[citation needed], In November 1996, Simard began a relationship with Kane. "I don't think it's a secret that the overwhelming majority of police services have major concerns with that organization, and we in Saskatchewan do as well," Hagen said. company that he transferred to an underworld associate who also ended up beingmurdered, Bandidos Motorcyle Club were cited with violations after a large group of bikers were stopped in RapidCity, Insane Throttle Support Club Become a member Now, Informant who served as Vice President of club associated with Hells Angels Motorcycle club kicked out of witness protection, MULTIPLE HELLS ANGELS CLUBHOUSES RAIDED BY INVESTIGATORS, THIS IS CRAP | PAGANS MC MEMBER LEADS OFFICERS ON HIGH SPEED CHASE, ANOTHER PAGAN MC DEAD| HOW TO STOP OUTLAW MOTORCYCLE GANGS, PAGANS MC WOUNDED IN DRIVE BY IN FRONT OF CLUBHOUSE, THE TARGETS | MONGOLS HELLS ANGELS PAGANS OUTLAWS BANDIDOS MC, PAGANS MC MEMBER LEADS OFFICERS ON HIGH SPEEDCHASE, EP 793 ANOTHER PAGAN MC DEAD HOW TO STOP OUTLAW MOTORCYCLEGANGS, ANOTHER PAGAN MC DEAD |HOW TO STOP OUTLAW MOTORCYCLEGANGS, A member of whats been labeled as an outlaw motorcycle group is facing multiple criminalcharges, A motorcycle gang member killed started the shootout that left himdead, https://insanethrottleinternational.files.wordpress.com/2021/01/discord-commercial-harley.mp3, https://insanethrottleinternational.files.wordpress.com/2020/09/motorcyclemadhousemayhempromo.mp3, https://insanethrottleinternational.files.wordpress.com/2020/09/see-you-there-boys-sweeper.mp3. He operated on the side as a contract killer, working for the Hells Angels and other organized crime groups in Canada. [17], Aim Simard was facing a sentence of life in prison, so he accepted the police's offer to act as a police informant. Keep your mouth shut take your punishment like a man. [11] This was Simard's first murder.
[6] The pair were ordered by Nomad David "Wolf" Carroll to kill Robert Mcfarlane. Harder owed more than $70,000 to Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) on unpaid taxes related to his drug dealing convictions years before. [6], Starblanket plead guilty to second-degree murder and was sentenced to life without parole for the first 13 years of his sentence. Him. [13], Because of the deal he struck, Simard was sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole after 12 years. Mark Nowakowski leaves Saskatoon Provincial Court in this CTV file photo. [2] As Simard's mother was in Florida on vacation, Simard took Kane to his mother's house, where the two men had sex in the whirlpool.
Saskatchewan faces new COVID-19 wave as BA.5 variant spreads, Wangersky: Scheer's shift shows how politicians change their stripes, Jake Dolegala expected to be Riders' starter at QB in Sunday's COVID-19 delayed game, Billionaire Oilers owner Daryl Katz, ballet dancer deny he paid her for sex, Rob Vanstone: Saskatchewan Roughriders don't deserve an 'A' for Accountability, tap here to see other videos from our team. According to the government, the RCMP wouldnt admit to witness protection until Harder cleared up his debts. [8], On their way to Halifax, Simard and Kane were pulled over by the RCMP under the suspicion of smuggling drugs; though no drugs were found, it caused a "silent hit" on the RCMP's computers, which alerted officers whenever an informer has contact with the police, which led them to become curious about what Kane was doing in New Brunswick. This motherfucker was a piece of shit from the beginning. Full. [10] Unknown to Kane and Simard, the security cameras at the warehouse had recorded the killing, but the grainy footage taken at night made identification difficult. [10] Simard opened fire with a .38-calibre handgun and wounded MacFarlane who ran away, screaming. Very obnoxious, very loud, very much full of himself". Organised crime detectives have executed a number of search warrants targeting outlaw motorcycle gangs and their associates. Harders conduct constituted material contraventions of his obligations under the protection he signed, read the statement. Guy. Still. Earlier this year, a local mining company banned any Hells Angels members from working for them. The alleged leader of the Fallen Saints Motorcycle Club has pleaded guilty to two charges, nearly two years after he was arrested in a high-profile police raid. Once this was no longer a concern, the two sides negotiated the smaller details allowances for couples counselling, four hours of weekly tutoring for the kids, medical and dental plans, moving expenses, and up to two annual neutral site visits with extended family members. [5] In February 1997, Aim Simard and Dany Kane drove from Quebec to Halifax, in order to murder a businessman and drug dealer who owed the club money. One judge, Flix Cacchione, said that Simard "displayed a cold-blooded remorseless and a manipulative personality while testifying" during Kane's trial for murdering MacFarlane in 1998. teen's tech skills, Canadian brewery runs entirely on solar power, Why Canada is banning the import of dogs from 100 countries, Provinces offering COVID-19 vaccines to youngest Canadians, Jan. 6: Trump spurned aides' pleas to call off Capitol mob, Feds to freeze funding to national gymnastics organization after open letter, You need an income of over $220K to buy a home in Toronto, Vancouver, new data shows, Trudeau says with Russia weaponizing energy, Canada looking at how to supply Europe, Pierre Poilievre risks hefty fine with plan to skip Conservative leadership debate, The future of COVID in Canada: Doctors weigh in on vaccines, masking, CTV News Saskatoon at Six for Thursday, July 21, 2022, CTV National News: Gymnastics Canada to lose funding, Saskatoon police seize cash, heroin, cocaine in drug bust, Licensed strip clubs banned in Saskatchewan; exception made for charity events, Former Sask. Bodnar has repeatedly disputed that the Hells Angels are a criminal organization. The Saskatchewan government is considering following Manitoba's lead by declaring the Hells Angels a criminal organization. Harder and his family were taken to a secret location.

