian Sweet and Sour Hot Dogs with Rice, Ingredients: hot dog, soy sauce, sugar, vegetable oil, Ingredients: hot dog, soy sauce, brown sugar, ginger root, Ingredients: hot dog, soy sauce, rice, onion, sesame oil, Ingredients: hot dog, soy sauce, rice, brown sugar, vegetable oil, Ingredients: hot dog, soy sauce, liquid egg white, rice, mixed vegetable, canola oil, Ingredients: hot dog, soy sauce, flour, mayonnaise, sesame oil, mustard, scallion, sriracha, Ingredients: hot dog, soy sauce, ketchup, brown sugar, ginger root, rice wine vinegar, sesame oil, garlic, sriracha, Ingredients: hot dog, soy sauce, ketchup, bbq sauce, red onion, bell pepper, chili powder, rice wine vinegar, pineapple, Ingredients: hot dog, soy sauce, bread, ketchup, bbq sauce, apple cider vinegar, onion powder, brown sugar, dijon mustard, Ingredients: hot dog, soy sauce, beef steak, parsley, red onion, avocado oil, ginger root, cucumber, carrot, chili pepper, Ingredients: hot dog, soy sauce, egg, rice, peas, olive oil, onion, garlic, carrot, scallion, Ingredients: hot dog, soy sauce, egg, rice, peas, sesame seed, sesame oil, carrot, scallion, canola oil, Ingredients: hot dog, soy sauce, pork fat, beef sirloin, tomato, pineapple juice, onion, potato, sugar, garlic, Ingredients: hot dog, soy sauce, cooked chicken, egg, rice, bell pepper, ginger root, sesame oil, garlic, scallion, Ingredients: hot dog, soy sauce, butter, ketchup, white beans, vinegar, bell pepper, brown sugar, onion, pineapple, Ingredients: hot dog, soy sauce, bread, mayonnaise, sweet chilli sauce, rice wine vinegar, cucumber, fresh mint, sugar, carrot, Ingredients: hot dog, soy sauce, rice, cornstarch, apple cider vinegar, bell pepper, brown sugar, garlic powder, vegetable oil, pineapple, Ingredients: hot dog, soy sauce, ketchup, bbq sauce, paprika, bell pepper, brown sugar, sweet chilli sauce, onion, garlic powder, carrot, Ingredients: hot dog, soy sauce, egg, butter, rice, peas, onion, sesame oil, garlic, carrot, scallion, Ingredients: hot dog, soy sauce, beef broth, butter, rice, cornstarch, vinegar, bell pepper, brown sugar, canned pineapple, onion. MK - Mini West peak Mr. Blue - Long sleeve today Tone - Wave of the Enter a recipe name, ingredient, keyword 1 pkg (about 1 pound) hot dogs, preferably red ones from Hawaii. Hot dogs are the unsung heroes of dinnertime, and heres another recipe that proves it! Add to skillet; stir constantly until mixture is thick and bubbling. Go Towww.cookinghawaiianstyle.com. Find more useful information here. This Shoyu Hot Dog recipe was first shown to me by Doug. ; ). Add sugar and shoyu. I hope you folks had a nice new year and holiday season, if Remove mold and wrap a sheet of nori around the musubi. A cook and an artist. LOL, Hey! One of my favorite dishes! *If desired, use wasabi (Japanese horseradish) or benishoga (shredded pickled ginger) in place of the ume. I found this Tik Tok video and it took me a few tries because they make it It's my idea of comfort food. In medium-sized pan add oil and heat until warm. Too funny! Do you have a website or cooking blog? Slice hot dogs on the bias (about 5 pieces per hot dog). THANK YOU COLIN!!!! Kids love these because of the hint of sugar. Drain pineapple chunks; reserve juice. Add more rice to fill mold; press down again. This isn't the most attractive dish because the soy sauce turns the eggs a grey color, but once you get past that you'll want these every morning. Join my family and friends as we cook, bake, and taste food from around the world! Fill musubi mold 1/3 full of rice; press rice down with inner section of mold. Just equal parts sugar and shoyu! You can use a pair of chopsticks to whip eggs, just as you would a whisktry it! Hopefully this year will be better than the last I also think they are a popular dish in Hawaii - maybe that's where my dad got it because my grandma was born in Hawaii. Add hot dogs back into skillet and cook 4 to 5 minutes or until heated through. They are easy and delicious and my kids love them. Amy Kimoto-Kahn, the best-selling author of Simply Ramen, shares recipes of traditional and non-traditional Japanese hot pots, along with East Asian hot pots with flavors from Mongolia, Thailand, and Malaysia. I thought my dad made this recipe up himself but I just googled "soy sauce weenies" and I couldn't believe there was a youtube video on how to make these. Microwave for 1 minute or so and voila, you'll have fluffy, steamy rice in an instant. Site Map Did you happen to read my last post? Remove your hot dogs from the pan when the sugar & shoyu mixture begins to thicken slightly. But if you're interested, there is a Business Launch Cha My friend Hannee want to check out Epic Aloha at Hilton Hawaiian Village. Keyingredient.com is a free cooking website. Copyright 2022 Times Supermarket. Remove your hot dogs from the pan when the sugar & shoyu mixture begins to thicken slightly. All Rights Reserved. Ive seen other recipes with a little bit of ginger added which I think would elevate it a little but I wanted to be true to Dougs childhood nostalgia! We had a 1/2 acer garden my tutu and tutu kne taught us how to use to survive. Remove from skillet. Add pineapple juice mixture, drained pineapple chunks and chopped bell peppers to hot skillet. Super easy. Place one butterflied hot dog and one piece of cut hot dog over ume* and rice in musubi mold. Stir until dissolved. made. He said he has many memories of his mom making this for him. Serve over hot rice. 1. Dont let the mixture or your hot dogs burn. At any rate, for those of you who refuse to eat a hotdog, try this outit may change your mind! In Japan, hot pot cooking is called nabemono, or nabe, and cooked in donabe, traditional clay pots. Selecting the check box will display a pop-up. he gonna be a good cook when he grows up! Add sliced hot dogs and saute until brown (areas of char). E, thanks!Cy, thanks for sending me the picture! We also did not have a lot of money so canned tuna and spam with eggs where something that we always in the house.
Aunty Cook until sauce is thickened. This is great! Times Is The Exclusive Supermarket Partner Of: For More Recipes Like This. In medium bowl, stir juice with brown sugar, apple cider vinegar, soy sauce and garlic powder. Serve over white rice.