It's great that you're trying to get people to use the service give it a rest. And that's what Google Photos is for: organizing your personal photo collection without a lot of effort on your part. The usual gallery apps do not provide such features. I'm rather frustrated with the photo software on my Galaxy S4 right now. It is available on Android, iOS, and has a web version. Well email you 1-3 times per weekand never share your information. Contrary to what the "Tin foil" callers think. Can you advise me how to do this. Posted from the bando. I want as little to do with Google+ as possible. Also I prefer it over Gallery on my Razr Maxx HD. Google Photos vs Gallery Go: Which Is a Better Gallery App, Ever since I switched to a stock Android phone, the lack of a proper gallery app has always been bothering me. OH GOD GOOGLE WHY DO YOU INCLUDE A LAUNCHER ON YOUR PHONE?! And on OnePlus handsets, you get a dedicated gallery app, What's the Difference Between Offload and Delete App in iOS, Before Apple's iOS 11 was available, the only way to remove an app from your iPhone or iPad was to delete it. However, Photos isn't exactly an app without faults. I have a terabyte free from buying a Chromebook, so all my pictures get backed up without me even having to worry about space. Whats the fun of taking pictures when you cannot share them with others? Google Photos offers free storage, as long as you're willing to compress your files. And it's not like these are your only two options, there's a plethora of third-party gallery apps, each with its own UI, features, and niche to fill. She themes phones and pokes YouTube Music with a stick. Posted via Android Central App. The first, to which you allude, is the social network. I think that I used MyAppShare on my brother's Nexus 4. On the contrary, if you remove an unsynced picture from your gallery app, it is wiped away from both the apps. Integrating Skype into all their products as well. Well, I actually do care. data mining is how I make a living. I wish Google hadn't gotten rid of the Gallery app to try to force us to just use Photos when I used both.. Everything smaller than that is free." Or why is it even on your phone when a gallery app already exists? There are no photography-specific features, and everything you upload counts against your Google storage limits. For instance, photos and videos are limited to 16MP and 1080p respectively. Without further ado, lets understand the difference between Google Photos and gallery apps on Android. I have several Android phones that I don't use any Google services on. Are you really convinced of this? As far as backup, Google+ is the way to go. Images are sorted by date, meaning you can scroll through the years. It is slowly happening, but it is not there yet." There are also things that are easier (and maybe better) done in a more traditional Gallery. I have a moto e running KitKat. That would be like a gay wearing Dolce&Gabana! I then found I couldn't use the photos so. And now android central is all about photography. This also applies to a variety of third party apps because it is convenient. Posted via the Android Central App. Also backup to Onedrive as a redundancy just in case. One Google Photos feature I really love is the AI-driven search. Nothing about what they did to the Play Store review process is logical. It is used primarily for quick news to the public and a potential RSS replacement.

Want to move some folders from Google Drive over to Google Photos? I just use it (well, am forced to use it) to put some photos for Chromecast. Apple does not have any such restrictions on leaving feedback. F**k Google's coercive social integration. Get Guiding Tech articles delivered to your inbox. It is actually really convenient. A lot of my relatives rejected Twitter because they couldn't find any friend or relative there. Google Drive is a file storage service. Microsoft peddles their services the same if not more than Google. That's not terrible quality: you won't notice the resolution change on your phone, and Google claims you can print High quality photos up to 24x16 inches. Use another app store. Otherwise, I just go ahead and use the Gallery app. Open any photo in Google Drive, and you'll see a few optionsbut not many. You need an Apple ID or Google Account and a Public Social Network Profile (Facebook or Google+) to leave app reviews in the play store. If that happens, its goodbye to gallery apps from my side. I downloaded a+ gallery, I think I found a replacement for quick pic. Or maybe you want to see photos of your favorite dog during a particular season. I used to use quickpic but I didn't like the way it organized things and it wasn't quick at all. That's pretty much what Google is doing with Google+, except of course they own Google+. There are sharing and commenting features, however, meaning you can do some collaboration. Heres why you can trust us. You should use