Olfaction is extremely important for fitness of D. armandi because it is the primary mechanism through which the insect locates hosts and mates. Automated comparative protein structure modeling with SWISS-MODEL and Swiss-PdbViewer: a historical perspective. Insect Biochem. Narrow with rather straight sides. }Z\P;jqj6scH\w+3m\\0`i%bZeyc*p@$662H@GI5Q51e&`pvM! Screech beetle. 0000045647 00000 n The sizes of the amplicons were 231 bp (-actin), 218 bp (-Tubulin), 193 bp (DarmCSP1), 95 bp (DarmCSP2), 208 bp (DarmCSP3), 229 bp (DarmCSP4), 229 bp (DarmCSP5), 120 bp (DarmCSP6), 183 bp (DarmCSP7), 132 bp (DarmCSP8), and 250 bp (DarmCSP9). doi: 10.1016/j.ibmb.2006.09.009. In insects of both sexes, CSPs are broadly expressed throughout development (Stathopoulos et al., 2002; Wanner et al., 2005; Qiao et al., 2013; Yang et al., 2014; Li et al., 2016) and across tissue types, including antennae, heads, thoraxes, abdomens, proboscis, eyes, legs, wings, pheromone glands, and reproductive organs (Nomura et al., 1992; Field et al., 2000; Nagnan-Le Meillour et al., 2000; Ban et al., 2003; Gu et al., 2013; Li et al., 2013; Zhou et al., 2013; Zhu et al., 2016; Wang et al., 2017). 103 Entomology Hall Lincoln, NE 68583-0816. To avoid chimera sequences, specific primers (Table S1) from initiation to terminator codon were designed based on complete sequences. The dsCSP2-injected group did not differ from controls (non-injected and water-injected) in DarmCSP2 mRNA levels 12 h post-injection, a significant difference emerged after 24 h, followed by a continuous decrease from control levels after 48 h (Figure S3). doi: 10.1042/bj20021217, Nagnan-Le Meillour, P., Cain, A., Jacquin-Joly, E., Franois, M., Ramachandran, S., Maida, R., et al. head is typically as wide or wider than the pronotum. Note also whether the antennae are clubbed, and whether any of the tarsal segments are lobed (in families with lobed tarsal segments, often only one segment is lobed). As adults, most beetles have a hard, dense exoskeleton that covers and protects most of their body surface. Unusual weevils, our two species are distinctive. Includes the leaf beetles, flea beetles, seed beetles, tortoise beetles, and reed beetles. Carabidae Ground Beetles Expression analysis and binding experiments of chemosensory proteins indicate multiple roles in Bombyx mori. Entomol. The importance of DarmCSP2 in binding to major volatiles was further confirmed by our RNAi experiment. doi: 10.1016/j.ibmb.2012.07.008, Dong, K., Sun, L., Liu, J.-T., Gu, S.-H., Zhou, J.-J., Yang, R.-N., et al. How long are the antennae relative to the body and the palps? Natl. 316 0 obj <> endobj (2016). The predicted signal peptides were boxed and four conserved cysteines were labeled with below the alignment. Included within the Water Beetles group. Three pairs of thoracic legs; no abdominal prolegs, Chewing mouthparts (sometimes located at the tip of a beak or snout), Front wings (elytra) are hard and serve as covers for the hind wings; meet in a line down the middle of the back, Hind wings large, membranous, folded beneath the elytra, Staphylinidae (rove beetles) scavengers and herbivores; elytra are characteristically shorter than the abdomen, Curculionidae (weevils, snout beetles) herbivores; many species are pests of agricultural crops and stored grains. 0000053396 00000 n 0000016420 00000 n Scarabaeidae (Scarab beetles, dung beetles). Squeaks when handled. Gene-specific inner and outer primers for 5 and 3 RACE (Table S1) were designed based on obtained sequence fragments. Gasteiger, E., Hoogland, C., Gattiker, A., Duvaud, S. E., Wilkins, M. R., Appel, R. D., et al. Cells were harvested via centrifugation at 12,000 g and 4C for 5 min, then cleaned using PBS buffer (137 mM NaCl, 2.7 mM KCl, 10 mM Na2HPO4, 2 mM KH2PO4, pH = 7.4). Gene 536, 279286. Senses 25, 541553. Their characteristic shape is often used in identifying them. /Filter /LZWDecode Signals were recorded using an IDAC-2 unit plus amplifier and Syntech EAG 2000 (Syntech, Netherlands). Their tarsal formula is apparently 3-3-3, The legs and antennae can be withdrawn into grooves on the underside of the body so the whole beetle becomes an oval pill and seems to have no appendages. