It can be cold, so be sure to bring plenty of layers! The count is always a ton of fun, as we typically see a lot of birds and spend the day in some great birding areas. No carpooling with anyone outside your pod and no sharing of optics. Dont forget your masks in case the trails get so constricted as to affect our intended social distancing. Contact Heather 509-429-8167 ( or Julia OConnor 509-429-9315 for more information. If you would like to participate in the count but dont want to go with a route leader due to COVID concerns, there are a couple of different ways you can still help out! As soon as I have completed compiling the results, I will send it to. This count will be held on Sunday, January 2, 2022. We have some really great birding areas, from Ocean Shores around the circle to Westport. If you prefer to Michael will e-mail a final summary to all participants. The count is an all-day event open to anyone wishing to participate. Due to COVID-19, we are asking only vaccinated people to participate. Route leaders will bird with people in their immediate orbit. Volunteer Holiday Gift Wrapping Program Manager Needed!

We are looking for 2-3 area leaders to help with the survey. What Does the Sale of Carbon Credits in Issaquah Mean for Birds.
This year we will continue with the COVID guidelines. Contact Paula Crockett ( for details. Please contact Dan Stephens at or 509-679-4706 to participate in the 50th Wentachee CBC. This years Toppenish CBC will again be a bit different than usual due to the COVID-19 pandemic. These include: Wear masks all day when with non-household members. It is open to experienced birders and other interested folks accompanying an experienced birder. Eastside Audubons CBC is being limited to route leaders and a few helpers this year due to Covid-19. If this interests you, contact me and Ill try and figure out an area for you to cover! We need to wear masks and maintain social distancing as much as possible. Masks will be required as well as driving your own vehicle and maintaining social distance. People can participate doing a backyard survey. Lewis County is a beautiful place to bird in the winter time and there is often a great number of birds seen every year and that is all help to wonderful birders who help volunteer their time. There will be no mandatory carpooling and groups will be asked to social distance and maintain appropriate coronavirus precautions. COVID prevention measures will be encouraged, especially for unless in a family or closed social group, should travel alone. The Washington Ornithological Society (WOS) provides a forum for birders from throughout the state to meet and share information on,,,, No gatherings of participants before or after the count. Seattle Audubon advocates and organizes for cities where people and birds thrive. Contact organizer Eric Heisey at Social distancing and masks are required at all times. We are not recruiting widely but could use a few more volunteers. As we did last year, we can rearrange and split territories to make sure everyone can participate safely under Covid rules. We respect your privacy. Data, in electronic format, will be emailed to Scott Ramos ( after the survey is completed. For information, contact the compiler, Jennifer Standish, at; or call 206-293-9320. Unfortunately, this year we will again be unable to have our fantastic pre-count breakfast or post-count dinners. We are holding our CBC, but there will be no carpooling. Contact Meredith Spencer at 509-686-7551 or for Sometimes we have the most Lewiss Woodpeckers anywhere in the universe, and we are regularly the only count in Washington with Acorn Woodpeckers. The Admiralty Audubon count circle is a 7.5- mile radius centered near Indian Island ship dock and is divided into 14 sections, with a team of three to five individuals assigned to each section. Consistent with Skagit Audubon field trip requirements, all participants must have been vaccinated for Covid. We will have 9 regulars that will go out individually or with a family member. Easley either by email ( or by phone (509-682-2318). No carpooling with anyone outside your household. I am looking for birds of all skill levels to help get this count back on its feet and hopefully find some great birds along the way. We typically have over 100 different species. Counters will email count info. Team leaders for each section will make arrangements with the rest of their group for a meeting place and time (usually between 7:30 a.m. and 8 a.m.) the morning of the count. However, this year we have a few route leaders who are willing to have any vaccinated volunteers join them for their routes. This weekend (Feb. 14 17, 2020) is the 23rd annual Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC), an event (function($) {window.fnames = new Array(); window.ftypes = new Array();fnames[0]='EMAIL';ftypes[0]='email';fnames[1]='FNAME';ftypes[1]='text';fnames[2]='LNAME';ftypes[2]='text';}(jQuery));var $mcj = jQuery.noConflict(true); Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. The count is centered in the Satsop area of Grays Harbor county which is renowned for its large flocks of wintering waterfowl and has a well-defined track