In October 1936, Portugal broke off relations with the Republic, and gave de facto recognition to the rebels, and Salazar sent a trusted adviser Pedro Teotnio Pereira as his special envoy to Franco. I negoziati iniziarono, su richiesta dello Stato spagnolo , durante la crisi di Monaco. <<
/Resources << >> /Count 5
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/K [311 0 R 312 0 R 432 0 R 316 0 R 317 0 R] /K 0 <<
/Group << /P 170 0 R /K [318 0 R 319 0 R 320 0 R 321 0 R 322 0 R] How Salazar avoided both civil war in Portugal and entanglement in World War 2.
/K [268 0 R 269 0 R 270 0 R 271 0 R]
/P 12 0 R
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The German Ambassador reported in a letter of 22 August 1936 that Salazar had marshalled the Portuguese press in favour of the rebels; facilitated the rebel acquisition of war matriel; allowed munitions and troops from Andalusia to cross Portuguese territory on their way to Burgos; and allowed German aircraft to refuel en route to Morocco. /Type /Page << /Chartsheet /Part /K 0 << >> /Pg 25 0 R
/K 11 endobj /P 12 0 R 61 0 obj /Pg 27 0 R That vacuum was filled by two royal dictators, first Primo de Rivera (1923 - 1930) and second Dmaso Berenguer (1930 - 1931).. 132 0 obj << 109 0 obj /K 5 /K [47 0 R 48 0 R 49 0 R 50 0 R 51 0 R 52 0 R 53 0 R 54 0 R 55 0 R 56 0 R
/S /P /Group << /F11 351 0 R /Pg 37 0 R /Rotate 0 The protocol was that before either government agreed any international matter with a third party, they should consult their partner. endobj
endobj /S /P /Pg 40 0 R /P 83 0 R
/F4 346 0 R In retrospect, many Portuguese regret the passing of Salazar because he brought order and stability where none existed before, and little since.
/Contents 384 0 R /F13 344 0 R << /F4 346 0 R /Pg 33 0 R /Type /Page endobj /P 167 0 R
<< Apart from the CTV, the Rebels enjoyed the support of 8 000 Portuguese volunteers (Os Viriatos) and Portugal also offered logistical support to the rebel cause through the port of Lisbon. << >> /Contents 392 0 R
endobj << endobj /Type /Group /MediaBox [0 0 419.52 595.32] 222 0 obj /F1 342 0 R
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>> endobj << /K 2 68 0 obj /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] /P 167 0 R /S /P >> /S /P /K 3 17 [137 0 R 139 0 R 140 0 R 141 0 R 142 0 R 263 0 R 264 0 R 265 0 R 266 0 R 267 0 R] /P 12 0 R << >> /K [303 0 R 304 0 R 305 0 R] 321 0 obj /P 12 0 R 307 0 obj >> /K 5 /F5 347 0 R /Rotate 0 /S /Transparency /K 397 0 R /P 12 0 R
For the duration of the war there was no let or hindrance to rebel supplies crossing from Portugal to Spain. /F5 347 0 R
/F4 346 0 R /S /P /Annots [364 0 R 365 0 R] /S /P << >> endobj
/Pg 21 0 R /K 4 /S /P /P 172 0 R
>> endobj endobj General Emilio Mola joined the plotters in spring 1936 but his plans for a rapid victory were not successful and he lost credibility with his co-plotters.
>> endobj /Type /Page From late August 1936 there was a book in the Portuguese consulate in Seville for Spaniards openly to express their thanks to the Portuguese regime. Some features of this site may not work without it. << << /P 123 0 R 272 0 obj /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] 30 0 obj 55 0 obj
>> >> In the nineteenth century, Carlism also attracted popular support from conservative and Catholic districts in Navarre and the Basque country. Perspectives on Canada and the Spanish Civil War. /K 2 163 0 obj /P 155 0 R 117 0 obj
>> << endobj 10 0 obj /Font << endobj
/S /P 97 0 obj /K 1 << 215 0 obj << 60 0 obj /P 113 0 R /P 134 0 R >> /S /P /S /P
47 0 obj /Pg 38 0 R /Pg 31 0 R /Type /Group endobj << /Tabs /S
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28 0 obj
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226 0 obj /Type /Group /P 155 0 R /K 3 endobj
<< /K 1 << /S /P >>
94 0 obj 88 0 obj /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] << /Pg 36 0 R 166 0 obj
<< /S /P
>> 107 0 obj 25 [171 0 R 173 0 R 303 0 R 304 0 R 305 0 R] >> /K 1 /S /P /Resources << /K 30 endobj 67 0 obj >> With the outbreak of civil war in Spain in 1936, Antonio Salazar, dictator of Portugal from 1932 to 1968, and Portugals foreign minster from 1936 to 1947, immediately expressed support for the Francos Nationalists.
