Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh, India; International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, 37-43, Nwanze KF, 1988. Release of Cotesia flavipes Cameron for biological control of cereal stemborers in two ecological zones in Mozambique. DOI:10.1002/ts.153, UK, CAB International, 1988. Polaszek A, 1998. (2003). African cereal stem borers: economic importance, taxonomy, natural enemies and control., x + 530 pp. The displacement of carbonate ligand and formation of carbonic acid facilitates the in situ dissolution.
Bulletin of Entomological Research, 53:139-171. 144-151, Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 203, Part 1, 2017, pp. and Silvain J.F. Abundance, dispersion and parasitism of the stem borer Busseola fusca (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in maize in the humid forest zone of southern Cameroon. Effect of diapause on development and reproduction of the stem borers Busseola fusca (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and Chilo partellus (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). South African Journal of Plant and Soil, 13:51-54. van Rensburg JBJ; Walters MC; Giliomee JH, 1985. Journal of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa, 48(1):113-119. They are usually laid in batches of 30-100 under leaf sheaths. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 93(2):125-129; 18 ref. Gohole LS, 2003. A., Zalom, F. G., 1992. Insect Science and its Application, 10(2):131-137. International Journal of Tropical Agriculture, 12(3/4):266-272. Tadele Tefera, 2004. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France, 25(4):461-472. Stemborer team, icipe, Adult of Busseola fusca. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology A, 4(10), 822-829., Kaufmann T, 1983. Georg Goergen/IITA Insect Museum, Cotonou, Benin. Accessed February 10th 2011. Alternatively, maize can be intercropped with a repellent plant such as silver leaf desmodium (, Good crop hygiene through the destruction of maize residues by burning to get rid of the, Early slashing of maize stubble and laying it out on the ground where the sun's heat destroys the, Niyibigira E.I.

Genetic variability in. Entomophaga, 15(3):241-274. Tropical Pest Management, 38(1):70-74. International Journal of Agricultural Technology, 9(6):1461-1473., Macfarlane JH, 1990. Roughly two decades on, research and development programming continues to focus on supply side issues in supporting the maize seed industry to bring new varieties to farmers. An annotated list of the parasites of graminaceous stem borers in East Africa, with a discussion of their potential in biological control. International workshop on sorghum stem borers, held in Patancheru, India, on 17-20 November 1987. New species of African stem-boring Agrotidae (Lepidoptera). 193. Effects of grain legumes and cover crops on maize yield and plant damage by Busseola fusca (Fuller) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in the humid forest of southern Cameroon. Early slashing of maize stubble and laying it out on the ground where the sun's heat destroys the larvae and pupae within can also be utilised. Yitaferu K; Walker AK, 1997. Chabi Olaye A; Nolte C; Schulthess F; Borgemeister C, 2005. Gebre-Amlak A, 1989. Tropical Pest Management. Primary hosts are crops particularly maize, and sorghum. Busseola fusca (Fuller), the African maize stalk borer: a handbook of information.
Potential new pests in the neighbourhood: diversity and abundance of sugarcane stem borers in the Pondoland region of the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa.
