HALFFTER, G.; MARTNEZ, A. Revisin monogrfica de los Canthonina americanos.
) (Tables 2 and 3; Figure 2). Metepisternum simple, lacking tab. hirculus, and Digitonthophagus sp. Dichotomius Hope, 1838 - a genus with roughly 170 valid species (Nunes & Vaz-de-Mello, 2013NUNES, R.V. de; WENZEL, R.L. ) (Table 3). GenieridiumVaz-de-Mello, 2008VAZ-DE-MELLO, F.Z. From Vaz-de-Mello et al. Diversidade de besouros coprfagos (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) coletados com armadilha de interceptao de voo no Pantanal Sul-Mato-Grossense, Brasil. 35, 35 (34). 312p. The other 15 species have restricted distribution or a preference for forested environments and, although they frequent pastoral environments, are considered of medium and low importance for pastures (Tables 2 and 3, and Figures 2 and 3). Isocopris Pereira & Martnez, 1960, 44. 52
46, 46 (45). ; KOLLER, W. Efeito de carrapaciticidas/inseticidas pour on sobre adultos de besouro coprfago africanoOnthophagus gazellaFabr.
; RODRIGUES, S.R. Insecta Mundi, v.274, p.1-108, 2012.). Scarabaeidae e Aphodiidae coprfagos em pastagens cultivadas em rea do cerrado sul-mato-grossense. 11. Hipomeron convex or weakly concave, never deeply excavated anteriorly. ; HORGAN, F.G.; LARSEN, T.H. ; FARIAS, .I. ; SPECTOR, S. Effects of degradation and replacement of Southern Brazilian coastal sandy vegetation on the dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). ; AZEVEDO, C.O. de; OLIVEIRA, V.L. In the almost 23% of Brazilian territory covered by pastures, only 20 genera and 76 species of dung beetles were recorded, of which Dichotomius bos (Blanchard, in Blanchard & Brull, 1845), Dichotomius nisus (Olivier, 1789), Trichillum externepunctatum Preudhomme de Borre, 1880, Ontherus appendiculatus (Mannerheim, 1829), Onthophagus aff. FLECHTMANN, C.A.H. Brazilian pastures registered 20 genera and 76 dung beetles species, among which Dichotomius bos, Dichotomius nisus, Trichillum externepunctatum, Ontherus appendiculatus, Onthophagus aff. ).
Invaso de reas de savana intra-amaznicas por Digitonthophagus gazella (Fabricius, 1787) (Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Originally described in the municipality of Diamantina, in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, this species belongs to a complex of closely related species that are distributed throughout grasslands and other phytophysiognomies, with low cover or without canopy cover, throughout the country, including clearings and the borders of Amazonian rivers (Table 2 and 3; Figure 4). 151p.
