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An alternative way to determine job status or to get other information about Data Pump jobs, would be to query the DBA_DATAPUMP_JOBS, USER_DATAPUMP_JOBS, or DBA_DATAPUMP_SESSIONS views. You can also specify data-specific filters to restrict the rows that are exported and imported. The corrupt datafiles must be deleted and fresh versions must be copied to the target destination. Successful job completion can depend on whether the source and target time zone file versions match. You can use the EXCLUDE and INCLUDE parameters to filter the types of objects that are exported and imported. Worker processes are created as needed until the number of worker processes equals the value supplied for the PARALLEL command-line parameter. If the dump file is created with a Data Pump version prior to Oracle Database 11g release 2 (, then TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data is not supported, so no conversion is done and corruption may occur.
There are no dump files involved. The DBMS_DATAPUMP and DBMS_METADATA PL/SQL packages can be used independently of the Data Pump clients.
For export, all metadata and data are unloaded in parallel, with the exception of jobs that use transportable tablespace.
The estimate value for import operations is exact. The export/import job should complete successfully.
To identify the time zone file version of a database, you can execute the following SQL statement: Oracle Database Globalization Support Guide for more information about time zone files. The following types of database links are not supported for use with Data Pump Export and Import: The Export NETWORK_LINK parameter for information about performing exports over a database link, The Import NETWORK_LINK parameter for information about performing imports over a database link, Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for information about creating database links and the different types of links. This is because Oracle Database 11g dump files contain table statistics as metadata, whereas Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (12.1) and later expect table statistics to be presented as table data. When you are moving data from one database to another, it is often useful to perform transformations on the metadata for remapping storage between tablespaces or redefining the owner of a particular set of objects. Considerations to keep in mind when working in an Oracle RAC environment. It will just dump the metadata (DDL) of the table in the specified .sql file. You can use Data Pump to migrate all, or portions of, a database from a non-CDB into a PDB, between PDBs within the same or different CDBs, and from a PDB into a non-CDB. After data file copying, direct path is the fastest method of moving data. Do not confuse the default DATA_PUMP_DIR directory object with the client-based environment variable of the same name. Upgrade database from 11g to 12c manually, How to run SQL tuning advisor for a sql_id, Upgrade database from to, ORA-04036: PGA memory used by the instance exceeds PGA_AGGREGATE_LIMIT, Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) in oracle 12c, How to drop and recreate temp tablespace in oracle, Prerequisite check CheckActiveFilesAndExecutables failed, Steps to Apply PSU patch on oracle 11g database.
Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for information about using the APPEND hint. The workaround is to ignore the error and after the import operation completes, regather table statistics. Oracle impdp - Importing file from remote server.
If a table contains a SecureFiles LOB that is currently archived but the data is not cached, and the Export VERSION parameter is set to a value earlier than, then an ORA-45001 error is returned. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This section describes Data Pump support for TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data during different export and import modes when versions of the Oracle Database time zone file are different on the source and target databases. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Is there a suffix that means "like", or "resembling"? If multiple dump file templates are provided, they are used to generate dump files in a round-robin fashion. When you perform the export or import operations of a database, the unified audit trail is automatically included in the Data Pump dump files. The TRANSPORT_TABLESPACES parameter is used to specify a transportable tablespace export. The following sections describe situations in which direct path cannot be used for loading and unloading. (Release and later support TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE data.). The master process controls the entire job, including communicating with the clients, creating and controlling a pool of worker processes, and performing logging operations. The import database character set defines the default character. Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for more information about the SQL CREATE AUDIT POLICY,ALTER AUDIT POLICY, AUDIT, and NOAUDIT statements, Oracle Database Security Guide for more information about using auditing in an Oracle database. If a table contains a SecureFiles LOB that is currently archived and the data is cached, and the Export VERSION parameter is set to a value of or later, then both the cached data and the archive metadata is exported. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. For import and SQLFILE operations, if dump file specifications expa%U, expb%U, and expc%U are specified, then the operation begins by attempting to open the dump files expa01.dmp, expb01.dmp, and expc01.dmp. Current default collations of exported users' schemas, Current default collations of exported tables, views, materialized views and PL/SQL units (including user-defined types), Declared collations of all table and cluster character data type columns.
See Oracle Database Reference for descriptions of these views. The SQL engine is then used to move the data.
In this scenario, if VERSION is set to 11.1 or later, then the SecureFiles LOB becomes a vanilla SecureFiles LOB. Export builds and maintains the master table for the duration of the job. You can override this by setting the Data Pump KEEP_MASTER=YES parameter for the job. This import is not importing anything it is just providing the SQLFile.
