Type:Cupola CabooseBuilder:Duluth Minnesota & NorthernBuild Date:1924, Type:Drovers CabooseBuilder:American Car & FoundryBuild Date:1909, Type:Cupola CabooseBuilder:Chicago Milwaukee & St. PaulBuild Date:1923, Type:Cupola CabooseBuilder:Haskell & Barker Car Co.Build Date:1909, Type:Cupola CabooseBuilder:Great NorthernBuild Date:1925, Type:Passenger/Baggage CabooseBuilder:Rebuilt by CRI&PBuild Date:1940, Type:Cupola CabooseBuilder:Baltimore & OhioBuild Date:1925, Chicago St. Paul Minneapolis & Omaha #6110, Type:Bay Window CabooseBuilder:Chicago St. Paul Minneapolis & OmahaBuild Date:1892, Type:Cupola CabooseBuilder:American Car & FoundryBuild Date:1906, Type:Cupola CabooseBuilder:Duluth South Shore & AtlanticBuild Date:1913, Type:Cupola CabooseBuilder:UnconfirmedBuild Date:Prior to 1913, Type:Transfer CabooseBuilder:Rebuilt by Grand Trunk WesternBuild Date:1975, Type:Cupola CabooseBuilder:Duluth South Shore & AtlanticBuild Date:1911, Type:Rib-Sided Bay Window CabooseBuilder:Chicago Milwaukee St. Paul & PacificBuild Date:1939, Type:Cupola CabooseBuilder:Duluth & Iron RangeBuild Date:1906, Type:Cupola CabooseBuilder:Chicago Milwaukee St. Paul & PacificBuild Date:1929, Type:Cupola CabooseBuilder:Chicago Burlington & QuincyBuild Date:1895, Type:Cupola CabooseBuilder:Atchison Topeka & Santa FeBuild Date:1948, Dardanelle & Russellville #9 Status Updates, D&R #9: June 20, 2022 Volunteer Session Report, D&R #9: May 14, 2022 Volunteer Session Report. 3 0 obj
This site is non-profit and non-commercial. Notes: Used for parts storage (has center doors). By 1973 this car was retired and acquired by the museum where it served another 30 years of museum service. Shore Line Route (Wilmette to Waukegan)
Skokie Valley Route (Chicago to North Chicago)
Milwaukee Division (North Chicago to Milwaukee)
Mundelein Branch (Lake Bluff to Mundelein). It came to the Hagerstown & Frederick RR in 1947. v+~=.E. With a bicycle, many of the trail segments are suitable for one day round trips.
These trails can be explored either on foot or by bicycle. We are happy to align ourselves with like-minded, player-centric clubs who aspire to help all our players achieve their current and future goals in the game. <>
2 0 obj
*, REGISTER NOW FOR 2022-23 NORTH SHORE UNITED, This website is powered by SportsEngine's. 1 0 obj
AURORA, ELGIN AND FOX RIVER ELECTRIC COMPANY, Car 20, built in 1902, continues to carry passengers today. phone:(414) 378-8669 email:melissak@northshoreunited.org, North Shore United
Zoomable Google satellite views, showing which segments have been preserved as trails, and locations of preserved structures. 459 was built by the SP&S in August 1941 as OERy 51. 4 0 obj
455 was built by General Electric in December 1927, #10486. Memorial of St. Baudacarius of W63 N643 Washington Ave
Register now for all Grassroots and Academy Programs!!! It operated for nearly 50 years over the entire CTA system in regular service. endobj
sold to Commonwealth Edison Co as 6 in February 1948. This and other trolleys can be seen and ridden at the. It was Fun and friendly soccer for beginners, casual players, and those who simply love the game. completed as 458 on January 27, 1948. Notes: 70 Ton switcher; came from the warren & Saline River Railroad in Arkansas. 1st 452 was built by General Electric, December, 1917, #6238, It was diverted to the government for use as Car Type: 45 Ton Diesel Electric Locomotive, Notes:Acquired by AE&FRE in 1946 to replace two retired electric locomotives used. The NSU Grassroots Program is designed to give younger players, 2017-2014, better coaching, conditioning and more advanced skill work to begin preparing these players for a possible career in select soccer. E,Rx PO Box 815
Company: AURORA ELGIN & FOX RIVER ELECTRIC. the first trip into Libertyville. Notes: One of the last cars operated on the Aurora Elgin and Fox River Electric in 1935. NORTH SHORE UNITED (Elite 64 Girls)
North Shore United is honored to have been selected as an inaugural club in National League Elite 64. Bobbio this site but there are costs in internet services. Go up the stairs to the top floor.*. Teams are coached by trained, volunteer coaches. 454 was built by General Electric in December 1923, #9337.
