The postdoc will also have the opportunity to mentor junior lab members. She/he will also attend relevant seminars and conduct literature search to better understand the process of visual perception and high-acuity vision. Research assistants would help in the collection of data by running subjects, data entry, and general office work for at least 7 hours per week. We study predictive, diagnostic and analogical reasoning from a computational perspective. Information about the Cognitive Psychology Graduate Major. The time you are looking to invest in a research opportunity- hours/week and when this time is available and also longer-term (e.g., # of quarters). The goals of my lab are to (a) reveal the nature of human social commonsense through cognitive modeling and psychophysical experiments; (b) implement human-like social commonsense in artificial intelligence, so that it can seamlessly communicate to and collaborate with humans in safe and trustworthy ways. Los Angeles, CA 90095 We especially encourage women and those from backgrounds poorly represented in STEM fields to apply to our lab- all are welcome.
In addition, the student will learn and perform basic bioinformatics using R and python, and histological and molecular techniques, and flow-cytometry, in order to participate in the project. Psych 120A&B are highly recommended.
What cognitive and neural factors help transform our experiences into lasting memories?
As a mentor I endeavor to be ally and advocate for my trainees and to support and promote their careers. Faculty Sponsor: Yi-Rong PengDepartment: OphthalmologyContact Name: Yi-Rong PengE-mail: [emailprotected]Room Number: Jules Stein Building B-200Phone: 310-825-7883Website:
We are interested in how the visual system represents and identifies human action in a motion sequence. The general facilities and resources at UCLA are outstanding. Research programs in the UCLA Human Perception Laboratory address a broad range of topics in visual perception, cognition, and learning. This work was supported by NSF award NSF ECR1644916, Advancing Theory and Application in Perceptual and Adaptive Learning to Improve Community College Mathematics.
Information on any of the UCLA DLAM or lab safety courses you have completed (its okay if the answer is none). Experience with programming is a plus, but not required. Commitment involves 6-10 hours/week. Modern cognitive psychology is increasingly merging with the broader fields of cognitive science and cognitive neuroscience, which draw together researchers from a variety of disciplines concerned with the study of mind, brain, and intelligence.
Preference given to those available to assist with collection during summer session A. Our primary focus is on how interactions between the hippocampus and cortical regions mediate these behaviors. (2019). Research assistants will help with tasks to help examine how specific statistical methods are being used in psychology and other social science fields. While in my lab, my goal is help trainees grow as scientists, academics, communicators, and humans.
UCLA is unique in the breadth and depth of its cognitive programs, which draw upon upwards of 40 faculty from such disciplines as cognitive, developmental, and physiological psychology, along with neuroscience, artificial intelligence, linguistics, and philosophy. This Areas goal is to produce cognitive psychologists who combine general scholarship with sophistication in research design, theory formulation, experimental and computational methods, and scientific communication. Faculty Sponsor: Chen, XiangDepartment: Electrical & Computer EngineeringContact Name: Professor Xiang 'Anthony' ChenE-mail: [emailprotected]Room Number: 1538 Boelter Hall, 580 Portola Plaza. We're looking for students to join the project.
Data Collection Team: Primary responsibilities will include participant recruitment and data collection. UCLA has established programs in cognitive science and cognitive neuroscience that sponsor colloquia, seminars, and interdisciplinary research. The results of these analyses will serve as preliminary data to aid the design of new experiments. Students will receive training in physics of EEG activity and will be required to read literature regarding EEG data collection and processing. Must be proficient in Microsoft Office and comfortable learning new video coding software. To apply for an undergraduate research position in our lab please contact Dr. Kate Wassum(
Mettler, E., El-Ashmawy, A. K., Massey, C. M., & Kellman, P. J. The published abstract citation is: Gennady Erlikhman and Nicholas Baker presented a poster entitled Recursive networks reveal illusory contour classification images.
To apply please send a cover letter explaining a bit about your prior work, research interests, and training goals, curriculum vitae, and the names and contact information of two potential recommenders to Kate Wassum ( UCLA Undergraduate Science JournalProvides an opportunity for undergraduates to present and publish research findings. Students should be extremely reliable, fast, and clear communicators, eager to take on challenges and solve them independently. To apply: Distinguished Professor

Were currently recruiting for a lab technician!
Were currently recruiting for a postdoc to join our team to lead NIH-funded projects investigating the neural circuit underpinnings of reward learning, motivation, and decision making (see more information on our research and publications).
