842 W. Whitehall Road stories, news, PDFs) in church entries, even if it doesnt affect the churchs score. Phone: 814-238-6074 Boalsburg, PA 16827 461 Deibler Road 146 Pine Grove Road 160 Brackenbourne Drive Worship at St. Josephs Academy 514 East Beaver Ave University Park, PA 16802
216 N. McAllister St. The Best 10 Churches in State College, Pennsylvania, Vineyard Trailblazers Church of State College. 206 S. Burrowes St. Website:www.psucatholic.org, St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church Something went wrong while submitting the form. State College, PA 16801 Phone: 814-238-2921 105 Old Boalsburg Road Phone: 814-237-2637 State College, PA 16801 Wonderful, friendly and accepting. State College, PA 16801 Thats great news! The second reason is that the church does affirm the full LGBTQ+ spectrum, but it is hard to locate the church's affirmation statement on the church's website. We promise never to share or sell your information. Bah's of State College Area Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints, Vineyard Trailblazers Church in State College, The church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints butler ward. There are typically two reasons. Website:www.uppersprucecreek.pcusa.cc, Oakwood Presbyterian Church University Park, PA 16802. Website:www.jw.org/en/, Emmanuel Lutheran Church (NALC) Boalsburg, PA 16827 Phone: 814-422- 8133 Boalsburg, PA 16827 Our goal is to motivate churches to become clear on their websites because that is presently the most visible advertisement to the public. Pastor McKenzie and the leadership team believe that as we walk in the vision that God has given us, He will continue to do marvelous things. Phone: 814-237-5243
State College, PA 16801 Oops! State College, PA 16803
8:00 a.m. - 5:00p.m. Fillmore Road and state Route 550 Under the leadership of Pastor Loyd and his wife Margie the congregation grew. Its Score is Unclear because this congregation's actively enforced policy is not located on website's primary pages, but in its denomination's website. StateCollege.com provides local news, entertainment, and information for State College, PA. We offer the latest breaking news and videos straight from the Centre County region in Central PA. 220 Regent Court, Suite B, State College, PA 16801, Copyright 2000 document.getElementById('copyright').appendChild(document.createTextNode(new Date().getFullYear())) | StateCollege.com | All Rights Reserved | State College, PA Centre County Central Pennsylvania Home of Penn State University. Unity continues to have a great impact for the Kingdom in the State College community and on Penn State Universitys campus. Meeting at: St. Josephs Academy, Boalsburg. State College, PA 16801 It is also the only score that a church obtains by proactively self-disclosing its policies through our Verified Clear survey, which is sent to all churches that have been scored in our database. Under the direction of Pastor McKenzie and a dedicated leadership team, Unity rebounded. University Park, PA 16802 We want everyone who calls this church "home" to experience a sense of true belonging. Phone: 814-863-4929 State College, PA 16801 Website:www.bellefonteucc.org, St. Johns United Church of Christ Bellefonte, PA 16823
int(0) Bellefonte, PA 16823 Phone: 814-422-8983 402 Willowbank St. State College, PA 16801 Please contact the site administrator to resolve this issue. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this list item. Phone: 814-355-2208 Worship at Centre Learning Community Charter School We SERVE Christ with our best energy and effort.
This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. As followers of Christ, we are called to follow Him and serve others. State College, PA 16801 State College, PA 16801
Updated Facility Hours: 3030 Carnegie Drive Phone: 814-206-0186
No need to pretend to be something you're not. 8:00 a.m. - 10:30p.m. 111 Pasquerilla Spiritual Center - Eisenhower Chapel Monday - Sunday Website:www.holytrinity-oca.org, First Presbyterian Church of Bellefonte 620 E. Hamilton Ave. As followers of Christ, we are called to follow Him and, 1221 W. Whitehall Rd. Website:www.facebook.com/pages/Bethel-Church-Of-The-Nazarene/154666257989502, Holy Trinity Orthodox Church 134 E. Bishop St.
