The tool can be used correctly or incorrectly. For instance, someone grabs me in a dark alley. Using it incorrectly can create an addictive relationship that contributes to restlessness in the dog.

Finally, we would require the perfect trainer or owner. Much of the controversy surrounding prong collars and e-collars is based on misconceptions and false information being presented to the public as fact. I cannot imagine how terrified she was to be shocked for absolutely no reason. As one example, in 2018, the UK government outlawed e-collars after lengthy campaigns from activists. be left on for an extended period of time. This article made me cry. I try and balance everything in my life or at least put it in its correct place. Owners of adolescent dogs and puppies exhibiting typical hierarchy testing / normal puppy behaviors have even been advised to cull these extremely aggressive dogs by purely positive trainers.

End of story. Petco, like many pet retailers, sold low quality e-collars. I believe that developing a well-trained dog without the use of training tools would require a number of factors in order to be successful. If a behavior yields pleasant outcomes, it is likely to be repeated; if a behavior yields undesirable outcomes, it is less likely to continue occurring. There will always be folks who judge our decisions and arent willing to consider new information, but dont let them stop you from doing what you know is best for your dog. If you ever find yourself in a debate regarding the ethics of training tools, you will likely hear some version of this question. I couldnt imagine doing this to my two baby dogs. A prong collar, also known as a pinch collar, is used as a temporary tool to communicate to a dog when a dangerous or offensive behavior is unacceptable. Toward a wild animal? Click here to access my Positive Reinforcement DVD Series. The common mantra of this group is Death before Discomfort. If youve ever called your dog and hes completely blown you off, you can appreciate the ability to get his attention with the e-collar! My nonprofit organization and I were nominated for several awards of merit and even made the front page of the Denver Post. offer a pager only function on many of their models. I am constantly in search of ways to continue my education and excellence when it comes to animals, their behavior and their health. However, this is not the reality of e-collars! We do not use the e-collar now, for he does not need it. We are happy to have conversations, open communication, answer questions, show results. People are inevitably lazy, and think more is often better. I learn better when I find something fun and enjoyable and yet challenging (think video game). A common misconception about remote collars (or e-collars) is that they are used as a form of intense punishment, or as a deterrent.

Advocates of training tool bans use this photo as a staple in their prong collar argument.
Your email address will not be published. I spent over a year making baby steps with him and only positive training. Stress costs American Industry 300 Billion a year according to OSHA. Dogs dont hand another dog a cookie to ask another dog to stop a behavior, they usually bare teeth, growl, lunge and even put their mouths on each other. This isnt a problem for most behaviours you teach, as you can improve your timing, start over again, and eventually get the desired behaviour but it can be bad if youre trying to counter condition your dog out of being fearful or reactive to some trigger. Handlers and law enforcement trainers would be greatly limited in the training techniques utilized to develop well-trained K9 partners. If youve ever allowed someone to borrow your tools (as I have made the mistake of doing), you will quickly find that the 10mm socket is oftentimes the one tool that ends up missing. On a high quality e-collar this is a very small shift, but on a low quality e-collar dialing from a 3 to a 4 is a jumpand can be very alarming for the dog. Please reach out if you have any regarding our equipment or techniques in helping your dog. Example: Yes, I would like to receive emails from Highland Canine: Professional Dog Training Solutions. Minette Reply:August 28th, 2016 at 8:59 am. Chaos to Calm K9 Training is located in Newark, Delaware. And, a little of everything in between and back and forth; I say this because people are constantly taking dog training over the lines of extreme on both sides and trying to combine the two (more on that in a moment). And, remember that you are probably neither as proficient at using a clicker or a shock collar as the trainer in the video. Notice that I said incorrectly using a clicker.
Your email address will not be published. The video may have been great but you recorded it in a room with a lot of echo. Check out this article from Scientific American about how surgeons used positive reinforcement to accelerate learning: Basic learning theory involves four quadrants; positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment and negative punishment. Period. Humans and dogs naturally experience a language barrier, as humans are extremely verbal communicators and dogs are very non-verbal communicators. I think I would develop an ulcer in the former example. Heres the problem: if a level 3 isnt cutting it, you have to go up to a level 4. Any good balanced trainer is fluid, willing to open their mind to trying different tools and techniques to find that right combination to help both owner and canine companion that all parties are comfortable with. Thanks. Imagine how many dog owners would find themselves devastated by this tragic advice from a professional who is supposed to help them? When the dog broke, he issued a high and fierce and unfair shock. They should never be used to correct a dog for failing to perform a behavior which they do not fully understand. The text of this article was very good. In the dog training industry, there is a growing group of people who are working incredibly hard lobbying and protesting to take these useful tools away from dog trainers and dog owners.