record of having amazing birds. data should include time and miles driven or walked. This year our count will be on Saturday, December 18. Anyone within the Seattle CBC circle is encouraged to participate. Contact: Barbara Blackie at or 360-477-8028 COVID guidelines will be followed. The post-count gathering will be a virtual event with trivia and sharing of preliminary results. Copyright Seattle Audubon. There is no backup date this year. According to Audubon CBC the first reported count for this area is 1908. Last we had a phenomenal year even during COVID and recorded a record 104 species on count day! On June 3, 2022 The Seattle Times reported that Regan Network Development, a Deleware-based blockchain software development company, bought $1 million in carbon credits generated by a 46-acre forest in Issaquah. In an effort to minimize risk to participants, the Skagit Bay CBC will not be soliciting volunteers. There will be no gathering at the end of the day, though there may be a virtual gathering via Zoom. Winter feeder watching can be quite rewarding as birds try to expend the least amount of energy to get the greatest amount of food. If you wish to participate, by December 15 please contact compiler Steve We welcome new volunteers. those with health issues or those not vaccinated. Plan to meet your route leader around 7:30am and to be out until dark (around 4:30pm). Thanks for helping with the count! Follow trip leader Rusty Hazzard to wherever the birds are best! Contact Faye McAdams Hands at 253-278-3712 or Bridgeport, WA. COVID guidelines will be followed. Not everyone may share your comfort level with proximity. Due to COVID-19, National Audubon Society is requiring that we adhere to specific social distancing guidelines. If you live in the count circle, doing a feeder watch at your residence would help a lot while not requiring you to leave the comfort of your own home. ( or drop off at 1530 Douglas Ave., Come prepared for the cold, bring a lunch, and be ready to see a bunch of birds! The Colville CBC will take place December 18, 2021. Check the following website: where you can register for feeder watching and the post-count Zoom celebration meeting. Posted by Editor | Feb 13, 2020 | Animals, Burien, Des Moines, Education, Entertainment, Events, Featured Post, News, Volunteers | 0, by Editor | Feb 13, 2020 | Animals, Burien, Des Moines, Education, Entertainment, Events, Featured Post, News, Volunteers | 0. However, a limited number of birders are welcome to join the Toppenish CBC this year and will be teamed with a route leader. Mayor lashes out at new SeaTac Councilmembers for lectu Council tells objectors we do care while city works t LETTER: Reader submits political cartoon about City Cou Great Backyard Bird Count & Bird Fest is this Great Backyard Bird Count & Bird Fest is this weekend; heres how to help, Summer Concert Series - Band Name: Yak Attack, Cancelled - Economic Development Committee Meeting, Cancelled - Municipal Facilities Committee Meeting, U.S. Attorney, WA Secretary of State issue statements on voter intimidation signs, WEATHER: Local @SeattleWXGuy warns of upcoming vicious heat wave, Destination Des Moines Wheels & Keels will be this Sunday, July 24, King County Elections calls for removal of unauthorized Ballot Box surveillance signs, Seattle Southside Chamber announces Annie McGrath as new President & CEO, National Night Out is Tuesday, Aug. 2 and heres how you can participate in Des Moines, REMINDER: Smoke on the Water Community BBQ fundraiser is this Friday, Owner of Wallys says not easy to disavow sons involvement with Proud Boys extremist group, Construction signs around Des Moines found hacked Saturday morning, Looks like the historic Landmark on the Sound has been sold, 3 killed in shooting outside sports bar in Des Moines early Sunday morning, Two teachers forced out of Buriens Kennedy Catholic High School due to LGBT status, Suspect wanted in connection with sexual assault found dead in Des Moines Creek, Man stabbed, killed in domestic violence homicide in Des Moines Saturday night, LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Anthony Martinellis former partner disputes his claims, Expansion of Buriens Criminal Justice Training Commission announced Thursday, WEATHER: Local @SeattleWXGuy warns of upcoming vicious heat wave, Community School of West Seattle Curriculum Night is Thursday, July 21, Marys Place holding Open House about new affordable housing on Tuesday, July 26, Sound Transit seeking public comment on Transit Development Plan, Head-on collision in Kent sends one to hospital Wednesday morning, King County Elections calls for removal of unauthorized Ballot Box surveillance signs, SAVE THE DATE: Poverty Bay Blues & Brews returning Saturday, Aug. 27, Port of Seattle files lawsuit against Boeing for lower Duwamish Superfund Cleanup. This is the plan agreed upon by Kitsap Audubon Societys Board of Directors, which includes the NAS requirements: Areas will be split up for groups/individuals to be assigned specific locations by the area leader. I will email final tally to all participants after the count. Contact Ezra Parker at or 206-463-0383 for more information Birders wishing to