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that DarmCSPs were clustered together with CSPs of other bark beetles (D. ponderosae, Ips typographus, and D. valens). Kateretidae (Short-winged flower beetles). Conserved chemosensory proteins in the proboscis and eyes of Lepidoptera. Applied aspects of insect olfaction, in Insect Olfaction, ed B. S. Hansson (Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer), 351377. A Hitachi F-4500 fluorescence spectrophotometer was used to measure emission fluorescence spectra, in a right-angle configuration with a 1 cm light-path quartz cuvette. Together, our results and previous work suggest that DarmCSP2 collaborates with multiple binding proteins (including other CSPs and OBPs) to transport numerous compounds. Thermocycling conditions were as follows: 95C for 10 s, followed by 40 cycles of 95C for 5 s, and 60C for 30 s. At the end of each reaction, a melting curve analysis was performed to detect single gene-specific peaks and check for primer dimers. wide range of diversity in this order with respect to size, A pdf version is available here. Annu. Dimpled wing-cases with ridges. Insect Biochem. 14:270. doi: 10.1093/jisesa/ieu132, Yi, X., Zhao, H., Dong, X., Wang, P., Hu, M., and Zhong, G. (2013). Like the pill beetles, these can withdraw their legs and antennae into slots. J. Insect Physiol.
Antennae not elbowed. During flight, the elytra are held out to the sides of the body where they provide a certain amount of aerodynamic stability. Eyes often, but not always, notched. 217, 189196. The reaction mixture (20 L) contained 10 L of SYBR Premix Ex Taq II (Tli RNaseH Plus) (TaKaRa, Dalian, China), 2 L of cDNA (diluted 10 times), 0.6 L of each primer, and 6.8 L of nuclease-free water.
The antennae are obvious, but typically Mol. Thus, there is considerable interest in developing eco-friendly pest-control methods, with the use of semiochemicals as a distinct possibility. programs. If you build up a collection, it will not take long before you can recognise groups of species at a glance and you get a feel for where a beetle might belong. Almost all of them have very short wing-cases leaving at least three segments of the abdomen exposed. Cardinal beetles. % Some species feed destructively on the roots of crop plants. We also observed a sudden upregulation of DarmCSP2 and DarmCSP9 before emergence. oval body shape. are all five-segmented (5-5-5). 38, 969976. doi: 10.1017/S0007485312000168, Gonzlez, D., Zhao, Q., McMahan, C., Velasquez, D., Haskins, W. E., Sponsel, V., et al. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0171739, Wanner, K., Isman, M., Feng, Q., Plettner, E., and Theilmann, D. (2005). Common scarabs include the May/June The tarsi 0000019033 00000 n 0000014916 00000 n Do the wing-cases cover the whole abdomen or are there some segments exposed? Degenerate and specific primers (Table S1) were designed in Primer Premier 5.0, based on CSP sequences of other insects from NCBI (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/).
In particular, D. armandi infestation has damaged large swathes of P. armandi forests, incurring heavy economic losses and serious ecological destruction (Chen and Tang, 2007; Xie and Lv, 2012). Supporting that idea is the observation of broad variety in expression patterns among DarmCSPs (Figures 3, 4). This stamp was issued by the government of Togo on May 2, 1955 to commemorate the International Exposition for Wildlife Protection held that year in Paris, France. Adults have distinctively long antennae. 2, 5989. %%EOF This serious pest of coniferous forests in China's Qinling and Bashan Mountains primarily attacks healthy Chinese white pine (Pinus armandi Fr. You need a museum for this, which is not always convenient.
