I emigrated from South Korea in 1990 and have been a proud Edgewater resident for the past eleven years. She then shares a google doc from her own personal server that the city would not release to Welshon without a new CORA request. On March 30 Keao emails Mauser again to discuss his presentation.

While I dont anticipate getting a ton of attention beyond our borders, I have been told that it may be good to have police available when we talk about Gun Violence Prevention. Together we will make this great community even better. Louise DeBell, Otis Court, Hannah has been accessible to us since before we opened our doors, has connected us with the right people in the city, and is a great advocate for our local small businesses, especially those like ours that are women and minority owned. She helps them narrow their comments to what she believes will go a long way with other council members. Meetings are generally held the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm at the Civic Center and virtually. At the April 19 meeting, council scaled back the list significantly to include further discussion of open and conceal carry bans on city property and in daycares and preschools, bans of so-called ghost guns, and a waiting period for the sale of firearms. AComplete Colorado article bringing to light the citys first meeting as well as the restrictions up for consideration caused numerous residents and others to show up both in the council chambers and online at the April 19 meeting in opposition to the proposed restrictions.
Quality of education The town council does not accurately reflect the diversity and demographics of Edgewater. Brandon and I are so grateful we chose Edgewater as our home, and it is my job as a Councilwoman to ensure that all my neighbors of varying incomes, backgrounds, and identities feel just as welcome and supported by our special community.
This process, Some of the best ideas are born out of difficult circumstances. Both doctors are asked to talk about the data from an adult perspective., On Feb 3, 2022, Keao emails Tom Mauser, father of a Columbine High School shooting victim and current board member of Colorado Ceasefire, which was started after the Columbine shooting and Ellen McCarron, Colorado Ceasefire Legislative Action board president about her plans for the April 5 meeting.

I discovered Commercial radio came to Colorado and the metro area 100 years ago this year, March 10, 1922. I sit on the Board of Directors for the Edgewater Collective and previously served on our citys Sustainability Board.
David Fleck, Lamar Street resident & dad of Annabelle, 10, While Ive lived in Edgewater for 28 years, Hannah has only been my neighbor for a few. It means mitigating pollution and climate change for our health today as well as that of young Edgewaterians of tomorrow. Home appreciation is pricing out longtime homeowners as well as working families who rent, which is impacting school enrollment. How is my childs school? It was also noted that we have limited intergenerational housing options at a time when Denver metros population is aging.

