Tyler Blint-Welshs co-ops, internships, and fellowships at newspapers across the country have prepared him for a career as a reporter. The Times' digital subscriptions rocketed in the Trump years, in part due to readers' concerns about his presidency and hunger for news about it.
hide caption. In the U.S., that threat involves an asymmetrical peril from the political right, from those who support former President Donald Trump and his imitators. And we've said as much to them.". The newsroom review follows several high-profile scandals involving racism at the company.
I asked Kahn how he looked at these departures in retrospect.
People of color hold 33% of all roles on staff, and 23% of leadership roles. Sign up for our newsletter to get the news, trends and strategies that advertising and media pros want to know delivered weekly to your inbox. Learn about the issues that impact the world, make headlines and are important to you. Celeste Sloman for The New York Times NYC Summer Academy, Spencer, Alumnus Kahn will replace Dean Baquet, the New York Timess first Black executive editor, who has led the paper since 2014 but who hit the companys mandatory retirement age, 65, this year. When he died in 1995, lengthy features on Maines public education system, investigated the decline of yellow cabs in New York City, second Northeastern student in as many years. We didn't even have fax.". Native American employees represent less than 1% of all staffers, Latino employees represent 7%, Black employees represent 9%, and Asian employees represent 14%. The following reflects our interview as well as discussions with eight Times colleagues, who asked not to be named because they had not been authorized to speak for this story. (She apparently later deleted the tweets.) Kahn suggested the paper had no mission beyond serving an audience eager for high-quality journalism, free from the influence of corporate, government or partisan interests. "So you can't have independent journalism in a non-free society, and we are not impartial about whether or not this [nation] becomes a non-free society.". George Floyd's murder in 2020 and the ensuing protests for social justice roiled cities and newsrooms alike. During his highly decorated 50-year association with the paper, he won two Pulitzer Prizes, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and the George Polk Memorial Award for national reporting, among many other honors. When he died in 1995,theTimescalled him perhaps the most influential journalist of his generation.Im looking forward to picking the brains of talented journalists and coming away with tons of new knowledge, says Blint-Welsh, a Brooklyn, New York, native who grew up reading theTimeson the citys subway.
We spoke in what's archaically called the Print Room. A more formal exhibit can be found a dozen floors above, dedicated to the paper's history. You should show some respect to applicants. Foundational level online courses for teens designed to fuel curiosity and critical thinking. "The days when you can appoint an executive editor, and that was the decision-maker and that person sat at the head of a big table and decided which six stories were going to go on Page 1, and kind of slam down the gavel at the end of that and that was sort of the essence of the job are over," Kahn said in a recent hourlong interview at The Times' cavernous Manhattan headquarters. Baquet will take a new position that will be announced soon, the New York Times said. Colleagues now see her as a cautionary tale rather than a model. Now, the Grey Lady plans to increase the percentage of Black and Latino employees in leadership by 50% by the end of 2025. Joseph Kahns promotion from managing editor was widely expected. By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider As the years passed, the ruling Chinese Communist Party increasingly kicked or shut out reporters for The Times, Bloomberg News and The Journal as they exposed how political elites there diverted vast sums to their families. Blint-Welsh, a fourth-yearjournalismmajor, is thesecond Northeastern student in as many yearsto receive a Reston Reporting Fellowship. Changes wont be saved until you sign up for an Enhanced Profile subscription. Contained. (The word "independent" forms the backbone of The Times' latest brand advertising campaign as well.). NYC Summer Academy.
Readers have encountered such Times luminaries as Pulitzer Prize-winners Maggie Haberman and Nikole Hannah-Jones tangling rhetorically with their online critics. After joining the paper in 1998, and having worked as a China correspondent, Kahn led the international news desk before being tapped as managing editor, the second-highest ranking position. Joe brings impeccable news judgment, a sophisticated understanding of the forces shaping the world and a long track record of helping journalists produce their most ambitious and courageous work, said the Timess publisher, AG Sulzberger. "We do not have, you know, space or patience for people who aren't fully on board with that program," Kahn said. After covering local news in the suburb of Plano, he sought a faster, more exciting track to the heights of journalism.
