Videos Show No Handcuffs. Foamy fills in some of the gaps during Germaine's "episode". illwillpress.comHelp out Foamy \u0026 share your favorite video! A rant about the vicious financial cycle of the ink cartridge.
So that's what the rant is basically about.
Foamy has advice for people seeking advice, or giving advice. to view a random video.
Say it ain't so!
Germaine celebrates Day of the Dead at least in her own, weird way. The Pizza Dude Returns in this very special NSFW episode of Neurotically Yours. Nice weather it would be if it wasn't for all the people! Epic Cross-Over?
Tired of sick people spreading their filth everywhere, everyday?
Germaine takes up residence in a new town, where Foamy is instantly bored. Germaine & Foamy meet the folks next-door.
Germaine invites Foamy to a gallery opening.
Because boobs Germaine plans out a new career while Foamy plans his escape from her idiocy.
So a large portion of an income I relied on will quickly disappear. Partfine comes up with a "brilliant" approach to finding proof that Bigfoot exists. Pilz-E gets hold of a "magical tanning cube" Cabin Fever? Germaine is the worst and immune to butt slaps apparently. A rant aimed at the over-the-top gluten free person in your life. Protesting because some people are doing it wrong.
Meaning if ones content is too risky (i.e. Nuthin' unless. Can Foamy get Sue Z. June to laugh with silly noises?
Germaine is having trouble getting back into writing.
Germaine gets fired?! Wait, what!? Germaine deals with an unsavory customer while Foamy plans the store's downfall Germaine searches for a new job after quitting her old one. This has already effected a number of my videos and will probably effect a lot more.
Foamy is flippin' out being stuck in the house!

Could be her meds.
Creators have made YouTube a place worth going to and denying them compensating outlets is a rather cruel show of appreciation.
(Sort of).
Foamy is unhappy with the out come of a local ninja gig.
Germaine & Anchovie have lunch together?
Germaine likes her game life better than her real one. Tired of people complaining that video games are a waste of time?
This toon is kind of a re-cap of Foamy's Cult plan, since the reboot, I had to work it back in somehow, so there ya go.
(Even if it's not me) Seriously. Toss this episode right back at 'em.
Germaine takes action and tires a new approach to life. Foamy and Sue Z. talk about zombies well, at least Foamy does.
Wake Up MAN!
Pilz-E needs a ride to the post office to mail out an important postcard. Germaine gets a job at a place Foamy despises. Can you be against food? There are no comments currently available.
Sad to say, but after 15 years of posting content to the internet, this is one of the worst things I've seen happen to a large creative community.
Or Man-made atrocity? Germaine has a problem with a local "car wash". Germaine forgot one important thing when she moved it's the return of Begley!!
When your underground hair style goes mainstream it all loses it's meaning.
Foamy feels your pain.
A simple discussion turns dark in the coffee house.
Giant Boobs: Super awesome?
Why? A rant EVERY gamer needs to watch! Germaine will still have Begley & Pilz-E to banter with, but Foamy will be on his own for awhile.
Foamy makes amends with the Coffee House Guy. Kinda. Pilz-E invents a new color and Germaine learns of an evil GMO side-effect! Foamy has a problem with the commute to Germaine's new job.
An episode that turns everything on it's head and redefines Germaine's character. Why is everyone allergic to everything?
I really don't do any self-promotion so I kinda rely on peeps spreading the word!Or if you can, help out on PATREON: get an Awesome thing at one of the following places:SHIRTS: : my Twitch Channel For Future streams : usually do art streams, but randomly game.) A rant about the the over abundant marketing of celebrity perfume. 4y-Records Returns!
Germaine has "relationship" issues (even though she's not in one). Please consider taking this quick survey to let us know how we're doing and what we can do better. A Talk over bagels & coffee reveals something Foamy isn't too pleased about Foamy doesn't care for his new living arrangements but doesn't mind the girl who lives there. Recent events require a revisit to the topic because it's not just the bullies that cause problems, it's the inert authority figures that stand by and let it happen. Ever wanted to see Germaine naked?
Foamy rants about the fun filled Darwinian past time that should be sweeping the nation out to sea.
Driving can be hazardous to your butt!
The Hatta' questions the urban authenticity of Germaine's new 'hood'.
This season, let's not forget about those who don't care about it Neurotically Yours Foamy the Squirrel Reboot, Patches & Updates (PS4/X-Box One Launch Special), Day of the Dead (It's NOT "Mexican Halloween"), Foamy PlaysLara Croft and the Guardian of Light (Tomb Raider), Kickstarter 2013 Foamy DVD Funding Special.
So don't get bent out of shape by thinking I'm bashing dub-step. Enjoy! A rant about genetically modified foods. The breast expansion scene doesn't happen until the 3:06 mark, but I figured since Gaben and I already uploaded the gifs of that scene that it'd be fitting to post the actual cartoon it's from.
From ads to daily usage, certain phone behavior is just annoying. Foamy & Germaine deal with a Nor'Easter power outage. sw**ring, v*lgarity, vi*lence, s*xuality, and so on) it will be flagged "Not advertiser friendly" and thus can not be monetized by the creator.
I just don't like the people who exploit a genre because it's trendy. Foamy has a solution for all your bully-based problems.
Y'know, just in case some creepy pizza dude doesn't like your new look What could be on Foamy's Mystery Cassette!? Germaine seeks help with a video game via a hint hotline.
Why are women so concerned about eyebrows? It's a new beginning for FOAMY! Did you know you can order magical boobs online?