Gebre-Amlak A, 1988. Adult African maize stalkborer moths lay eggs in a row between the stem and leafsheath. This suggests that adoption had a win-win outcome by increasing maize yields and reducing exposure to drought risk. Insect Science and its Application, 21(4):311-316; [Status and advances in biological control of cereal stemborers in Africa. Kfir R, 2002. They locate the stemborers while the stemborers are feeding inside the plant stems lay eggs into them. Getu E; Overholt WA; Kairu E; Omwega CO, 2003. The relationship between sowing date, infestation and damage by the maize stalk borer, Busseola fusca (Noctuidae), on maize in Awassa, Ethiopia. The larva of the African maize stalkborer has no obvious hairs or markings and the hooks (crochets) on its prolegs are arranged in a linear pattern characteristics that distinguish it from the larva of the spotted stemborer (Chilo partellus) and the sugarcane borer (Eldana saccharina ). The insect pests of graminaceous crops in East Africa. Distribution maps of pests. Usua EJ, 1968. Insect Science and its Application, 21(4):303-310; [Status and advances in biological control of cereal stemborers in Africa. The larvae of African maize stalkborer (Busseola fusca) and the pink stemborer (Sesamia calamistis) are very similar in biology and morphology but can usually be distinguished in the adult stages. This helps in limiting the initial establishment of stemborers that would infest the next crop. El Batn, Mexico: CIMMYT International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center. Proceedings of the Annual Congress - South African Sugar Technologists' Association [88th Annual Congress of the South African Sugar Technologists' Association, Durban, South Africa, 18-20 August 2015. The eggs hatch in 3-5 days and larvaemove into the leaf whorls to feed. Identification of African stem borer larvae (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae, Pyralidae) based on morphology. International Journal of Pest Management, 41(2):114-121. Insect Science and its Application, 6(3):351-357. The African maize stalkborer is indigenous to and occurs throughout mainland sub-SaharanAfrica. A three-year partial life table study of the stemborer Busseola fusca Fuller (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on sorghum in the highlands Eritrea.
ChemicalcontrolChemical control can be achieved by applications of granules or dusts to the leaf whorl early in crop growth to kill early larval instars. Uppsala, Sweden: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. ]; 7 ref. This may kill the plant. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology A. Le Ru B.P., Ongamo G.O., Moyal P., Ngala L., Musyoka B., Abdullah Z., Cugala D., Defabachew B., Haile T.A., Kauma Matama T., Lada V.Y., Negassi, B., Pallangyo K., Ravolonandrianina J., Sidumo A., Omwega C.O., Schulthess F., Calatayud P.A. Wallingford, UK: CABI, CABI, Undated a. CABI Compendium: Status as determined by CABI editor. Chabi Olaye A; Nolte C; Schulthess F; Borgemeister C, 2005. Stemborer research in Zimbabwe: prospects for the establishment of Cotesia flavipes Cameron. Cugala D; Overholt WA; Santos L; Giga D, 2001. 26 (2), 113-117. Duration of diapause in the stem borers, Busseola fusca and Chilo partellus. Nazreth, Ethiopia: Ethiopian Sorghum Improvement Project, 54-64. Tams WHT; Bowden J, 1953. OAU/CAB, 1985. Harris KM, 1962. EPPO, 2014. Multi-wave voltammetry at all three electrodes is consistent with the reductive deposition of Ce species from the IL solution. Sohati PH; Musonda EM; Mukanga M, 2001. Moyal P, 1996. The paper concluded that adoption of DTMVs was not just a simple coping strategy against drought but also a productivity enhancing and welfare improving strategy. 499. Gebre-Amlak, A., Sigvald, R., Petterson, J., 1989. First-instar larvae feed in the young terminal leaf whorls producing characteristic patterns of small holes and 'window-panes' (patches of transparent leaf epidermis) where tissues have been eaten away. Sorghum insect pests in West Africa. Farming in South Africa, 1:279-282. Haile A; Hofsvang T, 2003. Adesiyun, A. Copyright 2022 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. Later they eat into the growing points, which may be killed so that the dead central leaves form characteristic dry, withered 'dead-hearts'. Upon hatching the larvae of the parasitic wasp feed internally in the stemborer, kill it and then exit to spin cocoons. Detailed coverage of invasive species threatening livelihoods and the environment worldwide. Insect Science and its Application, 21(4):347-351; [Status and advances in biological control of cereal stemborers in Africa.
