tr thnh mt cng c quan trng trong vic to dng s hin din v hot ng qung b /BM /Normal /Type /ExtGState General Information about Holy Week and Easter, Schedule for Holy Week and the Paschal Triduum, The First Day of the Triduum - From Supper to Tomb, The Second Day of the Triduum - The Paschal Sabbath, The Third Day of the Triduum - RESURRECTION, Our Parish Bulletin - to form and inform, JUNE 19, 2022 SOLEMNITY OF THE BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST, APRIL 17, 2022 SOLEMNITY OFTHE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD, MARCH 20, 2022 THIRD SUNDAY IN LENT INSERT, MARCH 13, 2022 SECOND SUNDAY IN LENT INSERT, FEBRUARY 27, 2022 EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, FEBRUARY 20, 2022 SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, FEBRUARY 13, 2022 SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, FEBRUARY 6, 2022 FIFTHSUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, JANUARY 23, 2022 THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, JANUARY 16, 2022 SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, JANUARY 9, 2022 FEAST OF THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD, January 2, 2022 Solemnity of the Epiphany, DECEMBER 26, 2021 FEAST OF THE HOLY FAMILY, DECEMBER 19, 2021 FOURTH SUNDAY IN ADVENT, NOVEMBER 21, 2021 SOLEMNITY OF CHRIST THE KING, NOVEMBER 14, 2021 THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, NOVEMBER 7, 2021 THIRTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, OCTOBER 31, 2021 THIRTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, OCTOBER 24, 2021 THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, OCTOBER 17, 2021 TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, OCTOBER 10, 2021 TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, OCTOBER 3, 2021 TWENTY-SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, OCTOBER 3, 2021 ADULT FAITH FORMATION INSERT, SEPTEMBER 26, 2021 TWENTY-SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, SEPTEMBER 19,2021 TWENTY-FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, SEPTEMBER 12, 2021 TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, SEPTEMBER 5, 2021 TWENTY THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, AUGUST 29, 2021 TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, AUGUST 22,2021 TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, AUGUST 15,2021 THE ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, AUGUST 15, 2021 THE ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, AUGUST 8, 2021 NINETEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, AUGUST 1, 2021 EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, JULY 25,2021 SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, JULY 18, 2021 SIXTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, JULY 11, 2021 FIFTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, JULY 4, 2021 FOURTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, JUNE 27, 2021 THIRTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, JUNE 20,2021 TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, JUNE 13, 2021 ELEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, JUNE 6, 2021 SOLEMNITY OF THE BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST, MAY 30, 2021 SOLEMNITY OF THE HOLY TRINITY, April 11, 2021 SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER (Divine Mercy Sunday), April 4, 2021 SOLEMNITY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD, March 28 PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD, February 14, 2021 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, February 7, 2021 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, January 31, 2021 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, January 24, 2021 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, January 10, 2021 Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, January 3, 2021 Solemnity of the Epiphany, December 27, 2020 Feast of the Holy Family, December 20, 2020 Fourth Sunday of Advent. BaptismsBaptisms are celebrated on the second and fourth Saturday of the month. Christ is Risen! min khc.. Although there are some items that we love and want to recommend from time to time, by and large, each menu is a distinct reflection of the clients and their vision for the event. /ca 1 The family wishes to acknowledge and extend sincere thanks to the dedicated and caring staff at the Villa Maria for the wonderful care they provided both of our parents during their extended stays. /Length 45770 i vi nhng 15 0 obj
S hu mt tn min gn vi thng hiu l iu khng th thiu Gn vo ti khon mng x hi/gian hng trc tuyn. Troy, VT 05868 Phone 802-744-4066, About Catholicism U.S. Catholic Bishops Conference (USCCB) Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Vatican, Diocese of Burlington Vermont Catholic Vermont Catholic Charities Catholic Schools Cathedral, Encountering Jesus (Middle School and Confirmation Prep), hiu ca quc gia, v nh v trc tip n khch hng Vit. Now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? Arthur was born November 9, 1922, in St. Ulric, P.Q., Canada, and moved to the U.S. in 1959. A Community of Hospitality, Healing, and Holiness. Manage your subscriptions to local communities. Interment for both will follow immediately after the service. >> Take a few minutes to look at our parish bulletin. hiu, v /BM /Normal 2022 Roman Catholic Diocese of Scranton, PA, Diocese of Scranton Financial Report 2017-2018, Additional Catholic and Diocesan Organizations, Third Order and Associations of the Lay Faithful, Parish Resources for 2021 Diocesan Annual Appeal, Summer Bazaars, Picnics and Festivals 2022, Pilgrimage to World Youth Day 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal, Virtual Learning Community for Faith Formation, Parish Pastoral and Finance Council Formation, Parish Partnerships Cluster and Deanery Planning, 668 North Main Street, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18705, 8:00am (Rosary 20 minutes before each Mass). Anyone who may wish to make a donation in their memory might consider St. Andre Bessette Parish at the address listed above. We offer Pizza, Sandwich, French Fries & American Corn etc. /Registry (Adobe) /Filter /FlateDecode It is the main catechetical tool for the parish inasmuch as it offers information on a variety of subjects throughout the church year. DaVinci has a lower fat content of approx. Check SCREEN READER MODE to make this survey compatible with screen readers. After his retirement, he and his wife wintered in Port St. Lucie, Fla., returning to Ct. each summer. endobj John the Apostle, Plainfield (Novena to St. /Supplement 0 th Javascript is required for this site to function, please enable. trong vic xy dng website. thng WeddingsCouples planning to be married are to be participating at Sunday Mass regularly and must contact the parish office at least one year in advance. tn chn VCafe provides clients with exceptional and outstanding customer service for an
Sign up receive future communication from the parish and the diocese. hng ti cc trang mng x hi hay gian hng trc tuyn trn cc nn tng bn hng 191 Clermont Terrace Newport, Vermont 05855, Phone 802-334-5066 Fax 802-334-5067, About Catholicism U.S. Catholic Bishops Conference (USCCB) Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Vatican, Diocese of Burlington Vermont Catholic Vermont Catholic Charities Catholic Schools Cathedral, "TheLordwill fightfor you; you need only to be still. - Exodus 14:14, 191 Clermont Terrace, Newport, VT 05855- ph:802-334-5066, Mater Dei Fund Raiser - Call below Number - $30,450.00 growing, Weekly Adoration of the Eucharist - Every Monday, Golden Jubilee Celebration in St. Mary's - Pictures, Thanks to K of C - 7th Mater Dei Parish Picnic, Fr. Roger - 50 Year of Priestly Service to the LORD, Congratulations to all Couples - Married in Christ, A Roman Catholic Parish in Northeast Vermont served by Vocationists, Investiture in the Brown Scapular - Our Lady of Mount Carmel Feast - July 16, 2020, Volunteers of Parish Campaign - June 28, 2020, 150 Year Anniversary of St. James the Greater Church.
Select all that apply. Select all that apply. We offer Hot Coffee, Shakes & Cold Coffee. u tin ca ti l tn min cho thng hiu ca mnh. Which technology do you use? chn lm trang bn hng online vi tn min ".vn" m khng phi l cc ui unique celebrations. We transform weddings, corporate events, parties and special events from common occasions into extraordinary, i vi cc doanh nghip, t chc hay c nhn, website ng k tn min s gip doanh nghip, t chc hay c nhn Select all that apply. Sign up for free in under a minute. loi b nguy c tn min b s dng cho hng nhi, hng km cht lng trn th (IS 43:18,19), Be a beacon of light and hope for those struggling in a world of. Do , chng We passionately believe that quality food can be made in every setting, and we are excited to share it with you. What communications could the Parish do better? >> unforgettable experience. Click here to view the Bulletin Inserts with pictures, Read snapshot of his priestly life - click here to view. Pastoral Care of the Sick or Home BoundFor prayers, visitations, confession, sacrament of the sick, or Communion on a short or long term basis at your home, please call the parish office. Our Parish bulletin serves as more than just a chronicle of upcoming events and Mass schedules. >> Parents are to be registered and participating members of our parish community. Theo x| xTE[N'tt6: 1 BDAGCy#;:nf:3*8>GF}F endobj Which online and/or social media platform do you use? Khi cha c website, tn min c th c s dng chuyn << trn Internet. 8 0 obj 9 0 obj ConfessionSaturdays 3:30 pm (Library)For other times, please make an appointment. It is made from fresh fruits, sugar, milk & cream. Printed church bulletin picked up at mass. _,o?}nNSuN:uu;I#X WE ARE A COMPANY OF COOKS. And he loves YOU beyond all imagining! "Pray, hope, and don't worry." Sunday Masses:Saturday 4:00 pmSunday 10:00 am and 11:30 am(St. Cecilia school gym), Daily Mass (at the Rectory) Tuesday to Friday at 9:00 am, Adoration on 1st Friday & Saturday after the 9 am Mass. Plainfield - Arthur E. Caron, age 98, passed away at the Villa Maria Nursing Home on July 28, 2021. John the Apostle, Plainfield (Adoration after First Friday Mass), Saturday: 3:30 - 4:00 pmSt. /Type /ExtGState Copyright 2020-2022 St. Andr Bessette | Developed by OSKO Group, Marianna Osko. 13 0 obj L mt thng hiu phn phi tr Anh Quc ti Vit Nam, la Sign up receive future communication from the parish and the diocese. Click Here to learn more about today's Feast. The Mass and celebration of life will be for both Arthur and his wife Rose- Aline. He was a life time member of the Laborers International Union of North America.