Quickpic. See how to protect and lock your photos. Can you please point me on how to enroll in the part that enables the services without being in the social network? Yes, it's a risk but it's my preferred way of operating. Is there any way to backup your gallery photos remotely if your phone is locked?! While you are setting it up, two things might happen (Netflixs Black Mirror Bandersnatch happening in real life). As of 2017, over 34.7 billion photos have been shared on Instagram. Come on, Jerry. You feel satisfied when using such an app. It adds a social layer and allows for one click registration in many apps and services. Yeah, I plucked from XDA the Album app from the Xperia Z3 for my Note 3, and never looked back. It's easy to upload your photos, browse them, and search for the exact photo you're thinking of. The focus of the app is on geo photos but you can of course use it for "normal" pics as well. This is a little bit silly. Google Photos is all about organizing a massive photo collection. There are two very distinct services bundled under that naming convention. Ever since the Moto X 2014 got the material design update in their gallery I use that method for photos and videos. Photos def for backup. Furthermore, you can also share your entire library with someone special. The fact that Photos is a Google+ product has also given it a stigma in many users' eyes and they see it as a nuisance, or Google trying to force the platform on them. No, it is about having a spine. NY 10036. Photos and Gallery, living together in harmony. And while not all galleries look better than Photos, a lot of them do. Problem is that my phone will often get charged before I get a chance to review my camera photos, so this doesn't work. Mehvish is a computer engineer by profession. You will find the answer to all your queries here. When you delete a photo from Google Photos, it is removed from your gallery as well. However, I find Google's relentlessness VERY offputting, and I don't think they should get a pass just because they don't charge you to use their products. Organization is easy again. There's a big difference between: Posted via the Android Central App. QuickPic is great! Shall see how it goes. In addition to all of that, my laptop syncs photos to picasa - and that doesn't seem to be where either of these apps are going. I've got both Photos and Gallery installed on my phone. I used to use it on my Droid Bionic back in 2013. >"Gallery or Photos for Android, which should you use?" If you have enabled the Back up & sync functionality in Google Photos, then the camera photos are linked. I prefer the classic Google gallery for some organization. Posted via Android Central App. Gallery apps, on the contrary, are designed for device folders.

You want them to ask why you are not there, so that you can explain why they shouldn't either. Google is coercing people to have a Plus account so that relatives and friends can find you there. They seem to be getting worse, not better, from my perspective. If you are using a US carrier Galaxy S5 you use Gallery, because if you have Google+ and have not disabled it via Application Manager you get the "Unfortunately, contacts has stopped" error. "Google is coercing people to have a Plus account so that relatives and friends can find you there. " Both work great, but in my opinion, they have specific uses: Google Drive is for quickly sharing a folder of photos, particularly in a work context. I don't want my friends and family to find me there. You need to enable it for other folders manually. I don't like software thinking I can't organize my stuff Posted via the Android Central App on the 2nd Gen. Moto X, +1,000,000,000 Step 1: Select the files you want to transfer in Google Drive, click the three dots in the top menu bar, then click Download. They are trying to drive adoption of Google+ by tying it to pretty basic functionality in other aspects of their ecosystem. The gallery apps from phone manufacturers are limited to their own handsets only. We explain and teach technology, solve tech problems and help you make gadget buying decisions. The other apps here do net even come close to the features of PhotoMap. Posted via the Android Central App. OneDrive vs. Google Drive: Which cloud Shopify vs. Squarespace: Which website builder is for you? I also had the "contacts" bug, and finally tracked it down to Google+ and Hangouts/SMS integration. Talk about picking something and sticking to it All I see on here now is, Google+ this, Google+ that. I'll agree. Ara Wagoner It is possible to extract the Gallery app from a device running Kitkat. Viewing device folders (other albums) is a two-step process, and when you reach there, the aura is dull. They know that I stand for I believe, and boycott those services that I don't agree with. The pinch gesture to see more/less photos at once is indispensable to me. Since Google Photos is available on multiple