Chemosensory proteins of the eastern honeybee, Apis cerana: identification, tissue distribution and olfactory related functional characterization. Samples were collected in triplicate, frozen in liquid nitrogen immediately, and stored at 80C until use. Biol. J. Entomol. 0000017466 00000 n Insect Mol. These three proteins were located in the supernatant after sonication. DarmCSP9 was also more highly expressed in female than in male heads. After resuspension in the lysis buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl, 300 mM NaCl, 25 mM Na2HPO4, pH = 8.0), cell solution was sonicated on ice for 10 min (sonication for 3 s with an interval of 5 s), then centrifuged again at 12,000 g and 4C for 30 min. doi: 10.1046/j.1365-2583.2000.00221.x, Fort, S., Wanner, K. W., and Maleszka, R. (2007). All authors read and approved manuscript for final submission. Front. Ozaki, K., Utoguchi, A., Yamada, A., and Yoshikawa, H. (2008). (2017). Fluorescence competitive binding assays have indicated that CSPs bind to a wide range of compounds, such as plant volatiles, insect pheromones (Briand et al., 2002; Li et al., 2015), cuticular hydrocarbons and lipids (Ozaki et al., 2005; Gonzlez et al., 2009), as well as visual pigments (Zhu et al., 2016). Scarab beetles are relatively stout-bodied beetles that vary greatly in Expression of chemosensory proteins in the tsetse fly Glossina morsitans morsitans is related to female host-seeking behaviour. doi: 10.1016/S0965-1748(00)00084-9. 93, 184200. Clubbed antennae. Genome Biol. (1980). 0000045670 00000 n Scarabaeidae (lamellicorn beetles, June beetles, scarab beetles) herbivores; robust beetles with heavy spines on femur and tibia. In particular, DarmCSP6 was ubiquitous and highly expressed in most tissues, especially the abdomens and thoraxes. size. Tiny. The number of tarsal segments is unusual and shared with only a few other families. Dissociation constant of 1-NPN with DarmCSP2 is 1.84 0.04 M. Protoc. Also the broad-nosed weevils and the bark beetles (hardly any rostrum, head often hidden beneath the pronotum, antennae clubbed but not so obviously elbowed).
Gyrinidae Whirligig Beetles but actually 4-4-4. Tiger Beetles (Cicindelidae) Biol. J. The results of 12% SDS-PAGE indicated that recombinant and pure proteins without His-tags were respectively present as single bands at 32.0 and 14.0 kDa (without signal peptide) (Figure S2). The CLUSTAL_X windows interface: flexible strategies for multiple sequence alignment aided by quality analysis tools. of tarsomeres on fore, mid, and hind leg) is Biol. The antennae have 8-11 segments Mol. A mixture of 2 M DarmCSP and 2 M 1-NPN was titrated with each ligand to final concentrations of 216 M. Solution structure of a chemosensory protein from the moth Mamestra brassicae. The number and shape of tarsal segments is used in most keys, but on small beetles they are not easy to see. In that case, you might at least find that it looks more like some families than others, and that will give you a starting point when you look elsewhere. Nine DarmCSPs contained a putative signal peptide at the N-terminus (Table 1, Figure 1). 23, 598610. 39 Articles, This article is part of the Research Topic, http://espript.ibcp.fr/ESPript/cgi-bin/ESPript.cgi, https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2018.00291/full#supplementary-material, Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). doi: 10.1186/gb-2002-3-7-research0034, Vieira, F. G., and Rozas, J. Rev. H, head (without antenna and mouthpart); T, thorax; A, abdomen (without pheromone gland); AN, antenna; M, mouthpart; L, leg; FW, forewing; UW: underwing; P, pheromone gland. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2583.2009.00883.x, Gu, S.-H., Wu, K.-M., Guo, Y.-Y., Pickett, J. This list corresponded well with the list of volatiles found to be bound by DarmCSP2 in fluorescence binding assays. Biol. BdorCSP2 is important for antifeed and oviposition-deterring activities induced by Rhodojaponin-III against Bactrocera dorsalis. Template-free negative controls were included in every reaction. The number in front of the family name is the number of species in that family. Physicochemical properties and blastp matches of putative DarmCSP genes. Distribution: Worldwide. 