", standing up to budget-slashing corporate chiefs, 'Period Of Turmoil' Preceded Abramson Firing, Says Top Editor At 'Times', He appointed two accomplished and well-regarded deputies, 'New York Times', 'Washington Post' Promise Major Changes To Move Forward On Race, primarily based on the lies of its key source, returned and she was shifted off the beat, 2 Prominent 'New York Times' Journalists Depart Over Past Behavior, Donald McNeil, was urged to resign by Baquet, left after the resurrection of accusations of his mistreatment of women. It's not fair to cancel the last round of interview and hire someone else. It can't exist in Russia," he said. He'd return to China in later years for The Wall Street Journal and then The Times, for whom he would share a Pulitzer Prize. People make sacrifices and transfer their time and knowledge in this process. Educational programs that help students understand the world. To find my byline in the paper will be really cool.. But he said the newspaper "needs to be a place where people from many different backgrounds can feel they have a path" and restated its commitment to equity and diversity in its staff and its coverage. Kahn's two most immediate predecessors were groundbreaking the first female and African American executive editors in the paper's history. The fellowship is named in honor of James Barrett Reston, a giant of journalism who worked for theTimesfrom 1939 to 1989, serving as a columnist, Washington correspondent, and executive editor. As a student editor at Harvard, Kahn once told C-Span, "I hope to try my hand at journalism print journalism for some time. Claim your Free Employer Profile. He hopes to cover the citys homeless crisis, a topic that, he says, has been widely ignored by mainstream media. She recently departed for The Washington Post, chiding the Times in interviews for what she characterized as its hidebound outlook about social media. Joe Kahn will become The New York Times' executive editor on June 14. His appointment was logical, long planned and drained of any of the drama that accompanied some earlier transitions. (To be fair, male colleagues with smaller Twitter followings have also been privately chastised for their tweets, but with less public awareness.). The New York Times plans to increase its percentage of Black and Latino leaders by 50% by 2025. Theyve reported on the challenges of covering current events like the 2020 election and the impact of COVID-19. The number of Black leaders has increased by just 1%. Now the paper's managing editor, he first joined The Times in 1998.
In the ensuing months, Times journalists turned to Twitter to vent their frustrations. National Association for Female Executives, Work Here? The Times has to cover it nonetheless, he said.
Thats amazing that Im actually creating things here that I can show off., My experience at Summer Academy helped me mount my own music festival at age 18., I want my life to be an adventure, but I want it to be an adventure where I can do something meaningful., Nija, Alumna It sits underused. For immediate assistance contact info@nytedu.com. "We're not really in the market for people who just have a giant following on Twitter but can't deliver.". "The police sort of swooped in as I was interviewing somebody and took me to the local police station," Kahn recalls. And he'd be detained repeatedly.
While waiting the last round of interview, they said the position has been filled.
Kahn landed at The Dallas Morning News. "It had begun to occupy a little bit too much of a share of mind of some of the people in our newsroom," Kahn said, declining to name anyone he had in mind.
The fellowship is named in honor of James Barrett Reston, a giant of journalism who worked for the. It has been my great honor to lead the best newsroom in the world for the past eight years, Baquet said in a statement. The paper also faced criticism for a lack of diversity, facing a 2016 lawsuit in which two employees alleged a workplace environment rife with discrimination based on age, race, and gender. Mills had apologized for that behavior but denied doing so at The Times. We cover every story, you know, aggressively, and we report hard and deep," Kahn said. Spend 6 or 12 weeks learning about the stories and ideas that help shape our world as you explore your passions and build practical skills for life. The New York Times has named Joseph Kahn as its new executive editor, the papers top editorial job.
