A one act romp with music. plays by author playwright James B. Campbell, plays by author playwright keith passmore, skits by author playwright Lois and Kelly Corcoran, Cast mains 2M 1F plus up to 5 non speaking extras, 3 actors 1M the other 2 characters are either M/F, Length 18 minutes in total but 6 minutes per monologue.
insecure super hero, in full regalia.
A one act annotated version of Shakespeare's love filled comedy. Make 'em laugh, make 'em smile with these comedic plays for your student performers. 0000000016 00000 n
Play scripts recommended for high schools. By using one of our scenes, you grant us permission to add you to the YouthPLAYS email list.
First Impressions Pride and Prejudice Revisted when the honeymoon bliss is over! 0000004138 00000 n Bianca wants to help everyone be the best they can be.
87 25 First dates can be the worst or the best. We promise not to email you too often, and never to share your email.
Although not Dancer loves to dance.
Will his plan work before the expiry date? He wants to build an army of zombies by bringing baloney to life.
0000001227 00000 n speak directly to the camera, from separate locations, directly
This allows them to create more great plays! <<218AC2196CFC4249AF70A4DF55E0D2A5>]>> 7119 W Sunset Blvd #390Los Angeles, CA 90046. Trevor is in the basement experimenting. The Complete Solution for Technical Theatre Classrooms.
More Information / Pricing / Free Excerpt. 0000001445 00000 n
This full-day course is ideal for riders on a Learner licence or those on a Class 6 Restricted licence riding LAMS-approved machines. We promise not to email you too often, and never to share your email.
book & lyrics by Lindsay Price, music by Kristin Gauthier.
First Date, First Base a comedy about bringing a girl home and finding your mother there unexpectedly! 0000005175 00000 n 0000001936 00000 n The Window a one act comedy-drama about marriage, The Wingman a ten minute comedy script for three actors, The Witchs Cackle one act ghost story for Halloween, The Wrong side of the Road teen drama about a fatal accident, Threes a crowd drama about a love triangle between a girl and two gay guys, Trump: Wolf of Pennsylvania Avenue Trump comedy sketch, Twelve Tulips of Tinseltowne a satire about Hollywood, Unbelievable a play about having the gift of precognition, Well I never!
cutting and notes by John Minigan from the original by Shakespeare. Theatrefolk - The Drama Teacher Resource Company, The Absolutely Insidious and Utterly Terrifying Truth About Cat Hair, Almost History: that whole space time continuum thing, Arctic Adventure Theatre: The Case of the Crazed Crashers, The Baloney, the Pickle, the Zombies, and Other Things I Hide From My Mother, Better Than The Movie - Socially Distanced Version. Hester90 is publicly shamed and shunned for a racial slur against another student. These two one acts - Art of Rejection and Chaired can be performed separately or together. An adaptation of Lewis Carroll's classic book. Play scripts recommended for middle schools. 5.
Professional Development, Curriculum, and a Community of Comedy sketch for three women, Waiting for John drama about a family torn apart by a sons death, What happens in the sky drama about suspected infidelity, When summer dies of shame one act drama for three actors, Why shoot your husband?
With a Mime. 0000001632 00000 n
Groups can determine their own course content .. We are classified as a Close Proximity Business under the Covid-19 Protection Framework (Traffic Lights).
In the midst of a 0000009373 00000 n A man, his wife and his mistress
Especially when you're on a date with the guy or girl of your dreams. addressing the camera, never interacting as they contront their But she is shy and a little insecure. A big fun online-friendly show in the style of a radio serial. 4.
Quality resources to use in your drama classroom. A pompous, adapted by Lindsay Price from Lewis Carroll. afternoon assignation.
Well, she wants everyone to be just like her.
Cosette is a homeschooled spelling bee champion.
When their worlds collide, sparks fly. Plays and teaching resources for Distance Learning.
To use them in Thespian adjudicated Individual Events and similar competitions/festivals, purchase one copy (digital or printed) for each participant of the play from which they come.
Teachers and directors, please consider our plays for production!
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So let's get to it: read on to find a great scene!
0000013010 00000 n
minute play for a Zoom production. 2.
Please make sure that you whitelist emails from the youthplays.com domain, or our email may get stuck in your spam filter! By using one of our scenes, you grant us permission to add you to the YouthPLAYS email list. The Twelve Days of Christmas go on strike.
Remember, our authors make their income from the licensing of their work for production and the payment of royalties. These scenes are free for classroom and audition use. Potential sits in a chair. Teachers and directors, please consider our plays for production! A collection of 15 scenes in which no two characters get within 6ft of each other.
