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Holy Spirit Preparatory Schoolsannual Gala has been a special evening of grace and community since our founding 25 years ago. 1g%[h. hP0Pw(q.I,Is Please invite grandparents, extended family, HSP Alumni and their families, friends,plusanyone who believes in our mission to join us for this celebration and opportunity to support our studentsand faculty. Our Admissions office is ready to answer any questions you have about Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School. After school care is available for an additional fee. SPARTAN GIVE - 24 Hour Online Giving Campaign. Coach Russo has led Holy Spirit on the gridiron for the past seven years, accumulating a 50-26 record, winning the 2019 Non Public Group II State Championship, claiming the unofficial South Jersey Championship in 2020, and winning three WJFL division titles. %PDF-1.6

We hope that you willjoin us as we celebrate our school and its 25th Anniversary. Our St. Bede campusis located in mid-town Montgomeryat3850 Atlanta Highway, and our Holy Spiritcampus is located in east Montgomery at 8580 Vaughn Road. Visit Holy Spirit and be a "Spartan for a Day"!! endstream
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We believe in the total development of eachchild and that each child is made in the imageand likeness of God, created uniquely, withspecial gifts and talents. I would love for you to join us! h=0G*CmP}c`{8g+BG# F(I J(]7KJ*k;aT1^`O^pbB0sJRG^8Lc~.] :AP/0Zn 5y
Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School is a regionalCatholic school system that offers two elementary campuses which serve grades K3 through 6. hE27c jE)N\$w( On behalf of the Holy Spirit Campus, welcome, eoseo oseyo, bienvenidas. endstream
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Students will have the opportunity to spend the day as a Spartan and discover why "There's no place like Holy Spirit!". h24P0P0 Q
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You will hear the sound of laughter as students are given opportunities to work and socialize with peers. Each campus isindependent with its own administrative team. Rooted in our Catholic identity, Holy Spirit High School educates and inspires the entire person, mind, body, and spirit, while fostering academic success and a culture of service. Holy Spirit High Schools Head Football Coach, Mr. AJ Russo, announced to the team today that he will be stepping down from the head coach position of the Spartans, but retaining an assistant coach role moving forward.
It is an honor and a privilege to serve as a principal for Montgomery Catholic. 8580 Vaughn Road, Montgomery, Alabama 36117. New Coach Named.
Coach Russo Steps Down as Holy Spirit's Head Football Coach. This year, due to Covid-19 restrictions, we will adjust our celebration to be virtual as many other institutions have successfully done. Funds raised will bededicated to a number of critical areasfrom which all students will benefit, including upgrading curriculum and funding instructional training resourcesfor teachers. qeC!+)h-'7f,Q)p$\n[;}L[cV]k|}(T5eB"Cm~ #' 4
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In addition to a college preparatory academic program, students at both elementary campuses have access to a robust set of offerings in art, library, resource, computers, and music.
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As you walk the halls of the Holy Spirit campus, you will see our young students immersed in books, engaged with technology, and gathered in prayer.
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