RCMP admitted it hasnt paid $75,000 of the $300,000, but said not all Forseti appeal periods have been exhausted. Be. Regina Police Chief Troy Hagen, who is president of the Saskatchewan Association of Chiefs of Police, said he's glad the province is looking into following Manitoba's lead.
[19][20], Simard reported that he felt like he was a hunted man in prison. Harder served as a police informant and main witness for Project Forseti an organized crime investigation that resulted in police seizing $8 million worth of methamphetamine, cocaine, and fentanyl linked to three overdose deaths, as well as hundreds of guns. He was escorted to the courthouse each time by several heavily armed police officers. Wyant said he was not in position to talk about the review and would not give an update on its status. Five years later, Wyant said there is nothing concrete to report. [15] Ballistic tests showed the Magnum was the gun that had killed Caissy, which left the police wondering why Simard had left the gun at the gym instead of throwing it away. The RCMP also cited Harders painkiller medication addiction as a reason for the delay. Its. A multi-million-dollar bounty was allegedly placed on Harders head by the biker gangs that were targeted. Went. He would later turn crown witness and inform on his club. [18] Likewise, the 1998 trial of the Rocker president Gregory Wooley for ordering Caissy's murder ended with Wooley's acquittal, as Simard proved to be a poor witness on the stand. Please try again, 365 Bloor Street East, Toronto, Ontario, M4W 3L4. Related New Motorcycle Madhouse Short titled Motorcycle Clubs Need to stop crying wolf . In 2005, the provincial government introduced legislation that prohibited wearing "any sign, symbol, logo or other representation identifying, associated with or promoting a gang or a criminal organization."
[14] While in prison, Simard was left alone in the general population, as a known police informant who betrayed his gang. 2022 Regina Leader Post, a division of Postmedia Network Inc. All rights reserved. In its statement, the government details the origins of Project Forseti in 2014. Hes scheduled to be sentenced in July 2018. doctor with revoked license defends giving YouTube medical advice, Indigenous elder says he was humiliated at North Battleford Canadian Tire store, 'Art is a total power therapy': Saskatoon man sells art at Remai Modern to escape poverty. Harder and his family were eventually admitted to the program and housed in a more permanent location with new identities. Investigations into crimes that have connections to Hells Angels or organized crime are extremely complex and can take a significant amount of resources,.

[14] Caissy of the Rock Machine was killed leaving a hockey area in Montreal, when Simard walked up to him, shot him in the head, and then dialed 555 357 on his pager to alert his superior Pierre Provencher that the murder was done. [citation needed] Simard decided to accept to betray the Rockers and Hells Angels, which made him a target for the Hells Angels group. Harder and his family spent more than 16 months Jan. 13, 2015 to May 24, 2016 with Emergency Protection status rather than admission to the full Witness Protection Program. The governments statement of defence was filedas part of a lawsuit filed by Harder, a biker gang informant. [21] Anthony Tawiyaka, the inmate at the Prince Albert Institution, testified that he observed Starblanket and Cluney enter into Simard's cell, and that he saw Simard sit up after he had been stabbed. On 18 July, Aim Simard was found in his cell suffering from 187 puncture wounds. Police eventually moved in and the Forseti arrests were made. Hes now suing. [1], On 5 March 1997, Kane was asked by his RCMP handlers about Simard, whom he called "very unpredictable and dangerouscapable of anything". Many local motorcycle riders are hoping stricter laws will alleviate some of that danger, For society, they should care that witness protection is degraded because if people who would use witness protection cant trust it, then an important tool for stopping crime is jeopardized. [18] Simard proved to be an inept witness on the stand. [21] Starblanket's co-accused, Christopher Cluney, who was 33 at the time, was tried for first degree murder, but instead received a charge of second degree murder. Be. [12] On 28 March 1997, Simard killed Jean-Marc Caissy in Montreal. Slow. [10] Kane deliberately missed so he could tell his RCMP handlers that he had not killed MacFarlane. Harder said in an interview earlier this year he should not have been kicked out of the program. [1] Simard was quoted saying,"The other prisoners try to pick quarrels with me and I'm up against the correctional services bureaucracy. He said a small number of members may be involved in drug dealing or violence, but they are acting as individuals and are often expelled from the organization if they are caught up in the law. This is just trickery.