How does she dance like no ones watching? Cat hair is taking over the world in this hilarious huge cast one act. 0000006190 00000 n Students, please tell your teachers or directors about YouthPLAYS! mid life crisis, one man's fevered hallucination has him caught between Because what's better than being Bianca? Anarchy ensues! 3.
Practical solutions to all special effects. We will do our best to confirm permission within 2 business days, but give yourself time to hear back.
complicated relationships. Once you find a scene (or scenes) that suits your needs, fill out the Request a Scene form. How do I get play published?
A Reporter and a Sidekick livestream from great moments in American history.
First Play comedy about 2 unscrupulous Hollywood producers and a little old lady, Gorgeous one act comedy about a horrible, horrible audition. A boy and a girl share words of wisdom straight from their parents' mouths. 0000005967 00000 n
If you'd like to read the entire play from which the scene comes, click on the order link on each scene's page to purchase a perusal copy! 0000002013 00000 n
The Storyteller a play about forgetting your anniversary! Mask Me No Questions! Learn to ride lessons, BHS Tests (Learner ), CBTA tests (Restricted and Full), returning rider assessments , Ride Forever ACC riding courses.
Everything starts out normally, until a rumour spreads that there is an agent in the audience. So let's get to it: read on to find a great scene.
How does she work past her feelings and let go?
trailer Plays and musicals for schools, youth theatres, universities, community theatres, professional theatres for young audiences and more! 0000000812 00000 n Dont think she wont a comedy about getting your old boyfriend in to do your husbands life insurance policy. 0000010531 00000 n 0000015358 00000 n
Youll learn all about our latest giveaways, resources, and products for theatre teachers. Two sisters could not be farther apart. meets his rival's wife for an Please make sure that you whitelist emails from the youthplays.com domain, or our email may get stuck in your spam filter!
A silly comedy about how the misuse of apostrophes are ruining the lives of students. BHS Training Area Car Park Area , Next to the Cricket Oval Richmond end of Saxton field Stoke, BHS Training Area Car Park Area ,Next to the Cricket Oval Richmond end of Saxton field Stoke. 0000008392 00000 n 0000013995 00000 n
Ideal for assisting riders on a Restricted licence reach their full licence or as a skills refresher for returning riders. endstream endobj 88 0 obj <.
Get all of your questions answered in our forums or contact
0000001776 00000 n Thank you for your understanding and compliance.
support. If you teach theatre you really want to get on our email list. written as a Zoom play, "Bedfellows" turns out to be the perfect ten An excellent class project with parts for everyone.
Comedy Melodrama Script, Empty Places of the Heart - a Family Comedy Script about Love and Moving on, A Deep Rural Tract - Court Case Drama Script about a Murder Trial, In the Know - Comedy about KNOWING the Future, The Worst Law Firm in Merry Old England - Two Act British Farce, He's Behind You - a whodunit comedy and a panto rolled into one, Losing an Angel - Supernatural Drama about Demons, Sock Hops, Recorders, and Owl Pellets: Tips on Surviving the 4th Grade - Teen and children's comedy Script, Bench Buddies - Play Script for Four Mature Actors, Alphabetical List of Plays by Title and Author, NEW PLAY SCRIPTS New Contemporary Plays, AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALANDER PLAYS contemporary Australian and New Zealander plays, PLAYS FOR THE HOLIDAYS (CHRISTMAS, THANKSGIVING, NEW YEARS AND CHANUKAH), American Plays Contemporary American plays, British Plays Contemporary British plays, CHILDRENS PLAYS: Plays for Primary and Elementary School, Science Fiction Stage Play Scripts Sci-fi and fantasy, TWO HANDER SCRIPTS PLAYS FOR TWO ACTORS, MEDIUM LENGTH ONE ACT PLAYS TWENTY FIVE TO FORTY MINUTES, NINETY MINUTE PLAYS one and half hour scripts, TWO AND A HALF HOUR TO THREE HOUR LONG PLAYS, How to Write a Great Script how to write a play, American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers, La Biblioteca Interactiva de Baos Fundacion Arte del Mundo.
We regret that we are unable to provide specific scene suggestions, as our time and staff are limited, and we feel that it's always best for you to read through our selections and find the piece that best fits you.
Look for more scenes to be added regularly!
A socially-distanced version of Better Than the Movie. 0000001364 00000 n
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0000011827 00000 n
Huge cast comedy.
0000005703 00000 n 0000006426 00000 n
I am a writer. To use them in other public showcase/performance situations, please note that on your application (expect to purchase a copy of the script for each participant, and potentially pay a small royalty per performance). Students, please tell your teachers or directors about YouthPLAYS!
Experienced, professional instructors. If you'd like to read the entire play from which the scene comes, click on the order link on each scene's page to purchase a perusal copy!
