Learn how we can help streamline your business processes. To report a natural gas odor or emergency, leave the area immediately and then call, Please enter the email address associated with the account to receive account information. 800-794-4780. Please enable JavaScript and refresh the browser window. All rights reserved. We will make every attempt to contact you by telephone, however, if you cannot be reached, a disconnect notice will be placed on your door the day before your service is discontinued. You have the ability to select and opt-in to all alerts you find useful. If you receive a call claiming to be your utility company and feel pressured for immediate payment or personal information, hang up the phone and call the customer service number on your utility bill. Add weather-stripping and seal windows and doors. Our job is to provide customers with reliable natural gas service through an expansive system of regulated natural gas pipelines. Job seekers can join our Virtual Career Fair on July 20. 800-794-4780.
Kansas Gas Servicerecommends customers have a qualified contractor inspect heating and cooling equipment annually and also install and maintain carbon monoxide detectors according to manufacturers instructions. Also contact the three national credit bureaus - Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion and request a notation made on your account so that it doesn't impact your credit rating. Properly dispose of your paper bills by shredding or destroying them so your personal information cannot be obtained. We have a dedicated page on understanding your bill. To report a natural gas odor or emergency, leave the area immediately and then call, Please enter the email address associated with the account to receive account information. All rights reserved. In spite of the cold, customers can reduce the impact of the weather on their bills with some conservation steps: You may also sign up for the Average Payment Plan, which reduces the fluctuations in your bill amount each month by spreading your natural gas expenses throughout the year. 800-794-4780. This messaging system makes conducting business with us even more convenient for the customer, said Brian Burke, vice president of customer service. Save Energy and Money Customers can choose to be alerted about their accounts through text and email messages. Safety Kansas Gas Service 7421 W. 129th Street, Overland Park, KS 66213
If you already have provided information to someone claiming to offer this service, contact your bank immediately. Do your research. Care should be taken that nothing obstructs a heaters air intake and that vents and flues are intact and unblocked to avoid the potential of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning. All rights reserved. Our mission to deliver natural gas for a better tomorrow guides the safe operations of our business and serves as a reminder that we also live and work in the areas we serve. Our site requires JavaScript. Beware of the door-to-door sales approach. Incorporating energy-efficient natural gas equipment can quickly translate into significant savings to the bottom line of any business. You can view it here. Kansas Gas Service employees carry a company photo identification card, and many wear uniforms. Natural gas is flammable and can be ignited by heat, sparks or flames. Donation to Kansas Children's Service League premieres in newly-renovated building. Use your own personal information. Ask to see proof of identity before allowing anyone into your home. Natural gas is intentionally odorized so that the average person can smell it easily. You also may sign up for our paperless billing. Our employees understand your desire to confirm that they have a reason to enter your home. Kansas Gas Servicedoes not collect a payment in person. Copyright @ 2021 Kansas Gas Service. The elderly are common victims of this type of scam, but anyone who pays a utility bill is a potential victim. You may select the Equal Payment Plan for current and future consumption. Operating safely is not just a commitment to our customers, its the commitment to a better tomorrow for us all. The Kansas Corporation Commission oversees the provisions of the Cold Weather Rule for all Kansas utility companies, which states: To prevent service interruptions when the temperature is 35 degrees or above, or to have service restored regardless of temperature, you must comply with the following conditions: Kansas Gas Service is required to give notice 10 days in advance of discontinuing service. Customers who have provided a cell phone number or email address and have agreed to receive text and email messages about their account will automatically be opted in to the new messaging system. Make sure heaters are properly adjusted and running with clean filters. It is important to always remember: Be wary of giving personal information over the phone. How Can I Prepare for the Heating Season? All rights reserved. Our pipelines are designed, installed, tested and maintained to meet federal, state, and industry requirements. Copyright @ 2021 Kansas Gas Service. Kansas Gas Service 7421 W. 129th Street, Overland Park, KS 66213 Kansas Gas Service employees carry a company ID. Share this information with friends and family so they do not become victims. All rights reserved. Follow along with us as we publish trending company and industry news. Visit the How to Read Your Meterpage to learn the basics on meter reading and reporting. Always ask utility employees for proper identification. Kansas Gas Service customers with speech or hearing impairments can communicate with the company's customer service representatives over the telephone by contacting Kansas Relay 800-766-3777. Call a customer service representative if you are uncertain about why we want to enter your home or to confirm the employees identity. Our site requires JavaScript. Copyright @ 2021 Kansas Gas Service. The Cold Weather Rule allows for special payment and disconnection procedures for residential natural gas customers with unpaid accounts to continue or restore service throughout the cold weather period (November 1 through March 31). Please enable JavaScript and refresh the browser window. Apply for federal, state and/or local energy-assistance funds.
