Sports, Activities, the Fine Arts. (Requires parent/student login. Educating the whole person is fundamental to the SVdP experience. Saint Vincent de Paul School provides quality spiritual and academic experiences that are rooted in Catholic values. We look forward to meeting you and your family in the near future. Our safety plan is currently in its tenth iteration since July 2020. Fax 916-733-0195 Catholic School Department - Blueprint for Fall 2021-2022 v3.0, Chico - Notre Dame School - Blueprint for Fall 2021-2022, Oroville - St. Thomas the Apostle School - Blueprint for Fall 2021-2022, El Dorado Hills - Holy Trinity School - Blueprint for Fall 2021-2022, Auburn - St. Joseph School - Blueprint for Fall 2021-2022, Roseville - St. Rose School - Blueprint for Fall 2021-2022, Elk Grove - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School - Blueprint for Fall 2021-2022, Fair Oaks - St. Mel School - Blueprint for Fall 2021-2022, Folsom - St. John Notre Dame School - Blueprint for Fall 2021-2022, Rancho Cordova - St. John Vianney School - Blueprint for Fall 2021-2022, Sacramento - Holy Spirit School - Blueprint for Fall 2021-2022, Sacramento - Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary School - Blueprint for Fall 2021-2022, Sacramento - Sacred Heart School - Blueprint for Fall 2021-2022, Sacramento - St. Charles Borromeo School - Blueprint for Fall 2021-2022, Sacramento - St. Francis of Assisi School - Blueprint for Fall 2021-2022, Sacramento - St. Francis Catholic High School - Blueprint for Fall 2021-2022, Sacramento - St. Mary School - Blueprint for Fall 2021-2022, Sacramento - St. Patrick Academy - Blueprint for Fall 2021-2022, Sacramento - St. Philomene School - Blueprint for Fall 2021-2022, Sacramento - St. Robert School - Blueprint for Fall 2021-2022, Redding - St. Joseph School - Blueprint for Fall 2021-2022, Benicia - St. Dominic School - Blueprint for Fall 2021-2022, Fairfield - Holy Spirit School - Blueprint for Fall 2021-2022, Vacaville - Notre Dame School - Blueprint for Fall 2021-2022, Vallejo - St. For a closer look, be sure to click Admissions. A large part of the incredible success we enjoy is directly traced back to the generosity of our families and community. We thank you in advance for your interest in our school. St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church, Rogers. Basil School - Blueprint for Fall 2021-2022, Vallejo - St. Catherine of Siena School - Blueprint for Fall 2021-2022, Vallejo - St. Patrick St. Vincent High School - Blueprint for Fall 2021-2022, Vallejo - St. Vincent Ferrer School - Blueprint for Fall 2021-2022, Davis - St. James School - Blueprint for Fall 2021-2022, Woodland - Holy Rosary School - Blueprint for Fall 2021-2022, Carmichael - Our Lady of the Assumption School, Carmichael - St. John the Evangelist School, Dixon - Valley of the Sacred Heart Academy and Chesterton Academy, West Sacramento - Our Lady of Grace School. 2020 Catholic Diocese of Sacramento, All Rights Reserved. Faith, Knowledge, and Service are part of everything we do. Whatever your interests, you will find it at SVdP.

Our schools responded heroically to the challenge of Covid-19, keeping students on campus while taking significant steps to mitigate the diseases spread. This updated document aims to create an expectation of what the coming year holds. ), Inclement Weather Missed School Day Options. Sacramento, CA 95818, Free Ways to Support St. Vincent SchoolSupport Us, St. Vincent has success with middle-school electives, Carol Sanderson retiring after 20 years at St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School, Why the St. Vincent Middle School Model Works, Video by St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School students wins money for their library, Support program fosters student growth and academic success, Founding director of childrens center honored, St. Vincent School debuts Makerspace classroom, Schools work to allow safe access to library books, Teaching is the most rewarding job that you could have, says educator after more than 40 years. The model was first, By Linda Petersen Intermountain Catholic SALT LAKE CITY The student council at St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School has, By Special to the Intermountain Catholic SALT LAKE CITY The unprecedented 2020-2021 school year brought many challenges to students, By Laura Vallejo, Intermountain Catholic SALT LAKE CITY After 13 years as the director of the Nano Nagle Childrens, By: Special to the Intermountain Catholic SALT LAKE CITY When St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Schools students were able, By Laura Vallejo, Intermountain Catholic SALT LAKE CITY As Utah Catholic Schools opened for the 2020-2021 academic year with, By Linda Petersen, Intermountain Catholic SALT LAKE CITY Terry Stack, who is retiring from a career at St. Vincent de, Have non-academic questions? While we embrace a less restrictive environment, the safety and well being of our students and staff remain our top priority. Butte | Colusa | El Dorado | Nevada | Placer | Sacramento | Shasta | Solano | Sutter | Tehama | Yolo, Phone 916-733-0100 August 8 to 12 Teacher Professional Days, August 11 Meet the Teachers (3PM to 6PM), September 30 NO SCHOOL (Diocese of Little Rock Teacher Professional Day), October 18 & 20 Early Out at 2pm (Parent/Teacher Conferences), November 21 to 25 NO SCHOOL (Thanksgiving), December 22 to January 4 NO SCHOOL (Christmas Break), February 7 & 9 Early Out at 2pm (Parent/Teacher Conferences), February 21 NO SCHOOL (Presidents Day), March 20 to 24 NO SCHOOL (Spring Break), May 26 LAST DAY OF SCHOOL (EARLY OUT at 2PM), For a detailed school calendar, please visit our RenWeb Calendar. School dismisses at 2 PM on the FIRST TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH for Staff Professional Development. For more information about an SVdP education, click Our School. By Special to the Intermountain Catholic HOLLADAY St. Vincents de Paul Catholic Schools middle school offers a dynamic learning, By Special to the Intermountain Catholic Sabrina Reiser, a student at St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School, won first place, By Laura Vallejo, Intermountain Catholic HOLLADAY After 20 years, Carol Sanderson, St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School pre-K (4), HOLLADAY St. Vincent de Paul Parish School has used the middle school model since 1992. Directions. Diocesan Directory, 2110 Broadway