Basal antennomere of antennal club not concave apically to fit apical antennomeres. Elytral interstriae lacking apical carinae or tubercles, at most with one lateral almost complete elytral carina. Anterior portion of circumnotal carina entire, not interrupted behind each eye. GenieridiumVaz-de-Mello, 2008VAZ-DE-MELLO, F.Z. E-mail: atissiani@gmail.com, vazdemello@gmail.com, campelo@cpd.ufmt.br, Text DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3609.4.3. DOI: 10.1111/j.1744-7917.2012.01509.x.https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1744-7917.2012 da; AUDINO, L.D. Biological control: ecosystem functions provided by dung beetles. Protibia with three large teeth along distal one-half of lateral margin. ; RODRIGUES, S.R. ; COUTO, H.T.Z. Dendropaemon Perty, 1830 (with 7 subgenera not included here, usually rare and not coprophagous). Registraram-se 20 gneros e 76 espcies de besouros rola-bostas para as pastagens brasileiras, entre as quais Dichotomius bos, Dichotomius nisus, Trichillum externepunctatum, Ontherus appendiculatus, Onthophagus aff. The natural history of dung beetles of the subfamily Scarabaeinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). O objetivo deste trabalho foi elaborar ferramentas de apoio para a correta identificao de Scarabaeidae, por meio de uma chave para identificao de gneros, e uma lista comentada das espcies presentes nas pastagens brasileiras. DOI: 10.1590/S0044-59672008000100017.https://doi.org/10.1590/S0044-5967200800 23. DOI: 10.1590/S1676-06032012000300024. Agamopus Bates, 1887, 6. A species of African origin, erroneously identified as Digitonthophagus gazella (Fabricius, 1787) (at the time considered in the genus Onthophagus), was introduced in Brazil in the 1980s, today it is present across almost the entire national territory (Bianchin et al., 1998BIANCHIN, I.; ALVES, R.G.O. Which species that occur in pastures are copronecrophagous and appear to exhibit oviposition behavior in other Scarabaeidae nests of the genera Dichotomius, Isocopris, and Ontherus (Vaz-de-Mello, 2007VAZ-DE-MELLO, F.Z. ) (Table 3 and Figure 1). Body rounded, anterior and posterior sides converging. Biota Neotropica, v.16, p.34-38, 2016. ; VAZ-DE-MELLO, F.Z. Volume 28: Phanaeini. The South American species are in urgent need of taxonomic revision.
; Almeida & Louzada, 2009ALMEIDA, S. da S.P. ; Ridsdill-Smith & Edwards, 2011RIDSDILL-SMITH, T.J.; EDWARDS, P.B. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) do Brasil. A review of the genus Chalcocopris Burmeister, 1846 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae), with description of a new species. Brazilian dung beetle fauna is composed of 716 species and 61 subspecies described so far, belonging to 63 genera (Vaz-de-Mello, 2015VAZ-DE-MELLO, F.Z. Anais da Sociedade Entomolgica do Brasil , v.27, p.275-279, 1998. 14, 13 (12). The species of dung beetles present in rural vegetation are numerically and qualitatively different between native and cultivated grasslands (Almeida et al., 2011ALMEIDA, S.; LOUZADA, J.; SPERBER, C.; BARLOW, J. Mesotibia and metatibia strongly widened apically, or only weakly and gradually so. In Brazil, concern about the advance of the horn fly (Haematobia irritans Linnaeus, 1758) caused Embrapa to introduce, at the end of the 1980s, the Afro-Asian beetle Digitonthophagus gazelle (Fabricius 1787), an important agent in the control of H. irritans (Bianchin et al., 1998BIANCHIN, I.; ALVES, R.G.O. Comunidade de escarabeneos (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) copro-necrfagos da regio de Brejo Novo, Caruaru, Pernambuco, Brasil. Dung beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) diversity and community structure across three disturbance regimes in eastern Amazonia. de; LOUZADA, J.N.C. Clypeal margin rounded, feebly emarginate or bidentate.45, 45. Controle biolgico da mosca-dos-chifres (Haematobia irritans irritans) em Selvria, Mato Grosso do Sul. Zaragoza: Sociedad Entomolgica Aragones, 2001. Scientific American, v.230, p.100-109, 1974. Maximum eyes width less than one-third length. Estrutura da comunidade de Scarabaeinae (Scarabaeidae: Coleoptera) em fitofisionomias do Cerrado e sua importncia para a conservao. RODRIGUES, S.; FLECHTMANN, C.A.H. New brachypterous species of Dichotomius Hope, with taxonomic notes in the subgenus Luederwaldtinia Martnez (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae). Dorsal edge of metepisternum with tab which coverslateral margin of elytron. Only Sulcophanaeus menelas (Castelnau, 1840) can be found in pastures and forested environments in Brazil, from