The procedure when you plan to turn or change lanes: Ask us a question or share a concern. When changing lanes, you must signal and do mirror and shoulder checks before you begin to move out of your lane. Complete your turn when its safe, to the left of the centre of the intersection in the boulevard area. Our goal is to get you the answer you need. Always be alert to drivers attempting to race an amber light. Many collisions are caused by drivers who fail to turn safely. Do not turn wide and occupy 2 lanes when turning. The vehicle closest to the median must complete the turn and stay in the lane closest to the median on the street being turned onto. (If you are not already established in the intersection, you must not attempt the left turn when the light changes from green.). Turn from the lane next to the centre line into the lane nearest the left curb unless its blocked within 30 metres of the intersection. Slow down before entering the intersection, check for traffic ahead and to the right and, when safe, begin the turn. Look well along your intended path. You must turn on your signal lights in advance of your turn or lane change. You should be in your proper turning lane at least 15 metres (50 feet) before the intersection. After you complete the turn, look well ahead along your intended path. Remain behind the crosswalk if there is only room for one vehicle ahead of you in your lane in the intersection. To make a left turn, the driver should, when safe, move into the left lane closest to the left curb. Once established in the intersection, you may clear the intersection when its safe and if: If the light turns yellow or red while you are established in the intersection, watch for traffic slowing down to stop and complete your turn when its safe. A travel lane is a section of roadway wide enough to allow the passage of a single line of vehicles. Enter the intersection if it is legal to do so when the vehicle ahead of you clears the intersection. When turning with vehicles beside you that are also turning, watch for vehicles that may not stay in their own lane and be prepared to avoid them. Different types of streets require different left turn procedures. Yield to pedestrians crossing in the crosswalk. If you must stop in the intersection prior to completing a left turn, stay to the right of the yellow line and keep your front wheels pointed straight ahead.

Driver's Guide to operation, safety and licensing: cars and light trucks. If it is safe, complete your turn by turning into the first available traffic lane on the right when there is space to allow you to gently accelerate and change lanes. Unless otherwise indicated, you may turn left from a one-way street to a one-way street on a red traffic light, after stopping and yielding the right-of-way to pedestrians and other traffic. Shoulder check your blind spot for the gate you are moving into. When the lane is free, turn directly into that lane. If you wait until you're actually turning or changing lanes before you signal, you're not telling other drivers what you intend to do. Prepare for a turn well in advance. When turning right from a two-way road onto another two-way road, stay centred in your turning lane, and no more than 1 metre (3 feet) from the curb or edge of the road. This will prevent you from being pushed into oncoming traffic if you are hit from behind. Turn into the first available lane on the left side of the road. Turn into the nearest lane to the right of the yellow line. Before moving ahead, you must check: If you are approaching an intersection and the light is green, you must check: When its safe, move ahead to just before the centre of the intersection and just to the right of the directional oncoming line.