Kahn isn't prohibiting a social media presence, but said his journalists can head to Substack or other sites if they want to be known primarily for making a mark through one-liners or off-the-cuff takes. A star podcast producer, Andy Mills, who had helped to create the tainted series "Caliphate," left after the resurrection of accusations of his mistreatment of women, largely during earlier work at New York Public Radio. He noted dozens of stories touching on the question in the U.S. and abroad. Theyve practiced the art of interviewing to learn the stories of Holocaust survivors. I would like to thank the Sulzberger family for their continued dedication to protecting our countrys most powerful engine of independent, investigative journalism., Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. 2022 The Institute of Media and Communication LLC. Blint-Welsh hopes to follow in Restons footsteps, often telling his friends, colleagues, and mentors that he would love to become theTimesexecutive editor.
Given The Times' growth and expanded ambitions, Kahn said he had focused on building a collaborative leadership team that did not rely on him but on the expertise and experience of its members. All answers shown come directly from New York Times Reviews and are not edited or altered.
NOW WATCH: J.K. Rowling, who denies being a billionaire, made $54 million last year. "By virtue of getting the job, I'll take on some of the responsibilities for representing The Times institutionally and the values of our newsroom," Kahn said.
But his primary goal as a working journalist in the here and now, he says, is to meet new people, see new places, and document what I find. His term as executive editor is expected to conclude in June. We teach with the goal that the lessons learned will withstand students lifelong pursuit of truth and civic engagement.
Lorenz tweeted that was "counterproductive, damaging to journalists, especially those who need to use the internet for reporting,'' according to Mediaite and other outlets. In June 2020, James Bennet, the editor of the paper's editorial page (which is run separately from the newsroom), left after a surge of internal criticism over publication of an op-ed by a Republican senator calling for troops to be sent out in response to riots in the wake of the murder of Floyd. as well as other partner offers and accept our. Kahn says most colleagues have expressed relief at being officially discouraged from spending so much time online. Kahn was sent out of the country.
In late 2020, the New York Times podcast Caliphate was roundly criticized after an internal review found that an important source was probably fabricating his experiences.
to receive a Reston Reporting Fellowship. "It exists only in the context of respect for the role of a high quality, nonpartisan press in a thriving and functioning democracy where we're protected by rule of law and where we work directly for our readers, not for any kind of political power or other institution. The Times' review follows several high-profile scandals involving racism over the last year. Editors rushed to inform the newsroom they wanted colleagues to engage constructively.). And Joe Kahn chose to follow that path. Now 65 years old, Baquet is assuming a new editing position at the paper generating investigative reporting to be shared with local news publications. The New York Times leadership said the company's workforce needs to change upon releasing a sweeping review of the firm's diversity and culture.
We believe that diversity in all its forms in opinions and ideas, in cultures and countries, as well as in the races, religions, sexual orientations and backgrounds of our students is integral to education. Three such episodes led to the departures of prominent journalists. And wallowing too much in that feedback sometimes could distort your sense of what the wider audience out there was thinking or receiving." An internal review found Black people make up just 9% of employees, the same share as in 2015.
"We're not going to change our approach.
The criticism, he said, was "dominated by a relatively small number of hyper-engaged and somewhat partisan users. Just 5% of the company's leadership roles are held by Black people, and 4% by Latino employees. The New York Times Company (The Times Co.) publishes The New York Times, one of the world's most respected newspapers boasting a circulation of about 900,000. I won't be happy until I do.". Baquet very much served as an ambassador for The New York Times and for journalism outside the newsroom; inside he led through suasion, cheer, direction and delegation. The Designers Guide to Building a Brand Story, Attracting, Engaging and Measuring Digital Audiences for Branded Content. Joe Kahn will become The New York Times' executive editor on June 14. Former Times digital media reporter Taylor Lorenz is a brash presence on Twitter who, like Haberman and Hannah-Jones, often draws intense and sexist backlash there. Together we take on the critical issues and problems of the day with the analytical skepticism of a news reporter.