262, 745754. Tenebrionidae Darkling Beetles, Development: Holometabola i.e. 0000002990 00000 n Amino acid identity was analyzed through the construction of a homology tree in DNAMAN6.0. Hind and middle legs reduced to paddles. Furthermore, DarmCSP2, DarmCSP4, DarmCSP5, DarmCSP8, and DarmCSP9 genes were enriched in mouthparts. Unsurprisingly, given their critical functions, chemosensory proteins are widespread and have been isolated from multiple insect orders (McKenna et al., 1994; Angeli et al., 1999; Robertson et al., 1999; Marchese et al., 2000; Fort et al., 2007; Andersson et al., 2013; Li et al., 2013; Yang et al., 2014; He et al., 2017). Narrow and rather straight-sided. Many beetles are predators. Relative mRNA expression levels of the DarmCSPs in different developmental stages. recognized by having a head that is narrower that the pronotum. doi: 10.1093/nar/25.24.4876, Tomaselli, S., Crescenzi, O., Sanfelice, D., Ab, E., Wechselberger, R., Angeli, S., et al. doi: 10.1111/imb.12108, de la Paz Celorio-Mancera, M., Sundmalm, S. M., Vogel, H., Rutishauser, D., Ytterberg, A. J., Zubarev, R. A., et al. BMC Genomics 14:198. doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-14-198, PubMed Abstract | CrossRef Full Text | Google Scholar, Andersson, M. N., Larsson, M. C., Blaenec, M., Jaku, R., Zhang, Q.-H., and Schlyter, F. (2010). Polyphaga the first abdominal sternum is undivided Scarab Beetle (Scarabaeidae) Rev.
a. Campodeiform Slender, active crawlers Clubbed antennae. They gain entrance to the nest by mimicking the odor and behavior of the ants. doi: 10.1093/molbev/msr121, Thompson, J. D., Gibson, T. J., Plewniak, F., Jeanmougin, F., and Higgins, D. G. (1997). Specifically, regulation of CSP expression in Choristoneura fumiferana, B. mori, and Nilaparvata lugens varies with hormonal changes during metamorphosis (larvae and pupae or nymphs) (Wanner et al., 2005; Gong et al., 2007; Yang et al., 2014; Hou et al., 2016). We also found that DarmCSP1, DarmCSP2, DarmCSP7, DarmCSP8, and DarmCSP9 were ubiquitous in other tissues at relatively high levels, suggesting involvement in other adult physiological processes (Nomura et al., 1992; Gong et al., 2012; Gu et al., 2013; Zhou et al., 2013). (1959). Silvanidae (Flat bark beetles, flat grain beetles). 38, 11631170. Genes Evol. Fluorescence competitive binding affinities of selected components to pure DarmCSP2. Investigation and control of Dendroctonus armandi Tsai et Li in Qinling Mountain. 59, 667675. Cerambycidae (longhorned beetles) herbivores; all larvae are wood borers. 58, 373391. Distinctive lamellate antennae. Insect Biochem. Rounded. Two families of Coleoptera are bioluminescent (able to produce light). The endangered Salt Creek Tiger Beetle is a member of this family. Adults were sexed based on external genitalia and male-specific auditory cues (Dai et al., 2014; Zhao et al., 2017a). undergo complete metamorphosis. Eur. DarmCSP5 showed 79% identity with Dendroctonus valens CSP4, whereas other DarmCSPs shared 8697% identity with Dendroctonus ponderosae CSPs (Table 1). Their tarsal formula (number Tiny antennae like short handlebars on the side of the head. Recombinant proteins were purified with N-termini His tagged from the supernatant using a Ni-NTA-Sefinose Column (Sangon, Shanghai, China), and placed in a buffer (25 mM Tris-HCl, 50 mM NaCl, and 2 mM CaCl2, pH 7.6) for dialysis. Chemoecology 25, 135145. Carpet beetles. doi: 10.1046/j.1365-2583.1999.00146.x, Snchez-Gracia, A., Vieira, F., and Rozas, J. Conserved residues are highlighted in white letters with a red background. Contech Enterprises (Delta, BC, Canada) provided ()-exo-brevicomin and ()-frontalin. In addition, nine DarmCSPs shared four conserved amino acids: one arginine before the first C, as well as one glycine, one leucine, and one proline between the second and third C. DarmCSP5 contained an exceptionally long C-terminus (Figure 1). Single-stranded 5and 3 RACE-ready cDNA was synthesized from mixed RNA (1 g) using a SMARTer RACE cDNA Amplification Kit (Clontech, CA, USA), following manufacturer protocol, then stored at 20C until use. In sum, tissue and developmental expression profiles indicate that DarmCSPs serve numerous functions in metamorphosis, olfaction, and gustation. Non-injected and water-injected were as control. Six - helices are labeled in red. A host monoterpene influences Ips typographus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae) responses to its aggregation pheromone. Three males and three females were removed at different time intervals (12, 24, and 48 h) from each treatment group for storage at 80C until qRT-PCR analysis. Philos. fast and often difficult to collect. As further verification of DarmCSP2 biological function, D. armandi adults were injected with gene-specific double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) for RNA interference (RNAi). doi: 10.1016/j.ibmb.2011.03.006, Zhang, L., Chen, H., Ma, C., and Tian, Z. Short antennae. Identification and expression profile analysis of odorant binding protein and chemosensory protein genes in Bemisia tabaci MED by head transcriptome. Int. Cl)PnW/9G4%..!9Tp!ta*,'~Z{_[!