You will receive a FamilySearch notification to confirm that the ordinance was recorded. Call or email the temple to schedule this type of appointment. I really felt the Spirit.. I felt him here.. Also participating in the media day were Elder Gary B. Sabin, assistant executive director of the Temple Department, and other members of the North America Central Area Presidency. President Henry B. Eyring came to Pocatello for the cultural celebration and while in Pocatello he was seen walking the site above Satterfield Drive. Pastor Jacqueline Thomas organized the Praise Temple of God Church in Pocatello nearly two decades ago. Written September 23, 2018 by Ryan Satterfield. Pocatello Idaho Temple Temples bless communities, its just wonderful to be part of this new temple thats coming and were excited for it to come in., I am so very excited for it to come here, Call said. Coordinates: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}425456N 1122425W / 42.9154725N 112.4069699W / 42.9154725; -112.4069699.
Your purchase was successful, and you are now logged in. Our need to develop in the area generated a conversation around taking back the donated property and offering a site in a future area when the Church was more ready for such a site. All of the developments by Satterfield Realty & Development from 1998 till that time were strategically focused away from the donated parcel, saving that for when the Church was ready. And the temple is almost exactly where we stood.

Satterfield, Ken Satterfield knew his family would want to donate some of its property for the building of a temple. To watch this building go up, they had so many questions.. The Church News is an official publication of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Submitting this form below will send a message to your email with a link to change your password. Nielsen was in Pocatello with other church leaders, including Elder Gary E. Stevenson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, for a media day Monday and to help host tours for invited guests that will be held throughout the week. She still has the shovel used at the groundbreaking and cherishes the memories it represents. One of my goals is to stay in the Church, go on a mission and have a family in the temple, Permann said. In June of 1995, Kenneth sent the Church some aerial photos and possible site locations that he had identified. weblink Those who were previously so adamantly opposed to any future development in the area and recruited many from the surrounding neighborhood to stand in opposition, no longer opposed the application as they started to see the potential this new development could have. Theyve planted the flowers, helped with the landscaping. I have loved what the local youth have done, Call said. It fulfills a need, she said. The interior of the 71,000-square-foot temple includes elements that are unique to Idaho and the Pocatello area, including images of the state flower, the syringa. I offered to manage the annexation request and plat process for the both of us. Your letter will be kept on file and if at a future time the First Presidency should make a decision to consider Pocatello for a temple, we will be happy to contact you at that time to see if you are still interested. On March 16, 2019, a groundbreaking to signify beginning of construction was held, with Wilford W. Andersen of the Seventy, presiding. All government guidelines will be observed. The announcement of a temple to be built in Pocatello may have surprised some people, but Ken Satterfield wasnt among them. Patrons without appointments are also welcome, but may be asked to wait for an opportunity to participate. The temple open house runs through Oct. 23, except for Sundays, including Sept. 19, 26, October 23 (general conference), 10 and 17. After weeks of practicing with the choir and having spiritual experiences with them, the intensity of the Holy Ghost caught George a little off guard. Generations of devoted Latter-day Saints have been an important part of this area, he said. Winter stayed a little longer than we wanted but we were finally able to break ground in March of 2018 and we began to put in the street infrastructure that would surround and give access to the proposed site. After a windy and rainy start to the day, calm took over just as the first dedicatory session of the Pocatello Idaho Temple was set to begin on Sunday morning. Map A boy comforts a child Sunday, Nov. 7, 2021, during the cornerstone ceremony of the Pocatello Idaho Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The east bench property offers a beautiful hillside location visible to travelers coming from I-15 or I-86. It was a really happy experience. Theres a plan for us, and Hes made a plan for each and every one of us, Leavitt said. Construction of the Northgate interchange began November 5, 2018 and opened on December 6, 2019. The result of this unique opportunity was a feeling of unity among the youth who will grow up near and serve in the new temple. Five other temples also serve the members in Idaho. Local youth have been involved since just after ground was broken in the spring of 2019. I am amazed as to how many people have an uncles cousins brother in law that works for the Temple department and spreads these rumors. State and local touches are a large part of the decor of the Pocatello temple. You dont realize it until youre actually in there and youre thinking, By golly, I really can do the Lords work this way.. A seventh temple has been announced in Burley. The Pocatello temple will be dedicated on Nov. 7 in three sessions by President M. Russell Ballard, acting president of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. Once the temple was open to the public, George invited neighbors to join her for a special walk-through as part of the open house.
Dean Davies explained that the Pocatello site is a little different since the Church doesnt always own property for a temple when a temple announcement is made. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Read more: Ahead of temple dedication, Pocatello area youth invited to follow the Savior as their hero.
On June 22, 2017, state approval was granted for construction of a new I-15 interchange to be built north of the city, which will provide better access to the temple. A child heads back to her family after helping seal the cornerstone during the dedication of the Pocatello Idaho Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I just wish my brother could have been here, she said through cold, windswept tears on the Pocatello hillside. The spiritual strength that enters an area when a temple is built is unmatched and I look forward to seeing the eternal effects it will have on all of us. I am always amazed as to how different rumors start and spread so quickly within the Church, and even from the pulpit during a testimony meeting. but not connected to any current street, requiring the building of streets to access the parcel. The saints of Pocatello, however, have been in the Idaho Falls Temple district since that temple was built and dedicated in 1945. Kate George is from Spanish Fork, Utah, but now lives a block away from the new temple in Pocatello and saw every step of its construction.
President Ballard spoke of the enduring symbolism of cornerstones, as was taught by President Gordon B. Hinckley, and bore testimony of the Savior as the chief cornerstone. 1 0 obj Location Even in comparison to all the work hes done in his apostleship, Bowie said, he feels that the most important thing hes done is marry his wife and raise his children and lead a family.. Ornate windows adorn the outside of the Pocatello Idaho Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Sunday, Nov. 7, 2021, in Pocatello, Idaho.