State College, PA 16801 The fellowship hall and kitchen are great spaces for events and the church also supports many community functions including serving as a polling station for Patton Township.". Port Royal, PA 17082 State College, PA 16801 Phone: 814-234-4650, ONLINE SERVICES AVAILABLE ON WEBSITE:www.stalbansanglican.org, Living Faith Church Bellefonte, PA 16823 int(0) Phone: 814-466-6841 State College, PA 16801 80% of consumers turn to directories with reviews to find a local business. Phone: 814-238-2657 State College, PA 16801 It is our desire that as people visit our congregation, they will encounter a community of believers committed to worshiping the Lord, sharing His love, building one another up, and spreading the Good News.
Phone: 814-238-2422 This churchs discernment process is scheduled to conclude: Will you hire LGBTQ+ people for any ministry role? Phone: 814-238-8091 Website:www.britshalompa.org, Penn State Hillel 700 Brandywine Drive 140 House Lane, Spring Mills, PA
Phone: 814-238-1309 The first service was held on November 10, 1985. Please review the Score Links & Notes section for the rationale for this church's score. Church Angel makes it easy to add your church to our comprehensive directory! 3261 Zion Road Access Church is a place to be yourself. RESPONDINGTOGEORGEMEKHAIL's STATEMENTS. University Park, PA 3261 Zion Road 101 Villandry Blvd.
Phone: 814-234-1900, ONLINE SERVICES AVAILABLE ON WEBSITE:www.parkforestbaptist.org, Port Matilda Baptist Church State College, PA 16803 Phone: 814-238-1683 Phone: 814-422-8631 ["is_tag"]=> If that was so, then we would certainly enable people to post personal reviews of their experiences in churches, much in the way that Yelp does. located in sermon archives, blogs). Website:www.oanzendo.org, St. Albans Anglican Church 321 E. Howard St. Utilize your passions, talents, and spiritual gifts to bless others through, We believe that experiencing the fullness of God leads to the fulfillment of God's purposes in our lives and in the world around us. Phone: 814-422-9010 Phone: 814-357-8387, AUDIO SERMONS FOUND ON WEBSITE:www.baldeaglebaptist.org, Berean Baptist Church Website:www.goodshepherdsc.org, University Mennonite Church Tusseyville, PA 16828 Bellefonte, PA 16823
Website:www.stjohnsepiscopalbellefonte.org, State College Evangelical Free Church 2221 N. Oak Lane Can women preach in the primary church service? Phone: 814-466-6064 Make and equip disciples to spread the vision God has given us. Phone: 814-237-2081 Phone: 814-355-7084, Spirit of Faith Church
Learn more about Verified Clear Membership and why these churches are featured on our home page, A church receives a Verified Clear score when an authorized representative completes a standard policy survey that we send to every church that is submitted to our database. Website:https://centrechurch.org/, Centre Church (State College) Phone: 814-238-2110, AUDIO HOMILIES AVAILABLE ON WEBSITE:www.goodshepherd-sc.org, Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church Boalsburg, PA 16827 Phone: 814- 238-3800, ONLINE SERVICES AVAILABLE ON WEBSITE:www.scassembly.org, Bald Eagle Baptist Church 901 Boalsburg Pike Home|Events|I'm New|Watch Online|RSVP|Reopening | Faith Forward, Alliance Kids | Students (AWAKE) | Adults, Missions | Community Care | Hope Initiatives, Staff Directory | Partner Ministries | Contact Us, Alliance Kids @ Home| Alliance Sports Camp, circlefacebookcirclepodcast circlevimeo circleyoutube circlemyspace circledollar, 1221 W. Whitehall Rd. Phone: 814-238-1683additional information, Yarnell United Methodist Church Windmere Hall (IOOF Hall), 454 Rolling Ridge Drive Phone: 814-692-4269, ONLINE SERVICES AVAILABLE ON WEBSITE:www.nittanybible.com, Green Grove Brethren in Christ Church Website:www.mtnittanyumc.org, Mount Pleasant United Methodist Church 2572 Sleepy Hollow Drive Pennsylvania Furnace, PA 16865 Some people assume that our database exists to point LGBT people to LGBT-affirming churches, for instance, or to warn them about non-affirming churches. Why do we do this? People thrive when they have close friends to go through life with. State College, PA 16801 Website:www.runvilleumc.com, St. Paul African Methodist Episcopal Church 119 E. College Ave. Phone: 814-238-5870additional information, Faith Church Phone: 814-234-1176, ONLINE SERVICES AVAILABLE ON WEBSITE:www.growingatfaith.org, First Baptist Church Unity Church continued to grow and new congregations were planted by members of the State College parent church in Williamsport, Spring Mills, Indiana, and Johnstown, PA. Port Matilda, PA 16870 State College, PA 16803 Take the first step by exploring groups. 