Pain. So, this is a mistake by the RCMP. Hells Angels are very seldom in trouble.". Death. The #1 Biker News Website Since 2011-Covering up to minute biker news including Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs & Biker News Worldwide. THATS TOTAL BULLSHIT. Theyll find a way to break the contract, Merchant said. [citation needed] The man, Dany Kane, was also a contract killer for the Hells Angels group and the two were able to work together on a number of occasions. The federalAttorney Generalsays a Saskatoon man who helped convict 20 criminals was kicked out of the Witness Protection Program earlier this year for several reasons, including using drugs and failing to answer phone calls and texts. [1] There was a blood trail which led the investigators to the cell next to Simard's which belonged to Alvin Starblanket. This page was last edited on 17 June 2022, at 07:42. [7] Another policeman stated that Carroll had put a $25,000 contract on McFarlane's life "because he was such an asshole". Police alleged after the arrest he was the local president of the Fallen Saints, which investigators describe as a puppet club for the Hells Angels. But, this week, Harders lawyer Tony Merchant said its the RCMP who failed to honour the contract. Neither the federal government nor the RCMP would comment on the statement, saying the matter is before the courts. Hells Angels contract killer turned police informant. At the time, Harder was serving as vice-president of the Fallen Saints Motorcycle Club, a group closely linked to the Hells Angels. And. The Hells Angels Motorcycle Club and seven members have failed to have the attempt to seize three of their clubhouses thrown out of court. Saskatchewan Justice Minster Gordon Wyant said he thinks "there may be some merit" to the idea. [2] After going to prison for uttering death threats, Simard moved to Montreal. Police were targeting biker gangs and other organized crime groups. So we're interested in this. Harder secretly recorded months of meetings and deals, many of which took place in his Saskatoon workshop. [2] The bodybuilder Simard had an extensive record for petty crime-having 80 convictions for such offenses as shoplifting, theft and writing bouncing cheques, which precluded a police career. "They don't have to protect the public from Hells Angels. Harder and his wife and two kids were placed in witness protection but he was kicked out. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. [1] The Rockers operated from 1992-Mid 2000s out of Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Nowakowski was charged with aggravated assault immediately following the raid and with several organized-crime and drug charges about a year later. The 13-page statement filed in Reginas Court of Queens Bench also reveals some of the inner workings of the secretive program, including how RCMP paid the Canada Revenue Agency more than $70,000 to cover a decades-old tax bill resulting from Harders illegal drug deals. Mark Nowakowski pleaded guilty Friday in Saskatoons Court of Queens Bench to assault and to recruiting for a criminal organization. Season 2 Episode 20 Mongols Motorcycle Club Dilemma Continues and tribute to Jarheads MC. Wants. Its a mistake for society., Im a Semi Old Buck been a Lone Wolf since i got back from Nam in 68 Chit like this with Rat Fucks is another reason why I will always be a Lone Wolf . [2] However, although Aim Simard acted as if he was a straight man, he secretly had a male lover on the side. Harder did was a great success for society, taking great risk, Merchant said. [6] The government decided to take advantage of this opportunity and transformed Simard into their personal weapon; as a government witness. The government had argued to block the public release of the documents, but a judge disagreed. Harder was flown back to Saskatoon several times to testify. [1] The police also agreed to grant early parole, should Simard continue to cooperate with the police and testify against several other members of the Hell's Angel's gang. [4] Most notably, Kane who worked as an informer for the RCMP, used Simard to drive him to his meetings with RCMP handlers. He was expelled May 22, 2018, according to the documents. Morris Bodnar, who has represented Hells Angels in Saskatchewan, said the idea of such a blanket declaration is just "posturing" by the provincial government. The Saskatchewan Party government did not appeal that ruling, but vowed to revise the legislation. Saskatchewan may label Hells Angels as criminal. Gimme a LARGE BREAK here. Youre a fucking rat,& you cry about being trapped?
Never should have made it past being a hang-around, much less prospect and then full patch member. [1] Simard had studied accounting, management and police administration in university with the aim of becoming a policeman. [4], In outlaw biker clubs, those members at the hang-around and prospect levels serve as virtual slaves to the full patch members, being at their beck and call, and expected to do whatever they are asked to do by the full patch members. "We're always interested in looking at what other provinces are doing in terms of strategies with regard to organized crime and gangs. At the time of his death, Simard was scheduled to testify at a trial of another gang member. If you werent a rat you wouldnt have to worry about the police gang turning on you. Harder said it wasnt possible to pay his debts because he was appealing the amount, and was also in hiding and couldnt work. Bad. They. There was an error, please provide a valid email address. People need snitches like they need a nasty bunch of boils on their bodies accompanied by a severe rash. "It's a very, very difficult issue when we're dealing with organized crime and gangs, and so we want to make sure when we're doing these reviews that we're covering all the bases," Wyant said. Simard often stayed with Kane and his wife, who had no idea of their true relationship.