platforms, you get the ease of viewing the same pictures everywhere. That's it. You make it look like having a Plus account is 100% on demand. If you see her without headphones, RUN. You can follow her on Twitter at @arawagco. You also don't need to explain anything to your friends, just set the profile to private and don't add any friends. If you have an inactive account you are spineless? Mostly, when it comes down to which app you should use, the answer for most people is pretty clear: both. I installed a gallery but quickly became feed up with the constant adverts and so was forced back onto Google+ just to use the photos app. Installed on my N7 2012 after Lollipop eliminated Gallery and left me with Photos. Google Play Games is a social service, it makes sense that it be connected to a centralized social platform. Does this violate your ethics? I use google Photos for uploads and Sony Album for everything else. You don't have to use any of the services that accompany the creation of your Google account. One thing I hate about the Photos app is it's abysmal support for video above 4K and other files formats. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Is it the nudging of users to the service that bugs you? Be sure to delete the files from Google Drive when you're done or they'll be taking up space in both services. I use the KK gallery apk that's on the play store, .99 removes all ads. It depends. I use both. Photos still 'feels' slightly better in terms of animation smoothness but QuickPic is a whole lot better than it used to be and I can't really complain. You also get additional features such as Google Lens and Assistant integration. Step 3: Drag the photos from your computer to the Google Drive window. Learn about automation anytime, anywhere with our on-demand webinar library. About automatically having a Plus account. Instead you just troll comment sections like this one to whine and complain. Twitter isn't really used to connect with family and friends, not its intended purpose. Images and videos uploaded to Google Photos using the High quality option don't countthey're free. No faces, places, or years view. Video courses designed to help you become a better Zapier user. Gallery because its quick and easy; crop and rotate are only a few clicks away. This is not limited to Google apps either. The latter, which enables all of these services, is Google+ Sign in. Even though some native gallery apps such as Mi and Samsung offer cloud backup, the storage space is limited. It is more of a hybrid of Twitter, Facebook, and Linkedin using circles to manage which content is seen by whom. It's not going to replace Photoshop, granted, but it's great for quick touches on your personal photo collection. You want something to be done on your mobile, and someone has probably built an, Difference Between an App and a Program in Windows 10: GT, Back in the day, people used to talk about programs while discussing desktop operating systems like Windows. Posted via Android Central App on 1+1. You can search for photos by typing more natural or descriptive terms. It is actually quite clever. While both programs are nice, I tend to use Gallery more than I use Google Photos. Thats what I did on my N5 after lollipop. The simplest thing is to download the images, then upload them to Google Photos. They provide a perfect interface for viewing and managing files. The additions to the editor in Photos from Snapseed, have made it the quick and easy way to crop scrrenshots before uploading them for a quick tweet or post. General backup if everything using Photos, but use Sony's Album app. Posted via the Android Central App on the 2nd Gen. Moto X. Of course, you can always install third-party gallery apps from Play Store. Posted via the Android Central App using Chickens. Check out our list of .css-143kls3-Link[class][class][class][class][class]{all:unset;box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-text-fill-color:currentColor;cursor:pointer;}.css-143kls3-Link[class][class][class][class][class]{all:unset;box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;-webkit-transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;transition:all 300ms ease-in-out;outline-offset:1px;-webkit-text-fill-color:currentColor;outline:1px solid