2280 Commercial Blvd. Phone: 814-383-4161, ONLINE SERVICES AVAILABLE ON WEBSITE:www.zioncommunitychurch.com, Worship at HUB-Robeson Center and Pasquerilla Spiritual Center Your submission has been received! We factor representation into our scoring for Women in Leadership. ONLINE SERVICES AVAILABLE ON WEBSITE:https://www.statecollege.church/en/, University Baptist and Brethren Church 820 Westerly Parkway 4310 W. Whitehall Road Website:www.sites.google.com/a/susumc.org/new-hope-umc/home, Park Forest Village United Methodist Church Phone: 717-527-4101 Website:www.torbertmedia.com/ccm/2013/01/suzanne-pohland-paterno-catholic-center, Christ Community Church Thankfully, God doesn't require perfection. Phone: 814-383-4212, State College Christian and Missionary Alliance Church We believe in the importance of relationships with fellow believers and having opportunities to build them. Website:www.tripennucc.com, Faith United Church of Christ string(0) "" Phone: 814-355-4947, New Beginnings Christian Outreach Phone: 814-231-0499, Trinity United Church of Christ Website:www.psujew.com, Jewish Community Center/Congregation Brit Shalom Phone: 814-355-3358 Phone: 814-692-5079, Runville United Methodist Church Website:www.standrewsc.org, St. Johns Episcopal Church Bellefonte, PA 16823 Harold McKenzie became the senior pastor of Unity Church of Jesus Christ in State College and the other satellite churches became independent congregations under the pastors who were leading them at the time. Phone: 814-234-3231 Pine Grove Mills, PA 16868 Spring Mills, PA 16875 Utilize your passions, talents, and spiritual gifts to bless others through serving or connecting with one of theHope Initiatives. 1250 University Drive 114-117 Pasquerilla Spiritual Center Phone: 814-234-0711, ONLINE SERVICES AVAILABLE ON WEBSITE:www.cccsc.org, State College Chinese Alliance Church
Phone: 814-355-3134 145 W. Linn St. Bellefonte, PA 16823 }, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Website:http://www.lds.org, University Park Branch, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints The vision of Unity Church of Jesus Christ is to: Embrace God, Embrace People, Embrace Service. A non-dimensional, charismatic church reaching the Centre Region. Phone: 814-865-0715 State College, PA 16803 Port Matilda, PA 16870 Website:www.statecollege22.adventistchurchconnect.org, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Centre County This form failed to load. Though independent, the congregations in State College and Indiana, maintain a cooperative, supportive relationship. He must enable SSL. Unclear scores are given to churches whose policies are difficult to find on their websites (e.g. 326 Lower Coleville Road The church in Indiana continues to thrive to this day. Website:www.buffaloruncharge.org, Fairbrook United Methodist Church 208 W. Foster Ave. State College, PA 16803 The server may be having issues, or this websites administrator may have deleted the form. State College, PA 16801 Spring Mills, PA 16875 Pennsylvania Furnace, PA 16865 State College, PA 16801 3503 Penns Valley Road Website:www.byzcath.org/centralpa/index.html, Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha Catholic Church 851 Science Park Rd. 1865 Waddle Road 109 McAllister St. Find a church today! Website:www.psu.edu/catholic, St. State College, PA 16801 Phone: 814-359-3183 Spring Mills, PA 16875
617 E. Hamilton Ave. Lemont, PA 16851 We also have aged-based ministries from preschool through high school, a campus ministry at Penn State, and groups for 20-to-30 somethings and seniors. 2620 Spruce Creek Road Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section. 160 Brackenbourne Drive State College, PA 16801 Website:statecollegefriends.org, State College Seventh-day Adventist Church Phone: 814-355-1297 Phone: 814-237-2163 Website:www.pennsvalleychurch.com, Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses (Bellefonte)