Like some of its top competitors including The Washington Post and NPR, The Times is more explicitly focusing on the threats to democracy at home as well as abroad, he said. Our programs embrace the skills, standards and values of The New York Times, Our curricula is infused with current events and emphasize that facts matter, Our diverse student body promotes a wide range of views, which is crucial to uncovering the truth, Our programs are designed to open new possibilities and broaden horizons for students, I see myself developing as a writer in this class as Ive written my own screenplay and my own short film. Kahn's father, Leo, was a successful businessman outside Boston, transforming the family grocery business into a supermarket chain before launching Staples, the office supply company. All Kahn has to do is replace a legend and corral an often contentious newsroom of more than 1,700 journalists the largest news staff ever boasted by an American newspaper. "And if we get back in, we're going to continue to report big enterprise [stories] as well as [breaking] news out of China. In a diversity report conducted in 2021, people of color said they faced unsettling and sometimes painful day-to-day workplace experiences.
We'll be in touch soon. NYC Summer Academy, Satya, Alumnus For all of his push into digital realms, Kahn is now seeking to establish a sense of restraint online for the journalists who work under him. I asked why.
Both McNeil and Mills departed early last year. Soon after driving to a rural community on the outskirts of Beijing to report, he was turned in by an informant. One of the paper's lead reporters on COVID-19, Donald McNeil, was urged to resign by Baquet when it was revealed that he had earlier been rebuked for repeating a vicious, racist slur when a high school student asked him directly about its use on social media. "For over a century and a half, The New York Times has succeeded in part by recognizing when it needed to change," Baquet, Levien, and Sulzberger said in the letter. Under the new policy, the paper is monitoring its journalists' tweets to make sure they're not criticizing each other or their work. During his highly decorated 50-year association with the paper, he won two Pulitzer Prizes, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and the George Polk Memorial Award for national reporting, among many other honors.
All content is posted anonymously by employees working at New York Times. Asian-American women reported feeling "invisible and unseen," and said they regularly are called the name of different colleagues of the same race. In our conversation, Kahn deployed the word "independent" 14 times to describe The Times.
"The value that you will have on Twitter or on social media in general or in the world of journalism is going to be based on the good quality, in-depth, edited reporting that you do in The New York Times," he said. At The Times, Lorenz had mocked Haberman on internal message boards; after she left, Haberman and Lorenz clashed on Twitter as well.
"They might have felt like they actually were under a bit of pressure to define themselves and be participants in the Twitter ecosystem.". This is the New York Times company profile. And we didn't have email at that time. Kahn, 57, has also worked at the Wall Street Journal and Dallas Morning News, where he shared in a Pulitzer prize for reporting on violence against women. He acknowledged such reporting would likely only give more grist to the newspaper's Republican and conservative detractors, he said. Sign up for notifications from Insider! Yet Kahn, who comes from privilege himself, suggested that his colleagues who spoke out were right to force change on the newsroom's culture. "This is such a moment.". He returned to Harvard to get a master's in East Asian studies, headed to China and found himself covering the student protests in Tiananmen Square in the spring of 1989. And Kahn developed a rapport with A.G. Sulzberger, the 41-year-old scion of The Times' controlling family who is its corporate chairman and publisher. Part of the new policy also sets out ways in which the paper will support staffers who draw online harassment.
"And if that's the case, they can go work elsewhere.". The review, conducted by editors Amber Guild, Carolyn Ryan, and Anand Venkatesan, said Black workers, particularly Black women, rated the company lower across nearly all categories of the Times' 2020 employee survey, and Black employees outside leadership leave the company at a higher rate than white colleagues. Kahn cautions, however, that not all political news involves perceived threats to democratic order: He points to the election of the new Republican governor of Virginia. Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of, Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, * I consent to receive communications from The School of The New York Times, including information, news and offers in accordance with The School's. Kahn joined the paper a generation ago, in 1998, and rose through the ranks as a reporter and international editor. Hannah-Jones, who has received racist backlash along with other critiques, has told colleagues that she feels the paper does not sufficiently come to her defense in public. It also owns The. Now the paper's managing editor, he first joined The Times in 1998. "I remember feeling pretty unmoored at that moment," Kahn said. One of the paper's Twitter stars for years was its former terrorism reporter Rukmini Callimachi.