transparent;}.css-143kls3-Link[class][class][class][class][class][data-color='ocean']{color:var(--zds-colors-blue-jeans,#3d4592);}.css-143kls3-Link[class][class][class][class][class][data-color='ocean']:hover{color:var(--zds-colors-night,#2c3266);}.css-143kls3-Link[class][class][class][class][class][data-color='ocean']:focus{color:var(--zds-colors-blue-jeans,#3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-colors-blue-jeans,#3d4592);}.css-143kls3-Link[class][class][class][class][class][data-color='white']{color:var(--zds-colors-neutral-100,#fffdf9);}.css-143kls3-Link[class][class][class][class][class][data-color='white']:hover{color:var(--zds-colors-neutral-500,#a8a5a0);}.css-143kls3-Link[class][class][class][class][class][data-color='white']:focus{color:var(--zds-colors-neutral-100,#fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-colors-neutral-100,#fffdf9);}.css-143kls3-Link[class][class][class][class][class][data-color='primary']{color:var(--zds-colors-blue-jeans,#3d4592);}.css-143kls3-Link[class][class][class][class][class][data-color='primary']:hover{color:var(--zds-colors-night,#2c3266);}.css-143kls3-Link[class][class][class][class][class][data-color='primary']:focus{color:var(--zds-colors-blue-jeans,#3d4592);outline-color:var(--zds-colors-blue-jeans,#3d4592);}.css-143kls3-Link[class][class][class][class][class][data-color='secondary']{color:var(--zds-colors-neutral-100,#fffdf9);}.css-143kls3-Link[class][class][class][class][class][data-color='secondary']:hover{color:var(--zds-colors-neutral-500,#a8a5a0);}.css-143kls3-Link[class][class][class][class][class][data-color='secondary']:focus{color:var(--zds-colors-neutral-100,#fffdf9);outline-color:var(--zds-colors-neutral-100,#fffdf9);}.css-143kls3-Link[class][class][class][class][class][data-weight='inherit']{font-weight:inherit;}.css-143kls3-Link[class][class][class][class][class][data-weight='normal']{font-weight:400;}.css-143kls3-Link[class][class][class][class][class][data-weight='bold']{font-weight:700;}the best free cloud storage and file syncing apps. There are exceptions, of coursethere always arebut that's a good start. Also, these services are being split off anyways as Google is going to be simply renaming Google+ to streams. You can define the conditions as to which files you want to share. Apple is no better. Google+ photos takes a bit of time to figure out. This app should be mentioned here too. Most of them now focus on AI, editing capabilities, shareability, and more., Google Photos is a photo-management service, How to Configure Letv eUI Remote to Work with Any IR Device, Samsung Apps vs Google Apps: Should You Switch. The gallery apps, on the contrary, lack the extra features, but they offer amazing organization and user interface for device folders. Posted via the Android Central App, For all these people complaining about Google No one is making you use anything. If you make a change to a file on any device, it will be reflected across all the shared devices. This is why I don't use Photos for cloud sync. Some phones have a dedicated gallery app preinstalled. Posted via the Android Central App. But if the photo was synced, then it will get erased from both the apps. I use Quickpic as my main gallery app now and I use Photos to edit my pics. Wubba lubba dub dub! Posted via the Android Central App, Don't like it? Without using any third-party app, you can share images and videos with other Google Photos users. This would be ALMOST okay, if people weren't paying money for products and then finding out that they have to broadcast themselves on the internet just to leave feedback to the developers for those products. Ok, I'll step off my soap box. And the best part, the algorithms use facial recognition and other methods for identifying the contents of a photo to add relevant metatags. 2. Mostly because I've had a few phones/factory resets and usually the pic I'm looking for is in the cloud. Coercive?

Get productivity tips delivered straight to your inbox. Google Drive is a cloud storage service, meaning you can upload any kind of file to it. As the name says, Google Photos is a photo-management service from Google. You get Cortana who might as well have the last name Bing. There are far too many folders, considering there's one for each Hangouts conversation that includes picture and each time you uploaded multiple photos. Ara Wagoner was a staff writer at Android Central. All Rights Reserved. Step 3. Google Photos has the edge over others when it comes to search. Even though the Photos app does its overall job well, it falls short when it comes to device folders. Ask questions, share your knowledge, and get inspired by other Zapier users. Gallery all the way Posted via Android Central App on 1+1, That's what I don't like about iOS. So yes, you need to use Google+ sign in for these services. The files will be bundled in a ZIP folder, which you can open on your computer. Posted via the AC App with my jacked up GT-P3113. The consistency between Photos on Android and web has also made it easy for Google+ users to find their way around no matter which platform they're on. I am not sure why you people go so far out of your way to try to excuse this. And, people are going to think that I am crazy or behind the times, but I actually back up my photos to my personal computer (which itself is backed up to my personal My Cloud device). I use scene. Hahahaha are you kidding me?? Yeah. The images will download in a ZIP folder, which you can open on your computer. last updated 20 August 18. Change it up a bit is all I'm saying.