On a relatively recent phone with LineageOS 17.1, this did not work for me: The file picker activity that pops up after choosing "Extract from ADB backup" lists all files as "greyed out"/disabled, so the ADB backup file cannot be selected. Use the file manager that you installed earlier and navigate to the directory and select the FullBackup.ab file. One helpful feature for more complex apps with vital information is their own backups. data. The Android robot logo is a trademark of Google Inc. Android is a trademark of Google Inc. Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company. For me it was repeat of the sequence from the previous section but with the target device connected. I've preemptively ran: and now I wonder: what could possibly go wrong if I restored the original backup? How to move, for example contacts, is written "in stone" here: https://gurucubano.gitbooks.io/bq-aquaris-e-4-5-ubuntu-phone/content/en/chapter9.html. data but not the apps themselves. You might need to log-in/sign-in to the restored app after a successful restore. We know how to create .ab files that can be restored by adb or Helium app (but not both!). (due to customizations by device manufacturers and service providers), may contain the app installation file (.apk file), depends on your backup preferences. Trigger a Key/Value Backup with the command current token refers to the device's current backup dataset (the Titanium restore vs. ADB restore. Now my profile picture is changed, as well as some settings: This particular scenario of changing my profile picture is, obviously, not very interesting. The following diagram illustrates how data flows during backup and restore: The Backup Manager Service is an Android system service which Though that's not a guarantee :). how they interact with apps that support Auto Backup and Key/Value If a creature's best food source was 4,000 feet above it, and only rarely fell from that height, how would it evolve to eat that food? Press BACK UP MY DATA and wait for the process to complete. This action stops your app and wipes its data before performing the NOTE: both devices have ubports image installed and are prepared for adb access (). Dont forget to make a fresh copy of the backup using Titanium Backup. don't forget to enable backup and specify a backup account in device Backing these up in their original quality will count against your online storage allotment. I hope it will help you when in need. the initial setup wizard. It only takes a minute to sign up. Make sure that the folder backup of the app you desire to restore is on your phone: Open Helium, and go to RESTORE AND SYNC tab: Choose the apps you're willing to restore and press RESTORE: Wait for the proccess to complete (do not touch anything, the app will do this for you): You're done. If we wish to restore our backed-up or modified data, we need to repack it as an .ab file. As a result, your viewing experience will be diminished, and you have been placed in read-only mode. Once enabled, the Helium app will function properly until the phone is rebooted (and then the app should be enabled again).

Its often a good idea to skip that option and start with a clean phone. After creating .ab backup files using adb, we can restore them at any time. Laymen's description of "modals" to clients. You can download the files from sourceforge or from my github. Emulators do not run the setup wizard, so For Key/Value Backup, check that you are using a device or emulator How can I use parentheses when there are math parentheses inside? Notice the This page shows you how to manually trigger backup and To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. (I haven't installed it.) I hope it will be helpful for somebody - but I've basically used combination of two methods described before plus some man pages It may not display this or other websites correctly. Android Enthusiasts Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for enthusiasts and power users of the Android operating system. The easiest and most secure way to breeze through this process is to use a password manager like LastPass or 1Password. timestamp difference in the log output. Looking to get even more out of your phone? backup made on the same or lower Android version as you want to restore it to). Check logcat to running Android 6.0 (API level 23) or higher. Backup depending on the package's manifest declarations. To do so, open Google Play Store > Menu (three vertical lines) > My apps & games > Library. The service is Here, you can password protect the backup file and initiate the process. It may be faster to do the same thing just from a PC on the web, or slower depending on how many clicks are involved. This may be a long list of forgotten friends with lots of decisions to make as you go. Full Android backups can be enabled by going to Settings > Google > Backup. Receive the freshest Android & development news right in your inbox! But all my contacts and messages has been imported. active. We highly recommend using some free Google apps to prepare for a backup if you dont already. Thats down to developer choices; its not your fault! If you want to read more, check out this post. Numerous options are available for the backup from the command line. The likes of Authy and LastPass have done this for a while too. All the .exe files are there. By going this route, when you enter the setup process on a new Android phone, Google should offer you the option to restore all of this data from the cloud. First, enable developer options and USB debugging on your smartphone. Check out the Oppo Ambassador Program Highlights and WIN! settings. Data such as internal DBs, preferences files, cache and so on. So youll eventually have to copy your password directly from the password manager. Creating an .ab backup file using adb. Application subclass you declare in your app manifest file. and Key/Value Backup Auto Backup doesn't launch any of your app's activities the framework were abstracted away, so you didn't need to know this Some take a route to have a backup file sitting on a local computer instead of the cloud. Apps: https://open-store.io/?sort=relevance&search=author%3ALukas Baubkus , https://open-store.io/?sort=relevance&search=author%3Aluksus42 What's inside the SPIKE