Complex r -answer the questions Congrats, you're now a member here, too. Differentiate between the simple present and present continuous form of verbs. My brother usually helps father to wash the car.

My cat, Kitty is sleeping in her box now. They will come in the evening. Vocabulary Matching Worksheet - Action Verbs. She is kneading the dough for making Aaloo-parathas for breakfast. Here we see things happening at the present moment. Any temporary action, and/or an incomplete action is expressed in the present continuous tense. Actions depicting current trend/taking place for a given time period/temporary situation: in the morning/afternoon/evening, at noon/night, tonight, tomorrow, next week/month/year/session. English for Teachers, 1.Present tense form of verb to be is/am/are known as helping verb. Both Simple present and present continuous tenses are used to. Next: Simple Present, Present Continuous, and Present Perfect, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, Talk about things we see as permanent, that always hold true: facts, routines, habits and so on, Talk about things that are happening at the time of speaking temporary or unfinished, Talk about neutral things that happen regularly or repeatedly, Talk about physical states such as appearances, qualities and possession and about mental states such as thoughts and desires. Bring to life any events of the past and speak of it as if it is happening here and now. Want to adapt books like this? My baby sister is smiling now. It started sometime in the near past and is still going on.

right now, listen.., look.. We now know that present continuous tense is used to describe actions in the situations discussed in the picture below. There is no information about the completion of the task. Signal words for present continuous tense: Some actions are used only in the simple present form, even if they are happening in any of the situations discussed above. Making senteces ti the pictures. For verbs ending in e, remove the e and add ing. Apply rules and exceptions to make a sentence in present continuous tense. I regularly clean my room on Sundays. -complete the sentences The present continuous or the present progressive tense is used to tell about whatever action is happening at the time of speaking. Vocabulary worksheet containing VERBS. This is the present continuous tense. 9 page review of grammar and vocabulary at the A1 level. subject + present tense form of verb to be + base verb+ing, subject+ present tense form of verb to be + not + base verb + ing, Present tense form of verb to be + subject + base verb + ing + Question tag. He is watching news on the TV. What are you doing now? This is when these are actions happening but we cant see somebody really doing it. Actions happening at the time of speaking: at the moment, now, just now. Continuous series of repeated actions/development/changing situations. In the present continuous tense, each verb has two parts. The worksheet includes examples of present continuous in affirmative, negativ A simple picture-sentence matching to practise Present Continuous tense. My friends generally come home on Sundays to spend their time with us. At the end of this lesson, all learners will be able to: Choose the correct form of verb in the following sentences: It is a pleasant Sunday and my family and I are relaxing at home. It is also known as present progressive tense. It has two sections: Match words and pictures (matching exercise) and Write the Words (reading & s 11 exercises to revise P.C. He is playing with Puppy, our pet dog. For intermediate level to advanced students. 2- complete wih words from the box.3- answer questio Its an exercise to practise Present Continuous. Learn more about how Pressbooks supports open practices. :) Please wait until page is refreshed! The present tense form of verb to be is/am/are.
Simple Present, Present Continuous, and Present Perfect, 7. My grandpa is reading the newspaper and grandma is relaxing in the garden. He is not helping father now. Review all your tenses- present, past, and future. But he is not washing the car now. We use cookies to enhance your experience. Future Simple, Future Continuous, and Future Perfect. Abstract verbs, possession verbs and emotion verbs are rarely used in the continuous tenses. -match the pictures to the sentences. Simple past, Past Continuous, and Past Perfect, 10.
Differences between Simple Present Tense and Present Continuous Tense. There are 4 activities.1 read the description and write the name in the correct box. Use present continuous tense in interrogative and negative sentences. She is not singing now. Show that something at that particular moment is temporary or yet to be complete. Use present continuous forms appropriately. I made another version of the well-known Guess Who boardgame for ESL learners with characters I created using the avatar creator tool at An elementary text suitable to teach Present Continuous Tense with reading comprehension and sentence building using this verb tense. Students have to complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
She is helping mother in the kitchen. Use the ing form of verbs to describe actions as they happen. Adding - ing. Example: She (subject)+ is (present tense form of to be)+ sing (base-verb)+ing ==> She is singing. All types of sentences, questions and short answers. My father usually washes his car on Sunday. I amgoing to the market to bring some potatoes. Father has invited him for the breakfast. This can be used as a teacher guide or as a review for your student. Mr. Sharma is driving down to our house now. Now I am telling this to you. My mother usually makes something special for lunch on Sundays. This is a worksheet and answer key for Present Continuous. They are not coming now. My elder sister usually has her music class on Sundays. She has just had a cup of milk. 4. How about you? Simple Present and Present Continuous by Annapurna Madhuri is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. By registering to and using our site, you agree to our use of cookies. I am not cleaning my room now. Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect Simple, Present Perfect Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perefect, Past Would you like to become a member of iSLCollective ? Rules to make the ing form of the verb: Note: The verbs with ing form are also known as Present Participle form of verbs.