The DIRECTORY parameter can then be omitted from the command line. Part 2. Oracle Data Pump for extracting DDL as a set of files one per object, How APIs can take the pain out of legacy system headaches (Ep. If a dump file does not exist, then the operation stops incrementing the substitution variable for the dump file specification that was in error. For the DBC feature to be enabled in a database, the initialization parameter COMPATIBLE must be set to 12.2 or higher and the initialization parameter MAX_STRING_SIZE must be set to EXTENDED. The information in this section applies only to Oracle Data Pump running on Oracle Database 12c and later. Database Administrators Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for database professionals who wish to improve their database skills and learn from others in the community.
Using the transportable option can reduce the export time and especially, the import time, because table data does not need to be unloaded and reloaded and index structures in user tablespaces do not need to be re-created. To minimize data loss due to character set conversions, ensure that the import database character set is a superset of the export database character set. For privileged users, a default directory object is available. Some metadata objects have interdependencies which require one worker process to create them serially to satisfy those dependencies. If a table is moved using a transportable mode (transportable table, transportable tablespace, or full transportable), and the following conditions exist, then a warning is issued and the table is not created: The source and target databases have different database time zones. There are no rules for naming this file.
A message is also displayed for each table not created. The DBMS_METADATA package provides a centralized facility for the extraction, manipulation, and re-creation of dictionary metadata. The actual loading and unloading work is divided among some number of parallel I/O execution processes (sometimes called slaves) allocated from a pool of available processes in an Oracle RAC environment. In my case, the first and foremost obstacle for using it is the lack of permissions. Why bother with Data Pump for a task like that? Once the entire master table is found, it is used to determine whether all dump files in the dump file set have been located.
See Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference for a description of the DBMS_DATAPUMP and the DBMS_METADATA packages. This means that for unprivileged users, the database administrator (DBA) must create directory objects for the Data Pump files that are read and written on that server file system. We have to export the data. Learn how your comment data is processed. This section describes factors that can affect successful completion of export and import jobs that involve the timestamp data types TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE and TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIMEZONE. Your email address will not be published. In that case, tables in the dump file that have TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE columns are not created on import even though the time zone file version is the same on the source and target. I have not find any tool for splitting the Data Pump SQL file. To set up unified auditing you create a unified audit policy or alter an existing policy. 465), Design patterns for asynchronous API communication. These parameters enable the exporting and importing of data and metadata for a complete database or for subsets of a database. Required fields are marked *. Is moderated livestock grazing an effective countermeasure for desertification? Because the link can identify a remotely networked database, the terms database link and network link are used interchangeably. See the Import DATA_OPTIONS parameter for details. Instead of, or in addition to, listing specific file names, you can use the DUMPFILE parameter during export operations to specify multiple dump files, by using a substitution variable in the file name. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. An audit policy is a named group of audit settings that enable you to audit a particular aspect of user behavior in the database. Part 1. The name of the directory object is DUMP_FILES1, and it is located at '/usr/apps/dumpfiles1'. In particular, Data Pump uses external tables in the following situations: Loading and unloading very large tables and partitions in situations where it is advantageous to use parallel SQL capabilities, Loading tables with global or domain indexes defined on them, including partitioned object tables, Loading tables with active triggers or clustered tables, Loading and unloading tables with encrypted columns, Loading tables with fine-grained access control enabled for inserts, Loading a table not created by the import operation (the table exists before the import starts). This will generate a Data Pump dump file set compatible with the specified version.
An understanding of the following topics can help you to successfully use Oracle Data Pump to its fullest advantage: Oracle Data Pump is made up of three distinct components. Data Pump Import can always read Data Pump dump file sets created by older releases of the database. The errors are displayed to the output device and recorded in the log file, if there is one. @MishaKriachkov - OP already stated the problem with DP.
The representation of data for direct path data and external table data is the same in a dump file. For example, to import data to a PDB named pdb1, you could enter the following on the Data Pump command line: Be aware of the following requirements when using Data Pump to move data into a CDB: To administer a multitenant environment, you must have the CDB_DBA role.
If you do not set VERSION=12, then the export file that is generated will not contain complete information about registered database options and components. Controls for parallel query operations are independent of Data Pump. For example, to limit the effect of a job on a production system, the database administrator (DBA) might want to restrict the parallelism. For example, PARALLEL could be set to 2 during production hours to restrict a particular job to only two degrees of parallelism, and during nonproduction hours it could be reset to 8. This first approach is handy for single objects. It is designed for something else, and there are simpler solutions for this without Data Pump, like using DBMS_METADATA directly.
For example, if one database is Oracle Database 12c, then the other database must be 12c, 11g, or 10g. Data Pump export and import operations on PDBs are identical to those on non-CDBs with the exception of how common users are handled. A master process is created to coordinate every Data Pump Export and Data Pump Import job. You can use Oracle data pump for this. The V$SESSION_LONGOPS columns that are relevant to a Data Pump job are as follows: SOFAR - megabytes transferred thus far during the job, TOTALWORK - estimated number of megabytes in the job.