The District covers roughly 133 square miles with 19 preschool sites, 21 elementary schools, 3 junior high schools, 3 comprehensive high schools, 1 alternative high school, 1 online school, and our Transition Services Center, a program for special education students ages 18-21.
He lets us have classroom jobs. ", "He is very patient with us. We welcome our youngest learners to bring all of their wonders about the world into our school as we guide them to be confident members of the school community. Mr. Scott creates interesting and engaging lessons that challenge students to read books about people from demographic groups that differ from their own. for both the online program as well as Liberty High School. Shelby balances all of this along with scheduling, registration, mental health needs, graduation progress checks, etc. If you are having trouble accessing any portion of this website or its content or would like to request materials in an alternate format, please contact the Webmaster at or (319) 688-1000 for assistance. This space is called the NESTT, which opened in January 2021. ", "Mrs. Biger is a sweet and helpful librarian. Students accept shared responsibility for work and demonstrate flexibility and persistence to accomplish team goals. We feel confident that you will find that quality is the hallmark in each of our schools. Copyright 2002-2022 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. He does a lot of fun things he doesn't have to do. Walking through the halls of our schools, you will notice the pride our employees take in their work. Also, he is funny.". Students articulate thoughts and ideas effectively using oral, written, and nonverbal communication while also being able to listen effectively to decipher meaning. Todays students face unprecedented challenges and face increasingly more complex demands. This was due, in part, to the explosion in the number of students enrolling into the online program as the school year approached. Returning 7th and 8th Grade Student Registration (Northwest Junior High), 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM Successful students must be proficient in these five Cs of 21 Century learning. Mr. Scott is an asset to our school, and an overall fabulous teacher! ", "He is awesome! She also makes many things into a game, which makes learning fun and always keeps up laughing in her class!". There has never been a time that Mrs. Biger is not helping myself or another student, showing how she is always there for the betterment of her students.She makes boring learning fun, she is always coming up with new activities and maker space ideas so that we are truly enjoying the learning we are doing. Shelby has done amazing work this year and we are so thankful for her and grateful to her! For more than one hundred years, the Iowa City Community School District has been the instructional leader in eastern Iowa, across the state, and throughout the nation. She is also very fun and athletic. ", Jackie BigerTeacher LibrarianLemme Elementary, "Mrs. Biger is the kindest most funny librarian ever. She will come out to recess and play basketball with me one on one. He is the best teacher I ever had! Returning 7th and 8th Grade Student Registration (North Central Junior High), 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM Every time we do something wrong she says kindly not to do it, she does it in a way that is not embarrassing for students. She is the kind of teacher that leaves a lasting impression and will not forget her! As the year has progressed Shelby continues to do this as enrollment periods have reopened and new students come into the program. 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Our high schools rank among the best in the state, and our ACT test scores sit well above the state and national averages. "He is funny and lets us have fun, and he dances. Everything we do is focused on providing the finest educational opportunities for the children of our community. Having worked with Curtis for several years, I have gotten to know him as a trusted colleague and have always been impressed with his generosity. ", "He is funny, great at teaching, one the BEST teachers! She gets me interested in books I don`t think I will like but end up loving. Byram Hills High School commences our students' social, emotional, and academic journey to adulthood. Students demonstrate strong character and citizenship while working with various local and global communities to make the world a better place. Ice Cream Social. This is important because it exposes students to a variety of perspectives. He always made time to speak to my kids about Harry Potter, books, or answer the never-ending stream of questions about his class pet, a gecko. The Iowa City Community School District serves over 14,000 students and is the 5th largest school district in the state of Iowa. For instance she has super fun chairs like the bean bag chairs, the egg chairs, and you cant forget the cave. She helps me a lot, smiles a lot and wears GREAT dresses. Mrs. Biger went out of her way to find me a book that I enjoyed and it read it to me because it was an audio book. What makes the Iowa City Community School District so special? He works individually with students who are struggling to help them stay on track to meet their academic goals. ", "He helps people if they are struggling with math. Mrs. Biger has an amazing style and knows what kids love. Students use their knowledge and skills to conceptualize, apply, analyze, synthesize and evaluate information from various points of view gathered from experience, reflection, reasoning and communication. She makes the library so fun and makes me want to be there for every second of every day. When you visit our classrooms, you will see firsthand what educational excellence is all about in the Iowa City Community School District.Matt DegnerSuperintendent of, Curtis Butler5th Grade TeacherPenn Elementary. The most important part is, she is always funny, and has a great sense of humor. Students use various techniques to create new ideas to improve or refine systems or solve problems. Mr. Scott also encourages students to read books by authors from different backgrounds. We aim to create an exemplary school district that is acknowledged for the caliber of our graduates, the quality of our staff, and the excellence of our programs. Find out more about online registration and get dates for registering in-person. Learn more about the NESTT, its development, and what the future holds. High School Returning Student Registration, 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM Curtis goes above and beyond to develop relationships with kids every year. I also appreciate Mr. Scott's ability to develop rapport with his students. Shelby BryceSchool CounselorICCSD Online, Liberty High. City High created a centralized space for students who are experiencing mental health needs. Expectations are high for students and employees and it shows time and time again in the recognition of our people and programs.Our community sets a high priority on the education of its youth. ", He is funny and keeps learning fun. WE LOVE U MRS BIGER! Iowa City Community School District Strategic Plan, When people think about our schools, words like traditional and established come to mind, but also responsive, innovative, creative, inclusive, and progressive. "Ms. Bryce joined the Iowa City Community School District this year. Meet four of these SFAs working every day to not only meet those needs but to meet them head-on. Meet five Iowa City Community School District seniors who are prepared to excel in each of their unique pathways after graduation. We prepare students to embrace the challenges of academic rigor, give students the tools to be good decision-makers, help students find their own voice as they develop their character, and ultimately, to be the leaders of the next generation. We would like to share information with you regarding meal costs for the 2022-23 school year, including the end of the government-funded free meal program and summer meals. Learn more about each student as they reflect on their time here, while looking toward the future. ", "He's a good teacher because he is just plain amazing. about Byram Hills High School Announces Julia Lucchino as Valedictorian and Nora Lowe as Salutatorian, about The Byram Hills Academic Team Flourishes at National Championships, about Byram Hills High School Juniors and Seniors Honored at Awards Ceremony, about Byram Hills High School Senior Wins Third Place at ISEF for Behavioral Science Project, about Byram Hills Budget Approved, Four Board of Education Trustees Elected, Dignity For All Students Act (DASA) Coordinators, Organizations or Users Requesting Access to SchoolDude for the first time, Organizations/User with a login ID Requesting Access to SchoolDude, NYS Career Development and Occupational Studies Commencement Credential, Independent Reading Database (Google Form), Updated Safety Protocols for Art Instruction, NCAA Information for the College Bound Athlete, Online Resources for Students and Parents, School Counseling (Guidance) Plan for Grades K-12, Byram Hills High School Announces Julia Lucchino as Valedictorian and Nora Lowe as Salutatorian, The Byram Hills Academic Team Flourishes at National Championships, Byram Hills High School Juniors and Seniors Honored at Awards Ceremony, Byram Hills High School Senior Wins Third Place at ISEF for Behavioral Science Project, Byram Hills Budget Approved, Four Board of Education Trustees Elected. She worked tirelessly to sign students up for courses, review transcripts, and provide counsel to students.
Reading books about diverse characters helps students develop empathy and compassion for all. ", "She is a great leader when we are in class. She was the first teacher to have ever played basketball with me and that was really meaningful to me.