sea level up to 1,000 m altitude (Edmonds, 2000EDMONDS, W.D. ; Halffter, 1991HALFFTER, G. Historical and ecological factors determining the geographical distribution of beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae). Hind wing with rounded notch in posterior margin near base. Subtle land-use change and tropical biodiversity: dung beetle communities in Cerrado grasslands and exotic pastures. Deposition of manure across pastures and the occurrence of parasitic Diptera are among the main ecological problems caused by the introduction of cattle in several regions of the planet. Insect Conservation and Diversity, n.2, p.45-52, 2009. Considering, at least, 100 years of inventory of the Scarabaeidae species in the country and the proven efficacy of the inclusion of dung beetles as important biological agents in agropastoral systems, this study became necessary. (Portuguese), Text The number of species present in pastures is regionally affected by the composition of the original vegetation, the time the pastures take to form, their isolation, grass composition, stability and environmental complexity (Almeida et al., 2011ALMEIDA, S.; LOUZADA, J.; SPERBER, C.; BARLOW, J. Bolbites Harold, 1868, 23. WATERHOUSE, D.F. ; Matavelli & Louzada, 2008MATAVELLI, R.A.; LOUZADA, J.N.C. Insecta Mundi, v.129, p.1-111, 2010.; Puker et al., 2014PUKER, A.; CORREA, C.M.A. Pygidium and propygidium at least partially separated by transverse carina. Phanaeus (Notiophanaeus) Edmonds, 1994EDMONDS, W.D. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, v.39, p.277-286, 1995c., 1995dFLECHTMANN, C.A.H.
There is still uncertainty about the identification of this species present in Brazil, thus it was treated here as simply Digitonthophagus sp. ; VALENCIA, G. Records of an invasive dung beetle species. DegallieridiumVaz-de-Mello, 2008VAZ-DE-MELLO, F.Z. MENDES, J.; LINHARES, A.X. DOI: 10.1590/1676-0611-BN-2015-0034. Levantamento de insetos fimcolas em Ilha Solteira, So Paulo, Brasil.
). Metasternum usually convex. DOI: 10.1590/S1676-06032010000200015.
Scientia Agricola, v.55, p.53-58, 1998. ; RODRIGUES, S.R. ; SPECTOR, S. Effects of degradation and replacement of Southern Brazilian coastal sandy vegetation on the dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae).
; ARAJO, S.D. Biotropica, v.40, p.719-727, 2008. ; GILLETT, M.P.T. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, v.39, p.115-120, 1995a. (Monografas tercer milenio, 1).). 9, 8. (Coleoptera) do Delta do Rio Doce e Vale do Suruaca no Municpio de Linhares, Estado do Esprito Santo, Brasil.
; ZIDEK, J. Anisocanthon Martnez & Pereira, 1956, 34. Head with single horn or carina, or bare. Seleo de besouros coprfagos. SCHEFFLER, P.Y. ; VAZ-DE-MELLO, F.Z. ; HERNNDEZ, M.I.M. ; VAZ-DE-MELLO, F.Z. Insecta Mundi, v.129, p.1-111, 2010.). Eurysternus Dalman, 1824, 2. A review of the genus Chalcocopris Burmeister, 1846 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae), with description of a new species. do. FLECHTMANN, C.A.H. Canthidium (Canthidium) Erichson, 1847, 41. Zaragoza: Sociedad Entomolgica Aragones, 2000. p.183-195. GNIER, F. A revision of the Neotropical genus Ontherus Erichson (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Scarabaeinae). ARNAUD, P. Les coloptres du monde. Besouros copro-necrfagos (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae stricto sensu) coletados em ectono natural de campo e mata em Bag, RS. Synopsis of the new subtribe Scatimina (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae: Ateuchini), with descriptions of twelve new genera and review of Genieridium, new genus. Head bearing transverse carina(e). ; GASPARETO, C.L. The Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada, v.128, p.3-170, 1996. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, v.53, p.88-94, 2009. ; KOLLER, W. Efeito de carrapaciticidas/inseticidas pour on sobre adultos de besouro coprfago africano. Pygidium and propygidium not separated by carina. Canthon (Francmonrosia) Pereira & Martnez, 1959, 38. ; CORRA, A.M.; SILVA, J.C.C. Tarsal claws reduced, straight or only weakly curved. EDMONDS, W.D. ). These problems are most intense where there have been losses of herbivorous mammals from the native megafauna, such as those occurring in South America and Australia (Waterhouse, 1974WATERHOUSE, D.F. Pronotum with evenly distributed sculpturing, at most with posteromedian depression, never with tubercles. Sulcophanaeus dOlsoufieff, 1924 - a genus with 15 valid species (Arnaud, 2002ARNAUD, P. Les coloptres du monde. Metallic reddish or bluish color. ) (Table 3 and Figure 1).
