The depth of cut lever is very easy to adjust. It has a spiral carbide 2 blade cutter. High end custom doors are typically custom made one of a kind doors that no one else has. 36 of 36 people found the following review helpful for 3% bevels it is perfect. In my opinion these USA made planers will out last any new Chinese made tool and are unsurpassed in cut and precisian when it comes to hanging doors. But because they stopped making this model quite a few years ago I want to see if I coud Sharpen the one that is nicked.So I will not be at the mercy of a supply house I do have the HSS stone Just thought someone might have some Ideas. !, February 25, 2001 5.0 out of 5 stars Awesome!, November 9, 2006 *Trim carpentry is typically installing pre-hung doors, casing them, installing basic baseboard moulding, and doing shelf and pole in closets. Now that I own one, I finally got the chance to use it brand new. IT PLANES THE WOOD WITH ACCURACY AND SMOOTHNESS WITH LITTLE EFFORT. I like how they just stopped making routers and decided to add another battery powered tool line when the "mother ship" already owns two or three companies that already offer the same thing. Record these numbers in the. I haven't used it to hang any doors yet, but I know I will. I use the Bosch adjustable hinge mortising kit that enables me to cut up to 6 hinges. To ask our experts a question about a part, use the Q&A feature on our product pages. (REAL NAME) Copyright 2022 Inc. Now called North American Rockwell they became the biggest defense contractor and somewhere in the top thirty of the fortune 500. I have even used it to cut the height of the doors so I didn't have to use a saw, and I have used it to clean-up the saw cut on some doors that needed to be cut down.
Each planer has a Professional sharpened cutter.
So now I buy either Bosch or Festool if I need a power tool now.Even my favorite plumb hammers are made in china. This is a dialog window which overlays the main content of the page. Men's Jewelry At least it's pretty clear that they don't care, they're dragging PC to the ground and it seems on purpose. Fine Jewelry Wristwatches, Engagement & Wedding: Start your 14-day FREE trial - and get building! Engagement Rings Are you a professional door hanger? Each electric door planer that we sell has be disassembled and each of the over one hundred parts are inspected cleaned and replaced if needed. I have and still use an Elu biscuit jointer. JA. The metal boxes are sanded, primed twice and 2 coats of enamel.

The light weigh high qulity aluminum housing is simuluar to parts you would find in a fighter jet. If you plain on hanging doors for a living, or already do so. item 1 ~ Porter Cable Porta Plane 126 Door Planer Heavy Duty WORKS NICE~, item 2 Porter Cable Model 126 Porta-Plane Power Planer, item 3 Porter Cable 126 Porta-Plane Professional Heavy Duty Door Planer w/ Case USA, item 4 Rockwell Porter Cable Model 226 Porta-Plane Heavy Duty Door Plane Planer, item 5 Porter Cable 126 Porta Plane Door Planer Mint Condition w Tools & Cutter USA, item 6 PORTER CABLE 126 Porta-Plane Professional Heavy Duty Planer w/Case & Manual USA, item 7 ROCKWELL USA PORTA-PLANE HEAVY DUTY PLANER model 126 READ for RESTORATION, item 8 Porter Cable Porta Plane 126 w/ Case great shape FREE SHIPPING, 4.8 out of 5 stars based on 406 product ratings, 5.0 out of 5 stars based on 5 product ratings, 4.7 out of 5 stars based on 62 product ratings, 4.7 out of 5 stars based on 39 product ratings, 4.7 out of 5 stars based on 61 product ratings, 4.8 out of 5 stars based on 52 product ratings, 4.8 out of 5 stars based on 18 product ratings. Whereas finish carpentry requires considerably higher skill level as there is over 100 different finish tasks involved. I have used this planer for many years and am glad that Porter-Cable is reintroducing this product. Watches, Watches: (I'm 62.). Get complete site access to video workshops, digital plans library, online archive, and more, plus the print magazine. 5.0 out of 5 stars THE BEST PORTABLE PLANER EVER, September 23, 2000 Please leave your name if you would like to be on our list of door hangers. plate is located on the main, housing of the tool. I would recomend having a second blade ready because if you do a lot of deep cuts, it dulls pretty quickly. I really like my PC 330 finishing sander. I have used it on about 5 doors, so far. Wedding & Anniversary Bands Waiting for act II. Discussion is closed. Excellent tool for door installation, doesn't have an equal. If for any reason you are not satisfied, we offer a 10 day money back guarantee from date of purchase for in-store pick-up orders and 15 day money back guarantee from date of purchase on shipped, Jewelry & Watches: I'm actually looking forward to doing more doors with it! This is the only door planer in the world that a carpenter can intuitivly and accurately follow a scribed line that has multiplue changes in couture. but it only takes a few minutes or less to adjust bevel. I have owned it for 2 years (since 5 2003) and have hung over 300 doors. For a planer to do its job, you need to make sure the blades are as sharp as can be. They lost interest in the tools and spun them off. Welcome to Pawn America Online Shopping Store ! B&D is murdering PC. Start your subscription today and save up to set_percent%. I also use Templaco hinge templates made in San Marcos CA if it a standard size. Delta is owned by ITT a Hong Kong company that owns a bunch of tool companies like Ryobi. The primer is finally sanded with 400 grit paper and the enamel is applied. (I own 2 kits). I've been using this door planer for years and it has been around longer then i've been hanging doors. FRESH PORTER CABLE 126 PLANERS FOR SALE!! Ask our experts a question about this part and we will respond as soon as we can. Body is in good condition and good to setup and use. (1/64th inch cut at 0, 3degrees on fence). Get complete site access to expert advice, how-to videos, Code Check, and more, plus the print magazine. As a finish carpenter of over 35 years I know this is the highest quality power hand tool I have ever seen. Each individually packaged. If for any reason you are not satisfied, we offer a 10 day money back guarantee from date of purchase for in-store pick-up orders and 15 day money back guarantee from date of purchase on shipped Your satisfaction is our primary goal! 21 of 25 people found the following review helpful Polished Porta Plane's are rubbed out by power tools and by hand to give a very impressive finish. I have used the Porter Cable Porta-Plane before, so I already new it was a good planer. 5.0 out of 5 stars No Better Plane for Doors., February 12, 2003 Door Company. Something went wrong. While this may be the case in the big picture, in the world of high-end construction, it is as common a tool as the hammer on my tool belt. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google. It is the responsibility of the builder to supply the jamb. My favorites is the old Rockwell Planer, I like the polish finish and it has some parts that are slightly heavier duty. "Love the flexibility of the app to add everything in the home and garage.