120 W. Lamb St. PO Box 155 This list includes a variety of local houses of worship in the Centre County area. 205C Pasquerilla Spiritual Center 3344 Penns Valley Pike Phone: 814-355-9425, Valley View United Methodist Church The climate in Pennsylvania is usually hot and humid in the summer and cold in the winter. Please see our score definitions for more. In 1983, Unity purchased a warehouse previously used for mining safety training. We send out weekly emails with encouragement and information about our upcoming events. We always respond by saying, Thats good to know; please update your website so that this information is publicly available and also consider becoming Verified Clear; wed love to update your score. Or, Please provide us with online evidence of what youre talking about on the church or denomination website, and wed love to update the score.. 512 Hughes St. Current Sermon Series: Change Your World. Our weekend service includes a free pre-service caf, contemporary worship, biblical message, and age specific kids ministry for infants through children in 5th grade. 120 Tusseyville Road Website:www.pinehall.org, Shiloh Lutheran Church Website:www.calvarysc.org/grays-woods/, Faith Baptist Church of State College
If a church has an egalitarian policy, we provide a Clear or Unclear score based on whether the leadership team consists of at least 50% women and/or non-binary people. The Verified Clear score is the highest and best score a church can receive. Website:www.glcpa.org, Lutheran Student Community at Penn State Grays Woods Elementary Phone: 814-237-7051 We cannot score based on the reality of what happens in their congregations, but rather based on their online presence. Phone: 814-355-5258 203 N. Spring St. Website:www.marthaumc.org, Mount Nittany United Methodist Church Website:www.lutheranpennstate.org, Pine Hall Lutheran Church State College, PA 16801 Phone: 814-238-1352, Family Life of Penns Valley Bellefonte, PA
Through serving, we strive to make a difference in the community and world. Website:www.facebook.com/PennStateMSA/, Chabad of Penn State 405 Hillcrest Ave. Take a look at our Scoring Definitions, to begin with, to understand the difference between Clear and Unclear websites. State College, PA 16801-(814) 237-7991, Office Hours: By Appointment-office@scalliancechurch.com. That is why we confine our scope purely to any online evidence available on a churchs website, on its denominations or networks website, and any pastor statements. Pine Grove Mills, PA 16868 The Bible is the inspired, infallible, and authoritative Word of God, In the Trinity - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, In the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ and His virgin birth, In the forgiveness of sin through the Cross of Christ, In the indwelling, guidance, and fullness of the Holy Spirit, STATE COLLEGE ACCESS CHURCHMailing: Box 288, 210 West Hamilton Ave. State College, PA 16801 (814) 826-4636info@scaccesschurch.com, 2021 State College Access Church | Site, Meet The access church staff & ministry leaders. Type the content for this list item here. Phone: 814-349-5094, St. Johns Union Church Undisclosed scores are given to churches whose websites provide inconclusive evidence as to the churches policies. Website:www.buffaloruncharge.org, Weaver United Methodist Church int(490) Gerald Loyd, a graduate student at Penn State during this time, pastored both groups. State College, PA 16803 Website:www.buffaloruncharge.org, Grays United Methodist Church 1204 Runville Road Website:www.abouthealing.org, Centre Community Church of Christ Website:www.stpaulsc.org, Trinity United Methodist Church
205C Pasquerilla Spiritual Center State College, PA 16801 Phone: 814-355-5423 During that time the building known as church home and sanctuary to the Unity family for more than 30 years was sold and the current facility was purchased. 1760 W. College Ave. Pleasant Gap, PA 16823 Website:www.calvarysc.org, Calvary Church (Grays Woods) Baptist Missionary Association of America (1), Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints (1), California Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Website:www.stjohnlutheranbellefonte.org, St. Mark Lutheran Church Website:www.youngkwang.org, Grace Presbyterian Church State College, PA 16801 2643 W. College Ave. If the senior minister is a woman, then that counts too. State College, PA 16801 Phone: 814-861-2005 State College Access Church is a life-giving, family-oriented, non-denominational church in the State College area. Phone: 814-404-6153, Unity Church of Jesus Christ Phone: 814-355-9072 Website:www.pennstatehillel.org, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 1575 Axemann Road 160 N. Main St.