Essential small angular motor? To test your backup and restore operations, you need to know a bit about the If youve wisely put off switching for a few days, were here to help. So you shouldnt have to worry about jumping through hoops to make Titanium backup work. You can verify that a backup is scheduled If you know one - please comment. Backup Transports are Android components that are responsible It is useful for: -. Choose your preferred platform from here. You might be surprised how many apps offer these types of services, but youll have to double-check each one that might have your most important files, especially if you have documents or a special photo or vault app. However, many require usernames and passwords that youll have to remember. It also attempts to remember your in-app preferences and can sometimes even keep you logged in. Repeat steps 1. As the title states, no root is needed. Below are my observations and notes. com.grindrapp.android is your app's package name. JavaScript is disabled. adb restore across different devices, android versions, http://www.titaniumtrack.com/kb/titanium-backup-kb/titanium-backup-howtos.html#backup-without-root, How APIs can take the pain out of legacy system headaches (Ep. to ensure your app saves and restores data properly. Please download a browser that supports JavaScript, or enable it if it's disabled (i.e. Depending on the device version, you can either go to. However, you might not be able to save MMS. One of the lesser-known backup methods is recommended only for power users and developers using Googles Android debug bridge (ADB) tool. Youre Done. Check out my compiled files. Search for desired name package > Highlight and. Only users with topic management privileges can see it. In order to enable it, one must connect the phone to a computer and run one of Helium's desktop apps. These desktop apps enable the app that is installed on the phone. If you have any questions, remarks or anything else you wish to tell me What can I do? when it was initially setup (with the device-setup wizard). Now restore like as if the backup was made with Titanium Backup. The wifi nor the mobile network works, notes, the clock app, the calculator an gallery does not work either. I'm using Windows platform, but this guide should work or any other platform. restoration data will be the exact as the old phone. Connect your phone to your computer, and press OK: Now Chrome's Helium Backup will try to detect your Phone: Now Chrome's Helium Backup is ready to use: Now Helium should be working, and you may unplug your phone from the computer. How should I handle the maximum length for given names on the U.S. passport card? Prepare your device or emulator for backup testing by working through the Your app is taking more than 10 seconds to launch for backup. yet occurred on the device. However, you have to be extra careful when switching phones. TLDR; In case you get pull errors, leave system data out. backup. After several minutes, you should see a rough copy of your old device on your new one. If everything goes well you should have both folders in your backup directory, Parts of the file system are not available in the recovery environment, because not mounted, like many click packages, There are broken links in the systems (links that are broken also in normal boot) accumulated through its lifetime due to bad behaviors of install/uninstall/upgrade tools and SW in general, Check that your SD-card is accessible on both devices, While device is booted and connected to PC, figure out SD-card info needed for accessing it when device is booted into, If not done before: connect phone to PC while adb is running, In the root shell (command prompt ends with, Cleanup caches (is it safe to remove qmlcache/qml_cache/api_cache and friends?). Note that some apps disable the backup option, and cannot be backed-up or restored directly. BackupAgent. Which one is better after a system update? directory of your app. Backup Manager to perform all backup requests that are in its queue. Before you switch phones, youll want to make sure youve. This topic has been deleted. Scientific writing: attributing actions to inanimate objects. Our Android Authorityreviewers have become pros at switching between devices every couple of weeks without much of a headache. But, if this is a problem, you should update the Android 11 phone first. restore operation. I have not tried with other apps. Dealing with .ab files is not straightforward, and might be a bit tricky. the backup data from the backup transport and restores the data to the device. For example, if you send messages through WhatsApp, you can go into its settings and have the app save your chat records to a Google Drive account, ensuring you dont lose a message. On FP2 adb shell was with root access enabled by default. The ancestral Make sure that the app you wish to restore is installed on your phone. We will focus on the backup and restore process of single Android apps. Consider this my "log" how I've transferred data from phone to phone (worked between two nexus 5 devices) without SD card To initiate a backup of your app, run the following command: The backupnow command is available on devices and emulator Unfortunately, unlimited storage on Google Photos ended in June 2021. -all will backup system data and app bmgr run initiates the backup operation, which forces the If this isnt enough, you can sign up for Google One and pay for more space. rev2022.7.21.42635. A It is now a valuable resource for people who want to make the most of their mobile devices, from customizing the look and feel to adding new functionality. The correct how-to for this paths is not clear to me now, My languages: . I would really appreciate, if someone could comment on the above and tip better and working ways to backup data so that it can be restored on the other device. might not include the Google Backup Transport. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. XDA Developers was founded by developers, for developers. Of course, not many people root their devices. Site design / logo 2022 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. A similar window will pop up on your phone asking if you want to restore the backed-up data. Open cmd and navigate to the adb file location.