Using RMAN 12c, execute the duplicate command. Both the source and destination databases use file system storage and do not use Oracle Managed Files (OMF), hence the need for the file name conversions. Blog |
Execute post upgrade scripts depending on the version 12.1/12.2. Using the SKIP PLUGGABLE DATABASE clause will create a duplicate CDB will all the PDBs except those in the list. Next, we perform a duplicate for the whole of the pdb2 pluggable database, but just the TEST_TS tablespace in the the pdb1 pluggable database. 11. Scripts |
Connect as SYS user to the database: How to Audit Alter Tablespace in Oracle 12c database, How to Optimize a Data Guard Configuration, ORA-354 ORA-353 and ORA-312: Possible corruption in Online Redo Log File Members in a Redo Log Group, How to find current SQL statement being executed by particular session in Oracle, How to install and configure Oracle ASMLIB on Native Linux multipath mapper devices, Auto Space Management for Flashback Logs in the Fast Recovery Area Oracle 19c New Feature, MUTATING Table Error and How to Resolve it (ORA-04091), What is a FACTLESS FACT TABLE? Here, In 12c manual upgrade can be done parallel using perl utility Between every test the following clean-up was performed. 9i |
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The SKIP TABLESPACE clause allows you to exclude specific tablespaces, rather than use the inclusion approach. From RMAN connect this instance as AUXILIARY. Where we use Factless Fact, Archiving Failures with ORA-16038, ORA-19504, ORA-00312. 10g |
Active database duplications can take advantage of the multisection backup functionality introduced in Oracle 12c, whether using image copies or backup sets. Oracle 11g introduced the concept of active database duplicates, allowing database duplication without the need for additional backups. RAC |
PARALLELISM or use set the parallelism for the current operation by performing multiple ALLOCATE CHANNEL commands. Set necessary values like: 6. startup the Auxiliary instance in NOMOUNT: 7. 9. If the source database uses transparent encryption of backups, the wallet containing the encryption key must be made available on the destination database. 12. The DUPLICATE command includes some additional clauses related to the multitenant option. n number of parallel process to execute catupgrd.sql. The encryption algorithm used by the active duplication can be set using the SET ENCRYPTION ALGORITHM command, where the possible algorithms can be displayed using the V$RMAN_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHMS view. Not surprisingly, the resulting clone contains all the pluggable databases, but the pdb1 pluggable database is missing the TEST_TS tablespace. 19c |
We can choose new name for 12c database using duplicate method: 5. Some encryption operations require the advanced security option. If the encryption algorithm is not set, the default (AES128) is used. Transparent encryption uses a wallet to hold the encryption key and is seamless to the DBA, since backup sets are encrypted and decrypted as required using the wallet. Once RMAN duplication completes, the auxiliary database remains in MOUNT mode. The examples in this article are based on the following assumptions. PL/SQL |
The third pluggable database (pdb3) is not included in the clone. Linux. WebLogic |
Using OS command like scp, we can copy the backup pieces to Destination server. 1. Checking the completed clone reveals both the pdb1 and pdb2 pluggable databases are present, but the pdb1 pluggable database does not include the USERS tablespace. Copyright & Disclaimer, Active Database Duplication using Backup Sets, Active Database Duplication using Compressed Backup Sets, Active Database Duplication and Encryption, Active Database Duplication and Parallelism (Multisection), Recovery Manager (RMAN) Enhancements in Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (12.1), Duplicate a Database Using RMAN in Oracle Database 11g Release 2, Database Backup and Recovery Guide : Duplicating a Database.

Clones always contains a fully functional CDB and functional PDBs.

This article discusses the new functionality added to the DUPLICATE command in Oracle 12c. 12c |
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l log location for catupgrd.sql.