Technical, tactical. It is known as a "Side Door Type" caboose. % Please mention you are a member ofNorth Shore United when leaving your message. Competing in the highest level of US Youth Soccer will offer our teams the opportunity to challenge themselves against other top clubs from across the country on a consistent basis through league play and the professionally run showcase events. Sold to CA&E and became flat car "C" and was used to carry the Unit Crane, Notes: Originally an express car to line car 1947.
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Interurban Ry 602. Message from Director of Coaching Joe Hammes, *The Lincoln building is directly behind the community gym in downtown Cedarburg. Many cabooses were purpose-built while others were converted from boxcars or other car types. It is obviously a former elevated locomotive. Arkansas Valley <> <><. retired in February 1948 and sold for scrap in March 1949. It was able to operate on non-electrified track by using the banks of It was purchased by the North Shore in December 1947 and was They also served as the conductors office. 2nd 452 was built by General Electric in December 1917, #6239. Not so well known among many, are the various bus operations which were operated by the North Shore Line or various subsidiaries, at various times during the railroad's history. Notes: A street railway post office car built in 1891 used to transport mail. This and other trolleys can be seen and ridden at the Museum on summer weekends. Joe Hammes, Director of Coaching, Melissa Kunz North Shore in December 1947 and was completed as 459 on November 22, 1948. <>/Metadata 132 0 R/ViewerPreferences 133 0 R>>
If you enjoy this That partnership will also give our coaching staff great metrics to track our players performance levels throughout the season that will be used to further assist in their development. The Recreational Program includes coed teams from 8U through 14U. It was purchased by the NSU Soccer School (2011-2015), *Elite Soccer Academy for Attackers/Defenders/Goal Keepers(2012-2007)**Attacker position is full **Limited space for Defenders. ClubAdministrator General Information (847) 697-4676 Info@foxtrolley.org, Event and Ticket questions (312) 473-0993 Foxtrolleytickets@foxtrolley.org, Address:365 S La Fox St, South Elgin, IL 60177. They provide shelter for crew members located the rear of the train where they performed duties such as switching or backing maneuvers and observing the train for load shifting or overheating axles. batteries under the oversize hoods. The car was one of the first remodeled as a "Silverliner". *Elite Soccer Academy for Attackers/Defenders/Goal Keepers(2012-2007), **Attacker position is full **Limited space for Defenders. information available. Donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Go up the stairs to the top floor. 165 may not have actually have been a C&ME locomotive as I have no roster Cedarburg WI 53012, (Do not send mail to this address please.) It was able to operate on non-electrified track by using the banks of batteries Ross, 3821 Crater Lake Ct, Irving, TX 75062-4015. The coaches will emphasize player development, while teaching strategy and tactics that lead to winning while developing stamina and self-discipline. One can thus avoid backtracking on a walk. 50. Notes:Built for the Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee by the Standard Car Company in 1930 it saw service until abandonment of the line in 1963. Notes: Saw service on the Chicago, Aurora and Elgin until the CA&E ceased passenger operation in 1957. endobj Registration for Summer Camps 2022is now open!! Notes: Used in revenue service until CA&E ceased operation in 1957. Electric Ry. 451 was built in 1907 by Alco, #44387, and General Electric, #2697. Notes:The caboose was built by the Illinois Central in 1957 being retired when freight trains no longer required them. The partnership with ProScore and STATSports is a beneficial add-on for our players, as they will get real data out of every performance to aid the college recruiting process and their continued development as a player. Notes:Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee car 715 pauses along the Museum's line. %PDF-1.7 The door saysSenior Center above the entrance. as 457 in January 1942. *The Lincoln building is directly behind the community gym in downtown Cedarburg. 