Republicans basic policy is the value of the family, and I am As I became more rooted in the town, I felt compelled to give back through service. Thus, I embark on this journey to help move our beloved Edgewater forward. model ordinances for the communities to consider adopting that were written by Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence and Everytown for Gun Safety. But rest assured that your giving will go specifically to the Complete Colorado news operation. On April 5, the Edgewater City Council heard a presentation on gun violence prevention from Colorado Ceasefire, an anti-gun rights organization, and subsequently decided to move forward with a more detailed discussion on possible municipal ordinances. It means connecting to mental health and other wraparound services for those in town who are struggling, and ensuring city staff and law enforcement are equipped to keep our community safe and welcoming for everybody. Monthly West Metro Denver newspapers in Wheat Ridge, Applewood, Mountain View, Lakeside and Berkeley, as well as the Edgewater, Sloans Lake, West Colfax, Two Creeks and West Highland neighborhoods. Insights gained during the campaign by our newly electeds, along with updates from returning council members, gave me a clearer perspective of what we need to prioritize, and I am eager to work toward solutions in 2022. We need to stay committed to creating current opportunities and a more equitable future for our communitys children and families. I appreciate my esteemed fellow conservatives members, neighbors, friends, and family who are supporting me. I have the utmost of confidence in her continued service and thoughtful consideration of the needs of our entire community. At a recent city council retreat, our board got much-needed time to talk about community priorities and strategize on how best to address them. How is the traffic while commuting? In late December, Keao organizes a conversation about gun violence with Childrens Hospital pediatrician Dr. Maya Haasz, as recommended by Dr. Annie Andrews, also a pediatrician and super active in Moms Demand Action, as well as Dr. Emmy Betz from UC Health. The Edgewater Business Association and Edgewater Collective do great work here, and I hope to further strengthen the existing partnerships between those organizations, our community, our businesses, and our city government. I feel that the family values and fiscal conservatism of the Republican platform have long been missing. Keao says the google doc contains: everything you and they need to know. Welshon subsequently got access to the google doc. I also started my Council tenure building relationships with Jeffco Public Schools and local school leaders, teachers, and fellow parents. With winter in full swing, I hope that everyone is getting a chance to enjoy the season and the peacefulness of an Edgewater finally covered in snow. Youll be giving to the Independence Institute, the not-for-profit publisher of Complete Colorado, which makes your donation tax deductible. On April 15, Keao puts out more requests for Moms Demand Action volunteers and others to speak at the April 19 meeting. We discussed the impacts we are seeing from this change. Additionally, there are ongoing resident concerns about speeding on neighborhood streets. I will try to lower property taxes and improve the educational environment. Fact is that theres an entire staff working every day to bring you the most timely and relevant political news (updated twice daily) from around the state on Completes main page aggregator, as well as top-notch original reporting and commentary on Page Two. Most of Edgewater residents have common questions. Another affordability issue discussed was Edgewaters minimum wage, currently tied to Colorados minimum wage, and the fact that wages have not kept up with our areas living expenses. We all live with our rescue pup Fletcher in the Rose Acres neighborhood on the west side of town. As my son entered the Edgewater school system, I learned that many of my friends and neighbors shared the same concerns as I. I felt compelled to represent those like me, people who care about their children and the quality of life in this beautiful community. The document Welshon did receive was an outline of what speakers or emailers should address and what would be most effective. Heres whats been sent out to Council and posted for the public the presentation from Ceasefire last meeting and a summary of potential ordinance contents. Substantial tax increases. CLICK HERE TO LADLE A LITTLE GRAVY ON THE CREW AT COMPLETE COLORADO, Emails show coordinated push for local gun restrictions; over a dozen Front Range governments involved, Edgewater City Council gets an earful; scales back list of possible gun rights restrictions, Longmont City Council to consider multiple gun-rights restricting ordinances, Longmont to start gun safety talks; would be fifth Boulder County municipality to restrict rights, Boulder City Council passes gun ban on first reading.
Jefferson County Commissioner Lesley Dalhlkemper to brainstorm about gun legislation.
Traffic congestion and Safety along River Road. On April 12, Keao emails Charles and Fanslow again telling them the next meeting is scheduled for April 19 and asks them to get volunteers to email council members or give public comment. 60 Livingston Ave. Lyndhurst, NJ 07071, 2021 by Michelle Han Proudly created with Jun-Perlage. In the email she tells the two, Tom, I looked through your slides, I love a lot there and think we can keep some, condense some, and add a section on possibilities for Edgewater We have draft ordinance language from Everytown and Giffords too, and folks from there could tag in as well., On Feb 8, Keao again emails Mauser to let him know she further revised his presentation: Hi! A ban on the open carry of firearms, legislation I led, A city grant relief program to keep economically vulnerable tenants housed during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, Investment in an internal assessment of diversity, equity, equality, and inclusion in Edgewater, Partnership with CDPHE on Edgewaters inaugural Green Business Program, which I spearheaded as a member of Edgewaters Sustainability Board before serving on Council, Investment in Phase 1 of Edgewaters Mobility Plan & traffic calming measures at the 25th & Gray intersection, 26th & Kendall intersection, along Pierce St, and along 20th Ave, Funds subsidizing residential energy efficiency audits, A resolution addressing motor vehicle theft in Edgewater, Investment in Sheridan Boulevard Multimodal Corridor Planning, A ban on the sale of flavored tobacco and removal of penalties for our regions young people in tobacco sales, A resolution allowing the 25th Avenue Streetscape Project, Building code updates focused on energy conservation, safety, and sustainability, Supported commitment to a city and community Mental Health Plan, Introduced Gun Violence Prevention discussions and legislation in Edgewater, Represented Edgewater City Council on Jeffco Public Schools Jeffco Thrives Strategic Planning Alliance in 2022, Supported local small businesses in ensuring equitable and clear processes and access to city resources, Pushed on behalf of residents for community code enforcement forum, scheduled tentatively for June 2022, Worked with City Manager and Edgewater Police Department to secure and distribute free gun safety locks for community members, Encouraged a shift to community policing & employing non-armed Community Service Officers and a mental health Co-Responder in Edgewaters law enforcement, Advocated with residents of Depew street for mitigation of Depews traffic hazards, Continuously pushed to make participation in city government, decision making, and events accessible and inclusive.
Thanks for being a Complete Colorado reader, keep coming back. While listening habits, Over the course of 2021 Edgewater city staff and leadership worked to define our mission and core values. I am officially announcing that I am running for the council in Edgewater as a republican candidate. You know the issue, I think the clutch things to share why this legislation in Edgewater is important to kids and families outside of our city too that you visit here, or that you hope your community and the state follow suit, etc. She listens, is responsive, and gets things done. Edgewater City Council is set to have a third work session on the topic, at 6:30 p.m., May 3. Three main values lead my work in Edgewater: I taught middle school nearby and have a strong connection to local and immigrant families. I was appointed to Edgewater, Colorados City Council in April 2021, and am thrilled for the opportunity to continue serving my neighbors. Initially, I focused on raising my son and growing my business. Our sidewalks came up frequently, as many are not wide enough to accommodate residents with impairments or parents with strollers. Starting as a middle school teacher on the Navajo Reservation, I have spent my career changing outcomes for marginalized communities and opening gates wider for those who dont have access. That means continuing to support recommended public health measures from the CDC and Jefferson County Public Health as we continue to fight this pandemic. CLICK HERE TO LADLE A LITTLE GRAVY ON THE CREW AT COMPLETE COLORADO. Live in Edgewater? We also discussed our ongoing efforts to improve mobility in Edgewater. Agendas and details are always posted on my Facebook Page and on City Website the Thursday before each meeting.
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