Controle biolgico da mosca-dos-chifres (. Zoologia, v.28, p.72-79, 2011. Length greater than 3.5 mm. 2015. FLECHTMANN, C.A.H. de R.; VIDAL, M.B. First report on dung beetles in intra-Amazonian savannahs in Roraima, Brazil. Trichillum Harold, 1868 - to date, this genus has 11 valid species (Vaz-de-Mello, 2008VAZ-DE-MELLO, F.Z. 43, 43(42). Ontherus sulcator Fabricius, 1775 was also found in pastures and across the whole Chaco depression, where this species can also be considered of high importance. Mento completely divided longitudinally. 23 (14). AIDAR, T.; KOLLER, W.W.; RODRIGUES, S.R. Biological Conservation, v.141, p.1461-1474, 2008. In other areas, in the rest of the country, O. sulcator is less common than O. appendiculatus (Table 3, and Figures 3 and 4). Canterbury: Hillside Books, 2002. 2015.
The dichotomous key will contribute to the identification of the genera and subgenera of dung beetles (Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) occurring in the Brazilian pastures. Biotropica, v.40, p.719-727, 2008. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). MORRONE, J.J. Biogeografa de Amrica Latina y el Caribe. Posterior margin of head not margined between eyes. ROSSINI, M.; VAZ-DE-MELLO, F.Z.

Levantamento de espcies fimcolas associadas mosca. Pygidium and propygidium separated by transverse carina. ). Elytra distinctly convex, head wider than long. ), and Coprophanaeus horus (Waterhouse, 1891) was collected in grasslands in Cerrado areas above 1,000 m in altitude (Edmonds & Zdek, 2010EDMONDS, W.D. DOI: 10.1002/9781444342000.ch12. A data survey was performed on the specimens deposited in the main Brazilian collection and reported on the recent scientific literature. Ventromedial carina of protibia only apically intervening setae. https://doi.org/10.1080/00379271.2007.10 Ateuchus Weber, 1801 - a highly specious genus, and in urgent need of taxonomic revision, with over than 80 described species, of varied forms, habits and habitats. Head border incised at junction with clypeogenal suture such that clypeus and gena appear separately rounded. 10, 9 (8). ; KOLLER, W. Efeito de carrapaciticidas/inseticidas pour on sobre adultos de besouro coprfago africanoOnthophagus gazellaFabr. Chalcocopris Burmeister, 1846 - to date, this genus has two species, Chalcocopris hesperus (Olivier, 1789) and Chalcocopris inexpectatus (Rossini & Vaz-de-Mello, 2015ROSSINI, M.; VAZ-DE-MELLO, F.Z. Posterior margin of pronotum almost always paralleled by row of punctures distinctly larger than any adjacent punctures on pronotum, sometimes interrupted medially. Neotropical Entomology, v.38, p.32-43, 2009. ; RODRIGUES, S.R. Pronoto uniformly metallic coloration, pronotum evenly metallic, cupreous or greenish reflex, variegated elytra with brown spots. Seleo de besouros coprfagos. Controle biolgico da mosca-dos-chifres (Haematobia irritans irritans) em Selvria, Mato Grosso do Sul. Coprophanaeus cyanescens (dOlsoufieff, 1924) is considered an indicator of the biogeographic province of Chaco (Morrone, 2001MORRONE, J.J. Biogeografa de Amrica Latina y el Caribe. Synopsis of the new subtribe Scatimina (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae: Ateuchini), with descriptions of twelve new genera and review of Genieridium, new genus. Hacia un Proyecto CYTED para el inventario y estimacin de la diversidad entomolgica en Iberoamrica: PrIBES-2000.