%dPCNhsn"aLz+u.C. Not all the species in each family are shown, but I have included what I hope is a broad enough range to illustrate the variety of shapes and colours within the family. Prokaryotic expression and purification of three CSPs of D. armandi analyzed on SDS-PAGE (12%). doi: 10.1093/chemse/25.5.541. 37, 1928. If you are just starting out, you might make mistakes or think that your beetle seems not to belong to any family. Logging slash of infested P. armandi was moved from the sample plot to a greenhouse, where adult beetles were collected as they emerged and then kept at 4C on moist paper. Residues of Ile 73 and Trp 80 are shown as stick, colored in light blue and blue respectively. 43, 207214. Acad. Ecol. Freshly and synchronously emerged adults were anesthetized on glass petri dishes placed for 30 min in an ice bath, before injection with 0.2 L dsCSP2 into the hemocoel at the suture under the hindleg. Whirligigs. ground beetles (Carabidae). doi: 10.1038/hdy.2009.55, Schmittgen, T. D., and Livak, K. J. Histeridae (Hister beetles, clown beetles). PCR amplifications were performed in a C1000 thermocycler (Bio-Rad, CA, USA), under the following conditions: initial denaturation for 3 min at 95C; followed by 30 cycles of 30 s at 95C, 30 s at 5060C, 1 min at 72C; and then a final extension for 10 min at 72C. Mol. and are lamellate, which enable them to hold the segments of the club Selected DarmCSPs were expressed and their binding affinity to semiochemicals were tested. Large and red, with comb antennae. Most have short wing cases that do not meet along the middle (unlike the Staphylinidae). A multiple protein sequence alignment was created with ClustalX 2.0.10 (Thompson et al., 1997) and colored using ESPript (http://espript.ibcp.fr/ESPript/cgi-bin/ESPript.cgi) (Robert and Gouet, 2014). Hydrophilidae Water Scavenger Beetles <]>> xref Black or metallic species. Expression of odorant-binding and chemosensory proteins and spatial map of chemosensilla on labial palps of Locusta migratoria (Orthoptera: Acrididae). (2016). Agric. Together, these results indicated that bark-beetle CSP genes may have similar expression profiles and function. The adults often overwinter in large aggregations. Hexane alone acted as a blank control and 1 g/L 1-hexanol was used as a standard to normalize all EAG recordings (Zhang et al., 2010). The tree was constructed with MEGA6.0, using the neighbor-joining method. Usually metallic and with a wide pronotum and slightly tapering wing-cases. Distinctive markings. None of this is much comfort when you are stuck with a seemingly unidentifiable insect, but remember that things do get easier. Chemosensory proteins in the honey bee: insights from the annotated genome, comparative analyses and expressional profiling. The 36:1124. doi: 10.1093/ee/36.5.1124, Dai, L., Wang, C., Zhang, X., Yu, J., Zhang, R., and Chen, H. (2014). order is typically characterized by a pair of elytra (hardened front Clubbed antennae and mostly oval bodies. However, we currently know very little about the molecular mechanisms underlying olfactory perception in this species. Environ. Antennae swollen at base and with club at tip. Amplicons were confirmed to be of the correct size after the qRT-PCR assay via gel electrophoresis, and then sequenced by a biotechnology company (Augct, Beijing, China) to make sure that the correct amplification products were obtained. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0063688, Leal, W. S. (2013). Insights into the evolution of the CSP gene family through the integration of evolutionary analysis and comparative protein modeling. Figure 2. doi: 10.1016/j.ibmb.2008.07.010, Ozaki, M., Wada-Katsumata, A., Fujikawa, K., Iwasaki, M., Yokohari, F., Satoji, Y., et al. doi: 10.1111/brv.12339, Pelosi, P., Zhou, J.