>> 14 [122 0 R 124 0 R 248 0 R 249 0 R 250 0 R 251 0 R] /Pg 28 0 R /Footnote /Note /P 427 0 R /Pg 21 0 R /F5 347 0 R
endobj /P 12 0 R /S /P /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] /Pg 24 0 R >> Between 1933 and 1936 there were over 2 000 assassinations, and 160 arson attacks on churches, and these atrocities were committed by both sides.
/S /P /S /P endobj
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/P 12 0 R /CropBox [0 0 419.52 595.32] /K 0 /P 12 0 R >> 167 0 obj
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308 0 obj
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/F5 347 0 R << /Resources << /S /P On the other hand, the traditional right would not endure what they saw as communism, anarchism, anti-clericalism and random acts of violence.
/K [421 0 R 422 0 R] /P 12 0 R Cited by lists all citing articles based on Crossref citations.Articles with the Crossref icon will open in a new tab. << >> /Contents 367 0 R
/P 12 0 R >> /F10 343 0 R 182 0 obj /K 1 /ModDate (D:20150318123307+10'30')
74 0 obj 153 0 obj /P 91 0 R << /S /P /Pg 40 0 R 1 0 obj /P 109 0 R
<< The Salazar government also began forcing Portuguese radio stations to broadcast anti-Republican propaganda. /Tabs /S >> /F13 344 0 R endobj /Parent 8 0 R << /K 0
116 0 obj /K 4 /Pg 19 0 R
endobj >> /MediaBox [0 0 419.52 595.32] >> >> << << /Pg 44 0 R /F4 346 0 R 180 0 obj /Pg 40 0 R >> /Slide /Part /Pg 34 0 R /P 109 0 R /F13 344 0 R /K 2 /Pg 16 0 R << >>
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/F10 343 0 R >>
/P 12 0 R He insisted on bringing his heavy luggage which proved too much for his three seater aircraft, and it crashed on take-off near Lisbon, and Sanjurjo was killed.
/P 328 0 R endobj
/F13 344 0 R /K 5 Amazingly, he also died in an air crash (June 1937). >> /K 3 /P 78 0 R
/CS /DeviceRGB <<
/MediaBox [0 0 419.52 595.32]
87 0 obj
<< /K 8 /MediaBox [0 0 419.52 595.32] /P 12 0 R
/P 12 0 R /S /P , Background to the Spanish Civil WarIn 1830, Ferdinand VII of Spain confirmed the abolition of the Salic Law in Spain in favour of his (yet unborn) daughter Isabella. endobj /S /Footnote /Pg 38 0 R
>> /F7 349 0 R /Pg 23 0 R endobj /K [438 0 R 274 0 R] 310 0 obj endobj /S /Link /F4 346 0 R << /Type /Page >> /F1 342 0 R 6 0 obj >> /K 5
endobj << /Pg 16 0 R
Per accedere al portale della rivista clicca qui . By closing this message, you are consenting to our use of cookies. >> << << << endobj
/Pg 25 0 R 319 0 obj /Rotate 0 In essa era prevista la sicurezza bilaterale non solo nei territori metropolitani ma anche nei possedimenti d'oltremare.
/K 5 /Pg 15 0 R << /S /P
endobj /S /P /Pg 43 0 R << >> /S /P /Rotate 0 << 19 [147 0 R 149 0 R 150 0 R 151 0 R 152 0 R 153 0 R 272 0 R 273 0 R 274 0 R 275 0 R >> << 217 0 obj /Type /Group /CropBox [0 0 419.52 595.32] /S /P /Parent 6 0 R /Pg 29 0 R >> <<
/Type /Group 177 0 obj /K 3 endobj
/S /Footnote 78 0 obj
23 [166 0 R 168 0 R 293 0 R 294 0 R 295 0 R 296 0 R 297 0 R 298 0 R] endobj /P 12 0 R /K 4
endobj /F10 343 0 R 298 0 obj >> /Tabs /S /Pg 17 0 R << .
71 0 obj /Pg 25 0 R /Pg 22 0 R /F5 347 0 R << /F13 344 0 R /StructParents 16 Inoltre, il trattato impediva o limitava le attivit potenziali di terzi od altri Paesi nei territori delle Potenze firmatarie. /Rotate 0
<< /Pg 32 0 R << /Rotate 0
Francisco Franco y Bahamonde (1892-1975) was promoted very quickly from a young age and achieved the rank of General by the age of 36.