Heterogeneidade do habitat, riqueza e estrutura da assemblia de besouros rola-bostas (Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) em reas de Cerrado na Chapada dos Parecis, MT. Only C. hesperus, a coprophagous species with diurnal habits, was seldom found in pastures surrounded by fragments of Atlantic Forest or in degraded areas from sea level up to about 1,300 m altitude (Almeida & Louzada, 2009ALMEIDA, S. da S.P. Biological Conservation, v.141, p.1461-1474, 2008. Body elongate and dorsoventrally flattened. Biotropica, v.43, p.704-710, 2011. LeotrichillumVaz-de-Mello, 2008VAZ-DE-MELLO, F.Z. Clypeus widely emarginate and bidentate, teeth are short and wellspaced. ; SENO, M.C.Z. DOI: 10.1590/S1519-566X2009000100003.https://doi.org/10.1590/S1519-566X200900 (06).
Male, generally, with two horns at vertex; females with frontoclypeal and transverse carinae at vertex. Controle biolgico da mosca-dos-chifres (Haematobia irritans irritans) em Selvria, Mato Grosso do Sul. VAZ-DE-MELLO, F.Z. Last abdominal sternite of female never prolonged beneath apex of pygidium, neither raised medially. ; VAZ-DE-MELLO, F.Z. 7, 6 (5). ; RIDSDILL-SMITH, T.J. Small to medium-sized beetles, length rarely over 25 mm. NICHOLS, E.; SPECTOR, S.; LOUZADA, J.; LARSEN, T.; AMEZQUITA, S.; FAVILA, M.E. New brachypterous species of Dichotomius Hope, with taxonomic notes in the subgenus Luederwaldtinia Martnez (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae). e. Utilisation of introduced Brazilian pastures ecosystems by native dung beetles: diversity patterns and resource use. From the survey conducted, a dichotomous key was developed to contribute to the identification of the genera and subgenera of dung beetles (Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) which occur in the pastures of Brazil. DOI: 10.1111/j.1744-7429.2011.00751.x.https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1744-7429.2011 Controle biolgico da mosca-dos-chifres (Haematobia irritans irritans) em Selvria, Mato Grosso do Sul. Invaso de reas de savana intra-amaznicas por Digitonthophagus gazella (Fabricius, 1787) (Insecta: Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). ; EDMONDS, W.D.
Neotropical Entomology, v.35, p.715-723, 2006. Annales de la Socit Entomologique de France, v.43, p.231-239, 2007. da; GARCIA, M.A. (English), Resumo At least one closely specie occurs in central part of Brazilian Cerrado. The Coleopterists Bulletin, v.63, p.289-297, 2009. 38, 38 (37). (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) do Brasil. The species Ontherus appendiculatus (Mannerheim, 1829) is considered of great importance for Brazilian pastures and is in the pastures and grasslands throughout the whole of Brazil. ; COUTO, H.T.Z. bras. Large beetle and metallic reddish, so elytral interstriae costiform. ; RODRIGUES, S.R. DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2008.04.011.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2008.04 hirculus, and Digitonthophagus sp. The biological control of dung. Zootaxa, v.1955, p.1-75, 2008.
The objective of this work was to elaborate supporting tools for the correct identification of Scarabaeidae, by an identification key of genera, and a commented list of the species present in Brazilian pastures.