-J., Ban, L., and Calvello, M. (2006). Many species are herbivores variously adapted to feed on the roots, stems, leaves, or reproductive structures of their host plants. Graphs were plotted in Prism 6.0 (GraphPad Software, CA, USA). ?Sv`rwWe. This is the largest family of insects and more than 3,000 species of Mol. The 2Ct values were log2-transformed for analysis of variance and plotting. Ladybirds. Fluorescence competitive binding assays revealed high binding affinity (Ki < 10 M) of DarmCSP2 to all tested host volatiles, especially ()--pinene and (+)-3-carene (Ki = 1.64 0.08 M and Ki = 1.97 0.46 M, respectively) (Figure 5B, Table 2). J. Exp. Both larvae and adults have strong mandibulate mouthparts. Most abundant in arid climates. Biol. DarmCSP3 expression was predominantly in this tissue, but the remaining three were also ubiquitous in other tissues at relatively high levels. Antennae were carefully excised at their base with a scalpel and immediately connected between two electrode holders using Spectra 360 electrode gel. Laemophloeidae (Lined flat bark beetles).
doi: 10.1007/978-3-662-07911-9_13, Kulmuni, J., and Havukainen, H. (2013). Soluble proteins in insect chemical communication. Chemoreception (olfaction and gustation) is an indispensable biological process for many insect species (Snchez-Gracia et al., 2009), playing a vital role in detecting the specific semiochemicals emitted by host plants or conspecifics (Yoshizawa et al., 2011). 36, 391398. At rest, both elytra meet along the middle of the back, forming a straight line that is probably the most distinctive characteristics of the order. They have chewing Copyright 2018 Li, Dai, Chu, Fu, Sun and Chen. (2013). Semiochemistry of Dendroctonus armandi Tsai and Li (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae): both female-produced aggregation pheromone and host tree kairomone are critically important. Biol. The leaf beetles are phytophagous that are typically oval in shape and Antennae and mouthparts are the primary chemosensory organs of insects, each covering a different function. Nucleic Acids Res. Putative gene sequences were deposited in GenBank, and Accession Numbers were listed in Table 1. Bedoukian Research (Danbury, CT, USA) provided ()-trans-verbenol. 0000001620 00000 n Spatial and temporal dynamics of bark beetles in Chinese white pine in Qinling Mountains of Shaanxi Province, China. 2. The diversification in DarmCSP amino acid sequences suggested multiple functions. In this study, we combined molecular and physiological methods to clarify DarmCSPs characteristics and functions. Table S1. doi: 10.1002/elps.200900140, He, P., Li, Z. Q., Zhang, Y. F., Chen, L., Wang, J., Xu, L., et al. 21, 4148. Insect Mol.
Table 2. Leaf Beetles (Chrysomelidae) Physiol. 0000019114 00000 n http://genent.cals.ncsu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/id_audio_Coleoptera.mp3.
For. Obviously, with this many species, there is a If you find a match for your specimen, do still carry on the end of the guide to make sure that there is nothing else that is an even better match later on. Long antennae. Longhorns.
Fourteen compounds were selected based on previous reports (Zhang et al., 2010; Xie and Lv, 2012; Chen et al., 2015; Zhao et al., 2017a,b), including 10 host volatiles and four D. armandi pheromones (Table 2). stream Comparative proteomics analysis of silkworm hemolymph during the stages of metamorphosis via liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry.
often brightly colored. Short antennae. However, dsCSP2 injection significantly reduced antennae EAG activity in response to six test host volatiles, including: (+)--pinene, (+)--pinene, ()--pinene, (+)-camphene, (+)-3-carene, and myrcene (Figure 7). Sci. doi: 10.1038/nprot.2008.73, Stathopoulos, A., Van Drenth, M., Erives, A., Markstein, M., and Levine, M. (2002). (2011). Sci. The significant differences among different treatments in every time point were marked with letters (P < 0.05, one-way ANOVA, all values are mean sd, n = 3). Staphylinidae Rove Beetles Plasmids containing the correct insert were extracted and transformed into E. coli BL21 (DE3) competent cells. This outcome accords with deduced molecular weights of the predicted amino acid sequences. Some species live on fungi, others burrow into plant tissues, still others excavate tunnels in wood or under bark.