1285 Franz Hall, Box 951563
Faculty Sponsor: Grammer, JennieDepartment: EducationContact Name: Sarah Jo TorgrimsonE-mail: [emailprotected]Room Number: 3302Phone: 3108258348Website: This work was supported by NSF awards NSF 1109228, "Adaptive Sequencing and Perceptual Learning Technologies in Mathematics and Science", and NSF ECR1644916, Advancing Theory and Application in Perceptual and Adaptive Learning to Improve Community College Mathematics.
Present your research in poster format. They will have the opportunity to participate in all aspects of research, including literature search, study design, experimental design, stimulus preparation, data analysis, and potential manuscript preparation. This work will give students experience with state of the art deep neural network methods for analyzing behavioral and neural data. Faculty Sponsor: Lu, HongjingDepartment: PsychologyContact Name: Lu, HongjingE-mail: [emailprotected]Room Number: 6552 Franz HallPhone: (310) 206-2587. During the quarter, the student will learn about the morphological and functional features of retinal circuits. In addition we attempt to isolate and train visual skills using computer software that dynamically adapts to a learner's mental state. Opportunities will be available to get involved in data analysis and experiment development/material creation. Participants are eligible for a $500 Deans Prize. However, opportunities to assist on other techniques may become available once in-person research resumes.
You can read more about the current research projects on the lab webpage: Day to day tasks will involve coding journal policy pages, working with data in Excel, literature searches, and reading/editing manuscript drafts. We want RAs who are not only talented and fastidious but also passionate and intrigued by the cognitive process underneath human decision making.
Here is a sampling of that coverage: Lab Presentation / Publication Note: Members of the Human Perception Lab presented papers and posters at the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society in Madison, WI. (2020). UCLA Interim Policy 906The interim Undergraduate Researcher Laboratory Safety Policy (Policy 906) outlines the necessary safety requirements and prohibitions on research and other activities that involve undergraduate student researchers and highly hazardous materials. Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania The cognitive program at UCLA is designed to ensure exposure to the content and methods deemed essential for all cognitive psychologists, and to provide the opportunity for exposure to additional knowledge and research tools required for specialized professional positions. UCLA Undergraduate Psychology JournalThe Undergraduate Research Journal of Psychology (URJP) is an online journal published by students interested in cross-disciplinary psychological research. Because of the training involved, we prefer candidates who can commit to working in the lab for at least three quarters. The published abstract citation is: Susan Carrigan presented a poster entitled From early contour linking to perception of continuous objects: Specifying scene constraints in a two-stage model of amodal and modal completion. Must be available during afterschool hours (2:30 PM 4:30 PM) at least two days during school week.
Everett Mettler presented a paper entitled Comparing adaptive and random spacing schedules during learning to mastery criteria.
Specific responsibilities include: (1) reading cognitive modeling papers and book chapters under my guidance; (2) implementing cognitive models with python; (3) designing and running human psychophysics experiments. In the current line of research, we plan to run lab and field experiments where we will vary the pre-existing social relationship between the reward giver and recipient and the types of incentives used. It is preferred that the assistant is familiar with machine learning methods as well as python programming to aid in the behavioral analysis. Overall, the faculty and resources available in the Cognitive Psychology program at UCLA are among the best in the world. The UCLA Culture and Contact Lab studies social inequalities tied to systemic oppression and discrimination including disparities related to academic achievement and well-being. This project is about circuit mechanism of social behavior. Lab Presentation / Publication Note: Members of the Human Perception Lab presented papers and posters at the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Present your research conducted in the field of Psychology such as Behavioral Neuroscience, Clinical, Cognitive, Cross-Cultural, Developmental, Forensic, Health, Measurement, Personality, Social Psychology, or other related Behavioral Sciences in paper or poster sessions. The postdoc will have access to our teams deep technical toolbox, collaborative environment, and rich intellectual expertise. Mathematics and Statistics are topics that many students struggle to learn. We are currently recruiting undergraduate research assistants to our lab! Preference given to those with strong organization and time management skills.
Los Angeles, CA 90095 Were currently recruiting for 1-2 NIH-funded postdoc positions! Were always looking for enthusiastic people to come do science with us! In particular, students help with all stages of the research process including providing feedback on study materials, working as an experimenter for studies, assisting with literature reviews and data coding for research reporting and dissemination. We have a several projects that revolve around designing, fabricating, and testing custom behavioral equipment that allow us to ask new experimental questions. Each of the major departments involved are among the most highly rated in the country.