332 0 obj /F3 345 0 R %PDF-1.6 Propaganda catlica y legitimacin del franquismo en Portugal durante la Guerra Civil espaola, Gli esuli napoletani dopo la repressione del trienio liberal (1823-anni 1840): percorsi trasnazionali e progetti politici (28.06.2014), The Swiss TV News and the Francoist Violence (1969-1975). /K 6 >> endobj 275 0 obj >> /Rotate 0 endobj << /K 1 >> <<
/Pg 30 0 R
/P 12 0 R /Contents 382 0 R /P 116 0 R /S /Footnote /K 1 /Count 32
>> Peter
/P 12 0 R /K 3 Negli anni immediatamente successivi allo start-up la stamperia si trasformata in una moderna azienda tipografica che offre oggi servizi di stampa a molte altre case editrici italiane mentre la produzione editoriale diventata sempre pi intensa e qualificata fino a riuscire a imporsi come punto di riferimento imprescindibile per quanti a vario titolo si occupano di economia, politica e scienze sociali. endobj >> endobj /P 12 0 R >>
/P 12 0 R
JavaScript is disabled for your browser. <<
<< /Author (Peter) endobj 196 0 obj
/Parent 6 0 R 58 0 obj After the fear was over? /K 5 << /CropBox [0 0 419.52 595.32] << >> /F13 344 0 R stream <<
/P 126 0 R /K 0
/Pg 30 0 R endobj /S /P /Pg 33 0 R /Font << << >> << /K 419 0 R /Parent 9 0 R /S /Transparency /Pg 26 0 R 173 0 obj
45 0 obj
/Pg 26 0 R /P 12 0 R /Type /Group /P 155 0 R /CS /DeviceRGB /F4 346 0 R 314 0 obj
/P 326 0 R << << /P 12 0 R 117 0 R 118 0 R 119 0 R 120 0 R 121 0 R 122 0 R 123 0 R 124 0 R 125 0 R 126 0 R /F5 347 0 R /F5 347 0 R 36 0 obj /K 0 /K 6 /Parent 7 0 R 162 0 obj >> /Pg 32 0 R >> endobj /S /P The constitution permitted freedom of speech and freedom of association; it extended suffrage to women; it legalised divorce; it stripped the Spanish aristocracy of any special legal status and it disestablished the Catholic church in Spain. >> >> >> << /S /Span >> >> >> /Font << Lisbona rispose positivamente, ma ritard i negoziati conclusivi fino a quando non vi fu alcun dubbio sull'esito della guerra civile. 213 0 obj /P 183 0 R /Pg 33 0 R /P 12 0 R
The role of this legion was two-fold. /S /Footnote >> 293 0 obj /Pg 42 0 R
/Pg 35 0 R 271 0 obj /Rotate 0 /S /Span /F10 343 0 R /K 1 /S /P /P 12 0 R /S /P 84 0 obj << /P 167 0 R /Pg 32 0 R /Pg 27 0 R
/P 12 0 R >> /S /P /Pg 33 0 R 285 0 obj /S /P /S /P /Pg 43 0 R /F4 346 0 R 143 0 obj endobj The 30 000 strong Army in Morocco came under Francos control and from 20 July he was able to transport his troops to Seville using 24 German Ju-52 aircraft. /S /P /F1 342 0 R << << >> 184 0 obj 92 0 obj
/P 138 0 R /K 4 The Outbreak of Civil WarThe rebel generals were keen to start their uprising but Franco hesitated and earned the nickname Miss Canary Islands 1936. /Tabs /S /S /P /K 3
/F10 343 0 R 82 0 obj 239 0 obj endobj endobj /Group << /Group << /P 12 0 R >> /K 3
>> /S /Footnote /P 160 0 R endobj /Type /Group
/P 12 0 R
/K 414 0 R
endobj IMG pdf ww 4, A ditadura portuguesa aos olhos da II Repblica Espanhola segundo o ABC e o La Vanguardia (portugus) /The portuguese dictatorship through the eyes of the II Spanish Republic accordingly to ABC and La Vanguardia (also in english), Another Front Line: Francoist and Anti-Francoists in Argentina, 1936-1939, RULING ELITES AND DECISION-MAKING IN FASCIST-ERA DICTATORSHIPS ANTNIO COSTA PINTO Edited by, Ruling Elites and Decision-Making in Fascist-Era Dictatorships, Politics, Religion & Ideology Fighting the International Conspiracy: The Francoist Persecution of Freemasonry, 19361945, Using a new medium for propaganda: The role of transborder broadcasts during the Spanish Civil War, Transnational Circulation of Images of the Pacific War (1941-1945): The Japanese Empire Seen through Spanish Newsreels, Salazar y Franco en el panorama internacional: estrategia diplomtica y propaganda (1936-1945), Before the Altar of the Fatherland: Catholicism, Politics of Modernization, and Nationalization during the Spanish Civil War, The Ambassadorship of Hans Adolf von Moltke (1943): The Turning Point in GermanSpanish Relations during the Second World War, The Winter War (1939/1940) in the eyes of the Iberian Peninsula States, The War of the Airwaves in Portugal: Foreign Propaganda on Short and Medium Waves, 1933-1945, Sintona de combate.