Their first ministry is to their four lively and fun-loving kids! All scores, except for Verified Clear, are assigned to churches by our volunteers based on our scoring definitions and publicly available information online. Phone: 814-234-1030 Website:http://thebellefontechurch.com/, St. Andrews Episcopal Church 867 Grays Woods Blvd. Bellefonte, PA 16823 Bellefonte, PA 16823 301 Brush Mountain Road int(154) Phone: 814-355-3106 Bellefonte, PA 16823 Julian, PA 16844 Phone: 814-422-0526 Website:www.acfpennstate.org, SERVICES SUSPENDED FOR THE REMAINDER OF SPRING 2020, BUT FIND THEIR COVID-19 SURVIVAL KIT HERE:https://www.acfpennstate.org/covid19-survival-kit, Centre Church (Pleasant Gap) The State Theatre Website:https://www.pcusa.org/congregations/7602/, State College Presbyterian Church ["name"]=> Phone: 814-364-2541 Basil Byzantine Catholic Mission Phone: 814-531-4199, ONLINE SERVICES AVAILABLE ON WEBSITE:www.flpv.org, Grace Fellowship Church 1500 E. Branch Road Phone: 814-632-9088 Website:www.berean-sc.org, Calvary Baptist Church Phone: 814-308-4055, SERMONS AVAILABLE ONLINE ON WEBSITE:www.gracebaptistsm.org, Nittany Baptist Church This is a review for churches in State College, PA: "I've never attended a church service here, but I've been to many events and the facilities and staff are top notch. 179 S. Main St.
COPYRIGHT 2018-2022 Church Clarity.
We made it easy to browse through churches in your area. The language in the policies may also be unclear. 205 S. Garner St. Website:tlcsc.org, Zion Lutheran Church Website:http://www.fpcbellefonte.org, Pine Grove Presbyterian Church State College, PA 16801 709 Ridge Ave. Representation is essential. Phone: 814-355-4202 200 Ellis Place
113 Sunset Acres 1795 W. College Ave. Phone: 814-863-3816 Website:www.oakwoodpca.org, State College Korean Church Website:http://lifegatebaptistchurch.weebly.com, Park Forest Baptist Church Nineteen Ninety was a time of transition for the Unity Church family. Website:http://www.stkaterichurch.org/, Good Shepherd Catholic Church We have an answer for that in our FAQ. It is a communication score above anything else. 370 Airport Road Dig in deeper into our vision, mission, values & more. string(8) "Churches" Website:www.jw.org/en/, Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses (State College) About, Beliefs). State College, PA 16801 int(490) Website:www.steppingstoneschurch.net, Faith Alive Fellowship spiritual@psu.edu, Center for Spiritual and Ethical Development, Student Organization Profiles, Services, and Meetings, http://www.greengrovebic.org/site/cs/Index.asp, www.torbertmedia.com/ccm/2013/01/suzanne-pohland-paterno-catholic-center, https://www.acfpennstate.org/covid19-survival-kit, www.facebook.com/pages/Bethel-Church-Of-The-Nazarene/154666257989502, https://www.pcusa.org/congregations/7602/, www.statecollege22.adventistchurchconnect.org, www.sites.google.com/a/susumc.org/new-hope-umc/home, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Give to the Center for Spiritual and Ethical Development, Student Organization Profiles, Services, & Meetings, Pasquerilla Spiritual Center - Eisenhower Chapel. Bellefonte, PA 16823 Bellefonte, PA 16823 State College, PA 16801 Pennsylvania Furnace, PA 16865 Website:www.tripennucc.com, Salem United Church of Christ 867 Grays Woods Blvd. 3645 W College Ave Stay up-to-date with everything happening at State College Alliance Church. State College, PA 16801 This form may capture sensitive data (credit cards, bank accounts), yet this site isnt sufficiently secured. Spring Mills, PA 16875 While encouragement came from many people to move to a larger facility, in 2014 God confirmed