Which is my best choice? Ill never forget when the first radio fence came out, I put one around my yard for my dog. It is no exaggeration to say that the e-collar could save your dogs life. This has provoked a collective eye roll from balanced dog trainers around the world, but it has also caused some clients to feel a bit of confusion and even shame. We never deliver corrections unless we are sure the dog knows what we are asking and what the appropriate behavior is. The article was updated on November 9, 2021 with additional information. E-collars are not meant to abuse dogs by turning them up to extremely high levels and punishing them. If you have an e-collar trained dog, I encourage you to use your e-collar with pride! And, thankfully there are all kinds of studies out there that have been done on dogs, people, rats and all kinds of other mammals that show the power of a more positive based training. Toward a cliff? It is important to concede the fact that older dogs often develop a repertoire of unwanted behaviors through passive learning much of which unfortunately results in their abandonment, and the high populations in rescues and shelters. He will wear the scar from his mistake for the rest of his life. They help develop focus something which is paramount to attaining results in dog training. I used to protection train with a guy who always used shock collars on his dogs. Pain and fear often cause fight or flight. For most folks, the only point of reference they have for a shock is something thats jarring and painfulmessing with wiring and getting an accidental jolt, touching an electric fence used for livestock, etc.and they assume this is what an e-collar is like. The interesting part is, as a human, she KNOWS what she signed up for and what will happen ie: click or shock and the shock still terrifies her. We arent locked into one ideology of training and understand that every dog and owner relationship is different and should be treated as such. Some countries around the world have outlawed the use of prong collars and E-collars, often without any scientific basis. Correcting undesirable or dangerous behaviors in older dogs which have been rewarded throughout time without the use of effective reinforcement and punishment is rarely effective. As a result, shelter population rates will increase, leading to a surge in euthanasia rates. E-collars are definitely a product where quality absolutely counts. I mean I am happy to share my dog training opinion and I do, often. Sign up below and well email you your first Training For Calm lesson to your inbox in the next 5 minutes. Can all dogs be trained without training tools? Next time film in a room that deadens the sound (either smaller room or with some kind of sound deadening material around the walls) and then you will not be wasting yours and my time. I also know people who have used these tools who are convinced that using a super high and very painful level will actually work faster for them and alleviate some training. Remote collar brands such as Dogtra offer a pager only function on many of their models. When coupled with hitting and slapping a dog, this can create a very conflicting association for them. Those of us who clicker train want a dog that is engaged and show a variety of behaviors without fear. Thank you! There was another time that he was training with his male imported KNPV (police dog), he was trying to work on place and stay but the dog kept getting up. My Pom was so excited going to class and so pleased with herself when she received praise. Our hands are also commonly used for delivering food, treats and physical praise. I was a veterinary technician for many years, where I learned about all aspects of health and preventative medicine. Because of this, it is critical that our perfect pup be raised in an environment where they are able to create positive associations with everything and never learn any potentially problematic behaviors. Just like with cars, a dog trainer needs many different tools at their disposal to get the job done. We have the power to change this, however, by promoting a better understanding of these tools, their advantages, and how they have the power to truly help dogs and their owners. Training tools have, unfortunately, become a highly controversial topic within the dog training industry. It is also interesting to note that he only shocks her a couple of times and then uses a negative marker (a word that was used with the shock) yet she is still worried that she will get shocked. Because of this, it is critical that our perfect pup be raised in an environment where they are able to create positive associations with everything and never learn any potentially problematic behaviors. These collars were made to be removed after training and should. You can watch in the video as she is afraid to make any attempts because she is petrified to get shocked. Likewise, you should learn how trainers use an e-collar before asserting that the only way to use it is to punish the dog with a shock when the dog fails to complete a command. Most people would never think to train or interact with a child, who is learning, in this way.