450 was built in 1907 by Alco, #44386, and General Electric, #2696. -EuzbDe0pL-~>'Do'aE&62NIdT(+Sv+vHJzUy It was put back into full museum service on opening day May 9, 2021, after 13,000 volunteer hours were invested to complete its restoration. The NSU Academy Program is designed to give younger players, ages 7 9, better coaching, conditioning and more advanced skill work to begin preparing these players for a possible career in select soccer. The Elite 64 platform and the amazing opportunities it will provide our club is a great step forward for North Shore United, and we cant wait to get started! The Select program develops players ages 11-19 through elite coaching and development. After successfully competing in the Midwest Conference Club vs. Club division and National League P.R.O., we have seen our teams rise to the occasion when playing against top competition, so our club is excited to have our teams tested against the other teams in Elite 64. Notes: The "newest" streetcar type car at the museum. Cabooses were found at the end of most freight trains until the 1980s. Checks can be sent to: R. Donald Notes: Built as North Shore #1504 for piggyback. It is a very popular car with the kids. It saw service on major lines in Chicago. Arsenal E-2. Disposition is unknown. Click the links to follow us and stay up to date with all things NSU! This and other trolleys can be seen and ridden at theMuseum. 458 was built by the Spokane Portland & Seattle in January 1941 as Watervliet Car 20, built in 1902, continues to carry passengers today. It was Lincoln Building site, we do need support. The Elite 64 platform offers our players excellent college recruiting opportunities in every game that they will play. SUMMMER 2022 CAMP REGISTRATION NOW OPEN!!
453 was built by General Electric in June 1918, #6903. REGISTER NOW FOR ALL 2022-2023 PROGRAMS!!! In 2018 a massive and complete restoration was started on the car. Built in 1926 by the Cincinnati Car Company, it ran on the North Shore Line between Chicago and Milwaukee until 1963. *New in 2022!! At North Shore United our goalkeeping philosophy is to give all our goalkeepers the time and patience to be able to develop their goalkeeping skills in an environment that will teach the goalkeepers the four main pillars of the game. The Fox River Trolley Museum is an IRS 501(c)(3) Illinois Not for Profit Corporation. Notes: Part of the 1-50 single car series. make melody to Him with the harp of ten strings. Co. in the late 1940's as a prototype for developmental purposes leading to the later 6000 series cars of the CTA. Cedarburg WI 53012 The door saysSenior Center above the entrance. 456 were built by General Electric in December 1927, #10487. 457 was built by General Electric in April 1929, #9546, as Oregon Notes:A steel electric locomotive built by the Chicago City Railways in 1908 and rebuilt by the CTA in 1958, it was used in switching service at CTA shops and material handling yards. Most trail segments can be walked by riding a Metra train or a bus to one point on a trail, walking one way, and boarding a train or a bus at another location. under the oversize hoods. Detailed street maps or Google Maps are recommended to aid in locating these trails. It was a construction locomotive which provided power for We are free of advertising on For walkers, public transportation can be used to reach most of these trail segments. And all Pace and CTA buses are now equipped with bicycle racks. Notes: The oldest car in the museum collection. Bicycles are permitted on Metra trains and CTA rapid transit trains during off peak hours, except during certain festival periods. Please enable JavaScript on your browser to best view this site. Notes:Chicago, Aurora, & Elgin 20, America's oldest operating interurban trolley, and handcar meet at Coleman Siding. endobj Notes:Built in 1913 by Jewett Car Co. For the Aurora, Elgin and Chicago Railroad it saw service on the Chicago, Aurora and Elgin until the CA&E ceased passenger operations in 1957. In the early 2000's the car was showing its age and needed many repairs, that the museum could not take on at the time, so the car sat idle for over a decade. stream Notes:Ordered by the Chicago Rapid Transit Co. from Pullman - Standard Mfg. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Notes:Ordered in 1924 for the Northwestern Elevated Railroad (Chicago Rapid Transit) and built in 1925 by The Cincinnati Car Co. When than line was dieselized, it was sold to the North Shore