to Pastor McKenzie the need for unity to enlarge our tents (Isa. State College, PA 16803 Port Matilda, PA 16870 The first is that the church has a statement affirming "sexual orientation" but not "gender identity." Port Matilda, PA 16870 Hoover Road Why do we strongly believe that policies should be on websites? Bellefonte, PA 16823 We believe that experiencing the fullness of God leads to the fulfillment of God's purposes in our lives and in the world around us. Pine Grove Mills, PA 16868 ["filter"]=> State College, PA 16801 Im a church leader and Id like our church website to be more clear. Bellefonte, PA 16823 Phone: 814-237-7659 Phone: 814-237-7605, ONLINE SERVICES AVAILABLE ON WEBSITE:www.uufcc.com, Emmanuel Union United Church State College, PA 16801 State College, PA 16801 Website:www.bellefontefaith.com, Fillmore United Methodist Church Bellefonte, PA 16823 Website:www.iscponline.net, Muslim Students' Association Phone: 814-865-4281 Phone: 814-625-2642, Woodycrest United Methodist Church 1 St. Paul St. Phone: 814-753-4737, ONLINE SERVICES AVAILABLE ON WEBSITE:www.sccac.org, Abiding Truth Christian Fellowship Website:stpaulpgm.org, Trinity Lutheran Church If not, then the church will get an Unclear:Egalitarian score. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ["slug"]=> 128 W. Howard St. Becoming Verified Clear is the most tangible embodiment of our mission to increase the standard of clarity throughout the church economy. It is a wonderful family church with programs for everyone.more, I've never attended a church service here, but I've been to many events and the facilitiesmore. 150 W. Pine Grove Road We acknowledge and honor the finished work of Jesus on the cross in our WORSHIP.
Phone: 814-238-4611 object(WP_Term)#6568 (11) { Bellefonte, PA 16823 Phone: 814-880-3049, ONLINE SERVICES AVAILABLE ON WEBSITE:www.newhopesc.org/, Transforming Lives Through Christ Ministries Phone: 814-237-7832 ["term_group"]=> Children's ministry for birth through sixth grade will be offered during the 10:30 service only. 355 Hublersburg Road Phone: 814-380-9191 Phone: 814-808-5850, ONLINE SERVICES AVAILABLE ON WEBSITE:https://www.gfcsc.org/, Grays Woods Church Spring Mills, PA 16875 Why? The two groups officially merged on April 10, 1977, to become, Unity Christian Ministries. University Park, PA 16802 Phone: 814-238-2024 Join us on Sunday as we gather for fellowship, singing and teaching. Phone: 814-355-0497 Clear scores are given to churches whose policies can be easily found on their websites primary pages (e.g. Pleasant Gap, PA 16823
1107 William Street Phone: 814-237-3549 Port Matilda, PA 16870 6644 S. Eagle Valley Road The state of Pennsylvania is located in the Northeastern region of the United States and is known as the Keystone State. In Pennsylvania, you will find major cities such as: Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Allentown, York, Harrisburg, Reading, Lancaster, Erie, Johnstown, Chester, Pottstown, Chambersburg. Bellefonte, PA 16823 534 Gita Nagari Rd. With their mission to encourage and equip the people of God in all they have been called to do. Spring Mills, PA 16875 Phone: 814-238-1940 Bellefonte, PA 16823 4201 W. Whitehall Road Phone: 814-238-6489, ONLINE SERVICES AVAILABLE ON WEBSITE:www.ucjc.org, Zion Community Church We know that people have questions about a lot of things. Website:http://www.greengrovebic.org/site/cs/Index.asp, Byzantine Catholic Campus Ministry 219 W. Clearview Ave. Phone: 814-237-8020 1667 Buffalo Run Road State College, PA 16801 Because personnel is policy (H/T @BroderickGreer). Website:www.scefc.org, Stepping Stones Community Church Thank you!