It doesn't matter if you're for it or against it, Foamy puts the issue to rest with blinding logic. A rant about the rush job companies do on consoles & games in hopes of fixing everything with a day one patch. Germaine takes people watching a bit too seriously Never bring a squirrel with you to go food shopping.
Germaine gets a second job Foamy does not approve of. Will Germaine spiral out of control without Foamy's supreme logic guiding her daily life? What!? There will be so many people financially hurt by this move.
What dwells deep in the depth of the bottomless pit?
Foamy enlightens the world on the value of this over-looked art form. Pilz-E discovers he can speak Chinese while Germaine loses modeling hours because she's "Not The Right Size".
A rant about "traditions" that probably shouldn't be at this point.. Pilz-E wants to watch a gratuitous horror film Preachy Gluten-Free Person all up in your face? A boring town makes for a boring holiday. Start FREAKIN' OUT!
PROTIP: Did you know you can order magical boobs online?
Stop sticking your fingers in your ears and accept the power of negative thinking. Who knows!? Pilz-e requests a uniquely blended beverage. (No, No one gets raped by a car, but some drivers make you think you were.).
This can't end well. What's wrong with attractive people? In an ironic twist, Foamy, now has to raise money in order to move back to NYC.
A rant about our over-medicated society.
Foamy creates an easy to use kiosk for his squirrelly wisdom.
Would you like to take a survey?
Foamy feels your pain!
Gather 'round and recite the Foamy Cult Oath!
Chef Rinrin Marinka Wore A Cute Sailor Costume On Television, And The Internet Did What The Internet Does, 70-year-old 'Painted Tunnel' Gag From 'Looney Toons' Still Gets Referenced Today, At First, YouTuber Fidias Saw Nothing Wrong With This Thumbnail, Emmanuel The Emu Is Taking Over His Owner's TikToks And The Internet, Were AOC And Ilhan Omar Pretending To Be Arrested? A rant about the recent attack on "violent video games".
Tired of Geek Culture becoming an exploited mainstream fashion trend? (This is the first episode where Foamy leaves Germaine to go out on his own, starting a split storyline for the two characters.
(Germaine reads a bizarre interactive book).
Some people just have no appreciation for music Germaine's cries for attention go a bit too far How can someone who doesn't talk be so expressive? Foamy breaks into song while waiting for a bagel. Foamy comes up with a brilliant plan for a new super hero team!
At this point in my life I consider every form of music to be valid. Are you fat?
(At leas until people stop shopping there and it closes down). A rant about people who get all up in yo biz.
Foamy revives his cult and hatches a brilliant scheme to get his image out in the world. Now you can!
), Germaine gets her boobs back!
Germaine notices something strange in a local thrift store For those who don't know, YouTube has started to implement an "Advertiser Friendly" approach to content.
Germaine seeks advice from Pilz-E on all things not really there and who better to ask then a drugged up squirrel?
Foamy is unamused.
It doesn't really need a NSFW banner, at least in my opinion, but it does have strong language and of course the boob expansion near the end, so best to not watch this at work. (The song Foamy mentions is an actual song called "Brawl At Da Hut" by Jiker.
Foamy is upset with everyone being too scared to participate in Halloween A short song about the Presidential Election.
Useful device, or mind-breaking entity of evil? A Sexy Coffee Ad cause Germaine & Franklin to have a bit of trouble minutes before opening their new coffee shop. 'g' The end is near (of Germaine's story).
A hypothetical conversation about dwarf sex breaks Foamy.
(No offense to those allergic to gluten, this one is aimed at those who feel everyone on the planet should bend to their gluten free will.
The effects will be far reaching and I fear a number of people will skew their content merely so they can monetize their work.
With the exception of the few who can do it right, dub-step has become a mess of inaudible crap.
nsfw, foamy, strong language, breast expansion, body inflation, germaine, neurotically yours, magic ring, Jr.
Use it!
Foamy & Sue Z. June crank out another batch of Squirrel Songs!
We're continuously trying to improve TheTVDB, and the best way we can do that is to get feedback from you.
Does swearing give you super powers? Roswell thinks he's uncovered the secret past of Foamy! Researcher & Curator & Elocutionist & Media Bus Boy.
(And then some). 2007-2022 Literally Media Ltd. No thanks, take me back to the meme zone!
Pilz-E has a nose problem. Why does everyone want you to be happy when you just aren't? And here's a few reasons why.
Foamy & Germaine want to watch two very different things. (And no, I'm not bashing the genre, just the posers flooding it.) I like gluten.).
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A new series brings new mail and Foamy has to read it.
Blame the parent, not the product.
Sometimes Horror & Romance just should not mix.. Germaine uses magical chest fat to get larger tips at work. It's a ready-made rant for your own defense of the media!
Germaine's brain breaks but there's a Dr. Who convention that needs attending! Foamy leaves Germaine?
What will Foamy do on his own? Y'know, just in case some creepy pizza dude doesn't like your new look How will each cope without the other? One of the most volatile Foamy rants in over a decade just might "Trigger" you! A logical perspective on immigration?
Neo-Neanderthal ticking you off? The Hatta' visits Germaine for lunch and doesn't care for what's being served. (Also some insight as to what's going to happen with the series). Foamy gets asked for his opinions on his tech-support.
Mammed Udi has a slight problem with a desktop robot.
Begley has a brilliant idea on how Germaine can kill herself Germaine gets a little carried away with her access to free lattes. 'r'
Another six months have passed and Germaine has a new perspective on life. Foamy has problems adjusting to the "simple life".
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Why are people so offended when they're called a genital?
Auto Correct makes Germaine look like a chump!
CHECK YOUR MIC SETTINGS! Press the and keys to navigate the gallery,