conduct feeder/yard counts also need to contact the compiler to determine their location within the CBC circle and to receive directions. Our 15 mile diameter count circle straddles the Columbia River between Mosier and The Dalles. Due to COVID, we will conduct our CBC just as in last years count: Call or email Susan if you would like to participate: or 360-980-0884. additional information. All of the routes will be covered by locals and their pod members which will reduce the number of participants. This exciting trip will take you across King County to enjoy the most happening birding areas of the day. Participants will be asked to comply with Washington State COVID guidelines. We organize about 10 sectors prior to the count, and each sector operates independently on count day. Mike Munts at is the compiler. Birders interested in counting birds at their feeders or spending the day on a field crew should contact the local coordinators in advance of the count. For more information contact Monica Fletcher at 360-379-3136 or I will email forms and maps. This is especially prudent given the ongoing pandemic and restrictions in the state. Sign up with your email address to receive the latest news and information about upcoming events. Anyone who lives within the count circle may submit a checklist from their own yard. Our count circle is partitioned into 25 areas, with a team leader directing the count in each area. Contact Joe Veverka to participate: or call (509) 306-3800. There will not be a post-survey potluck as in past years. assigned to you. Due to the unique nature of this count (high elevation, snow, and general lack of roads), no additional volunteers are needed. Thanks go to Jim Danzenbaker for compiling Christmas Bird Count information statewide the last five years. Route leaders may or may not require vaccination proof for inclusion on their route within the circle. There will only be a core group doing their own areas with no get-togethers afterward. For information, contact the compiler, Janine Schutt, at or call 360-830-4446. Please contact Gloria Baldi, (509) 833-0601 or email . Half-day participants and home feeder watchers are also welcome. For those interested, please contact coordinator Jim White at 509-961-2775 (home phone, 509-395-2585) or email him at Online archive of Seattle Audubon's print newsletter, most recent editions appear first. Its the 34th anniversary of the Skagit Bay CBC. We need a couple of people including someone with a long-lens camera to join our boat team that surveys the portion of the Salish Sea that is within our circle. Contact: Andy McCormick at Participants are asked to sign up at least two days in advance so as to confirm their spots.. Contact Doug Brown at (360) 647-1657 or e-mail him at If you want to participate in the count, you can email Craig Olson at If you would like to join us on December 18th, be aware that this will be a full-day birding event. Participants, Contact is Barbara Harding at For an article on History of the Christmas Bird Count: How the count started and how the data is used today go to We will be focusing on breaking sections into smaller areas for individuals and groups to have as little contact as possible with each other.
Participate only if you feel safe doing so. pandemic. More information about our count can be found on this CBC page at our website, Contact Sandy Schreven compiler (509)599-9061 day, neither will we meet at the end of the count day. In recent years we have had from 70 to over 100 participants counting, and average around 126 species/year. This is one of my favorite birding events of the year, and I hope that you will still join us for the count despite the pandemic. Contact Cindy Flanagan at if you are interested in leading a survey area. All compilation will be online. Due to the pandemic, our leaders will not be taking field participants in this year. This is the plan agreed upon by Kitsap Audubon Societys Board of Directors: Areas may be split up for groups/individuals to be assigned specific locations by the area leader. Alan McCoy compiler (509) 999-9512 More information is available at Only local return birders for the Leavenworth CBC will participate rather than trying to add additional birders to our current routes. There will be no carpooling with people not in a participants household, 6-foot social distancing guidelines will be followed, and when that is not possible, masks will be worn. Comply with all current state and county COVID-19 guidelines. Group meets rain or shine the first Saturday of every month. Birders interested in participating on the Idaho side should contact Kas Dumroese at, Birders interested in participating on the Washington side should contact Marie Dymkoski at, Contact Jay Adams at, Contact Barbara Jensen at Eastside Audubon | | Phone: 425-576-8805 | EIN 91-1123007. Included are the jetties, the Oyhut Wildlife Area, the Grays Harbor NWR, Johns River Wildlife Area, and Bottle Beach SPsome fine birding. For more information, visit the following page: The contact is Bob Reistroffer 360-751-5595 or Try to maintain 6-foot social distancing when with non-household members. The money earned from the credits will be