Yield to oncoming traffic and pedestrians crossing to your left. Enter the intersection to the right of the directional dividing line. Be sure you yield the right-of-way to pedestrians and traffic on the cross street. Understanding your experience with us is important. Then change lanes to the left when safe. Check over your right shoulder for cyclists and pedestrians approaching the intersections. Turn into the lane nearest to the left side of the road. When it is safe and legal, turn from the lane nearest the left side of the road. When turning from a 2-way road onto another 2-way road with a single left turn lane, drive into the lane to the right side of the yellow line. Slow down and begin your left turn after checking for traffic. When it is safe, turn the vehicle left at the intersection. Check the crosswalk of the road you are turning onto for pedestrians and cyclists. Check traffic and when theres no traffic coming from the left or traffic turning in front of you and its safe, proceed. This also applies to dual lane turns. Complete the turn by driving to the right side of the yellow line of the road you have entered. Unless prohibited by a sign, you may turn right on a red light after you come to a complete stop at the proper stopping point (stop line or crosswalk). This includes a curb lane lined with parking meters. Curb lanes are not just for parking. When entering the two-way street, turn into the lane immediately to the right of the centre line. Turn into the lane nearest and to the right of the yellow line. When the light is red, if there are no signs prohibiting the turn, you may turn left on a red light from a one way to a one way after you come to a complete stop at the proper stopping location (stop line or crosswalk) and it is safe. Slow down and look both ways before starting turn. It is recommended for this type of turn that the curb lane be clear of parked vehicles for at least a 1/2 block. The vehicle second from the median must turn into the second lane from the median on the street being turned onto. Prepare well in advance. Turn into the lane closest to the left curb unless blocked within 30 metres of the intersection. When it is safe and legal, turn from the lane nearest and to the right of the yellow line. a left turn when its legal and safe. Stay approximately this distance as you approach the intersection, while turning, and as you leave the intersection. Before making a left turn, enter the proper lane well before the intersection. Slow down and begin the left turn from a point as close as possible to the left curb or edge of the roadway. They can already see that you are turning. Yield to oncoming traffic and pedestrians crossing to your left. Well ahead of the turn, look for any following vehicles, signal and move close to the centre line. Yield to pedestrians crossing to your left. Help us make things better. Make your turn to the left of the centre of the intersection. Before you begin to turn, check the street you are turning onto to decide if there is room to turn into the curb lane. Do not turn wide and occupy 2 lanes when turning. Left turns can be dangerous because there can be traffic approaching from more than one direction and your vehicle will be crossing the lanes of the oncoming traffic. Note: Yield to other vehicles approaching from your left that are travelling in the lane you will enter. Yield to pedestrians to your left. If turning onto a four-lane highway outside a city, town or village, move to the right after completing the turn, if traffic permits. When you use turn signals, you're saying, "I intend to turn or change lanes." Poor judgment of time and space when turning left is one of the leading causes of crashes. Do not enter the crosswalk to turn until pedestrians are safely out of the intersection. Only make
When it is safe and legal, turn from the lane nearest the yellow line. If you are not in the proper turning lane, check your rear view and outside mirrors and do a shoulder check. You should be in your proper turning lane at least 15 metres (50 feet) before the intersection. When approaching the intersection, signal for the turn and watch for: If you have stopped at a red light, when the light turns green, you must move into the intersection if its safe. Assuming that you know the status of your gates and are properly positioned for the turn, signal. Signal and change lanes when it is safe. If traffic is approaching from the right establish your vehicle in the intersection. When approaching the intersection, check for signs that may prohibit or restrict turns. When it is safe and legal, turn from the lane nearest the left side of the road. Signal well ahead of the turn and, when safe, move into the left lane closest to the left curb. Remember that travel lanes are not always marked with lines on the road or signs. The lane next to the curb where vehicles park is best referred to as a curb lane, not a parking lane. Left turns are more dangerous than right turns because of oncoming traffic. Be sure you have enough time and space to turn safely if there is oncoming traffic. If the first available lane of the street you are turning onto has a parked vehicle or obstruction close to the corner, turn into the first available lane to the left of the parked vehicle. If a parked vehicle or obstruction is far enough away, complete the turn in the lane behind the vehicle or obstruction. A good rule when driving at speeds under 60 km/h is to signal at least 30 m before turning. They are used to turn off a road and onto a road. Yield to pedestrians crossing to your left. Complete this turn the same as any other turn except when two lanes are allowed to turn left at the same time. To make a left turn onto a driveway or back lane, signal and move into the proper lane before turning left. Before turning left off a 2-lane highway, do a shoulder check to the left to be sure you are not being passed by another vehicle on your left. At higher speeds, signal at least 150 m from the corner. If your signal lights or brake lights fail, these hand signals must be used. any vehicles established in or blocking the intersection, traffic approaching from the opposite direction, if you will not be able to clear the intersection because traffic is backed up in the lane you wish to enter, for traffic coming from left and right (watch for vehicles attempting to race the amber light), theres no pedestrian traffic crossing the lanes you wish to turn into, theres a break in traffic big enough to complete your turn safely without interfering with oncoming vehicles. Signal and, when safe, move into the lane next to the centre line in preparation for the turn.