Molecular Ecology. Adults of the African maize stalkborer and the pink stemborer look similar in appearance but the forewings of the African maize stalkborer have dark patterns and are a darker brown than those of the pink stemborer. International Journal of Pest Management, 47(4):259-264; 37 ref. Flowering stage and vegetative growing stage, Stems, leaves and seeds. Lepidopterous stem borers of sorghum and their natural enemies in eastern Ethiopia. 31. Ndemah R, Schulthess F, Poehling M, Borgemeister C, 2001. Insect Science and its Application, 10(2):225-228; 14 ref. DOI:10.1046/j.1439-0418.2001.00581.x, Sezonlin M, Dupas S, R B le, Gall P le, Moyal P, Calatayud P A, Giffard I, Faure N, Silvain J F, 2006. Tropical Science, 44(3): 128-130. Wahl RO, 1926.
One or more of the features that are needed to show you the maps functionality are not available in the web browser that you are using. Under favourable conditions the life cycle can be completed in 7-8 weeks but during dry and/or cold weather the larvae can enter a period of suspended development (diapause ) of 6 months or more in stems and other plant residues. Niyibigira E.I. 2019, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 2020, International Journal of Pest Management, 2017, International Journal of Pest Management, 2008, International Journal of Pest Management, 2006, Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France, Journal of Stored Products Research, Volume 64, Part A, 2015, pp. Evaluation of pheromone trapping systems in relation to light trap captures of the maize stalk borer, Busseola fusca (Fuller) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Its spiracles (breathing holes found along the side of the body) are elongate-oval with black edges. African Entomology, 13(2): 333-340. In: Meeting the challenges of global climate change and food security through innovative maize research. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 108(1): 17-28. Tsedeke Abate, 2012. Biocontrol Science and Technology, 16(1/2): 49-60. ]; 43 ref. Annual Report, 1987. However, they can help control to reduce densities of the African maize stalkborer as part of an integrated pest management (IPM) approach that includes habitat management practices that conserve parasitoids and predators like ants and earwigs. Gebre-Amlak A, Sigvald R, Petterson J, 1989. Adults mate soon after emergence.
Older larvae tunnel extensively in stems, eating out long frass-filled galleries which may weaken stems and cause breakages. Environmental Entomology, 25(2):227-236; 29 ref. Phylogeography and population genetics of the maize stalk borer Busseola fusca (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) in sub-Saharan Africa. Distribution and species composition of cereal stemborers in the Eastern Zone of Tanzania. Journal of Applied Entomology. Busseola fusca. Compendium record. Motivated by thinking on agri-food value chains, this article explores the potential for achieving a stronger demand orientation in programming to support the maize seed industry, a requirement for varietal turnover. Organization of African Unity, Scientific Technical and Research Commission. This practice is known as "push-pull". Journal of Economic Entomology, 84(6):1677-1680, Kfir R, 1995. Observations on the host plant adaptation of Busseola fusca (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in Nigeria. Journal of Applied Entomology, 125(9/10), 507-514. doi: 10.1046/j.1439-0418.2001.00581.x. A., Ajayi, O., 1980. Phylogeography and population genetics of the maize stalk borer Busseola fusca (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) in sub-Saharan Africa. Habitat management and its impact on maize stemborer colonization and crop damage levels in Kenya and South Africa. The eggs hatch in 3-5 days and, Wild hosts include many species of wild grasses such as: wild Sudan grass (, Intercropping maize with non-hosts crops like cassava or legumes like cowpea can reduce African maize stalkborer damage. 4 (10), 822-829., Leul Mengistu, Thangavel Selvaraj, 2013. They are about 0.8-1mm in diameter, hemispherical, and slightly flattened with radial ridges (crenulations ) on the upper surface of each egg shell. Rebe M; Berg J van den; McGeoch MA, 2004. Insect Science and its Application, 21(4):327-334; [Status and advances in biological control of cereal stemborers in Africa. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) confirm the deposition of Ce species at mica/Au electrodes. Walker PT, 1960.
Effect of sowing dates and fertilizer on the severity of stem borer (Busseola fusca Fuller, Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on sorghum in Eritrea. Diversity of lepidopteran stem borers on monocotyledonous plants in eastern Africa and the islands of Madagascar and Zanzibar revisited. Haile A; Hofsvang T, 2001. Tropical Pest Management, 26(2), 113-117. RTgine A; Coderre D, 2000.