With sqlplus, you can open the database with UPGRADE option: Also, check the files exist physically on disk. Always check the licensing implications of encryption before using it on a real system. 18c |

If you are building an "initSID.ora" file from scratch, you must remember to include the following parameter. Execute Manual upgrade scripts. From 12.1 it is also possible to perform active duplicates using backup sets by including the USING BACKUPSET clause. The basic setup for active duplicates was performed using the same process described for 11g. Misc |
Check the database component status to confirm upgrade completion. (adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({}); When cloning (duplicating) a database to a higher version, traditionally (prior to 12c), you must use restore/recover of an RMAN backup. Compared to image copy backups, the unused block compression associated with a backup set can greatly reduce the amount of data pulled across the network for databases containing lots of unused blocks. This script will validate 11g database for upgrade and provide recommendations. The other two pluggable databases (pdb1 and pdb2) are excluded from the clone. Move these backup and pfile to 12c host. If we connect to the source container database (cdb1) and check the tablespaces in the pdb1 pluggable database we see the following. Adding the PLUGGABLE DATABASE clause allows you to specify which pluggable databases should be included in the duplication. The source database is a container database (cdb1), with three pluggable databases (pdb1, pdb2 and pdb3). Even when we just ask for the TEST_TS tablespace in pdb1, we also get the SYSTEM, SYSAUX and TEMP tablespaces in the PDB. Articles |
To upgrade to 12.1 the minimum required version in each release are: To upgrade to 12.2 the minimum required version in each release are: 2. The following example creates a container database (cdb2) with a single pluggable database (pdb3). This is because the database in the destination must be opened with UPGRADE option. If password encryption is used on the source database, the.
All the examples shown previously involve multitenant databases, but there are some extra considerations when you are using the multitenant architecture. The following example creates a new container database (cdb2), but it only contains two pluggable databases (pdb1 and pdb2). The example below performs an active duplicate of a source database (cdb1) to a new destination database (cdb2) using multisection backups. Since Oracle 12c now supports active duplicates using backup sets, it also supports encryption of those backup sets using both methods.
Note, NOOPEN option is specified. 11g |
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Create password file for 12c database. Including the SECTION SIZE clause indicates multisection backups should be used. Based on number of process log files gets created (catupgrd.log to catupgrd0.log). In RMAN 12c, a new option is available NOOPEN requesting RMAN to complete the duplicate activity but NOT open the auxiliary database. The previous examples didn't have to do this as the SPFILE was created as a copy of the source SPFILE, which already contained this parameter setting. Once Preupgrade checks are complete, take complete backup of 11g database: This will generate a set of backupsets in /u01/source_backup directory. Therefore, the RMAN duplicate could not be used because RMAN automatically opens the auxiliary database with resetlogs. Misc |
3. The example below performs an active duplicate of a source database (cdb1) to a new destination database (cdb2) using backup sets rather than image copy backups. The example below performs an active duplicate of a source database (cdb1) to a new destination database (cdb2) using compressed backup sets. Execute Preupgrade script (preupgrd.sql) at 11g database. The TABLESPACE clause can be used on it's own without the PLUGGABLE DATABASE clause, if no full PDBs are to be duplicated. Password encryption requires the DBA to enter a password for each backup and restore operation. The example below performs an active duplicate of a source database (cdb1) to a new destination database (cdb2) using password encrypted backup sets. About, About Tim Hall
This would allow for the open upgrade option to be manually executed when going between versions. For Example: 8. 21c |
Note, both preupgrd.sql and utluppkg.sql (called by preupgrd.sql) must be copied from 12c. 10. In previous releases, active duplicates were performed using implicit image copy backups, transferred directly to the destination server. For Example: 4. You can also limit the tablespaces that are included in a PDB using the TABLESPACE clause. Oracle allows backup sets to be encrypted. This would fail with error ORA-39700: database must be opened with UPGRADE option. This script is available in the 12c $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin directory. Edit copied pfile and make necessary changes. In this example, /u01/backup denotes RMAN backup location on destination. At this point the relevant RMAN DUPLICATE command was run. The following example clones all the pluggable databases, but excludes the TEST_TS tablespace from pdb1 during the duplicate. The Recovery Manager (RMAN) DUPLICATE command has been available since at least Oracle 8i, allowing you perform backup-based duplications of database. In addition to conventional backup sets, active duplicates can also be performed using compressed backup sets by adding the USING COMPRESSED BACKUPSET clause, which further reduces the amount of data passing over the network. The resulting clone contains the following PDBs.