This shows that the men are uncomfortable around Curley's wife which results in them isolating themselves from her.
Howd you like not to talk to anybody (87) Curleys wife feels this constant loneliness because she is kept away from interacting with any other men and since no other women live on the farm she has no one to talk to besides Curley., There are four disenfranchised characters in Of Mice and Men they are Lennie, Candy, Curleys Wife and Crooks. "Jus' my pup," he said sadly., All these men are afraid of Curleys wife, afraid and aware that her innocent animal appeal may lead them into temptation and trouble. The men think that they should not be around the only woman in the area that already has a husband.
Theres plenty [of people that] done that (28). These attempts highlight societys thoughts on women in the time, This would be because they live on a ranch full of men and because of the way Curley controls her and treats her as his property, she is not allowed to speak to anyone. She coulda been in the movies, an had nice nice clothes. Else he gets mad. First, how he injuries Curley's hand because when he is scared and then again when he kills Curleys Wife. After George and Lennie see Curley's wife for the first time, George tells Lennie to stay away from her because he thinks she will end up causing harm to them., Weakness can make some characters to put their guard down and act irrationally. She complained "Think I don't like to talk to somebody ever' once in while? George mentions that Curley isnt the first [to marry one]. Furthermore, Curleys wife has a greater mental capacity and arguably a better personality than Lennie, yet the men are quick to accept him rather than her. He aint a nice fella. (Steinbeck 96) Curleys wife is neglected by her husband, which is causing her to feel lonely. Also Lennie does not realize how dangerous he is. The first time George and Lennie meets Curlys Wife, George tells Lennie to not even take a look at [her] [because he] seem em poison before, but [he] never seen no piece of jail bait worse than her. (32). Whatta they think I am, anyways? (87). Lennie is also afraid of not being able to tend to the rabbits after Lennie and George save up enough money to by their own land. The reason George tells Lennie this is because he is scared that Curlys wife might convince the law to throw them in jail if they make a slight move on her.
In self-protection they avoid her. Curlys wife is often misunderstood to the other workers because she is a woman.
Darcy also has the flaw of being extremely prejudice., The reason the men don 't talk to her is because her husband threatens anyone that talks to her and because all the men think of her as a tramp. ", She is deemed so unworthy and alienated from the group that they refuse to even let a five year old be friends with her, a grown women. Most of the men think that shes a tart because she has been giving them the eye (28). Darcys pride puts him at an immediate disadvantage in his new town because all of the people in the town dislike him for his seemingly arrogant behavior. They know what will happen to them if Curley thinks they are flirting with his wife. Seems like they aint none of them cares how I gotta live., Curleys wife only wants to talk to Lennie, but he is more afraid of George getting upset with him. I don like Curley. Unfortunately, Curley 's wife does not have a name. In addition, Candy argues that a women with a husband should not be hanging around men especially when it can cause trouble (85). Candy is disenfranchised because like George, he lost his only family., Howd you like not to talk to anybody? (Steinbeck 94) People might think she's only attracting men because she wants to, but it is actually because there are no other girls in the farm. Curleys wife gets upset because she wants to have a friend to talk to: Aint I gotta a right to talk to nobody? The only person she could only talk to is her husband, but in the book she admits that she does not like him.
Lennie is afraid of getting into trouble with people at the ranch, making George mad, doing things that George said not to do like talking to Curleys wife, or not listening. Crookss weakness was for communication and friendship., His hubris drives Elizabeth and many townspeople to have a poor opinion of him, and it also causes him to make poor judgments of most women and families in the novel. The workers at the farm have skewed opinions about women because the only women they meet are at bars, whether they are for sex or for bartending. By not addressing her by her name and cutting off all social interactions, it is shown that the men of the farm try their best to segregate Curleys wife from them. Her flirty behavior makes her seem needy and unsatisfied, so the men look away and tell her off. Therefore, most of the workers attempt to avoid her when she tries to initiate conversation with them. In the first few chapters, Darcy makes it obvious that he believes himself to be too good for any of the women in the town by not dancing with anyone at the ball. All the men on the ranch think of her as a big attention seeking tramp., She usually gets out and tries to communicate with the workers, but they suspect something more than just wanting to talk. She emphasizes, You can talk to people, but I cant talk to nobody but Curley. This is solely due to her gender and frankly, shows how men shut out any woman even if they are better than the men themselves. The reason Curlys wife wants to talk to the workers all the time is because she is often lonely with no one to talk to. Lennie is an disenfranchised because he cannot think for himself or function safely independently.George has to do many things for him which puts him at a disadvantage when George is not around. In addition, she experience a troublesome marriage because her husband gets mad easily when she finds friends. She tries to combat this ongoing isolation by flirting with men and some of the ranch hands, but this just gets her labeled as a loot or a slut and makes the men even more distant from her. This signifies that George has known other people that have married unfaithful women. Curleys wife was so desperate for attention that putting her guard down causing her to get killed.
Though she is married, her husband is always losing her in the ranch, so she makes do with the people around her, only if they do talk to her, then her husband gets angry and demands it to stop. Even when she is in danger, Curleys wife is so desperate for attention that she ignores all of the obvious clues: Then all of Lennie's woe came back on him. Think I like to stick in that house alla time? Eventually, Darcy starts to love Elizabeth and is very taken aback and almost impressed with her rejection of him to dance. The reason Steinbeck did not give her a name is because he wanted to symbolize her as isolation, not having a name takes away the identity and significance of a person.