Sithole SZ, 1989. Stemborer team, icipe, Adult moth of Busseola fusca Stemborer team, icipe. Adesiyun A A, Ajayi O, 1980. Further details may be available for individual references in the Distribution Table Details section which can be selected by going to Generate Report. Prospects for cultural control of the stalk borers, Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) and Busseola fusca (Fuller), in summer grain crops in South Africa. A sequential sampling technique for surveys of eggs laid by the maize stalk borer, Busseola fusca (Fuller) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). 41-47. Effects of different proportions of sorghum/cowpea intercrop rows on crop borer incidence. Colonization of cultivated and indigenous graminaceous host plants by Busseola fusca (Fuller) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) under field conditions. Phenology and fecundity of maize stalk borer Busseola fusca (Fuller) in Awassa, southern Ethiopia. Stem borer species composition on maize and two non-cereal hosts in the forest zone of Kisangani, DRC. Nairobi, Kenya: International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology, 6-7. Detection methodsAfrican maize stalkborer infestations may be detected by walking through young crops looking for characteristic feeding marks on funnel leaves, the presence of dead hearts and holes in tunnelled stems. ; 8 ref. In 2019 data were collected in Kenya from i) 80 agro-dealers on their relations with seed businesses and their marketing of maize seed, ii) 466 farmers on their seed choice and engagement with agro-dealers and iii) 8 seed companies on their distribution and sales strategies. Maize stalk borers of Ethiopia: quantitative data on ecology and management. Annals of Applied Biology, 48:780-786. Adetiloye PO; Oyekanmi AA; Olatunde GO, 2002.
Alternatively, maize can be intercropped with a repellent plant such as silver leaf desmodium (Desmodium uncinatum) and a trap plant, such as Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum), molasses grass (Melinis minutiflora) as a border crop around this intercrop to protect maize from stemborers. This study measured the impacts of drought tolerant maize varieties (DTMVs) on productivity, welfare, and risk exposure using household and plot-level data from rural Nigeria. 9 (6), 1461-1473. Harris KM; Nwanze KF, 1992. Diapause termination in Busseola fusca (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in the laboratory. Borer infestation and damage in relation to maize stand density and water stress in the Ivory Coast. Studies on the maize stem borer, Busseola fusca (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and its major parasitoid, Dolichogenidea fuscivora (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), in eastern Ethiopia. Biological Control, 28(3): 354-359. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 85(3):369-377. 1. DOI:10.1079/DMPP20056600499. Journal of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa, 52(2):223-228, Rensburg JBJ van; Walters MC; Giliomee JH, 1987. Kankonda O M, Akaibe D, Massamba W, Ong'amo G O, Ru B P le, 2014. African Crop Science Journal, 8(4):365-374; 33 ref. [International workshop on sorghum stem borers, held in Patancheru, India, on 17-20 November 1987. Midega CAO; Khan ZR; Berg J van den; Ogol CKPO, 2005. ; 42 pp. Flowering stage, Vegetative growing stage, Leul Mengistu and Thangavel Selvaraj (2013),, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Molecular Ecology, 15(2): 407-420. ], Patancheru, India: ICRISAT. It is best to rear them until they reach the adult stage to identify the species as it is very difficult to identify the species from the larvae and pupae. Sorghum stem borers in southern Africa. Anne M. Akol, Makerere University; Maneno Y. Chidege, Tropical Pesticides Research Institute; Herbert A.L. Colonial Research Studies, No.