; NOGUEIRA, J.M. Specimens of coprophagous Scarabaeidae, deposited in the sector of entomology of the zoological collection of Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, were examined between January 2012 and November 2015. Catlogo taxonmico da fauna do Brasil: Scarabaeidae Latreille, 1802. Length less than 20 mm. ; HORGAN, F.G.; LARSEN, T.H. Coprophanaeus (Megaphanaeus) dOlsoufieff, 1924, 18. Succession of Scarabaeidae on bovine dung in Itumbiara, Gois, Brazil. Inner apical angle of protibia ~ 90 or acute. VAZ-DE-MELLO, F.Z. OLIVEIRA, G.P. Clypeus quadridentate. 1. Available at:
PEREIRA, C.C.A. Length 10-25 mm, metallic coloration. Sofia: Pensoft, 2009. Diabroctis Gistl, 1857 - a genus with only three species. agropec. Mesosternum relatively long, not narrowed medially, completely horizontal. The Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada, v.128, p.3-170, 1996. Revista de La Sociedad Mexicana de Historia Natural, v.29, p.226-241, 1968. Mesosternum shorter medially than laterally, or positioned vertically and weakly visible from below.
; OCAMPO, F.C. This species has a high rate of dispersion and fertility and establishes itself quickly in environments with high solar incidence, including savannas and pastures in the Amazon Region (Matavelli & Louzada, 2008MATAVELLI, R.A.; LOUZADA, J.N.C. DOI: 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2013-2.RLTS.T137131A520414.en. Insect Conservation and Diversity, n.2, p.45-52, 2009. ; ALMEIDA, K.G.S. Neotropical Entomology , v.39, p.934-940, 2010. FLECHTMANN, C.A.H. da; BALTA, O. dos S.; OLIVEIRA, J.M. Ecology and evolution of dung beetles. ). DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-4598.2008.00038.x.https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1752-4598.2008 (Ed.). ; SILVA, P.R.C. Malagoniella (Megathopomima) Martnez, 1961, 3. Synopsis of the new subtribe Scatimina (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae: Ateuchini), with descriptions of twelve new genera and review of Genieridium, new genus. Biological control: ecosystem functions provided by dung beetles. foram consideradas as mais frequentes, amplamente distribudas, abundantes e importantes. Sides of body parallel. do. Biota Neotropica, v.12, p.1-9, 2012. SILVA, P.G.
Zootaxa, v.2854, p.1-73, 2011. Antennal club rounded, antennomeres progressively smaller apically. DOI: 10.1590/S0085-56262009000100021.https://doi.org/10.1590/S0085-5626200900 Discal interstriae with double row of punctures, only one row of which setigerous. Existence of well-structured native communities of dung beetles, which efficiently perform the service of the dismantling and removal of fecal matter, is now recognized in all biomes of the country (Louzada & Silva, 2009LOUZADA, J.N.C. Controle biolgico da mosca-dos-chifres (, FLECHTMANN, C.A.H. The objective of this work was to elaborate supporting tools for the correct identification of Scarabaeidae, by an identification of key genera, and a commented list of the species present in Brazilian pastures. Anais da Sociedade Entomolgica do Brasil, v.29, p.817-820, 2000. Insect Science, v.20, p.393-406, 2012. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3920.2.5. Canthidium (Eucanthidium) Martnez & Halffter, 1986, 42 (40). Zootaxa, v.3357, p.25-36, 2012.).