3601 S. Atherton St. Clarity is reasonable on your website. For more detail, see our Score Definitions page. Facebook:www.facebook.com/universityparkbranch/, 111 Pasquerilla Spiritual Center/Eisenhower Chapel Website:https://centrechurch.org/, Living Hope Alliance Church 218 N. Church St. Website:www.graysumc.org, Houserville United Methodist Church House of Hope Phone: 814-237-6301, Nittany Bible Church 206 S. Burrowes St. 253 Benner Pike bool(false) 1070 Valley View Road 2020 Church Angel | All Rights Reserved. Phone: 814-237-3904 string(3) "raw" 466-6061 Phone: 814-237-7991 Website:www.scpresby.org, Upper Spruce Creek Presbyterian Church Phone: 814-355-3601, St. John Lutheran Church Pastors Zac and Ashley share a passion for ministry to Centre County. Great question. We are called to help and serve others. During our Sunday services and Life Groups, we strive to communicate and discuss truths from the Bible that connect with everyday life. NO. Similarly, the church may mention they affirm people, "gay or straight," but not mention "transgender" folks. We sometimes get emails from pastors and congregants telling us that the score weve given to a church does not accurately reflect what happens in their church. Phone: 814-355-2208 Port Matilda, PA 16870 State College, PA 16801 Website:gracerpc.org, Resurrection Presbyterian Church Pleasant Gap, PA 16823 Phone: 814-234-4597, State College Church of Christ 848 N. Science Park Road Phone: 814-383-9902 132 W. Beaver Ave. That said, we do regularly link to the latter category of information (e.g. State College, PA Phone: 814-692-8309 We take into account: public information available on churchs website, denominations website, and pastors statements (including social media). ["parent"]=> Phone: 814-357-6959 University Park, PA 16802 What do you take or NOT take into account when scoring churches? Phone: 814-355-2208 The world is broken and hurting, but God brings healing through Jesus and the redemptive presence of the church. Bellefonte, PA 16823 State College, PA 16803 851 N. Science Park Road None of us are perfect. State College, PA 16803 Phone: 814-865-4281 If you have a specific question or comment, you can ask that here as well. Website:www.faithalivefellowshiponline.org, Penns Valley Gods Missionary Church U.S. Route 322 ["term_taxonomy_id"]=> Port Matilda, PA 16870 For additional questions email us. Website:www.universitymennonite.org, Bethel Church of the Nazarene Although this is a common byproduct of our public database, it is actually not our primary goal. 3939 S. Atherton St. PRICING Matinees (Before 6pm): Adult: $8.50 Kids and Seniors: $8.50 Students: $8.50 Evening Prices (After 6pm): Adult: $11.50 Kids and Seniors: $8.50 Students: $10.00 Bargain Tuesdays: Everyone: $6. Phone: 814-231-0277, Gita Nagari Yoga Farm Website:www.pinegrovepresbyterian.org, Spring Creek Presbyterian Church We have a variety of Life Groups to help you get connected with other believers. This is my mothers church in which she is extremely active in Everything from Bible studymore, We have enjoyed the congregation. State College, PA 16803 Phone: 814-355-2073, St. Pauls United Methodist Church If so, then the church will get a Clear: Egalitarian score. Pennsylvania Furnace, PA 16865 1236 Jacksonville Road 3596 Penns Valley Road, Suite C 4469 Penns Valley Road Phone: 814-237-4076 Mary St. Sometimes this helps people find churches that are aligned with their values -- thats great, but that is not our primary goal. Phone: 814-359-3011 150 Harvest Fields Drive, Phone: 814-692-5272, Buffalo Run United Methodist Church Copyright 20042022 Yelp Inc. Yelp, , and related marks are registered trademarks of Yelp. Phone: 814-865-4281 God wants to touch each of us in a personal way through his son, Jesus Christ. The name was later changed to Unity Church of Jesus Christ based upon the inspiration found in Psalm 133, Behold how good and pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity.
Phone: 814-231-2855 Phone: 814-238-5442 ["term_id"]=> Its Score is Unclear because this congregation's actively enforced policy is not located on website's primary pages, but in its peripheral pages. What is the difference between Verified Clear and other scores? Our hope is that everyone continually grows spiritually and encounters God's presence.