Combining the cooperative effect from RGO and Ni, the as-fabricated Ni/RGO composites exhibit enhanced EM absorption performance as compared to the individual compositions due to the improvement of the electromagnetic loss performance and the enhanced electromagnetic impedance matching. Each female lays on average about 200 eggs over its short lifetime which lasts several days its exact duration depends on temperature and other factors. Farmers showed weak appetite for acquiring new seed products, preferring instead to purchase seeds that they knew from experience. Distribution and population studies. EPPO Global database. Chinwada P; Overholt WA; Omwega CO; Mueke JM, 2003. Tropical Pest Management, 35(2), 143-145. Sorghum stem borers in southern Africa. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 85(2):321-326, Kfir K, 1993.
The study employed an endogenous switching regression approach to control for both observed and unobserved sources of heterogeneity between adopters and non-adopters. Copyright 2022 CAB International. Yitaferu L; Gebre-Amlak A; Lakra RK, 1994. There are more references available in the full text version of this article. Georg Goergen (source CABI CPC), Eggs of Busseola fusca . Journal of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa, 53(1):41-47, Kfir R, 1991. Bulletin of Entomological Research 96, 555563. Ndemah R; Gounou S; Schulthess F, 2002. Wild hosts include many species of wild grasses such as: wild Sudan grass (Sorghum verticilliflorum), elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum), Guinea grass (Panicum maximum), Johnson grass (Sorghum halepense), Hyparrhenia rufa and Rottboellia exaltata . Damage assessment and yield losses in sorghum due to the stem borer Busseola fusca (Fuller) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in northern Nigeria. BioNET-EAFRINET Regional Coordinator: [emailprotected], Busseola fusca (Fuller, 1901) - African Maize Stalkborer, The African maize stalkborer is indigenous to and occurs throughout mainland sub-Saharan, Adult African maize stalkborer moths lay eggs in a row between the stem and leafsheath. More eggs are laid on the trap plant than on the crop but the larvae develop poorly or not at all on the trap plant. Control of the sorghum stem borer, Busseola fusca, by partial burning of the stalks. by Worku, M., Twumasi-Afriyie, S., Wolde, L., Tadesse, B., Demisie, G., Bogale, G., Wegary, D., Prasanna, B. M.]. Crop Protection Compendium. MOHYUDDIN AI; GREATHEAD DJ, 1970. Statistical model of crop losses caused by maize stem borers (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae, Pyralidae) in C(te d'Ivoire. Conventional and alternative insecticides, including a granular formulation of Bacillus thuringiensis var. Map no. Parasitoids of the African stem borer, Busseola fusca (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), in South Africa. Map 499. When older (third instar), they tunnel into the stems where they feed for 3-5 weeks before pupating within the tunnels that they have produced in the stems. PhD thesis. Insect Science and its Application, 9(3):313-321. Muturi JJ; Ngi-Song AJ; Mueke JM; Setamou M; Schulthess F; Jiang-NanQing, 2006.
Increase in cereal stem borer populations through partial elimination of natural enemies. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 47:415-428.
174-184. Nsami E; Pallangyo B; Mgoo V; Omwega CO, 2001. TheAfrican maize stalkboreris indigenous to and occurs throughout mainland sub-Saharan Africa. Samples of affected stems can then cut open to find caterpillars and pupae. CAB International (2006). Wallingford, UK: CAB International. Tadele Tefera, 2004. 43-45, Technology in Society, Volume 66, 2021, Article 101630, New stimuli-enriched laboratory bioassay used to identify improvedbotanical repellent treatment, Lem-ocimum, to control thestored-grain pest, Resveratrol protects spinal cord dorsal column from hypoxic injury by activating Nrf-2, Measuring the impacts of adaptation strategies to drought stress: The case of drought tolerant maize varieties, Investigation on the enhanced electromagnetism of Ni/RGO nanocomposites synthesized by an in-situ process, Demand-side challenges to increase sales of new maize hybrids in Kenya. Medvecky B A, Zalom F G, 1992. The trap plant draws the adult female away from the crop. ICRISAT Information Bulletin, No. Yaounde, Cameroon: Interafrican Phytosanitary Council. Wallingford, UK: CABI, Chabi-Olaye A, Nolte C, Schulthess F, Borgemeister C, 2005.