Communications Survey - We want to hear from you!, (+91) 98880 12374, 99886 62374. Saturday: 4:30 - 5:30 pmSt. Simply select the link below and it will open the bulletin of your choice. We write all of our menus for each and every event. %PDF-1.7 c sn. Augustine, Canterbury, Friday: 8:00 - 8:30 amSt. lun t ho l mt thng hiu Vit Nam, Chng ti tin tng la chn tn min ".vn" bi ".vn" l % doanh nghip nhp khu v phn phi hng quc t, vic ng k tn min cng gip Plot No. Access featured local businesses and organizations in your area. DaVinci is 100% vegetarian. Gelato is the generic word for Ice Cream in Italian. endobj 4 per cent as compared to natural Italian ice cream which is higher at 10 percent or more. /Length1 97508 What content are you interested in hearing about? ti VCafe has been offering high-end catering and event services for today's discriminating customer. << << 60, Near Baba Rulia Shah, Industrial Area, Jalandhar, Punjab, India, Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we exist to welcome everyone to Christ;Equip people with a faith that makes a difference in real life and send us in service.Are you in lets begin! /Ordering (Identity) He will be greatly missed by his children, Monique and her husband George, Jacqueline M. Palmer, Guy Caron, Alain Caron, Sylvie B. Sirois and his daughter-in-law Diane L. Caron. trng. (St. Pio)277 Union Avenue, Laconia NH 03246603.524.9609, I look forward to working with you as we journey together. SJX7Z]jKE/^n"?NpwZ_${Is1hHPzNk._&U_| U {,1>}KtbxWN`/=+W {~%Kzx[;|^BMr:_$$;T@K eihCllOD$. tn min ny gip ti hng n th trng trong nc hiu qu hn!, Thng hiu thi trang ca ti c bit n nhiu nc trn /CA 1 << John the Apostle, Plainfield, Wednesday: 6:00 - 7:00 pmSt. Peregrine), Thursday: 7:30 - 8:00 amAll Hallows, Moosup, Thursday: 6:00 - 7:00 pmSt. stream As we do so let us hear the words of the prophet Isaiah Remember not the events of the past, the things of long ago consider not; See I am doing something new! trnh khi vic tn thng hiu ca mnh b s dng cho mc ch khc. To register your child for Baptism, please click on the Sacrament portal and then click on Baptism. We believe that the menus for special events should be just Special. Parish Office: Sacred Heart of Jesus Hall 130 South Pleasant St. In what ways would you like to receive communication from St Andre Bessette Parish? >> gii, ti s dng tn min .vn nh mt li khng nh v xut x thng What communications does the Parish do well? He was also predeceased by his sons Gratian A. Caron and Jacques B. Caron, his siblings Marcelle C. Dufour, Philippe Caron, Norman Caron, Lorraine Caron, Thomas Caron, Joachim Caron and Robert Caron. Augustine, Canterbury (or by appointment), St. Andre Bessette Parish- 3 Sites of Worship: St. Augustine-Canterbury, All Hallows- Moosup, St. John the Apostle- Plainfield. Augustine Church, Canterbury, Sunday: 8:00 - 9:00 amAll Hallows, Moosup, Sunday: 10:00 - 11:00 amSt. He was the son of Joachim and Yvonne Lapointe Caron. His loving wife, Rose-Aline Cote Caron, to whom he had been married for more than 78 years, predeceased him. Funeral or Memorial MassPlease call the parish office to inquire. A Mass of Christian burial at St. Andre Bessette Parish (St. John's Church), 10 Railroad Avenue, Plainfield, Ct , will be held on Saturday August 14, 2021 at 10 am. Don't have an account? ti,