Click for full details. 5.0 out of 5 stars Use the Right Tool for the Job, September 30, 2006 I just read forum on the PC 126 door planer and the most surprising thing about many of the comments was that it seems in this modern day construction most builders are resorting to pre hung doors due to lack of skilled carpenters and budgetary constraints. The modal window is a 'site map' of the most critical areas of the site. Its seen plenty of service, runs like new and still has the original heavy duty cord. Type ___________________________________________, Serial No._______________________________________, Please make certain that the person who is, to use this equipment carefully reads and, Copyright 2020 Inmar-OIQ, LLC All Rights Reserved. I assume it still comes with a carbide blade. Become a member and get instant access to thousands of videos, how-tos, tool reviews, and design features. It must be about 20 years old. The planer is primed with automotive primer, the primer is sanded and re shot two to three times. Yes the consumables are getting hard to get The Carbide cutters for my 126 are made in China now but cut very well. The price is a little steep compared to the competition, but you're paying for the the quality and design. When I interview a carpenter as a potential door hanger, the first thing I ask is what kind of planer does he uses. Start your 14-day FREE trial - and get building. A must-have for door hangers, this tool is an excellent plane that is best used for finish carpentry and door hanging. Of course you will need to test the settings to make sure nothing shifts during shipping and are set the way you like. Some models are the polished aluminum, they are polished by hand and look spectacular! Back in the 70s I was working overseas and was using the first sliding miter saw that I ever saw. no way to follow that curved blade. we will go over the details to make sure you get what you expect. Fashion Jewelry On the downsideGood dust collection would be important for many of the applications that I use. If you want to surface plane, you want something else, but for up to about 2.5 inches this is the one. In-depth articles, up-close photography, and detailed illustrations. It is primarily for re sizing doors, but I have used it for a jointer of sorts with good success.
It's long shoe and standard bevel guide make it easy to maintain an accurate cut. Sign up for eletters today and get the latest how-to from Fine Homebuilding, plus special offers. These American Made Aerospace inspired power planers are the best in the world for hanging doors.
Verified Purchase(What's this?) Even though I'm in the uk, I've watched dozens of Norm projects where he's used porter cable particularly routers and they look like great tools. buy this planer. Welcome to the Tormek Community. When i'm dealing with doors that cost more then a $1000, I don't want to mess it up with some cheap planer, I use the right tool for the job. Then the door is laid on edge with corresponding edge UP for mortising hinges on door. I HANG CUSTOM MAHOGANY DOORS FOR A LIVING AND THIS PLANER IS THE BEST. 13 articles to help you make a new house or existing home safer from the threat of wildfires. spaces below and retain for future reference. They bought North American Aviation and began making Atlas Rockets ,most if not all the satellites in the Global positioning system, plutonium triggers and oh yah, the Space Shuttle. So in conclusion, long live the 126 planer as it is a valued tool widely used in the custom carpentry trade. Engagement & Wedding Ring Sets 9 of 9 people found the following review helpful They canned the B&D professional line and switched from black plastic to yellow, same tools, and now called Dewalt and with a sliding miter saw and a biscuit jointer in their line. The parts that wear out are replace with new. I have even been able to shape the doors to fit the old jambs when they weren't straight. I bevel the sides of the doors to 3 degrees so I just cut a block of wood using my miter saw that has a 90 and 93/87 degree faces. Cloud, Orders are processed and shipped within one to two business days Monday through Friday 9:00 am 5:00 PM. 2550 Division St., 56301, Minnesota St. Your satisfaction is our primary goal! A really nice saw. I use a planer several times a day, and have been impressed with the quality of this product. Of course sharpening away from the edge. Doors arrive with square edges that must have the bevel cut with the 126 on BOTH edges. 25 of 25 people found the following review helpful The integral fence is adjustable through 60 degreesof travel. Over the years I have tried lots of different ways to fit doors and have not really been satisfied with the end result until after buying this plane and the book "Door Hangers Handbook". I have found it the best door planer in the world. The idea is these are set up and ready to use by a discerning professional. The spiral cutter is without a doubt the smoothest of all the power planes out there. By scott smith (ATLANTA, GA) - See all my reviews