used by King County, the City of Issaquah, and the Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust to further protect and conserve urban forests. Due to concerns with COVID 19, we will not be gathering before or after. This Citizen Science project is built on volunteers. Please submit to me your count results, preferably by December 24. Make sure that you stay in contact with your CBC organizers. No gatherings of participants before or after the count. Leaders are Paula Crockett and Maureen Sunn. Our count will be a part of the Annual Christmas Bird Count. Due to COVID-19, National Audubon Society is recommending that we adhere to social distancing guidelines. I am glad to welcome any and all who wish to participate in the 5th running of this new CBC! (Email preferred.). We will follow CDC, Washington and Oregon Covid 19 guidance. It is assumed that all CBCs will adhere to CDC and Washington State health regulations. For those interested in participating, contact count coordinator Bill Shelmerdine at The 51st consecutive (and 68th overall) Moscow-Pullman Christmas Bird Count will be on Saturday, December 18. This information will also be in the December 2021 Kitsap Kingfisher newsletter: Our count circle covers a 15-mile diameter circle that is centered just south of Rainier, OR. Make sure to also bring lunch; a hot beverage is always nice too. We have openings for people to count the large movement of American Crows to their roost site in the late afternoon. NOTE: Due to the current challenging COVID climate, all CBC information listed below are subject to last minute changes. The 21st annual Christmas Bird Count for Leavenworth will take place on Tuesday, December 14, 2021. It is centered near Martha Lake in Lynnwood and has 13 areas located in northern King, southern Snohomish and southeastern Island Counties. Contact is MerryLynn Denny. We are also recruiting feeder watchers who live within the EAS CBC Count Circle. Participants should bring cold and wet-weather gear, binoculars, a scope if you have one, lunch and snacks for the day. The count has been conducted pretty much every year since 1978. Please contact Andy at the email address above for information. Contact: Samuel Holman at We plan to conduct the count using only family members or friends that have been birding together since the virus hit. Compiler is Phil Mattocks. Hopefully next season we can bring in some more people for the Leavenworth CBC experience. We will do our Okanogan CBC on Sunday January 2, 2022. The Satsop CBC has not been run in 10+ years and thus I felt it necessary to revive it. Organized by Pilchuck Audubon Society. Social distancing is mandated when in the field; when appropriate distance is not practical, masks are to be worn. While not all route leaders are comfortable with this, please contact me if you have any interest in helping with the count this year and I will pair you with one of the leaders who would like company. We will follow appropriate CDC and Audubon COVID-19 guidelines. Compiler: Rick Taylor, 425-214-2764. Social distancing and masks are required at all times. Usually an excellent opportunity for novice birders to join with seasoned veterans and learn more about identifying and finding the local birds, this years Christmas Bird Count is a little bit different due to the continuing (!) Contact John Bishop at or at 360 546-9612. Meet in the parking lot at the IGA in Okanogan by 7:30 a.m. We will be taking separate vehicles and following other social distancing protocols. EarthCare Northwest, Seattle Audubon's Quarterly Newsletter. (See the separate listing for the Toppenish CBC.) If your Audubon chapters Christmas Bird Count is not listed here or needs to be edited, please send the information to the WOS webmaster and the information will be added or corrected. Participants will not collect together at the beginning of the count The meeting place and time TBD. Seattle Audubon will hold a Christmas Bird Count (both Field Count and Feeder Watch) on Sunday, December 19. All field count participants will be required to be masked wherever/whenever 6ft of distance cannot be maintained, and carpooling is only permitted for participants who are masked, fully vaccinated, and within social or familiar groups. If a family or friends want to volunteer to count, please contact me (Dana Ward) at 509-545-0627 by December 1, 2021. Your Seattle Audubon Statement on Politico Article Featuring National Audubon Society, Nature of Your Neighborhood Workshop Series, Washington Native Trees along Seattle's Streets, Puget Sound Seabird Survey Report 2014-2015.
each participant. Details at We have diverse habitats saltwater, lakes, urban, rural, and prairie. Feeder watchers very welcome. you can e-mail final lists with data to Michael Schroeder We will not have any groups traveling around together and restrictions dont allow for a compilation dinner. Finally, we have openings for a couple of teams to survey owls.
Contact Michael Hobbs at 425-301-1032 or at, Contact Bob Boekelheide at or 360-808-0196, There will not be a morning meeting place. If you are willing to adhere to these protocols, please contact Denny Granstrand at to be assigned a route.