There are about 1,400 scarab species in North America, many Buprestidae (metallic wood borers) herbivores; larvae are known as flat-headed wood borers. Flattened legs. McKenna, M. P., Hekmat-Scafe, D. S., Gaines, P., and Carlson, J. R. (1994). Mol. doi: 10.1126/science.1105244, Pelosi, P., Calvello, M., and Ban, L. (2005). Most rather small, but the big black and orange Glischrochilus are an exception. J. Chem. typically cylindrical and elongated. Figure S1. Silphidae Carrion Beetles Eur. Full-length cDNA sequences were assembled in DNAMAN 6.0 (http://www.lynnon.com/), using sequence fragments and RACE results. Used here with permission. 0000086447 00000 n Senses 30, i291i292. doi: 10.1016/j.ibmb.2006.11.012, Gong, L., Luo, Q., Rizwan-ul-Haq, M., and Hu, M.-Y. DarmCSP4, DarmCSP5, and DarmCSP6 were all highly expressed in mature larvae and pupae, stages when insects stop feeding and experience enormous morphological changes. Some authorities place the tiger beetles in the same family as the Because many insect pests are so dependent on olfaction to find hosts and mates, damage to olfactory systems or targeted release of host volatiles or pheromones to alter insect behavior should be effective control methods that do not negatively impact the surrounding ecosystem. (2005). Tiny. Relative expression level of DarmCSP2 at 12, 24 and 48 h after dsCSP2 injection. Start typing a name and pick from the suggestions. RNAi-induced electrophysiological and behavioral changes reveal two pheromone binding proteins of Helicoverpa armigera involved in the perception of the main sex pheromone component Z1116: Ald. Insect Mol. Biochemistry 45, 1060610613. PLoS ONE 12:e0171739. (B) Four pheromones components of D. armandi; (C) Ten host volatiles of P. armandi. Malachiidae (Soft-winged flower beetles). Beetles are unique in every insect way and appropriately diverse, coming in many varied shapes, forms and colors and each can be found in equally diverse environments suiting their particular lifestyles and food requirements. *Correspondence: Hui Chen, chenhui@nwsuaf.edu.cn, Insect Olfactory Proteins (From Gene Identification to Functional Characterization), View all Insect Mol. Physiol. Cloning and characterization of three chemosensory proteins from Spodoptera exigua and effects of gene silencing on female survival and reproduction. DarmCSP1, DarmCSP2, DarmCSP3, and DarmCSP7 were highly expressed in antennae of both sexes. The putative N-terminal signal peptide was predicted in Signal P 4.1 Server (http://www.cbs.dtu.dk/services/SignalP/). Expression was normalized based on the lowest expression level. From what is recognized today, about, The BeetleIdentification.org logo, its written content, and photography are unique to this website (unless where indicated) and is protected by all applicable domestic and international intellectual property laws. Clubbed antennae.
Three-dimensional model of DarmCSP2. Some beetles are scavengers, feeding primarily on carrion, fecal material, decaying wood, or other dead organic matter. Comp. Larvae and pupae of D. armandi were collected from the bark of infested P. armandi trees at the Huoditang Experimental Forest Station of Northwest A&F University, located on the southern slope of the Qinling Mountains (3318N, 10821E) in Shaanxi, China. 0000018949 00000 n
Fluorescent competition binding assay of DarmCSP2. 0000001971 00000 n
The amplified products were visualized, purified, cloned, sequenced, and blasted as described in the previous section (Gene amplification and cloning). doi: 10.1515/hsz-2012-0114, Zhu, J., Iovinella, I., Dani, F. R., Liu, Y.-L., Huang, L.-Q., Liu, Y., et al. The eyes are often notched