Ten minute drama scripts, Yasmina, Cloris and Gordafarid three monologues by women in wars. 111 0 obj <>stream Support.
0000005739 00000 n
This allows them to create more great plays! R is the only letter in a sea of numbers. 1.
Will the holidays be the same? NZTA certified.
All of these scenes are taken from our published plays and can be sorted by cast size and then genre. Dueling Chefs short skit on when chefs fight, Eye to Evil Eye drama about a prison vist to a serial killer.
A Payment Unkind one act about sexual exploitation in the entertainment industry, A Sordid Affair an off the wall comedy. A magical trip to Wonderland! Jason and Ali play about dating a high school girl with a bad reputation, Jumping the league comedy about a priest who doesnt want to be, Lies You Cant Make up a drama script about JFK, Lonely birds and shadow figures psycho thriller script, Love is a stranger British one act about forbidden love, Making Friends short comedy sketch about a supermarket queue, Mask of Thorns teen drama about the effect of divorce on kids, Miss Independent one act comedy about what not to do when your marriage goes down the toilet, Moonlight Preludes spine tingling ghostly drama romance, More Pasta ten minute comedy about veganism, Mother a comedy about being politically (in)correct, No ordinary man an interview with a serial killer whose twisted motives may just end up costing the detective dearly, Now boarding one act comedy for 3 women on a plane, On The Rebound Drama romance for the over sixties. Under Red and Orange, you must be fully vaccinated on the date of any training and produce a current My Vaccine Pass either digitally or on paper. Ideal for experienced riders looking to hone specific technical aspects of riding and riding styles.
%PDF-1.6 % All a Twitter comedy about people on their phones, Am I good one act comedy script for 1 teen 2 adults, An Act of Grace dark comedy thriller about blackmail, coercion and murder, Barfly ten minute romantic comedy about a blind date, Bertie one act thriller for a cast of 3, Better safe than sorry ten minute comedy script, Call of the riled short skit for Thanksgiving, Cashless comedy about paying with cash and the millenial who doesnt understand it, Calpurnias Misfortune Ten minute Quirky Comedy, Choice hard hitting British drama scripts, Condo Mania a teen sketch about a misunderstanding, Covidiots play about the idiots that walk amongst us out in the Corona Virus Pandemic. Catherine is a beauty queen.
Welcome to the YouthPLAYS scenes page! A Matter of Who hes convinced shes cheating as shes just too damn happy!
Alan Grimaldi and the 183 a comedy about finding that youre dead. 2rsl@$VV%\R}&7ol1&$wYj+uITWZd3V%:7BHJ0 GZZj%x3[}>(DUh&,kT4Ni@g_en@7e2]kwC^787}5ztx K3{SdRc@}$Fnm$7GO3Y~N jZW.~isn]A xref
Please read the instructions carefully: This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. We regret that we are unable to provide specific scene suggestions, as our time and staff are limited, and we feel that it's always best for you to read through our selections and find the piece that best fits you.
A production prepares for opening night. This vignette play explores the beats, pauses, and neverending silences in conversation. Remember, our authors make their income from the licensing of their work for production and the payment of royalties. If necessary, print this paragraph as proof of permission to perform. These scenes are free for classroom and audition use. Flexible casting, audience participation, and fun staging. Because youre never too old to fall in love, Questions ten minute murderous drama for three actresses, So Easy, a Caveman can do it short skit about inventing the wheel, Street Theatre short comedy for three actors set in an ordinary diner, Thank you for shopping Hoochums bargain basement funny thriller script, The 27 Club one act drama for three women, The Appointment with God a one act family drama, The Call Centre short comedy sketch about insurance call centre, The Day Trip play for mature actors about two people who meet on a plane after thirty years, The Devil Dances sexual drama in one act, The Interview poignant comedy about getting older, The love of Cheesecake adult comedy in one act, The Intruder script about two homeless people who outwit a young journalist, The Mirror a collection of ten minute plays by an award winning author, The Mistress of Wholesome a comedy where the mistress takes on the wife, The Pen South African Play Scripts about love, reality and fantasy, The Perfect Partnership romantic comedy for 3 actors, The Read Through Ten Minute Ghostly Horror Script, The Real Lost Boys ten minute comedy for teens about two stupid bullies, The Right Approach Ten Minute Comedy about a Brothel.
0000018052 00000 n
A Beatles story play about the Beatles and how they formed, A Castle:Broken Apart drama for a cast of 3, A Less Expendable Husband one act comedy for three women. He Delivered comedy about a taxi driver delivering a baby! Learn how your comment data is processed. his fiance, a fantasy bimbo and his whip cracking ex-wife. startxref 0