The clinic is closed from 12pm - 12:30pm each day for lunch. Please click through to share your thoughts on how the district should prioritize SSA funds. Hope you are having a lovely summer! Todos los estudiantes aprendern en lnea desde su hogar hasta que se cumpla con la, orientacin publicada hoy por la Oficina del Gobernador. Join us with a digital subscription today. John L Scott Market Center, Oregon Health Authority Director Patrick Allen returns to work after weeks of recovery, Oregon, California, Washington will lift most mask mandates on March 12, FGSD admins optimistic changes coming to masking after March 31, Receive a 3-day free trial of unlimited digital access, Opinion | Bring the Forest Home on March 16 and support Washington County Students, Gales Creeks newest restaurant on track for June opening, Oregon Elections Division botches voters pamphlet for four Washington County house districts.
The Forest Grove School District plans to fully reopen schools for the 2021-2022 school year. El primer da de clases para los estudiantes se trasladar al 14 de septiembre de 2020, en lugar del 8 de septiembre de 2020. Privacy Policy. If you would like to donate, please click here. We rely on subscribers to keep the lights on in our independent newsroom. The district is also looking to hire a principal to oversee the new-look site next school year, according to a presentation by Superintendent David Parker at the April 11 school board meeting. As these cases rise, I am increasingly worried for the safety and wellbeing of our students, staff and families.
Providing high quality health care for those who need it most. Muchos miembros del personal indicaron al final del ao escolar que estaban preocupados por su seguridad y que no podran estar fsicamente en el aula si el virus no estuviera mejor contenido. Una encuesta ms reciente revel un porcentaje an mayor. #JOINTHEFIGHT Los maestros tambin tendrn la capacidad de evaluar y calificar el trabajo de los estudiantes.
Click here to add Forest Grove Sch.
Nuestra prxima comunicacin ser el jueves 6 de agosto, donde continuaremos brindndole ms detalles sobre el aprendizaje integral a distancia. Parker explained to the board a plan to spend up to $500,000 in flexible COVID-19 recovery funds from the state to renovate the second floor to include an accessible elevator, four classrooms and some common areas for students to be ready for next school year.
Virginia Garcia has set up an information line that will provide details on the Coronavirus, the symptoms and what you should do if you are in need of medical help. The Forest Grove High School. Inevitablemente, esta pauta continuar hasta que nuestras comunidades y autoridades de salud pblica tengan el virus ms bajo control. Phone: (563) 332-5550 Elementary Conferences will be held Thursday, February 24th - Friday, March 4th.
David Parker is the superintendent of the district. As information continues to change and both federal and local agencies adjust their recommendations, the district is working to finalize its recommendations regarding COVID-19 safety measures. Para acomodar el aprendizaje que nuestro personal necesita realizar, le pediremos a la Junta Escolar el 10 de agosto que agregue cuatro das de desarrollo profesional despus del Da del Trabajo. You can also go to the, Student Learning & Internship Opportunities. Estamos compartiendo esta noticia decepcionante, pero necesaria, para que los padres puedan hacer el trabajo crtico y los arreglos de cuidado infantil. Please support us to protect the future of community journalism.
A medida que aumentan estos casos, me preocupa cada vez ms la seguridad y el bienestar de nuestros estudiantes, personal y familias. Learn about what we do in our community and for our patients. HOME| OUR LOCATIONS | P: 503-614-1428 888-990-7500, Created By Granicus - Connecting People and Government. Dist.

Care is bring provided at each clinic for non-Covid-19 related symptoms.
The first day of school for students will be moved to September 14, 2020, instead of September 8, 2020. Service and support for our community members. This article brought to you courtesy of Murphy's Furniture, News-Times Insider Home Furnishings Expert. Photo: Brenda Schaffer. The Forest Grove School-Based Health Center does NOT follow the school district open and closure schedule. Teachers will also have the ability to assess and grade student work. Please click here for a listing of local pharmacies. Inevitably, this pattern will continue until our communities and public health authorities have the virus more under control. from the Governors Office and Oregon Health Authority is met and students can safely return to school. Click here to add Forest Grove Sch. With this in mind, and the safety of our students as our top priority, Forest Grove School District will be starting the new school year fully in the Comprehensive Distance Learning model. As we have reached out through surveys and public Q&A sessions with many district parents, we have learned that parents found distance learning difficult during the spring. [8] In the decision, the court determined that families in this type of situation can be entitled to reimbursement, but remanded the case back to the trial court to determine if this particular family should be entitled to reimbursement. All students will be learning online from home until the. En respuesta, nuestros equipos estn trabajando para mejorar la forma en que se ensea el plan de estudios y cmo los maestros pueden ayudar mejor a los estudiantes durante la instruccin en lnea. Finding Meaning and Purpose After Retirement. En todo el estado, hemos visto un aumento constante en el nmero de casos confirmados de COVID-19 en las ltimas semanas. apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. We're also not able to attract kids who would benefit from the alternative experience.". Forest Grove High School will pause in-person learning, switching to online learning in the face of teacher absences due to the coronavirus pandemic.
PO Box 6149 The Virginia Garcia Foundation is collecting donations for supplies, programs and homemade masks that can be given to patients after testing as well as our pregnant patients. Our next communication to you will be on Thursday, August 6th, where we will continue to provide you with more details about Comprehensive Distance Learning. "With just three (full-time employees), we can't field the whole program. SCHOOL-BASED HEALTH CENTERS Care is bring provided at each clinic for non-Covid-19 related symptoms. Go to work every day knowing what you do matters. We have purchased new technology systems that will allow students and parents to better engage with teachers and fellow students. All pharmacies have shifted to drive-up service only. The Miller Team
Get involved at the local, state, and federal level. Twitter sends messages out exceptionally fast thanks to arrangements they have made with the cell phone companies. All rights reserved (About Us). En todo el estado, hemos visto un aumento constante en el nmero de casos confirmados de COVID-19 en las ltimas semanas. Parker said the district plans to combine current CALC students with 94 students enrolled in an online academy and CREATE, another alternative program, to form a new school campus with about 160 students in total. You can also go to the information page set up on our website for resources, videos and updates. Please do not come into the clinic until you have spoken to your team and received direction on next steps.