Most of our meters are located above ground along property lines or in the utility easement. Job seekers can join our Virtual Career Fair on July 20. Customers are encouraged to log in to their account at www.KansasGasService.com and select, Make Changes to my Account. From there, they can manage all of their alert and message preferences. Keeping our customers and our communities safe is important to Kansas Gas Service. Our employees wear Kansas Gas Service-logoed blue denim shirts and jeans. Copyright @ 2021 Kansas Gas Service. 800-794-4780. We are committed to operating safely and in an environmentally responsible manner. OVERLAND PARK June 11, 2019 Kansas Gas Service, a division of ONE Gas, Inc., today announced a new convenient feature for customers. Kansas Gas Service 7421 W. 129th Street, Overland Park, KS 66213
Kansas Gas Service 7421 W. 129th Street, Overland Park, KS 66213 Inform the utility if you are unable to pay the bill in full. Provide the utility with sufficient information to enter into a monthly payment agreement. If you think you have a leak follow these rules to avoid causing a spark, fire or explosion: Our site requires JavaScript. A utility shall not generally disconnect a customers service from November 1 through March 31 when the local National Weather Service forecasts that the temperature will be below 35 degrees within a 48-hour period. Pay one-twelfth of the total account balance, including all disconnection or reconnection fees, plus any required deposit installment. Pipelines in many areas are underground and you should always be aware of safety measures related to natural gas. Please enable JavaScript and refresh the browser window. A focused system integrity strategy makes us efficient and proactive in providing safe and reliable natural gas service to more than 2.1 million customers throughout the Midwest. Inform others. To report a natural gas odor or emergency, leave the area immediately and then call, Please enter the email address associated with the account to receive account information. Enter into an 11-month payment plan to pay the remainder of the account balance, plus the current bill. Our site requires JavaScript. Read these helpful tips for avoiding CO in your home. To help you avoid being the victim of fraudulent activities, we've provided information below. Copyright @ 2021 Kansas Gas Service. We are your neighbors, friends and family. Never provide your Social Security Number, credit card number or banking information to anyone requesting it over the phone or at your home unless you initiated the contact and feel confident with whom you are speaking. Our site requires JavaScript. Consider lowering the thermostat at night. Never allow anyone into your home to check electrical wiring, natural gas pipes or appliances unless you scheduled an appointment or reported a utility problem.
Kansas Gas Service 7421 W. 129th Street, Overland Park, KS 66213 Be proactive. 800-794-4780. To report a natural gas odor or emergency, leave the area immediately and then call, Please enter the email address associated with the account to receive account information. Through a new communication preferences feature, customers can elect to receive alerts reminding them when their bill is due, confirming payment and notifying them of any general account updates. Seal off unused rooms to prevent unnecessary heating. Donation to Kansas Children's Service League premieres in newly-renovated building. To report a natural gas odor or emergency, leave the area immediately and then call, Please enter the email address associated with the account to receive account information. Please enable JavaScript and refresh the browser window. Always pay your bills with your own personal information; never pay your bills with information that is not your own.