Here's how the famous 'Harry Potter' author makes and spends her fortune. Joe Kahn takes over next week as executive editor of The New York Times as the newspaper is riding high on a new crop of Pulitzer Prizes, recent acquisitions of the sports site The Athletic and Wordle, and record levels of digital subscriptions. At The Times, they revealed a divide significantly, but not exclusively, along racial, gender and generational lines over balancing open debate and inclusiveness. Kahns promotion was reported to be widely expected. "The New York Times can't exist in Hungary, it can't exist in China. In an unflashy manner, Kahn has sought to steer the paper through a series of changes designed to embrace the digital age: editors scattered across time zones now take up stories at any hour; teams cover breaking events for the website as they happen; stories appear in apps and online before the printed edition; and new squads present The Times' reporting in new ways, including graphics, podcasts, videos, charts, cartoons, gifs, apps, newsletters, classroom texts and more. But his next job, he says, will be his most plum assignment yet: Earlier this week, Blint-Welsh, AMD19, was named a James Reston Reporting Fellow forThe New York Times.
The esteemed paper is "too often a difficult place to work" for people of color, especially for Black and Latino workers, executive editor Dean Baquet, CEO Meredith Kopit Levien, and chairman A. G. Sulzberger said in a letter. (At The Washington Post, an uproar ensued after a similar incident this month, with a male reporter called out by a female colleague for retweeting a sexist joke, and another Post journalist criticizing her for the response. He appointed two accomplished and well-regarded deputies to replace himself: Marc Lacey and Carolyn Ryan. Correction: A previous version of this story misstated the name of the Times' chairman. Copyright 20082022, Glassdoor, Inc. "Glassdoor" and logo are registered trademarks of Glassdoor, Inc. Find a Great First Job to Jumpstart Your Career, Learn How to State Your Case and Earn Your Raise, "All the News That's Fit to Print and Post Online" would be a more accurate motto for this media titan. Stay up to date with what you want to know. Glassdoor gives you an inside look at what it's like to work at New York Times, including salaries, reviews, office photos, and more. "I was there by myself. "We're not lowering our journalistic standards at all," he said. Opportunities for lateral movements are very limited and company does not live up to the their declaration of equity and diversity, particularly in the newsroom.Read More, Verbal questions and then coding practice. Quieter in making his mark. That outcome reflected the state's political sentiment, Kahn said, and the paper's reporting showed that to be so. He was eventually interrogated by state security agents back in Beijing and told that he had violated martial law. And yet, when pressed, Kahn conceded a larger agenda: "You can't be committed to independent journalism and be agnostic about the state of democracy." from 1939 to 1989, serving as a columnist, Washington correspondent, and executive editor. As such, our students have investigated the Black Lives Matter movement. Baquet, Levien, and Sulzberger announced a multi-step plan to improve the firm's diversity and culture, which includes deepening support for employee resource groups, creating a new diversity office in Human resources, and update the company on diversity progress twice a year. We seek to bring together a diverse group of intellectually curious people whose varied backgrounds make for a wide range of views and perspectives. Her award-winning podcast series on ISIS for the paper, "Caliphate," turned out to be primarily based on the lies of its key source, even as the journalists working on the project ignored red flags. The Times now bases its coverage of China primarily from Seoul. This spring (in a process that had neared completion before billionaire Elon Musk bid for Twitter), the paper's leadership issued new social media guidelines. He has served as managing editor, or second-in-command, since 2016 under Dean Baquet, who prepared him as a successor. "We are raising our standards of what it means to be an active and constructive contributor to the workplace culture we need. Hes writtenlengthy features on Maines public education systemfor theBangor Daily News,profiled professional athletesfor theLos Angeles Times, andinvestigated the decline of yellow cabs in New York CityforTheNew York TimesStudent Journalism Institute. Once more, Kahn would not be drawn into any specifics. Reporter Donald McNeil Jr. left the paper in February after the Daily Beast reported he used the n-word and made stereotypical comments about Black teenagers on a student trip. The awards were returned and she was shifted off the beat.
Their review revealed the number of Black people make up just 9% of employees at The Times the same share as in 2015.