Clypeal process usually absent, sometimes indicated by feeble longitudinal ridge or transverse carina. Mesotarsus and metatarsus lacking claws. Mentum not completely divided, at most with deep U-shaped or V-shaped emargination. Male cephalic process laminate, never a tapering cylindrical horn. Dorsum (especially prothorax) with irregular sculpturing (mosaic of smooth, sericeous and micro granular areas, irregular ill-defined elevations and depressions) or with well-defined prothoracic tubercles. ), is in pastures throughout Brazil and in bordering countries (in and around the Chaco Depression); and Dichotomius nisus (Olivier, 1789), more widely distributed than D. bos, is present in the Brazilian Cerrado and Caatinga regions, entering areas of savannah, pastures, Amazonian riverbanks and in the Llanos of Colombia and Venezuela, up to the north of Roraima. ; Vieira et al., 2008VIEIRA, L.; LOUZADA, J.N.C. Zootaxa, v.1955, p.1-75, 2008. >. Length less than 13 mm and protibia with four teeth. Clypeal margin rounded or weakly emarginated, if bidentate, then teeth minute, not margined. Nesting behavior inTrichillumHarold, 1868 and related genera (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae: Ateuchini: Scatimina): primitive process or a loss of nidification? ; VALENCIA, G. Records of an invasive dung beetle species, Digitonthophagus gazella (Fabricius, 1787) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), in Peru. Species were classified into high, medium and low importance for pastures. Metasternal pilosity usually abundant. Two species are considered of great importance for pastures: Dichotomius bos (Blanchard, in Blanchard & Brull 1845), frequently cited as Dichotomius anaglypticus (Mannerheim, 1829) in the 1990s (Flechtmann et al., 1995aFLECHTMANN, C.A.H. Ocorrncia de colepteros Scarabaeidae (coprfagos e necrfagos), Aphodiidae, Histeridae e Hydrophilidae em fezes bovinas na Ilha de So Lus, Maranho, Brasil - resultados preliminares. ; RODRIGUES, S.R.
hirculus, and Digitonthophagus sp. Hipomeron with posterior, longitudinal carinae. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, v.51, p.228-233, 2007. DOI: 10.1590/S0301-80591998000200014.https://doi.org/10.1590/S0301-8059199800 ; ARAJO, S.D. Ninth elytral interstria (on pseudepipleuron) lacking carina, or with an inconspicuous carina. VAZ-DE-MELLO, F.Z. 8, 8 (7). DOI: 10.1111/j.1744-7429.2011.00751.x.https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1744-7429.2011 Other characters variable but not as in combination described above. Insecta Mundi, v.118, p.1-20, 2010. Length greater than 15 mm, body elongate. Body usually very cylindrical and metallic in colour. Invaso de reas de savana intra-amaznicas por. Hacia un Proyecto CYTED para el inventario y estimacin de la diversidad entomolgica en Iberoamrica: PrIBES-2000.
GILLETT, C.P.D.T. Revision and phylogeny of the dung beetle genus Zonocopris Arrow 1932 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae), a phoretic of land snails. Insecta Mundi, v.118, p.1-20, 2010. ) Zootaxa, v.1955, p.1-75, 2008.; Lpez-Alarcn et al., 2009LPEZ-ALARCN, D.; HALFFTER, G.; VAZ-DE-MELLO, F.Z. 12 (4). 13, 12. Uroxys Westwood, 1842 - most of the 60 valid species are present in forested environments.

Last abdominal sternite not grossly enlarged, all sternites clearly visible medially. This group is currently under review. Zootaxa, v.1955, p.1-75, 2008. ) (Figure 3). DOI: 10.1590/S0301-80591998000200014.https://doi.org/10.1590/S0301-8059199800 Clypeal margin lacking deep, acute emarginations; at most with two conspicuous median teeth. ; BARROS, A.T.M. (Portuguese), https://doi.org/10.1590/S0100-204X2017000600004. Revista Brasileira de Zoocincias, v.5, p.205-211, 2003. Acta Zoolgica Mexicana, n.70, p.1-12, 1997. DOI: 10.1590/S0301-80591999000300004. ALMEIDA, S. da S.P. ). Body rounded.
de;MOURA, R. de C. de. ). This collection is a reference for Scarabaeidae in Brazil and has duplicates of published specimens (Vieira et al., 2008VIEIRA, L.; LOUZADA, J.N.C. Journal of Tropical Ecology, v.21, p.9-19, 2005.