0000002531 00000 n
$26,400.00 in instant jackpots were paid out in 2022. 0000020275 00000 n SUNDAY APRIL 23: 9:30AM, 12:30PM, 4:30PM, FRIDAY APRIL 28: 7:30PM 0000002690 00000 n We are a Marriott property with 135 beautifully appointed rooms that include free parking, free wireless internet, 24 hour fitness center, and large indoor pool & hot tub. Entries will not be accepted unless submitted on an official Idle Hours South No-Tap Entry Form or by using the interactive form on this site.
The interactive version of the entry form can be edited and saved to your computer for future use as well as printed. SATURDAY APRIL 22: 9:30AM, 12:30PM, 4:30PM, 7:30PM 0000049709 00000 n
0000025953 00000 n
0000063834 00000 n 829 71
0000053427 00000 n $[| P{|c`9Z,"m 0000032688 00000 n To send us the form save the file to your computer, open your email and add the form as an attachment. Sun: 9am-Midnight, COPYRIGHT IDLE HOURS ENTERTAINMENT, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | WEBSITE BY, Click here for information on the Jackpots to download and print, Click here for the Crazy Strikes Grids to download and print.
0000018600 00000 n Mon-Fri: 10am 2:30 am 0000053092 00000 n SUNDAY MAY 21: 9:30AM, 12:30PM, 4:30PM. 0000018124 00000 n HOURS
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0000029009 00000 n
Sat: 9am-1am 0000021217 00000 n
SUNDAY MAY 7: 9:30AM, 12:30PM, 4:30PM, FRIDAY MAY 12: 7:30PM 0000076661 00000 n
**Check Current Openings tab below for Squad Availability!
4>ig ""P:#CS$;nMtd$w0gpu *2^j~!spJ(0-/sPf`dYAP5)[&9, 0000019739 00000 n 0000025404 00000 n The 2022 entry form is currently available for download. Just a short drive to the lanes! Remember if we cannot read your entry, we will return it back to you. 0000016091 00000 n 0000052930 00000 n Limited Openings means the squad is almost filled. 0000028924 00000 n 0000020191 00000 n Lanes will be FULLY RECONDITIONED before the 4:30PM squad on Saturday & Sunday creating conditions equal to those of earlier squads.
0000025635 00000 n Click Here for 2022 Series Jackpot Winners, (Standard Divisions A, B, & C). SATURDAY MAY 20: 9:30AM, 12:30PM, 4:30PM, 7:30PM Estimated Value for 2023: Over $112,000.00, (High Average Divisions AA & AAA). 0000001750 00000 n h1 04t\Gag"`'M-j~~' ( g 0000028854 00000 n 0 0000032869 00000 n Please call the hotel front desk at 570-344-9811 and ask for the Idle Hours South group rate for booking the $94 rate. 0000037261 00000 n Click the JACKPOTS link below for more details! trailer NO PERSONAL CHECKS ACCEPTED AFTER APRIL 1, 2023.
**, FRIDAY APRIL 21: 7:30PM 0000020702 00000 n 0000024451 00000 n 0000032415 00000 n 0000050106 00000 n 0000070581 00000 n 0000053119 00000 n 0000055522 00000 n Scranton, PA 18508, HOURS 0000013500 00000 n 0000045930 00000 n 0000015465 00000 n 0000045845 00000 n 0000018293 00000 n There are two divisions based on average where the top 25 series in each division are paid out. Click the JACKPOTS link below for details! 0000018266 00000 n 0000049736 00000 n xref 0000050036 00000 n 829 0 obj <> endobj 0000050189 00000 n The 2022 No-Tap Tournament paid out $128,347.00. Instant Cash Jackpots Now Payout $60.00! 0000054822 00000 n Please list a 2nd choice on your entry blank! Sat-Sun: 9am 2:30am, 2008 Scranton-Carbondale Hwy.
0000016619 00000 n
0000024970 00000 n
SATURDAY MAY 6: 9:30AM, 12:30PM, 4:30PM, 7:30PM
O9VNmw}7xiqrox&C. Team Event: $175.00 per team/$35.00 per bowler 0000023695 00000 n Fri: 10am-12:30am Do not use a previous years entry form when submitting your entries! 0000076372 00000 n 0000070840 00000 n 0000017242 00000 n SUNDAY MAY 14: 9:30AM, 12:30PM, (Mothers Day.
0000024584 00000 n
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0000002333 00000 n 0000023560 00000 n 0000045775 00000 n 0000064564 00000 n
0000014840 00000 n No 4:30 Squad), FRIDAY MAY 19: 7:30PM 0000049277 00000 n
Estimated Value for 2023: Over $11,000.00. 0000027836 00000 n The Mega Series Jackpots paid out $12,895.00 in 2022. No exceptions! Grab and Go Breakfast. 0000049544 00000 n 0000014728 00000 n Convenient location near grocery stores, 24 hour pharmacy, gas stations, liquor store, and fast food. 0000014927 00000 n All jackpots are $5.00 each to enter including our INSTANT CASH jackpots where you can win $60.00 cash on the spot. 0000071173 00000 n Mon-Thurs: 10am-Midnight 0000000016 00000 n 0000055147 00000 n
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